| Welcome to the IVOA TWiki!<br /><br /> This is the web-based collaboration area of the <a style="font-weight:900;" href="http://www.ivoa.net">International Virtual Observatory Alliance</a> ||| <a href="http://www.ivoa.net"> <img alt="ivoa.net" align="middle" src="%WIKILOGOIMG%" border="0" /></a> | <!-- <br/><hr/><br/> <div style="color:#ff0000; font-family: helvetica,'new century schoolbook','gothic light'; font-style: normal; font-size:18px; font-weight:900; margin:0 10px; text-align:center;"> Support Notice </div><br/> <div style="font-size:14px; font-weight:300; margin:0 10px 10px; text-align:center;"> The IVOA document coordination and support will not be available over the Christmas period, <br/> between <strong>Friday, 12-Dec-2008</strong> to <strong>Monday, 5-Jan-2009</strong>. </div><br/> <hr/><br/> --> <!-- <br/><hr/><br/> <div style="color:#ff0000; font-family: helvetica,'new century schoolbook','gothic light'; font-style: normal; font-size:18px; font-weight:900; margin:0 10px; text-align:center;"> Support Notice </div><br/> <div style="font-size:14px; font-weight:300; margin:0 10px 10px; text-align:center;"> The IVOA document coordination and support will not be available <br/> between <strong>Thursday, 31-Jul-2008</strong> to <strong>Monday, 18-Aug-2008</strong>, inclusive. </div><br/> <hr/><br/> --> <!-- <br/><hr/><br/> <div style="color:#ff0000; font-family: helvetica,'new century schoolbook','gothic light'; font-style: normal; font-size:18px; font-weight:900; margin:0 10px; text-align:center;"> S e r v e r D o w n t i m e </div> <div style="font-size:14px; font-weight:300; margin:0 10px 10px; text-align:center;"> The web domain @<strong>ivoa.net</strong> including this ==TWiki== will be <font style="color:#f00;text-decoration:underline; font-weight:900;">NOT AVAILABLE</font> <br/> on <strong>Wednesday, 28-May-2008</strong>, from <strong> 13:00 to 16:00</strong> CET. </div><br/> <hr/><br/> --> <!-- <br/><hr/><br/> <div style="color:#ff0000; font-family: helvetica,'new century schoolbook','gothic light'; font-style: normal; font-size:18px; font-weight:900; margin:0 10px; text-align:center;"> S e r v e r D o w n t i m e </div> <div style="font-size:14px; font-weight:300; margin:0 10px 10px; text-align:center;"> The web domain @<strong>ivoa.net</strong> including this ==TWiki== will be intermittent<br/> on <b>Monday, 31-March-2008</b>, from <b> 12:00 to 15:00 </b> GMT</div> <br/> </div><br/> <hr/><br/> --> _Main topics_: <!-- <td> * [[IvoaTCG][Architecture]] </td> <td> * [[IvoaApplications][Applications]] </td> --> | | <p> </p> <ul> <li> [[WhoIsWho][Who is Who?]] </li> <li> [[http://www.ivoa.net/Documents/index.html][Documents and Standards]] </li> </ul> | <ul> <li> [[IvoaEvents][Events]] </li> <li> [[TrainingMaterialsAndPresentations][Training Materials]] </li> </ul> | <ul> <li> [[IvoaRepMin][Exec Reports & Minutes]] </li> <li> [[http://www.ivoa.net/members/index.html][Mailing Lists]] </li> </ul> | <!-- * [[IvoaSoftRepos][Software Repository]] --> <ul> <li> [[IvoaTCG][Technical Coordination Group]] </li> <li> [[VOGlossary][VO Glossary]] </li> </ul> | | _Working Groups_: ||||| | | <ul> <li> [[IvoaApplications][Applications]] </li> <li> [[IvoaSemantics][Semantics]] </li> </ul> | <ul> <li> [[IvoaDAL][Data Access Layer]]</li> <li>[[IvoaResReg][Registry]]</li> </ul> | <ul> <li> [[IvoaDataModel][Data Model]]</li> </ul> | <ul> <li> [[IvoaGridAndWebServices][Grid & Web Services]]</li> </ul> | | _Interest Groups_: ||||| | | <ul> <li> [[IvoaTheory][Theory]] </li> <li>[[IvoaEducation][Education]]</li> </ul> | <ul> <li> [[IvoaVOEvent][Time Domain]]</li> <li>[[IvoaOps][Operations]]</li> </ul> | <ul> <li> [[IvoaDCP][Data Curation & Preservation]]</li> <li><span style="color: #0000ff;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">[[IvoaRadio][Radio Astronomy]]</span></span></li> </ul> | <ul> <li> [[IvoaKDD][Knowledge Discovery in Databases]] </li> <li>[[IvoaSS][Solar System]]</li> </ul> | | _Other Groups / Committees_: ||||| | <ul> <li> [[IvoaStdsDocsProc][Standing Committee on Standards & Processes]] </li> <li> [[IvoaSciencePriorities][Standing Committee on Science Priorities]] </li> <li> [[MediaGroup][MediaGroup]]</li> </ul> ||| <ul> <li> [[IvoaLiaison][Liaison Committee]] </li> <li> [[IvoaInteropPOC][InterOp Programme Organising Committee]] </li> </ul> || | ||||| --- List of Initial working Draft documents (version < 1.0): InitialWorkingDrafts %ISNEW{days="5"}% <!-- IvoaNewsletter --> <!-- * Set ALLOWWEBRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r151 - 2021-05-24 - MarcoMolinaro
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