Difference: InterOpSep2004 (20 vs. 21)

Revision 212004-09-27 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"
META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability meeting

27-29 Sept 2004: IUCAA, Pune, India


Updated 21 Sep 2004

Date Time Place Activity Speaker
Mon 27 Sep 09.00-09.10   IUCAA Welcome Naresh Dadhich, Director IUCAA
  09.10-09.15   India-VO Welcome Ajit Kembhavi
  09.15-10.10   State of the IVOA (public talk) AndyLawrence
  10.10-10.30   Tea
  10.30-11.00   Opening Plenary FrancoiseGenova
  11.00-12.30   Data Model 1  
  12.30-14.00   Lunch
  14.00-15.30   DAL 1  
  15.30-16.00   Tea
  16.00-17.30   VOQL  
Tue 28 Sep 09.00-10.30   Registry  
  10.30-11.00   Tea  
  11.00-12.30   DAL 2  
  12.30-14.00   Lunch / Theory IG discussion  
  14.00-15.30   Data Model 2  
  15.30-16.00   Tea  
  16.00-17.30   WG Chairs meeting  
  18.30-19.30   Public Lecture, IUCAA Auditorium FrancoiseGenova
Wed 29 Sep 09.00-10.30   Grid + Web Services  
  10.30-11.00   Tea
  11.00-12.30   Plenary and Close of InterOp  
  pm   Free afternoon
Thu 30 Sep 09.30-09.40   Welcome - Small Projects meet ChenzhouCui
  09.40-10.05   Himalayan Chandra Telescope (HCT) G. C. Anupama
  10.05-10.30   The HCT Archive Amey Navelkar
  10.30-11.00   Chinese Virtual Observatory - Status and Plan Yongheng Zhao
  11.00-11.30   Tea
  11.30-12.00   Progress in the Australian Virtual Observatory Tara Murphy
  12.00-12.30   Data Mirrors - Techniques and Issues Sarah Ponrathnam
  12.30-13.00   Bridging IVOA and the domestic community ChenzhouCui
  13.00-14.30   Lunch
  14.30-15.00   The TAUVEX Mission Jayant Murthy
  15.00-15.30   VOPlot - 2D to 3D, 2qz Interface Tool Sonali Kale, Jayant Gupchup
  15.30-16.00   Tea
  16.00-17.00   Science from the VO, followed by panel discussion NicholasWalton
Fri 1 Oct 09.30-10.30   Japanese VO prototype system and applications to Astrophysics Yugi Shirasaki et. al
  10.30-11.00   VO-I: Why the Industry-Academia Interaction? Anand Deshpande
  11.00-11.30   Tea
  11.30-13.00   VO - Development to deployment (talk and panel disc) BobHanisch
  13.00-13.15   Concluding remarks FrancoiseGenova

Splinter Meetings

There will be two smaller meeting rooms available for any 'splinter meetings' that the various groups may feel are required during the Inter Op. Sign up for these rooms will be through this page.


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.

Note: At this stage (2004-06-10) it is not yet decided which of the WG/IG's will gather in Pune.
(link to IVOA page)
<-- -->
Sorted ascending
People Session Agenda & Materials
Local Organising Committee Ajit Kembhavi (akk@iucaa.ernet.in) Susan B. Kuriakose (susan@iucaa.ernet.in)  
Plenary Presentations BobHanisch   InterOpSep2004Plenary
DAL DougTody   InterOpSep2004DAL
Programme Committee FrancoiseGenova NicholasWalton, BobHanisch  
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein   InterOpSep2004VOTable
Theory IG GerardLemson   InterOpSep2004Theory
Grid&Web Services GuyRixon   InterOpSep2004GridAndWebServices
Data Models JonathanMcDowell   InterOpSep2004DataModel
VOQL MasatoshiOhishi   InterOpSep2004VOQL
UCDs RoyWilliams   InterOpSep2004UCD
Architecture IG RoyWilliams   InterOpSep2004Architecture
Applications IG TomMcGlynn   InterOpSep2004Applications
Registry TonyLinde   InterOpSep2004ResReg

Interop Program Organizing Committee

Françoise Genova, Bob Hanisch, and Nic Walton


First Announcement (10 June 2004)

From: Professor Ajit Kembhavi (On behalf of the Organizing Committee)

The next IVOA- Interoperability Meeting will be held at the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune, India, during September 27 - 29, 2004. This will be followed by an IVOA Small Projects Meeting, covering the Asia Pacific region, during September 30 - October 1, 2004. Both the meetings will be open for those interested in Virtual Observatory (VO) related activities.

The Interoperability Meeting will have a small number of Plenary Talks and Working Group meetings according to the usual pattern of the Interoperability meetings. The theme of the regional meeting will be "Building Partnerships : VOs and New Telescopes", and it will consist of a series of invited talks, and short presentations and demonstrations. A detailed programme of the technical sessions of the meeting will be announced shortly on the meeting web site.

The meeting will take place on the campus of IUCAA and is being organized as a part of the activities of the Virtual Observatory-India (VO-I) project, of which IUCAA and Persistent Systems Pvt. Ltd. (PSPL) are the main collaborators. The project is supported by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology of the Government of India.


An online registration form is available on the meeting web site.
Everyone interested in attending the meeting is requested to kindly submit the registration form just as soon as possible, to enable adequate arrangements to be made. There will be no registration fee.


Pune is a medium sized city (population ~ 3.5 million) located about 160 km from Mumbai (formerly known as Bombay). Pune can be reached by road and train from Mumbai in a few hours and by air in about 20 minutes. Detailed information about reaching Pune will be provided on the web site, and organizers of the meeting will help in making arrangements for the journeys between Mumbai and Pune. Participants from other countries can also use Delhi for their arrival and departure. Direct flights are available between Delhi and Pune, the distance being about 1300 kms.


A hotel within a few kilometers of the IUCAA campus is being identified to accommodate the participants. The room rent is expected to be around US $ 60 per day, including breakfast. Free transport between the hotel and IUCAA will be provided. Some accommodation will also be available in the IUCAA Guest House. Detailed information about the hotel and the procedure for making reservations will soon be announced on the meeting web site.


Lunch and dinner will be provided on the IUCAA campus with complements of the organizers. There are a number of eating places within a reasonable distance of the IUCAA campus, which can be conveniently visited in the evenings. A conference banquet will be arranged.

Travel arrangements

All those who are planning to attend the meeting are urged to book their flights at an early date, since seats on flights to and from India can be difficult to get. The end of September is not the most crowded season, but early bookings are strongly advised.


All foreign nationals visiting India will need a visa, which has to be obtained from the Indian Consulate/Embassy nearest to them. Registered participants will be sent a letter of invitation which would help them to get a visa. It is advisable to apply for a visa sufficiently early. Foreign nationals coming to the meeting will have to provide details about their passport, etc. through the personal particulars form, which will be on the web site.

Meeting Web site

Further information are available on the meeting web site: http://www.iucaa.ernet.in/~vomeet/ .

Draft Announcement (7 May 2004)

The 2004 autumn interop meeting is provisionally set for Mon 27 - Weds 29 Sept 2004. It is anticipated that a satellite regional related workshop will be held 30 Sep - 1 Oct 2004. Further details will appear soon.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="List of Overseas Participants" date="1092998868" name="Overseas_Participants.htm" path="Overseas_Participants.htm" size="35087" user="JayantGupchup" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="List of Participants from India" date="1092999294" name="Indian_Participants.htm" path="Indian_Participants.htm" size="13544" user="JayantGupchup" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Slides for Plenary" date="1096256541" name="VOQL_PUNESEPT_2004_PL.ppt" path="C:\wil\docs\adql\VOQL_PUNESEPT_2004_PL.ppt" size="112128" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
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