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IVOA Roadmap for 2021B

This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups between the Nov 2021 and May 2022 Interops.

Applications WG

Data Access Layer WG

Data Model WG

Grid and Web Services WG

Registry WG

  • Complete SimpleDalRegExt 1.2 RFC and approve to REC if possible (
  • Explore registration of documentation and tutorial notebooks: there is an existing Note about this, which could be endorsed or converted to a proposed recommendation, given takeup
  • pyvo coordination: expand registry search for simplified data discovery options and test backward compatibility of search changes, not just for errors but for general returned results(see
  • Ongoing validation and curation efforts among registry maintainers, resource curators, and validator and standards authors
  • Explore space-time coverage that was deferred from VODataService 1.2, approved in 2021A.

Semantics WG

On the UCD end of things, we are hoping to have a PEN for version 1.5 of the UCD list ready for TCG review by early 2022. This will include a few statistical concepts, and possibly MOCs, projection and a means to identify oscillation periods from other periodic phenomena; there is also a generic concept for PIDs considered. See for details.

Also regarding UCDs, we will prepare two Errata (to SSAP and SLAP) regarding malformed UCDs used in these standards.

For SimpleDALRegExt RFC, the vocabulary is under review; we believe it is largely in shape.

This cannot be said for, which is up for adoption by Datalink. We will provide a new prototype based on SKOS before the end of 2021 and evaluate whether it better fits the use cases envisioned.

We have also produced a draft of a vocabulary of object types at There is no fixed schedule on which this should be evaluated and developed, except that having it for the next revision of obscore would clearly be very useful.

Also, we should revive the process of getting the note on the adoption of the UAT as an IVOA vocabulary endorsed by the TCG.

Data Curation Preservation IG

Education IG

Knowledge Discovery IG

Operations IG

  • Tackle non-compliant services
    • Review specific items noted in Nov 2021 Euro-VO Registry Weather Report
    • Chase up common/persistent issues
    • Support service operators to use validation and improve services
  • Develop/maintain/curate validation tools
    • Ensure validators are available for all standards (esp. during REC process)
    • Pursue automatic invocation capability for validation tools
    • Understand discrepancies between different validators
  • Work with other WGs:
    • DAL: monitor follow up of issues reported May 2021 (in progress)
    • Semantics: monitor UCD/VOUnit compliance changes since report Nov 2021
  • Ongoing activities:
    • Monitor VO health (conformance, reliability, performance)
    • Provide forum for discussion of operational issues

Radio IG

Solar System IG

Theory IG

Time Domain IG

Standard and Processes

Science Priorities


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Topic revision: r5 - 2021-11-11 - TheresaDower
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