<H1>The Virtual Observatory in action: new science, new technology, and next generation facilities.</H1> <H2>IAU XXVI General Assembly, Special Session 3</H2> <H3>Prague, August 17-18 2006</H3> This conference will highlight scientific achievement enabled by the world-wide Virtual Observatory initiatives, review technical progress towards the VO vision, and examine the importance of the VO for future astronomical facilities. ---++ Location and Date The location for the conference is Prague, The Czech Republic. Our conference is a "Special Session" during the IAU General Assembly which runs through the period August 14-15 2006. Together with a related session on Astronomical Data Management, the VO special session covers 3.5 days in the period Aug 17-22 : | Thursday | Aug 17 | pm | SPS3 - VO Science | | Friday | Aug 18 | all day | SPS3 - VO Science | | Monday | Aug 21 | all day | SPS3 - VO Science | | Tuesday | Aug 22 | am | SPS3 - VO Science | | Tuesday | Aug 22 | pm | SPS6 - Astronomical Data Management | ---++ News The travel grant application deadline has now passed. As of May 2nd, 166 people have registered their intention to attend our conference (out of 704 in total for the GA), and 22 people have already submitted abstracts (the deadline is June 22nd) ---++ Further information * [[VoscienceIAUPrague][Home]] * [[VOPragueAims][Aims and Topics]] * [[VOPragueCall][Call for Papers]] * [[VOPragueDates][Key Dates]] * [[VOPragueSOC][Scientific organising Committee]] * [[VOPragueSpeakers][Keynote Speakers]] * [[VOPragueProceedings][Proceedings]] * [[VOPragueSP6][Special Session 6 on Astronomical Data Management]] * [[VOPragueIAU][IAU General Assembly]] * [[VOPragueVOlinks][VO projects]] <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r14 - 2006-05-02 - AndyLawrence
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