Notes on DM2 session, Wednesday 27 May, 11:00-12:30 / M.Louys ============================================================= *F. Bonnarel Characterisation Update : Sensitivity/ variability: example for a Map description in xml. Exemple for the characterisation of a multi-segment image. *I. Chilingarian: Sensitivity/variability within Characterisation DM level 4 A way to provide a pointer to sensitivity maps in the Characterisation DM, and the description of the necessary parameters to retrieve the information from distant servers. Q&comments : Alberto Micol: pb for DM uptake is that the archives do not support the metadata. *F. Bonnarel: Utypes for characterisation 2 ways to shorten utypes. Observation/Provenance Data model exemples. Questions: G.Lemson: Long utypes are interpretable by machines and can be derived via the automatic process described in DM1. D.Tody: abbreviation can be built up with specific context (applications) and manipulate internaly. ?:Display of quantities in applications can use aliases (labels on axes) Qu. on Provenance: instrument configuration should not be too regime oriented. discuss a general profile for all regimes with a small focused group: (Andreas Wicenec, D. Tody, Juan Santander, F.Bonnarel, ...)and try it out on main data collections. Actions: F.B, and ML UML Observation DM and XML schema to be circulated by end of July *J. Salgado: Photometry data model Sketch out of classes for photometry interpretation on an observation. use cases: How can we retrieve the filter response attached to an observation and compute the photometry . M.L: DM overlap: Design for a filter profile, that can be re-used in other data models, like Observation/Provenance. Comments : what is the proper scope for this effort? A.Wicenec, F.Genova, A. Rots,...: We should gather photometrist people and get more input for scientific uses-cases. *J. Salgado: Simple spectral line model Draft appeared within the WG. Comments and suggestions required. RFC to start just after the interop. Q: How does it fit with last AMLDm version (2008)? R: Core classes of the model are shared between the 2 models. SSLDm covers all necessary classes for the SLAP protocol. ML: 2 implementation references needed for REC. JS: SLAP protocol and other existing implementations Ray Plante: it is worth to have a slight update on former SLAP implementation to be compatible with the DM. ??? *ML. Dubernet: VADAMS The VADAMS EU infrastructure project has been founded . Start july 2009. Adverstise for a 3- years engineer position. Xsams is an evoluted version of AMLDM XML schema, which includes more sources (solids...), encompases several domains ( atmosphere, chemistry, ..)and has a finer description on the various physical processes. Will be a protototypte as a start for the project. F.Genova: Is there a plan to insure backward compatibility with the existing model built up in the IVOA? MLD: Interoperable services are part of the project. Partners from Astrogrid are members of the project.