---+ Working Documents for the Scientific Organising Committee. ---++ Proposal Timeline Here is the proposal timeline, following the instructions on the IAU web page. | DATE | ITEM | STATUS | | 2004 Sept 01 | Letter of Intent | DONE | | 2004 Sep 15 | send draft to CP presidents | DONE | | | copied to coord-DP | | | 2004 Oct 15 | CP to send support letter to proposer | INCOMPLETE | | 2004 Nov 15 | send draft proposal with CP support letters |INCOMPLETE| | | to desired coordinating DP | | | | requesting a support letter | | | 2004 Dec 15 | coord DP to send support letter to proposer | | | | copied to AGS | | | 2005 Jan 03 | final prop to the IAU proposal server | | | | with draft prog and tentative speakers list | | | | all support letters from DP and CPs | | | 2005 Feb 01 | DP reviewing ranking and comments | | | 2005 Feb 15 | AGS makes DP evaluation summary available | | | | to DPs for comments | | | 2005 Mar 01 | AGS sends final DP evaluation report to IAU-EC | | | 2005 Apr 18 | final selection by IAU-EC and DPs | | | 2005 May 01 | results known | ---++ Current Status ---++ S.O.C. Membership ---++ Current proposal version <br><br><br> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r1 - 2004-11-30 - AndyLawrence
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