Version n.n

IVOA WG Internal Draft 2008 October

This version:
Latest version:
Previous versions:
Working Group:
Anita Richards
Mireille Louys
Francois Bonnarel
Sebastien Derriere
Pedro Osuna


This workpage is meant to record the general practice in manipulating units for astronomical data and define a means of consistent representation within VO services.

Status of this Document

This is a Working Draft. The first release of this document was 2008 October.

Working Draft

This is an IVOA Working Draft for review by IVOA members and other interested parties.
It is a draft document and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use IVOA Working Drafts as reference materials or to cite them as other than "work in progress.

A list of current IVOA Recommendations and other technical documents can be found at http://www.ivoa.net/Documents/.


We thank Paddy Leahy, Arnold Rots, ... for contributing use cases and examples of usage.


1. Introduction

The VO and its users employ units

This diagram is intended to exemplify processes which use units. Assuming that the VO itself is internally consistent, the arrows are all stages where translation or interpretation of units might be needed. We have to decide where and how and what tools to use.

The need for a Units model has arisen from several needs:

  1. To understand m, meter, metre ... as the same thing
  2. To differentiate mm (milli-metre) and mm (m2)
  3. To distinguish between the use of m as a wavelength (= c/frequency) and m as a distance (=1/1.499 1011 AU) etc.
  4. To create combinations of units intelligently e.g. J / s = W
  5. To translate between SI prefixes (G, M, k etc.) intelligently
It is not the role of this workpackage to provide a means of converting instrument-related units such as magnitudes, nor to perform coordinate conversions. The former is the domain of the PhotometryDataModel (NEED CORRECT LINK); excellent libraties (e.g. AST - LINK?) alread exist for the latter. It is our role to meet the needs of these workpackages and provide consistency.

2. Present use of units

The examples below are reasonably consistent. At this stage we will not consider further representations which are only suitable for use in human-readable literature, e.g. many IAU symbols using Greek letters etc. The other systems are machine readable.

2.1 Some current usage

  1. Comparison between IAU recommendations, VizieR, HEASARC and the GNU software Units (Derriere)
  2. Standards for Astronomical Catalogues, Version 2.0
  3. Dimensional Analysis applied to Spectrum Handling in VO context (Osuna & Salgado)
  4. Unit strings allowed in STC (Rots)
  5. NIST (National Institute of Standards & Technology) project UnitsXML
  6. FITS standards: Reference, Development, Specification of Physical Units within OGIP FITS files (Greisen and Calabretta 2002, A&A 395, 1061)
  7. Java JSR-275specifies one or more Java packages for the programmatic handling of physical quantities and their expression as numbers of units.

2.2 Sub-Section Two.Two

And this is the second....

2.2.1 Two.Two.One

Do you need a sub-sub-section? Here it is!

3. Suggested IVOA conventions

These are standards to be used internally. We need to provide translation to/from other usages as far as is required/practical. These are examples of the decisions we need, not necessarily the exact form to be adopted, expeerts please comment.

  1. We use SI (not cgs etc.)
  2. We allow European or US spelling (metre or meter)? (too deeply ingrained)
  3. SI prefixes directly preceed a unit, no space e.g. mT = milli-Tesla, Tm = Tera-metre
  4. Compound units are indicated by a dot, no space e.g. N.m = Newton metre
  5. Powers are indicated by + or - e.g. m+2 = metre x metre, m s-1 = m/s
    This will allow fractional powers e.g. T+2/7. However, there might be some ambiguity with operations e.g. m + 2, metres plus 2 - any ideas?

Appendix A: ...

If you have an appendix, put content here


[1] Author(s), Title