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Results from IVOA web retrieved at 08:47 (GMT)

Data Access Layer Thursday, October 16, 4:30 6:30, Observatoire (Amphi) ACCOMAZZI Alberto Harvard SAO, CfA, USA ACKERMAN Mark University of Michigan, USA...
Data Models Thursday, October 16, 11:00 13:00, Observatoire (Amphi) BANDAY Tony MPI Astrop., Garching, D BARNES David Sch. Phys., Melbourne, AUS BERRY David...
Interoperability meeting (16 17 Oct. 2003): List of Participants (12 October 2003, 08:00 am, Strasbourg time) If you wish to register for the meeting, please DO...
Data Access Layer Working Group sessions Oct 16 17, 2003 at InterOpOct2003 Chair: Doug Tody DT Minutes: Markus Dolensky MD There were about 40 participants. For...
Data Model Work Group Sessions Oct 14 15, 2003 at InterOpOct2003 Attendees at Oct 14 DM WG session DataModelParticipantsOct2003 1. Introduction: JonathanMcDowell...
This page will hold presentations, discussions and results of the Registry WG meeting at InterOpOct2003. Presentations Day 1: TonyLinde: introduction, agenda...
UCD Working Group sessions Oct 16 17, 2003 at InterOpOct2003 ucd interop03.ppt: about UCD2 (Sebastien Derriere) UCDs.ppt: draft notes on meeting...
VO Query Language Working Group sessions Oct 16 17, 2003 at InterOpOct2003
VOTable Working Group sessions Oct 16 17, 2003 at InterOpOct2003
InterOpOct2003 Web Grid Services Oct 16 17, 2003 Sunday, 12th October 2003 15:45 to 17:00 Detailed program of the session. Thursday, 16th October 2003 14:...
Minutes of IVOA Plenary Session, Oct. 17, 2003, 8:30 16:00 Chair: Robert Hanisch RH Minutes: Markus Dolensky MD Content: 1. Intro, RH (8.30) General...
IVOA Data Model Working Group Introduction The role of the Data Modeling group is to provide a framework for the description of metadata attached to observed or...
Science Requirements and Use Cases for the Data Model Call for Scientific Use Cases Dear Astronomer / Data Modeler, In order to prioritise activities in the Data...
IVOA Events Upcoming: Next Interoperability Meeting 15 17 November 2024 Malta (program webpage) Next Exec meeting 10 September 2024 @ 20:00 UTC...
IVOA Grid Web Services Home Contents Chair: JesusSalgado Vice Chair: SaraBertocco Chairs Emeriti: GiulianoTaffoni, MatthewGraham, GuyRixon, AndreSchaaff...
Registries Thursday, October 16, 11:00 13:00, ISIS ACCOMAZZI Alberto Harvard SAO, CfA, USA ACKERMAN Mark Univ. of Michigan, USA ALLEN Mark G. CDS, Obs....
UCDs Thursday, October 16, 2:00 4:00, Observatoire (Amphi) BOCH Thomas CDS, Obs. Strasbourg, F BONNAREL Fran...
VOTable Thursday, October 16, 11:00 13:00, Observatoire (Salle de Cours) ADORF Hans Martin MPI Extr. Phys., Garching, D ALLAN Alasdair eSTAR, Uni. of Exeter, UK...
VOQL Thursday, October 16, 4:30 6:30, ISIS ADORF Hans Martin MPI Extr. Phys., Garching, D ALLAN Alasdair eSTAR, Uni. of Exeter, UK ARVISET Christophe ESA RSSD...
Web/Grid services Thursday, November 16, 2:00 4:00, ISIS ACCOMAZZI Alberto Harvard SAO, CfA, USA ACKERMAN Mark University of Michigan, USA ADORF Hans Martin...
Statistics for IVOA Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads...
Number of topics: 21

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