Difference: 2021BRoadmap (1 vs. 14)

Revision 142022-01-26 - GerardLemson


IVOA Roadmap for 2021B

This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups between the Nov 2021 and May 2022 Interops.

Applications WG

  • Support open development in PyVO
    • Convene coordination meetings for maintainers, contributors and anyone interested.
    • Help get TAPPlus into PyVO
  • Maintain votable parsing in Astropy core
Standards and Other Business
  • MOC 2.0: Work towards standardizing Space-Time MOCs.
    • Complete RFC period and move to REC
  • Migrate HiPS and SAMP documents to Github
  • Clean up applications WG wiki pages.
    • Remove stale links and make sure all information is current
  • VOTable 1.5

Data Access Layer WG

Standards on the recommendation path

      • this might set the line for v.1.1
    • RFC by Spring Interop
    • Ready for Proposed Rec (Q1 2022)
    • Validation required before RFC
    • RFC by Spring Interop
    • multipolygon still pending
    • otherwise ready for PRec+RFC (Q2-2022)
    • work will progress to close issues
    • a new WD before Spring 2022 Interop
    • PR-1.0 nearly there
    • implementations ready
    • continues work towards mature WD status
    • WD release in Q1/Q2-2022
  • SIAP-2.0 / SODA-1.0
  • SIAP-2.0 / SODA-1.0
    • Exploring general simple data discovery (e.g. adding spectra)
    • work on new WDs based on existing feedback (WDs by Spring Interop)
  • EPN-TAP [DM WG connection]
  • EPN-TAP [DM WG connection]
    • RFC open
    • Aiming for REC in Q1-2022

Other standards & activities

    • preliminary internal (to authors) WD
    • progress expected to be reported at Spring 2022 Interop
  • SSAP
    • Spectroscopy data access could potentially lead to new minor revisions in advance of any integration with a more general SIA2
  • Following Radio IG, TD IG activities for requirements
  • Following Radio IG, TD IG activities for requirements
    • refer to the roadmaps of these IGs for details
  • file-oriented catalog data access: start of discussion on Parquet

Data Model WG

  • DM workshop follow-up
    • Meas/Coord-> Rec
    • Mapping syntax common proposal
      • Work on the doc in progress (can be followed on GitHub)
      • Work on libraries in progress
    • MANGO to be updated after the workshop
    • Resume working on Cube/MetaData
    • PhotDM1.1 ( VODML + others small improvements)
  • Obscore evolution (TD, Radio)
  • EPN-TAP (see DAL)

Grid and Web Services WG

Authentication and Authorization

  • Group Membership Service is in RFC we expect to conclude for the end of the year.
    • it has two reference implementations: CADC and IA2
  • SSO version 1.2 is under discussion we have a group working on implementations and testing.
    • Describe the approach for obtaining token credentials (SSO)
    • Describe the approach for validating token credentials (SSO)
    • Define an IVOA "Realm" and how it determines the scope of services for which a token is applicable. (SSO)
  • Credential Delegation Protocol: we should introduce delegation based on tokens. We need an editor.


VOSpace 2.1: an update of the standard is under discussion with some minor (and major) proposed changes.

Science Platforms

  • The Execution Planner interface aims to provide a simple way to discover and access computing services. we are working on a Note.

Registry WG

  • Complete SimpleDalRegExt 1.2 RFC and approve to REC if possible (https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/SimpleDALRegExtV12RFC)
  • Explore registration of documentation and tutorial notebooks: there is an existing Note about this, which could be endorsed or converted to a proposed recommendation, given takeup
  • pyvo coordination: expand registry search for simplified data discovery options and test backward compatibility of search changes, not just for errors but for general returned results(see https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/IVOANov3RegistryEtherpad)
  • Ongoing validation and curation efforts among registry maintainers, resource curators, and validator and standards authors
  • Explore space-time coverage that was deferred from VODataService 1.2, approved in 2021A.

Semantics WG

On the UCD end of things, we are hoping to have a PEN for version 1.5 of the UCD list ready for TCG review by early 2022. This will include a few statistical concepts, and possibly MOCs, projection and a means to identify oscillation periods from other periodic phenomena; there is also a generic concept for PIDs considered. See https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/UCDList_1-5_RFM for details.

Also regarding UCDs, we will prepare two Errata (to SSAP and SLAP) regarding malformed UCDs used in these standards.

For SimpleDALRegExt RFC, the vocabulary http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/refframe is under review; we believe it is largely in shape.

This cannot be said for http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/product-type, which is up for adoption by Datalink. We will provide a new prototype based on SKOS before the end of 2021 and evaluate whether it better fits the use cases envisioned.

We have also produced a draft of a vocabulary of object types at http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/object-type. There is no fixed schedule on which this should be evaluated and developed, except that having it for the next revision of obscore would clearly be very useful.

Also, we should revive the process of getting the note on the adoption of the UAT as an IVOA vocabulary endorsed by the TCG.

Data Curation Preservation IG

Education IG

Knowledge Discovery IG

Operations IG

  • Tackle non-compliant services
    • Review specific items noted in Nov 2021 Euro-VO Registry Weather Report
    • Chase up common/persistent issues
    • Support service operators to use validation and improve services
  • Develop/maintain/curate validation tools
    • Ensure validators are available for all standards (esp. during REC process)
    • Pursue automatic invocation capability for validation tools
    • Understand discrepancies between different validators
  • Work with other WGs:
    • DAL: monitor follow up of issues reported May 2021 (in progress)
    • Semantics: monitor UCD/VOUnit compliance changes since report Nov 2021
  • Ongoing activities:
    • Monitor VO health (conformance, reliability, performance)
    • Provide forum for discussion of operational issues

Radio IG

  • exposing Radio Astronomy Implementation review note
  • continue discussion on ObsCore extension for visibility data and push it as EndorsedNote proposal or WD
  • Running meeting with TDIG on discovery/acces to pulsar/time domain data in radio
  • Running meeting on discovery/access for single dish data

Solar System IG

The objectives from the previous roadmap carry over:

  • Priority 1 Objective: Identifying observation facilities (ground and space). This is a complicated problem requiring integration and maintenance of data from multiple sources. The short-term goal is to produce a "usable product" as soon as possible, even if that is just a massive spreadsheet initially. Ultimately, this needs to be a reference service.
    • Scope the problem
    • Draft the short-term design
    • Determine contacts for identification authorities
  • Priority 2 Objective: Standard List of Coordinate Systems and Reference Frames.
    • Evaluate the terminology and capabilities from the NASA/NAIF SPICE system that can be applied to the IVOA case.
    • Determine timeline to meet implementation with http://www.ivoa.net/xml/STC/stc v1.30.xsd STC v1.30.xsd Errata: STC 1.33 Errata Goal History ...">STC-2.
  • Remaining List of Objectives
    • Identified the top two priority objectives for immediate action
    • Assess and assign priorities to all remaining objectives

Theory IG

  • SimDM migrationo to 1.1: small URL changes and VO-DML representation
  • SimDM implementation efforts in Australia, JHU, and exercising Paul Harrison's VO-DML-based code.

Time Domain IG

Standard and Processes

Science Priorities

Keep up with community feedback

Participate to the running meetings

Evaluate the need of SLAP V2

Collect use cases for LineTAP

Follow up on Data formats - parquet files

Revision 132022-01-26 - JamesDempsey


IVOA Roadmap for 2021B

This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups between the Nov 2021 and May 2022 Interops.

Applications WG

  • Support open development in PyVO
    • Convene coordination meetings for maintainers, contributors and anyone interested.
    • Help get TAPPlus into PyVO
  • Maintain votable parsing in Astropy core
Standards and Other Business
  • MOC 2.0: Work towards standardizing Space-Time MOCs.
    • Complete RFC period and move to REC
  • Migrate HiPS and SAMP documents to Github
  • Clean up applications WG wiki pages.
    • Remove stale links and make sure all information is current
  • VOTable 1.5

Data Access Layer WG


Standards on the recommendation path

  • DataLink-1.1
    • WD released Nov 2021
      • this might set the line for v.1.1
    • RFC by Spring Interop
  • ADQL-2.1
    • Ready for Proposed Rec (Q1 2022)
    • Validation required before RFC
    • RFC by Spring Interop
  • DALI-1.2
    • multipolygon still pending
    • otherwise ready for PRec+RFC (Q2-2022)
  • ConeSearch-1.1 [in connection with TD IG]
    • work will progress to close issues
    • a new WD before Spring 2022 Interop
  • ObjVisSAP
    • PR-1.0 nearly there
    • implementations ready
  • ProvTAP
    • continues work towards mature WD status
  • TAPRegExt [in connection with Registry WD]
    • WD release in Q1/Q2-2022
  • SIAP-2.0 / SODA-1.0
    • Exploring general simple data discovery (e.g. adding spectra)
    • work on new WDs based on existing feedback (WDs by Spring Interop)
  • EPN-TAP [DM WG connection]
    • RFC open
    • Aiming for REC in Q1-2022

Other standards & activities

  • SLAP-2.0 -> LineTAP solution
    • preliminary internal (to authors) WD
    • progress expected to be reported at Spring 2022 Interop
  • SSAP
    • Spectroscopy data access could potentially lead to new minor revisions in advance of any integration with a more general SIA2
  • Following Radio IG, TD IG activities for requirements
    • refer to the roadmaps of these IGs for details
  • file-oriented catalog data access: start of discussion on Parquet

Data Model WG

  • DM workshop follow-up
    • Meas/Coord-> Rec
    • Mapping syntax common proposal
      • Work on the doc in progress (can be followed on GitHub)
      • Work on libraries in progress
    • MANGO to be updated after the workshop
    • Resume working on Cube/MetaData
    • PhotDM1.1 ( VODML + others small improvements)
  • Obscore evolution (TD, Radio)
  • EPN-TAP (see DAL)

Grid and Web Services WG

Authentication and Authorization

  • Group Membership Service is in RFC we expect to conclude for the end of the year.
    • it has two reference implementations: CADC and IA2
  • SSO version 1.2 is under discussion we have a group working on implementations and testing.
    • Describe the approach for obtaining token credentials (SSO)
    • Describe the approach for validating token credentials (SSO)
    • Define an IVOA "Realm" and how it determines the scope of services for which a token is applicable. (SSO)
  • Credential Delegation Protocol: we should introduce delegation based on tokens. We need an editor.


VOSpace 2.1: an update of the standard is under discussion with some minor (and major) proposed changes.

Science Platforms

  • The Execution Planner interface aims to provide a simple way to discover and access computing services. we are working on a Note.

Registry WG

  • Complete SimpleDalRegExt 1.2 RFC and approve to REC if possible (https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/SimpleDALRegExtV12RFC)
  • Explore registration of documentation and tutorial notebooks: there is an existing Note about this, which could be endorsed or converted to a proposed recommendation, given takeup
  • pyvo coordination: expand registry search for simplified data discovery options and test backward compatibility of search changes, not just for errors but for general returned results(see https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/IVOANov3RegistryEtherpad)
  • Ongoing validation and curation efforts among registry maintainers, resource curators, and validator and standards authors
  • Explore space-time coverage that was deferred from VODataService 1.2, approved in 2021A.

Semantics WG

On the UCD end of things, we are hoping to have a PEN for version 1.5 of the UCD list ready for TCG review by early 2022. This will include a few statistical concepts, and possibly MOCs, projection and a means to identify oscillation periods from other periodic phenomena; there is also a generic concept for PIDs considered. See https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/UCDList_1-5_RFM for details.

Also regarding UCDs, we will prepare two Errata (to SSAP and SLAP) regarding malformed UCDs used in these standards.

For SimpleDALRegExt RFC, the vocabulary http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/refframe is under review; we believe it is largely in shape.

This cannot be said for http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/product-type, which is up for adoption by Datalink. We will provide a new prototype based on SKOS before the end of 2021 and evaluate whether it better fits the use cases envisioned.

We have also produced a draft of a vocabulary of object types at http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/object-type. There is no fixed schedule on which this should be evaluated and developed, except that having it for the next revision of obscore would clearly be very useful.

Also, we should revive the process of getting the note on the adoption of the UAT as an IVOA vocabulary endorsed by the TCG.

Data Curation Preservation IG

Education IG

Knowledge Discovery IG

Operations IG

  • Tackle non-compliant services
    • Review specific items noted in Nov 2021 Euro-VO Registry Weather Report
    • Chase up common/persistent issues
    • Support service operators to use validation and improve services
  • Develop/maintain/curate validation tools
    • Ensure validators are available for all standards (esp. during REC process)
    • Pursue automatic invocation capability for validation tools
    • Understand discrepancies between different validators
  • Work with other WGs:
    • DAL: monitor follow up of issues reported May 2021 (in progress)
    • Semantics: monitor UCD/VOUnit compliance changes since report Nov 2021
  • Ongoing activities:
    • Monitor VO health (conformance, reliability, performance)
    • Provide forum for discussion of operational issues

Radio IG

  • exposing Radio Astronomy Implementation review note
  • continue discussion on ObsCore extension for visibility data and push it as EndorsedNote proposal or WD
  • Running meeting with TDIG on discovery/acces to pulsar/time domain data in radio
  • Running meeting on discovery/access for single dish data

Solar System IG

The objectives from the previous roadmap carry over:

  • Priority 1 Objective: Identifying observation facilities (ground and space). This is a complicated problem requiring integration and maintenance of data from multiple sources. The short-term goal is to produce a "usable product" as soon as possible, even if that is just a massive spreadsheet initially. Ultimately, this needs to be a reference service.
  • Priority 1 Objective: Identifying observation facilities (ground and space). This is a complicated problem requiring integration and maintenance of data from multiple sources. The short-term goal is to produce a "usable product" as soon as possible, even if that is just a massive spreadsheet initially. Ultimately, this needs to be a reference service.
    • Scope the problem
    • Draft the short-term design
    • Determine contacts for identification authorities
  • Priority 2 Objective: Standard List of Coordinate Systems and Reference Frames.
    • Evaluate the terminology and capabilities from the NASA/NAIF SPICE system that can be applied to the IVOA case.
    • Determine timeline to meet implementation with http://www.ivoa.net/xml/STC/stc v1.30.xsd STC v1.30.xsd Errata: STC 1.33 Errata Goal History ...">STC-2.
  • Remaining List of Objectives
    • Identified the top two priority objectives for immediate action
    • Assess and assign priorities to all remaining objectives

Theory IG

Time Domain IG

Standard and Processes

Science Priorities

Keep up with community feedback

Participate to the running meetings

Evaluate the need of SLAP V2

Collect use cases for LineTAP

Follow up on Data formats - parquet files

Revision 122022-01-25 - AnneRaugh


IVOA Roadmap for 2021B

This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups between the Nov 2021 and May 2022 Interops.

Applications WG

  • Support open development in PyVO
    • Convene coordination meetings for maintainers, contributors and anyone interested.
    • Help get TAPPlus into PyVO
  • Maintain votable parsing in Astropy core
Standards and Other Business
  • MOC 2.0: Work towards standardizing Space-Time MOCs.
    • Complete RFC period and move to REC
  • Migrate HiPS and SAMP documents to Github
  • Clean up applications WG wiki pages.
    • Remove stale links and make sure all information is current
  • VOTable 1.5

Data Access Layer WG

Data Model WG

  • DM workshop follow-up
    • Meas/Coord-> Rec
    • Mapping syntax common proposal
      • Work on the doc in progress (can be followed on GitHub)
      • Work on libraries in progress
    • MANGO to be updated after the workshop
    • Resume working on Cube/MetaData
    • PhotDM1.1 ( VODML + others small improvements)
  • Obscore evolution (TD, Radio)
  • EPN-TAP (see DAL)

Grid and Web Services WG

Authentication and Authorization

  • Group Membership Service is in RFC we expect to conclude for the end of the year.
    • it has two reference implementations: CADC and IA2
  • SSO version 1.2 is under discussion we have a group working on implementations and testing.
    • Describe the approach for obtaining token credentials (SSO)
    • Describe the approach for validating token credentials (SSO)
    • Define an IVOA "Realm" and how it determines the scope of services for which a token is applicable. (SSO)
  • Credential Delegation Protocol: we should introduce delegation based on tokens. We need an editor.


VOSpace 2.1: an update of the standard is under discussion with some minor (and major) proposed changes.

Science Platforms

  • The Execution Planner interface aims to provide a simple way to discover and access computing services. we are working on a Note.

Registry WG

  • Complete SimpleDalRegExt 1.2 RFC and approve to REC if possible (https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/SimpleDALRegExtV12RFC)
  • Explore registration of documentation and tutorial notebooks: there is an existing Note about this, which could be endorsed or converted to a proposed recommendation, given takeup
  • pyvo coordination: expand registry search for simplified data discovery options and test backward compatibility of search changes, not just for errors but for general returned results(see https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/IVOANov3RegistryEtherpad)
  • Ongoing validation and curation efforts among registry maintainers, resource curators, and validator and standards authors
  • Explore space-time coverage that was deferred from VODataService 1.2, approved in 2021A.

Semantics WG

On the UCD end of things, we are hoping to have a PEN for version 1.5 of the UCD list ready for TCG review by early 2022. This will include a few statistical concepts, and possibly MOCs, projection and a means to identify oscillation periods from other periodic phenomena; there is also a generic concept for PIDs considered. See https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/UCDList_1-5_RFM for details.

Also regarding UCDs, we will prepare two Errata (to SSAP and SLAP) regarding malformed UCDs used in these standards.

For SimpleDALRegExt RFC, the vocabulary http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/refframe is under review; we believe it is largely in shape.

This cannot be said for http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/product-type, which is up for adoption by Datalink. We will provide a new prototype based on SKOS before the end of 2021 and evaluate whether it better fits the use cases envisioned.

We have also produced a draft of a vocabulary of object types at http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/object-type. There is no fixed schedule on which this should be evaluated and developed, except that having it for the next revision of obscore would clearly be very useful.

Also, we should revive the process of getting the note on the adoption of the UAT as an IVOA vocabulary endorsed by the TCG.

Data Curation Preservation IG

Education IG

Knowledge Discovery IG

Operations IG

  • Tackle non-compliant services
    • Review specific items noted in Nov 2021 Euro-VO Registry Weather Report
    • Chase up common/persistent issues
    • Support service operators to use validation and improve services
  • Develop/maintain/curate validation tools
    • Ensure validators are available for all standards (esp. during REC process)
    • Pursue automatic invocation capability for validation tools
    • Understand discrepancies between different validators
  • Work with other WGs:
    • DAL: monitor follow up of issues reported May 2021 (in progress)
    • Semantics: monitor UCD/VOUnit compliance changes since report Nov 2021
  • Ongoing activities:
    • Monitor VO health (conformance, reliability, performance)
    • Provide forum for discussion of operational issues

Radio IG

  • exposing Radio Astronomy Implementation review note
  • continue discussion on ObsCore extension for visibility data and push it as EndorsedNote proposal or WD
  • Running meeting with TDIG on discovery/acces to pulsar/time domain data in radio
  • Running meeting on discovery/access for single dish data

Solar System IG

The objectives from the previous roadmap carry over:
  • Priority 1 Objective: Identifying observation facilities (ground and space). This is a complicated problem requiring integration and maintenance of data from multiple sources. The short-term goal is to produce a "usable product" as soon as possible, even if that is just a massive spreadsheet initially. Ultimately, this needs to be a reference service.
    • Scope the problem
    • Draft the short-term design
    • Determine contacts for identification authorities
  • Priority 2 Objective: Standard List of Coordinate Systems and Reference Frames.
    • Evaluate the terminology and capabilities from the NASA/NAIF SPICE system that can be applied to the IVOA case.
    • Determine timeline to meet implementation with http://www.ivoa.net/xml/STC/stc v1.30.xsd STC v1.30.xsd Errata: STC 1.33 Errata Goal History ...">STC-2.
  • Remaining List of Objectives
    • Identified the top two priority objectives for immediate action
    • Assess and assign priorities to all remaining objectives

Theory IG

Time Domain IG

Standard and Processes

Science Priorities

Keep up with community feedback

Participate to the running meetings

Evaluate the need of SLAP V2

Collect use cases for LineTAP

Follow up on Data formats - parquet files


Revision 112021-12-03 - AdaNebot


IVOA Roadmap for 2021B

This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups between the Nov 2021 and May 2022 Interops.

Applications WG

  • Support open development in PyVO
    • Convene coordination meetings for maintainers, contributors and anyone interested.
    • Help get TAPPlus into PyVO
  • Maintain votable parsing in Astropy core
Standards and Other Business
  • MOC 2.0: Work towards standardizing Space-Time MOCs.
    • Complete RFC period and move to REC
  • Migrate HiPS and SAMP documents to Github
  • Clean up applications WG wiki pages.
    • Remove stale links and make sure all information is current
  • VOTable 1.5

Data Access Layer WG

Data Model WG

  • DM workshop follow-up
    • Meas/Coord-> Rec
    • Mapping syntax common proposal
      • Work on the doc in progress (can be followed on GitHub)
      • Work on libraries in progress
    • MANGO to be updated after the workshop
    • Resume working on Cube/MetaData
    • PhotDM1.1 ( VODML + others small improvements)
  • Obscore evolution (TD, Radio)
  • EPN-TAP (see DAL)

Grid and Web Services WG

Authentication and Authorization

  • Group Membership Service is in RFC we expect to conclude for the end of the year.
    • it has two reference implementations: CADC and IA2
  • SSO version 1.2 is under discussion we have a group working on implementations and testing.
  • SSO version 1.2 is under discussion we have a group working on implementations and testing.
    • Describe the approach for obtaining token credentials (SSO)
    • Describe the approach for validating token credentials (SSO)
    • Define an IVOA "Realm" and how it determines the scope of services for which a token is applicable. (SSO)
  • Credential Delegation Protocol: we should introduce delegation based on tokens. We need an editor.


VOSpace 2.1: an update of the standard is under discussion with some minor (and major) proposed changes.

Science Platforms

  • The Execution Planner interface aims to provide a simple way to discover and access computing services. we are working on a Note.
  • The Execution Planner interface aims to provide a simple way to discover and access computing services. we are working on a Note.

Registry WG

  • Complete SimpleDalRegExt 1.2 RFC and approve to REC if possible (https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/SimpleDALRegExtV12RFC)
  • Explore registration of documentation and tutorial notebooks: there is an existing Note about this, which could be endorsed or converted to a proposed recommendation, given takeup
  • pyvo coordination: expand registry search for simplified data discovery options and test backward compatibility of search changes, not just for errors but for general returned results(see https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/IVOANov3RegistryEtherpad)
  • Ongoing validation and curation efforts among registry maintainers, resource curators, and validator and standards authors
  • Explore space-time coverage that was deferred from VODataService 1.2, approved in 2021A.

Semantics WG

On the UCD end of things, we are hoping to have a PEN for version 1.5 of the UCD list ready for TCG review by early 2022. This will include a few statistical concepts, and possibly MOCs, projection and a means to identify oscillation periods from other periodic phenomena; there is also a generic concept for PIDs considered. See https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/UCDList_1-5_RFM for details.

Also regarding UCDs, we will prepare two Errata (to SSAP and SLAP) regarding malformed UCDs used in these standards.

For SimpleDALRegExt RFC, the vocabulary http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/refframe is under review; we believe it is largely in shape.

This cannot be said for http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/product-type, which is up for adoption by Datalink. We will provide a new prototype based on SKOS before the end of 2021 and evaluate whether it better fits the use cases envisioned.

We have also produced a draft of a vocabulary of object types at http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/object-type. There is no fixed schedule on which this should be evaluated and developed, except that having it for the next revision of obscore would clearly be very useful.

Also, we should revive the process of getting the note on the adoption of the UAT as an IVOA vocabulary endorsed by the TCG.

Data Curation Preservation IG

Education IG

Knowledge Discovery IG

Operations IG

  • Tackle non-compliant services
    • Review specific items noted in Nov 2021 Euro-VO Registry Weather Report
    • Chase up common/persistent issues
    • Support service operators to use validation and improve services
  • Develop/maintain/curate validation tools
    • Ensure validators are available for all standards (esp. during REC process)
    • Pursue automatic invocation capability for validation tools
    • Understand discrepancies between different validators
  • Work with other WGs:
    • DAL: monitor follow up of issues reported May 2021 (in progress)
    • Semantics: monitor UCD/VOUnit compliance changes since report Nov 2021
  • Ongoing activities:
    • Monitor VO health (conformance, reliability, performance)
    • Provide forum for discussion of operational issues

Radio IG

  • exposing Radio Astronomy Implementation review note
  • continue discussion on ObsCore extension for visibility data and push it as EndorsedNote proposal or WD
  • Running meeting with TDIG on discovery/acces to pulsar/time domain data in radio
  • Running meeting on discovery/access for single dish data

Solar System IG

Theory IG

Time Domain IG

Standard and Processes

Science Priorities

Keep up with community feedback

Participate to the running meetings

Evaluate the need of SLAP V2

Collect use cases for LineTAP

Follow up on Data formats - parquet files

Revision 102021-12-01 - GiulianoTaffoni


IVOA Roadmap for 2021B

This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups between the Nov 2021 and May 2022 Interops.

Applications WG

  • Support open development in PyVO
    • Convene coordination meetings for maintainers, contributors and anyone interested.
    • Help get TAPPlus into PyVO
  • Maintain votable parsing in Astropy core
Standards and Other Business
  • MOC 2.0: Work towards standardizing Space-Time MOCs.
    • Complete RFC period and move to REC
  • Migrate HiPS and SAMP documents to Github
  • Clean up applications WG wiki pages.
    • Remove stale links and make sure all information is current
  • VOTable 1.5

Data Access Layer WG

Data Model WG

  • DM workshop follow-up
    • Meas/Coord-> Rec
    • Mapping syntax common proposal
    • Mapping syntax common proposal
      • Work on the doc in progress (can be followed on GitHub)
      • Work on libraries in progress
    • MANGO to be updated after the workshop
    • Resume working on Cube/MetaData
    • PhotDM1.1 ( VODML + others small improvements)
  • Obscore evolution (TD, Radio)
  • EPN-TAP (see DAL)

Grid and Web Services WG


Authentication and Authorization

  • Group Membership Service is in RFC we expect to conclude for the end of the year.
    • it has two reference implementations: CADC and IA2
  • SSO version 1.2 is under discussion we have a group working on implementations and testing.
    • Describe the approach for obtaining token credentials (SSO)
    • Describe the approach for validating token credentials (SSO)
    • Define an IVOA "Realm" and how it determines the scope of services for which a token is applicable. (SSO)
  • Credential Delegation Protocol: we should introduce delegation based on tokens. We need an editor.


VOSpace 2.1: an update of the standard is under discussion with some minor (and major) proposed changes.

Science Platforms

  • The Execution Planner interface aims to provide a simple way to discover and access computing services. we are working on a Note.

Registry WG

  • Complete SimpleDalRegExt 1.2 RFC and approve to REC if possible (https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/SimpleDALRegExtV12RFC)
  • Explore registration of documentation and tutorial notebooks: there is an existing Note about this, which could be endorsed or converted to a proposed recommendation, given takeup
  • pyvo coordination: expand registry search for simplified data discovery options and test backward compatibility of search changes, not just for errors but for general returned results(see https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/IVOANov3RegistryEtherpad)
  • Ongoing validation and curation efforts among registry maintainers, resource curators, and validator and standards authors
  • Explore space-time coverage that was deferred from VODataService 1.2, approved in 2021A.

Semantics WG

On the UCD end of things, we are hoping to have a PEN for version 1.5 of the UCD list ready for TCG review by early 2022. This will include a few statistical concepts, and possibly MOCs, projection and a means to identify oscillation periods from other periodic phenomena; there is also a generic concept for PIDs considered. See https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/UCDList_1-5_RFM for details.

Also regarding UCDs, we will prepare two Errata (to SSAP and SLAP) regarding malformed UCDs used in these standards.

For SimpleDALRegExt RFC, the vocabulary http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/refframe is under review; we believe it is largely in shape.

This cannot be said for http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/product-type, which is up for adoption by Datalink. We will provide a new prototype based on SKOS before the end of 2021 and evaluate whether it better fits the use cases envisioned.

We have also produced a draft of a vocabulary of object types at http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/object-type. There is no fixed schedule on which this should be evaluated and developed, except that having it for the next revision of obscore would clearly be very useful.

Also, we should revive the process of getting the note on the adoption of the UAT as an IVOA vocabulary endorsed by the TCG.

Data Curation Preservation IG

Education IG

Knowledge Discovery IG

Operations IG

  • Tackle non-compliant services
    • Review specific items noted in Nov 2021 Euro-VO Registry Weather Report
    • Chase up common/persistent issues
    • Support service operators to use validation and improve services
  • Develop/maintain/curate validation tools
    • Ensure validators are available for all standards (esp. during REC process)
    • Pursue automatic invocation capability for validation tools
    • Understand discrepancies between different validators
  • Work with other WGs:
    • DAL: monitor follow up of issues reported May 2021 (in progress)
    • Semantics: monitor UCD/VOUnit compliance changes since report Nov 2021
  • Ongoing activities:
    • Monitor VO health (conformance, reliability, performance)
    • Provide forum for discussion of operational issues

Radio IG

  • exposing Radio Astronomy Implementation review note
  • continue discussion on ObsCore extension for visibility data and push it as EndorsedNote proposal or WD
  • Running meeting with TDIG on discovery/acces to pulsar/time domain data in radio
  • Running meeting on discovery/access for single dish data

Solar System IG

Theory IG

Time Domain IG

Standard and Processes

Science Priorities

Keep up with community feedback

Participate to the running meetings

Evaluate the need of SLAP V2

Collect use cases for LineTAP *

Revision 92021-12-01 - LaurentMichel


IVOA Roadmap for 2021B

This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups between the Nov 2021 and May 2022 Interops.

Applications WG

  • Support open development in PyVO
    • Convene coordination meetings for maintainers, contributors and anyone interested.
    • Help get TAPPlus into PyVO
  • Maintain votable parsing in Astropy core
Standards and Other Business
  • MOC 2.0: Work towards standardizing Space-Time MOCs.
    • Complete RFC period and move to REC
  • Migrate HiPS and SAMP documents to Github
  • Clean up applications WG wiki pages.
    • Remove stale links and make sure all information is current
  • VOTable 1.5

Data Access Layer WG

Data Model WG

  • DM workshop follow-up
    • Meas/Coord-> Rec
    • Mapping syntax common proposal
      • Work on the doc in progress (can be followed on GitHub)
      • Work on libraries in progress
    • MANGO to be updated after the workshop
    • Resume working on Cube/MetaData
    • PhotDM1.1 ( VODML + others small improvements)
  • Obscore evolution (TD, Radio)
  • EPN-TAP (see DAL)

Grid and Web Services WG

Registry WG

  • Complete SimpleDalRegExt 1.2 RFC and approve to REC if possible (https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/SimpleDALRegExtV12RFC)
  • Explore registration of documentation and tutorial notebooks: there is an existing Note about this, which could be endorsed or converted to a proposed recommendation, given takeup
  • pyvo coordination: expand registry search for simplified data discovery options and test backward compatibility of search changes, not just for errors but for general returned results(see https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/IVOANov3RegistryEtherpad)
  • Ongoing validation and curation efforts among registry maintainers, resource curators, and validator and standards authors
  • Explore space-time coverage that was deferred from VODataService 1.2, approved in 2021A.

Semantics WG

On the UCD end of things, we are hoping to have a PEN for version 1.5 of the UCD list ready for TCG review by early 2022. This will include a few statistical concepts, and possibly MOCs, projection and a means to identify oscillation periods from other periodic phenomena; there is also a generic concept for PIDs considered. See https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/UCDList_1-5_RFM for details.

Also regarding UCDs, we will prepare two Errata (to SSAP and SLAP) regarding malformed UCDs used in these standards.

For SimpleDALRegExt RFC, the vocabulary http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/refframe is under review; we believe it is largely in shape.

This cannot be said for http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/product-type, which is up for adoption by Datalink. We will provide a new prototype based on SKOS before the end of 2021 and evaluate whether it better fits the use cases envisioned.

We have also produced a draft of a vocabulary of object types at http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/object-type. There is no fixed schedule on which this should be evaluated and developed, except that having it for the next revision of obscore would clearly be very useful.

Also, we should revive the process of getting the note on the adoption of the UAT as an IVOA vocabulary endorsed by the TCG.

Data Curation Preservation IG

Education IG

Knowledge Discovery IG

Operations IG

  • Tackle non-compliant services
    • Review specific items noted in Nov 2021 Euro-VO Registry Weather Report
    • Chase up common/persistent issues
    • Support service operators to use validation and improve services
  • Develop/maintain/curate validation tools
    • Ensure validators are available for all standards (esp. during REC process)
    • Pursue automatic invocation capability for validation tools
    • Understand discrepancies between different validators
  • Work with other WGs:
    • DAL: monitor follow up of issues reported May 2021 (in progress)
    • Semantics: monitor UCD/VOUnit compliance changes since report Nov 2021
  • Ongoing activities:
    • Monitor VO health (conformance, reliability, performance)
    • Provide forum for discussion of operational issues

Radio IG

  • exposing Radio Astronomy Implementation review note
  • continue discussion on ObsCore extension for visibility data and push it as EndorsedNote proposal or WD
  • Running meeting with TDIG on discovery/acces to pulsar/time domain data in radio
  • Running meeting on discovery/access for single dish data

Solar System IG

Theory IG

Time Domain IG

Standard and Processes

Science Priorities

Keep up with community feedback

Participate to the running meetings

Evaluate the need of SLAP V2

Collect use cases for LineTAP *

Revision 82021-12-01 - FrancoisBonnarel


IVOA Roadmap for 2021B

This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups between the Nov 2021 and May 2022 Interops.

Applications WG

  • Support open development in PyVO
    • Convene coordination meetings for maintainers, contributors and anyone interested.
    • Help get TAPPlus into PyVO
  • Maintain votable parsing in Astropy core
Standards and Other Business
  • MOC 2.0: Work towards standardizing Space-Time MOCs.
    • Complete RFC period and move to REC
  • Migrate HiPS and SAMP documents to Github
  • Clean up applications WG wiki pages.
    • Remove stale links and make sure all information is current
  • VOTable 1.5

Data Access Layer WG

Data Model WG

Grid and Web Services WG

Registry WG

  • Complete SimpleDalRegExt 1.2 RFC and approve to REC if possible (https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/SimpleDALRegExtV12RFC)
  • Explore registration of documentation and tutorial notebooks: there is an existing Note about this, which could be endorsed or converted to a proposed recommendation, given takeup
  • pyvo coordination: expand registry search for simplified data discovery options and test backward compatibility of search changes, not just for errors but for general returned results(see https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/IVOANov3RegistryEtherpad)
  • Ongoing validation and curation efforts among registry maintainers, resource curators, and validator and standards authors
  • Explore space-time coverage that was deferred from VODataService 1.2, approved in 2021A.

Semantics WG

On the UCD end of things, we are hoping to have a PEN for version 1.5 of the UCD list ready for TCG review by early 2022. This will include a few statistical concepts, and possibly MOCs, projection and a means to identify oscillation periods from other periodic phenomena; there is also a generic concept for PIDs considered. See https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/UCDList_1-5_RFM for details.

Also regarding UCDs, we will prepare two Errata (to SSAP and SLAP) regarding malformed UCDs used in these standards.

For SimpleDALRegExt RFC, the vocabulary http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/refframe is under review; we believe it is largely in shape.

This cannot be said for http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/product-type, which is up for adoption by Datalink. We will provide a new prototype based on SKOS before the end of 2021 and evaluate whether it better fits the use cases envisioned.

We have also produced a draft of a vocabulary of object types at http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/object-type. There is no fixed schedule on which this should be evaluated and developed, except that having it for the next revision of obscore would clearly be very useful.

Also, we should revive the process of getting the note on the adoption of the UAT as an IVOA vocabulary endorsed by the TCG.

Data Curation Preservation IG

Education IG

Knowledge Discovery IG

Operations IG

  • Tackle non-compliant services
    • Review specific items noted in Nov 2021 Euro-VO Registry Weather Report
    • Chase up common/persistent issues
    • Support service operators to use validation and improve services
  • Develop/maintain/curate validation tools
    • Ensure validators are available for all standards (esp. during REC process)
    • Pursue automatic invocation capability for validation tools
    • Understand discrepancies between different validators
  • Work with other WGs:
    • DAL: monitor follow up of issues reported May 2021 (in progress)
    • Semantics: monitor UCD/VOUnit compliance changes since report Nov 2021
  • Ongoing activities:
    • Monitor VO health (conformance, reliability, performance)
    • Provide forum for discussion of operational issues

Radio IG

  • exposing Radio Astronomy Implementation review note
  • continue discussion on ObsCore extension for visibility data and push it as EndorsedNote proposal or WD
  • Running meeting with TDIG on discovery/acces to pulsar/time domain data in radio
  • Running meeting on discovery/access for single dish data

Solar System IG

Theory IG

Time Domain IG

Standard and Processes

Science Priorities

Keep up with community feedback

Participate to the running meetings

Evaluate the need of SLAP V2

Collect use cases for LineTAP *

Revision 72021-12-01 - TomDonaldson


IVOA Roadmap for 2021B

This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups between the Nov 2021 and May 2022 Interops.

Applications WG

  • Support open development in PyVO
    • Convene coordination meetings for maintainers, contributors and anyone interested.
    • Help get TAPPlus into PyVO
  • Maintain votable parsing in Astropy core
Standards and Other Business
  • MOC 2.0: Work towards standardizing Space-Time MOCs.
    • Complete RFC period and move to REC
  • Migrate HiPS and SAMP documents to Github
  • Clean up applications WG wiki pages.
    • Remove stale links and make sure all information is current
  • VOTable 1.5

Data Access Layer WG

Data Model WG

Grid and Web Services WG

Registry WG

  • Complete SimpleDalRegExt 1.2 RFC and approve to REC if possible (https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/SimpleDALRegExtV12RFC)
  • Explore registration of documentation and tutorial notebooks: there is an existing Note about this, which could be endorsed or converted to a proposed recommendation, given takeup
  • pyvo coordination: expand registry search for simplified data discovery options and test backward compatibility of search changes, not just for errors but for general returned results(see https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/IVOANov3RegistryEtherpad)
  • Ongoing validation and curation efforts among registry maintainers, resource curators, and validator and standards authors
  • Explore space-time coverage that was deferred from VODataService 1.2, approved in 2021A.

Semantics WG

On the UCD end of things, we are hoping to have a PEN for version 1.5 of the UCD list ready for TCG review by early 2022. This will include a few statistical concepts, and possibly MOCs, projection and a means to identify oscillation periods from other periodic phenomena; there is also a generic concept for PIDs considered. See https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/UCDList_1-5_RFM for details.

Also regarding UCDs, we will prepare two Errata (to SSAP and SLAP) regarding malformed UCDs used in these standards.

For SimpleDALRegExt RFC, the vocabulary http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/refframe is under review; we believe it is largely in shape.

This cannot be said for http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/product-type, which is up for adoption by Datalink. We will provide a new prototype based on SKOS before the end of 2021 and evaluate whether it better fits the use cases envisioned.

We have also produced a draft of a vocabulary of object types at http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/object-type. There is no fixed schedule on which this should be evaluated and developed, except that having it for the next revision of obscore would clearly be very useful.

Also, we should revive the process of getting the note on the adoption of the UAT as an IVOA vocabulary endorsed by the TCG.

Data Curation Preservation IG

Education IG

Knowledge Discovery IG

Operations IG

  • Tackle non-compliant services
    • Review specific items noted in Nov 2021 Euro-VO Registry Weather Report
    • Chase up common/persistent issues
    • Support service operators to use validation and improve services
  • Develop/maintain/curate validation tools
    • Ensure validators are available for all standards (esp. during REC process)
    • Pursue automatic invocation capability for validation tools
    • Understand discrepancies between different validators
  • Work with other WGs:
    • DAL: monitor follow up of issues reported May 2021 (in progress)
    • Semantics: monitor UCD/VOUnit compliance changes since report Nov 2021
  • Ongoing activities:
    • Monitor VO health (conformance, reliability, performance)
    • Provide forum for discussion of operational issues

Radio IG

Solar System IG

Theory IG

Time Domain IG

Standard and Processes

Science Priorities

Keep up with community feedback

Participate to the running meetings

Evaluate the need of SLAP V2

Collect use cases for LineTAP *

Revision 62021-11-30 - AdaNebot


IVOA Roadmap for 2021B

This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups between the Nov 2021 and May 2022 Interops.

Applications WG

Data Access Layer WG

Data Model WG

Grid and Web Services WG

Registry WG

  • Complete SimpleDalRegExt 1.2 RFC and approve to REC if possible (https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/SimpleDALRegExtV12RFC)
  • Explore registration of documentation and tutorial notebooks: there is an existing Note about this, which could be endorsed or converted to a proposed recommendation, given takeup
  • pyvo coordination: expand registry search for simplified data discovery options and test backward compatibility of search changes, not just for errors but for general returned results(see https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/IVOANov3RegistryEtherpad)
  • Ongoing validation and curation efforts among registry maintainers, resource curators, and validator and standards authors
  • Explore space-time coverage that was deferred from VODataService 1.2, approved in 2021A.

Semantics WG

On the UCD end of things, we are hoping to have a PEN for version 1.5 of the UCD list ready for TCG review by early 2022. This will include a few statistical concepts, and possibly MOCs, projection and a means to identify oscillation periods from other periodic phenomena; there is also a generic concept for PIDs considered. See https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/UCDList_1-5_RFM for details.

Also regarding UCDs, we will prepare two Errata (to SSAP and SLAP) regarding malformed UCDs used in these standards.

For SimpleDALRegExt RFC, the vocabulary http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/refframe is under review; we believe it is largely in shape.

This cannot be said for http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/product-type, which is up for adoption by Datalink. We will provide a new prototype based on SKOS before the end of 2021 and evaluate whether it better fits the use cases envisioned.

We have also produced a draft of a vocabulary of object types at http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/object-type. There is no fixed schedule on which this should be evaluated and developed, except that having it for the next revision of obscore would clearly be very useful.

Also, we should revive the process of getting the note on the adoption of the UAT as an IVOA vocabulary endorsed by the TCG.

Data Curation Preservation IG

Education IG

Knowledge Discovery IG

Operations IG

  • Tackle non-compliant services
    • Review specific items noted in Nov 2021 Euro-VO Registry Weather Report
    • Chase up common/persistent issues
    • Support service operators to use validation and improve services
  • Develop/maintain/curate validation tools
    • Ensure validators are available for all standards (esp. during REC process)
    • Pursue automatic invocation capability for validation tools
    • Understand discrepancies between different validators
  • Work with other WGs:
    • DAL: monitor follow up of issues reported May 2021 (in progress)
    • Semantics: monitor UCD/VOUnit compliance changes since report Nov 2021
  • Ongoing activities:
    • Monitor VO health (conformance, reliability, performance)
    • Provide forum for discussion of operational issues

Radio IG

Solar System IG

Theory IG

Time Domain IG

Standard and Processes

Science Priorities

Keep up with community feedback

Participate to the running meetings

Evaluate the need of SLAP V2

Collect use cases for LineTAP


Revision 52021-11-11 - TheresaDower


IVOA Roadmap for 2021B

This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups between the Nov 2021 and May 2022 Interops.

Applications WG

Data Access Layer WG

Data Model WG

Grid and Web Services WG

Registry WG

  • pyvo coordination: expand registry search for simplified data discovery options and test backward compatibility of search changes, not just for errors but for general returned results
  • Ongoing validation and curation efforts among registry maintainers, resource curators, and validator and standards authors
  • Explore space-time coverage that was deferred from VODataService 1.2, approved in 2021A.

Semantics WG

On the UCD end of things, we are hoping to have a PEN for version 1.5 of the UCD list ready for TCG review by early 2022. This will include a few statistical concepts, and possibly MOCs, projection and a means to identify oscillation periods from other periodic phenomena; there is also a generic concept for PIDs considered. See https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/UCDList_1-5_RFM for details.

Also regarding UCDs, we will prepare two Errata (to SSAP and SLAP) regarding malformed UCDs used in these standards.

For SimpleDALRegExt RFC, the vocabulary http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/refframe is under review; we believe it is largely in shape.

This cannot be said for http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/product-type, which is up for adoption by Datalink. We will provide a new prototype based on SKOS before the end of 2021 and evaluate whether it better fits the use cases envisioned.

We have also produced a draft of a vocabulary of object types at http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/object-type. There is no fixed schedule on which this should be evaluated and developed, except that having it for the next revision of obscore would clearly be very useful.

Also, we should revive the process of getting the note on the adoption of the UAT as an IVOA vocabulary endorsed by the TCG.

Data Curation Preservation IG

Education IG

Knowledge Discovery IG

Operations IG

  • Tackle non-compliant services
    • Review specific items noted in Nov 2021 Euro-VO Registry Weather Report
    • Chase up common/persistent issues
    • Support service operators to use validation and improve services
  • Develop/maintain/curate validation tools
    • Ensure validators are available for all standards (esp. during REC process)
    • Pursue automatic invocation capability for validation tools
    • Understand discrepancies between different validators
  • Work with other WGs:
    • DAL: monitor follow up of issues reported May 2021 (in progress)
    • Semantics: monitor UCD/VOUnit compliance changes since report Nov 2021
  • Ongoing activities:
    • Monitor VO health (conformance, reliability, performance)
    • Provide forum for discussion of operational issues

Radio IG

Solar System IG

Theory IG

Time Domain IG

Standard and Processes

Science Priorities


Revision 42021-11-11 - TheresaDower


IVOA Roadmap for 2021B

This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups between the Nov 2021 and May 2022 Interops.


Applications WG

Data Access Layer WG

Data Model WG

Grid and Web Services WG

Registry WG

  • Explore registration of documentation and tutorial notebooks: there is an existing Note about this, which could be endorsed or converted to a proposed recommendation, given takeup
  • pyvo coordination: expand registry search for simplified data discovery options and test backward compatibility of search changes, not just for errors but for general returned results
  • Ongoing validation and curation efforts among registry maintainers, resource curators, and validator and standards authors
  • Explore space-time coverage that was deferred from VODataService 1.2, approved in 2021A.

Semantics WG

On the UCD end of things, we are hoping to have a PEN for version 1.5 of
On the UCD end of things, we are hoping to have a PEN for version 1.5 of the UCD list ready for TCG review by early 2022. This will include a few statistical concepts, and possibly MOCs, projection and a means to identify oscillation periods from other periodic phenomena; there is also a generic concept for PIDs considered. See https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/UCDList_1-5_RFM for details.
the UCD list ready for TCG review by early 2022. This will include a few statistical concepts, and possibly MOCs, projection and a means to identify oscillation periods from other periodic phenomena; there is also a generic concept for PIDs considered. See https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/UCDList_1-5_RFM for details.
Also regarding UCDs, we will prepare two Errata (to SSAP and SLAP)
Also regarding UCDs, we will prepare two Errata (to SSAP and SLAP) regarding malformed UCDs used in these standards.
regarding malformed UCDs used in these standards.
For SimpleDALRegExt RFC, the vocabulary
For SimpleDALRegExt RFC, the vocabulary http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/refframe is under review; we believe it is largely in shape.
http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/refframe is under review; we believe it is largely in shape.
This cannot be said for http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/product-type, which is
This cannot be said for http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/product-type, which is up for adoption by Datalink. We will provide a new prototype based on SKOS before the end of 2021 and evaluate whether it better fits the use cases envisioned.
up for adoption by Datalink. We will provide a new prototype based on SKOS before the end of 2021 and evaluate whether it better fits the use cases envisioned.
We have also produced a draft of a vocabulary of object types at
We have also produced a draft of a vocabulary of object types at http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/object-type. There is no fixed schedule on which this should be evaluated and developed, except that having it for the next revision of obscore would clearly be very useful.
http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/object-type. There is no fixed schedule on which this should be evaluated and developed, except that having it for the next revision of obscore would clearly be very useful.
Also, we should revive the process of getting the note on the adoption
Also, we should revive the process of getting the note on the adoption of the UAT as an IVOA vocabulary endorsed by the TCG.
of the UAT as an IVOA vocabulary endorsed by the TCG.

Data Curation Preservation IG

Education IG

Knowledge Discovery IG

Operations IG

  • Tackle non-compliant services
  • Tackle non-compliant services
    • Review specific items noted in Nov 2021 Euro-VO Registry Weather Report
    • Chase up common/persistent issues
    • Support service operators to use validation and improve services
  • Develop/maintain/curate validation tools
  • Develop/maintain/curate validation tools
    • Ensure validators are available for all standards (esp. during REC process)
    • Pursue automatic invocation capability for validation tools
    • Understand discrepancies between different validators
  • Work with other WGs:
  • Work with other WGs:
    • DAL: monitor follow up of issues reported May 2021 (in progress)
    • Semantics: monitor UCD/VOUnit compliance changes since report Nov 2021
  • Ongoing activities:
  • Ongoing activities:
    • Monitor VO health (conformance, reliability, performance)
    • Provide forum for discussion of operational issues

Radio IG

Solar System IG

Theory IG

Time Domain IG

Standard and Processes

Science Priorities


Revision 32021-11-10 - MarkusDemleitner


IVOA Roadmap for 2021B

This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups between the Nov 2021 and May 2022 Interops.


Applications WG

Data Access Layer WG

Data Model WG

Grid and Web Services WG

Registry WG

Semantics WG

On the UCD end of things, we are hoping to have a PEN for version 1.5 of
the UCD list ready for TCG review by early 2022. This will include a few statistical concepts, and possibly MOCs, projection and a means to identify oscillation periods from other periodic phenomena; there is also a generic concept for PIDs considered. See https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/UCDList_1-5_RFM for details.

Also regarding UCDs, we will prepare two Errata (to SSAP and SLAP) regarding malformed UCDs used in these standards.

For SimpleDALRegExt RFC, the vocabulary http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/refframe is under review; we believe it is largely in shape.

This cannot be said for http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/product-type, which is up for adoption by Datalink. We will provide a new prototype based on SKOS before the end of 2021 and evaluate whether it better fits the use cases envisioned.

We have also produced a draft of a vocabulary of object types at http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/object-type. There is no fixed schedule on which this should be evaluated and developed, except that having it for the next revision of obscore would clearly be very useful.

Also, we should revive the process of getting the note on the adoption of the UAT as an IVOA vocabulary endorsed by the TCG.


Data Curation Preservation IG

Education IG

Knowledge Discovery IG

Operations IG

  • Tackle non-compliant services
    • Review specific items noted in Nov 2021 Euro-VO Registry Weather Report
    • Chase up common/persistent issues
    • Support service operators to use validation and improve services
  • Develop/maintain/curate validation tools
    • Ensure validators are available for all standards (esp. during REC process)
    • Pursue automatic invocation capability for validation tools
    • Understand discrepancies between different validators
  • Work with other WGs:
    • DAL: monitor follow up of issues reported May 2021 (in progress)
    • Semantics: monitor UCD/VOUnit compliance changes since report Nov 2021
  • Ongoing activities:
    • Monitor VO health (conformance, reliability, performance)
    • Provide forum for discussion of operational issues

Radio IG

Solar System IG

Theory IG

Time Domain IG

Standard and Processes

Science Priorities


Revision 22021-11-09 - MarkTaylor


IVOA Roadmap for 2021B

This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups between the Nov 2021 and May 2022 Interops.

Applications WG

Data Access Layer WG

Data Model WG

Grid and Web Services WG

Registry WG

Semantics WG

Data Curation Preservation IG

Education IG

Knowledge Discovery IG

Operations IG

  • Tackle non-compliant services
    • Review specific items noted in Nov 2021 Euro-VO Registry Weather Report
    • Chase up common/persistent issues
    • Support service operators to use validation and improve services
  • Develop/maintain/curate validation tools
    • Ensure validators are available for all standards (esp. during REC process)
    • Pursue automatic invocation capability for validation tools
    • Understand discrepancies between different validators
  • Work with other WGs:
    • DAL: monitor follow up of issues reported May 2021 (in progress)
    • Semantics: monitor UCD/VOUnit compliance changes since report Nov 2021
  • Ongoing activities:
    • Monitor VO health (conformance, reliability, performance)
    • Provide forum for discussion of operational issues
Radio IG

Radio IG


Solar System IG

Theory IG

Time Domain IG

Standard and Processes

Science Priorities


Revision 12021-11-04 - JanetEvans


IVOA Roadmap for 2021B

This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups between the Nov 2021 and May 2022 Interops.

Applications WG

Data Access Layer WG

Data Model WG

Grid and Web Services WG

Registry WG

Semantics WG

Data Curation Preservation IG

Education IG

Knowledge Discovery IG

Operations IG

Radio IG

Solar System IG

Theory IG

Time Domain IG

Standard and Processes

Science Priorities


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