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Time-Domain Interest Group : May 2024
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Schedule - Draft
Time-Domain Interest Group: Thursday May 23 2023 @ 9:00-10:30 Room C120/121 |
Speaker |
Title |
Materials |
Time |
Gregory Dubois-Felsmann/Eric Bellm |
Distributing Alerts from the Rubin Observatory. |
15 + 2 |
Anais Möller |
Time-domain astronomy at scale: lessons from a broker |
15 + 2 |
Judy Racusin |
NASA GCN: the General Coordinates Network |
15 + 2 |
François Bonnarel on behalf of Mireille Louys |
ObsCore Time Domain Extension |
15 + 2 |
Discussion |
Discussion |
22 |
RafaelMartinezGalarza - 2024-05-09
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Topic revision: r10 - 2024-05-23 - RafaelMartinezGalarza