TWiki> TWiki Web>TWikiVariables>VarGET (revision 1)EditAttach

GET{"name"} -- get a variable

  • Get the value of a named variable, previously set with %SET{}%. The %SET{}% and %GET{}% variables are handled by the SetGetPlugin.
  • Syntax: %GET{ "name" default="..." }%
  • Supported attributes:
    Attribute Comment Default
    "name" Name of variable. (required)
    default="..." Text shown if variable is not found. "" (empty string)
  • Example: %GET{"lunch"}% returns Sushi if the following has been previously set:
    %SET{ "lunch" value="Sushi" default="undecided" }% - see more examples
  • Related: IF, SET, SetGetPlugin, SpreadSheetPlugin#FuncGET
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Topic revision: r1 - 2011-04-04 - TWikiContributor
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