Data Model Sessions: May 2016, Cape Town, South Africa

_ This schedule is in progress _

DM 1: VO-DML (Wednesday May 11: 1330-1500, Aud. Room)





DM chairs Introduction 10m  
Tom Donaldson (on behalf of G. Lemson) VO-DML status 15m  
Tom Donaldson VO-DML mapping 15m  
Mark Cresitello Dittmar Dataset Meta Data 15m pdf
Arnold Rots STC2 15m STC2May2016.pptx
Jesus Salgado Source DM 15m JSalgado SourceDM
DM 2: Provenance (Thursday May 12: 1100-1230, Aud. Room)
Speaker Title Time Materials
Mireille Louys Obscore 1.1 15m
Kristin Riebe Provenance Scope 10m  
Kristin Riebe RAVE 15m  
Michèle Sanguillon Pollux DB 15m  
Mathieu Servillat CTA Model 15m  
Mireille Louys ProvDM Current state 10m  

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date WhoSorted ascending Comment
Unknown file formatpptx STC2May2016.pptx r1 manage 191.7 K 2016-05-10 - 19:00 ArnoldRots STC2 Status
Unknown file formatpptx 20160511-JSalgado-SourceDM.pptx r1 manage 1189.1 K 2016-05-10 - 14:07 JesusSalgado  
PDFpdf DatasetDM_status.pdf r1 manage 221.9 K 2016-05-10 - 20:43 MarkCresitelloDittmar DatasetMetadata status
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Topic revision: r7 - 2016-05-10 - MarkCresitelloDittmar
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