IVOA VOQL session - Part 1 Oct 7 2005 (1) ADQL and Skynode news -- ADQL <--> Skynode translation from ESA-VO -- Java Skynode implementation from NVO -- Large crossmatch work started (2) ADQL specification -- Xmatch specification, how many parameters? ** specifying spherical distance in ADQL (3) Shirasaki presentation ADQL grammer has been specified: identifiers, datatypes, functions Core syntax + extensions Core provides easy transition from DAL to skynode Core provides guaranteed interoperability, extensions provide extra functionality Core is basic SELECT, no join, expression, orderby, distinct, etc etc Extensions: top, offset ** but the TOP keyword is the right way to visualize results perhaps put in Core? ** can we have TOP without ORDERBY? ** conclusion: Top returns n rows, but order is arbitrary UCD and utype in selection list (select ucd 'pos.eq.ra') ** can we also have UCD in the where clause? ** it is a convenient thing, but full of ambiguity, little enthusiasm for this Identifier syntax ** what characters are allowed in table names, column names, function names ** brackets [ ] to deal with special characters Data types follow VOTable ** timestamp, time, date, timeinterval ** conclusion: only keep VOTable data types for returned data tables Timestamp literal expression ** difference between SQL and ISO8601 specification Space data type from STC-S Specifying table names qualified by archive names, what can we use for a short name? ** can we use the SHORTNAME that the registry has? Can we demand uniqueness? (no) ** conclusion: we use the identifier Skynode 0.7 to 1.0 Enforcing metadata quality Brian Thomas presentation -- VO Catalog Andre Schaaf presentation -- Vizier in contect of ADQL/Skynode