---+ Vocabularies defined for the IVOA NB : here is a prototype front page for an IVOA page gathering all IVOA vocabularies | *VO Vocabulary Name* | *List url* | *Version* | *Curated by* | *Description /goals* | | Datalink Voc | [[http://ivoa.net/rdf/datalink/][url for Datalink directory]] | 1.0 | Semantics WG | Terms to be used in the Semantics attribute of a service description in the Datalink specification | | VOResource Vocabulary | url for VOResource directory | 1.0 | Registry+Semantics | Terms introduced in the VOresource 1.1 specification | | Theory Vocabularies | [[http://votheory.obspm.fr/][url for theory skos directory]] | 1.0 | Theory IG | Theoretical simulations Skos Vocabulary | | UCD List | <p>[[http://ivoa.net/rdf/Vocabularies/vocabularies-20091007/UCD/][url for UCD directory]]</p> | 1.3 | Semantics WG | List of UCD terms | Each directory can contain several vocabularies e.g VOResource has 2 lists of terms : _date_role_ , _relationship_type_ and _content_level_ Each vocabulary can be published in many file formats : html, rdf, csv, ascii, votable, etc. like for the UCD terms. _NB : here above is a prototype front page for an IVOA page gathering all IVOA vocabularies used within various IVOA specifications like data models, registries, protocols etc._ It is planned to be accessible through the main ivoa.net page for documents http://www.ivoa.net/documents, under a new item called IVOA VOCABULARIES and hosted for instance under http://www.ivoa.net/vocabularies/index.html, just after XML SCHEMATA Internally to the ivoa.net repository , we need a hierarchy to handle the various vocabularies and their versions : _*http://www.ivoa.net/vocabularies* would be the general directory for vocabularies , with one branch for each vocabulary and one branch for each version._ _ivoa.net/vocabularies/ucd/ucdv1.33/_ <br /> _ivoa.net/vocabularies/ucd/ucdv1.33/ucd-1.33-20180224.rdf_ <br /> _ivoa.net/vocabularies/ucd/ucdv1.33/ucd-1.33-20180224.csv_ <br /> _ivoa.net/vocabularies/ucd/ucdv1.33/ucd-1.33-20180224.ttl_ _ivoa.net/vocabularies/datalink_ <br /> _ivoa.net/vocabularies/datalink/datalink-1.1-20170516.html_ <br /> _ivoa.net/vocabularies/datalink/datalink-1.1-20170516.csv_ <br /> _ivoa.net/vocabularies/datalink/datalink-1.1-20170516.rdf_ _ivoa.net/vocabularies/voresource/_ _ivoa.net/vocabularies/voresource/content_role-1.1-20160817.rdf_ <br /><em>ivoa.net/vocabularies/voresource/content_role-1.1-20160817.ttl</em> <br /><em>ivoa.net/vocabularies/voresource/content_role-1.1-20160817.html</em> _ivoa.net/vocabularies/voresource/date_role-1.0-20160817.csv_ <br /><em>ivoa.net/vocabularies/voresource/date_role-1.0-20160817.rdf</em> <br /><em>ivoa.net/vocabularies/voresource/date_role-1.0-20160817.ttl</em> <br /><em>ivoa.net/vocabularies/voresource/date_role-1.0-20160817.html</em> _ivoa.net/vocabularies/voresource/content-level-1.0-20160817.csv_ <br /><em>ivoa.net/vocabularies/voresource/content-level-1.0-20160817.rdf</em> <br /><em>ivoa.net/vocabularies/voresource/content-level-1.0-20160817.ttl</em> <br /><em>ivoa.net/vocabularies/voresource/content-level-1.0-20160817.html</em> _ivoa.net/vocabularies/voresource/relationships_type.csv_ ... etc .... <em><br /></em> <em><br /> </em> <em> <em><br /></em> </em> <em> <br /> </em> <em> <br /> </em> <em> <br /> </em> _<!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->_
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r5 - 2018-03-06 - MireilleLouys
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