IVOA Data Model Working Group


The role of the Data Modeling group is to provide a framework for the description of metadata attached to observed or simulated data.
The activity of the Data Model WG activity focuses on logical relationships between these metadata, examines how an astronomer wants to retrieve, process and interpret astronomical data, and provides an architecture to handle them. What is defined in this WG can then be re-used in the protocols defined by the DAL WG or in VO aware applications .


Membership of this working group is informal as people and projects come and go. To join see our page on How to participate

Progress Meetings

The DM working group conducts, with varying levels of regularity, running meetings to discuss the progress of ongoing work and organize our efforts.
The DM Running Meeting Page is available to:

  • Find day/time of the next scheduled meeting
  • Add discussion items for addition to an upcoming meeting agenda
  • Provide an access point to meeting notes.
The list is currently rather incomplete, but should improve going forward.

WG Roadmaps

Each group updates a roadmap of the goals and priorities for the upcoming semester. These are consolidated and organized at the TCG level:



Standards and Documents

Here is a graphic illustrating the dependencies between data models used in the IVOA framework.


Standards repository

The IVOA Documents and Standards repository is the official resource for all current standards and release candidates that are ready for general review.

Development repository

The IVOA has been migrating the development work for standards to Git repositories. Prior to this, most development work was being managed by a Volute repository.
The following table lists all current data model documents along with references to their development repository and/or project twiki page(s).
These can be useful for submitting issues, participating in discussion, and directly engaging in project development.

Data Model Version State Development Repository Project Twiki Page
Characterisation 1.13 REC None  
Coordinates 1.0 REC git twiki
Cube 1.0 WD Volute, git (TBD)  
DatasetMetadata 1.0 WD git  
MANGO 1.0 WD git twiki
Measurements 1.0 REC git twiki
MIVOT 1.0 REC git  
ObsCore 1.1 REC None twiki, Errata
ObsCore - radio extension 1.0 PR git  
ObsCore - time extension 1.0 WD git  
ObsLocTap 1.0 REC git  
Photometry 1.1 REC git twiki
Proposal 1.0 WD git  
Provenance 1.0 REC git twiki
Simulation 1.0 REC None  
Spectral 1.2 REC git  
Spectral Lines 1.0 REC None  
  2.0 RFC (cancelled) Volute  
STC 1.33 REC None  
Transform 1.0 WD git twiki
CAOM 2.5 WD cadc-git  
VO-DML 1.0 REC git  

Implementation Requirements for Data Models

The "IVOA Document Standards" standard has a broad outline of the implementation requirements for IVOA standards. These requirements fit best into the higher level standards for applications and protocols than for data models themselves. At the Oct 2017 interop in Trieste, the following implementation requirements for Data Model Standards was agreed upon, which allow the models to be vetted against their requirements and use cases, without needing full science use cases to be implemented.

  • VO-DML models must validate against schema
  • Serializations which touch each entity of the model. These serializations may be 'fake' (ie: not based on actual data files), and are to be produced by the modeler as unit tests/examples.
  • Real world serializations covering use cases, produced by others following the model, in a mutually agreed upon format.
  • Software which interprets these serializations and demonstrates proper interpretation of the content.

General presentations on the DM modeling effort

Here are general presentations about the data modeling effort in the VO.


Active Projects

  • Source Data Model:
    • Source and Catalog Requirement survey
    • Source DM and Workshop 2021: see here
    • Project migrates to MANGO data model - providing a generic framework which applies to this project.
  • Multi-Dimensional Data Model:
    • The project encompasses the description of Multi-Dimensional data products, from pixelated Images to n-dimensional hypercubes
    • The concept is that this single N-Dimensional Cube model should form the framework from which specialized data products can be defined.
    • As such: it forms the basis for supporting these products-of-interest in the community
      • Spectra (SpectralDM v2.0), including Eschelle spectra
      • TimeSeries
      • Event Lists
      • Pixellated images ( ImageDM v1.0)
    • The Cube model has been demonstrated to satisfy the requirements of these products, but lacks the implemented science oriented usage threads needed to gain general support.
      • We are working closely with the formation of a High Energy Interest Group, which we hope will bring resources and motivation to help see this project to fruition.

Proposed Projects

  • Characterisation v2.0
    • Project to create vo-dml compliant version of the model.
    • Currently idle.. pending resource availability
  • STC-2.0:
    • Project to create vo-dml compliant version of STC
    • The project has been broken up, with separate models covering portions of the domain space covered by STC-1
      • Coords, Measurements, Transforms - completed or in progress
      • Regions, Intervals, ?? - TBD
  • VODML-Mapping:
    • Project to develop an annotation syntax mapping VOTable serializations to VO-DML compliant models.
    • The initial syntax proposal was rejected;
    • An alternative syntax was developed as MIVOT

Topic Pages

Archival Project Reference Information

RFC pages for our standards.

Project Version RFC comments
Characterization 1.13 RFC
Coordinates 1.0 RFC-1, RFC-2
Measurements 1.0 RFC-1, RFC-2
ObsCore 1.0 RFC
  1.1 RFC
ObsLocTAP 1.0 RFC
Photometry 1.0 RFC
  1.1 RFC
Provenance 1.0 RFC-1, RFC-2
Simulation 1.0 RFC
Spectrum 1.0 RFC
  2.0 RFC-1, RFC-2 canceled
  1.2 RFC
Spectral Lines 2.0 RFC

Older IVOA Drafts and Related Documents

Projects using data models

Virtual Observatory Projects working on Data models and their implementations should list themselves here. * to fill and update***

  • CDS
    1. Aladin portal
    2. CAMEA, an interactive tool for Characterisation metadata publishing
    3. Vizier + Saada: interface for products associated with Vizier sources
  • Lerma- Paris
    1. Aspid-SR CharDM


Most of our face-to-face activity takes place during IVOA Interoperabiltiy Meetings. Follow the Data Model Page links to locate agendas, presentation slides, and action items.

Interop Main page DM pageRole
Shanghai, China (15-19 May 2017) InterOpMay2017 InterOpMay2017-DM
Trieste, Italy (21-23 Oct 2016) InterOpOct2016 InteropOct2016DM
Cape Town, Sth Africa (9-13 May 2016) InterOpMay2016 InterOpMay2016
Sydney, Australia(30/10 - 01/11 2016) InterOpOct2015 InteropOct2015DM
Sesto, Italy (14-19 Jun 2015) InterOpJune2015 InterOpJune2015DM
Banff, Canada (10-12 Oct 2014) InterOpOct2014 InterOpOct2014DM
Madrid, Spain (18-23 May 2014) InterOpMay2014 InterOpMay2014DM
Heidelberg, Germany (12-17 May 2013) InterOpMay2013 InterOpMay2013DM
Sao Paulo, Brazil (22-26 Oct 2012) InterOpOct2012 InterOpOct2012DM
Urbana, USA (21-25 May 2012) InterOpMay2012 InterOpMay2012DM
Pune, India (17-21 Oct 2011) InterOpOct2011 InterOpOct2011DM
Naples, Italy (16-20 May 2011) InterOpMay2011 InterOpMay2011DM
Nara, Japan (7-11 Dec 2010) InterOpDec2010 InterOpDec2010DataModel
Victoria, Canada (17-21 May 2010) InterOpMay2010 InterOpMay2010DM
Strasbourg, France(19-23 May 2009) InterOpMay2009 DMInteropStrasbourg
Garching, Germany(19-23 Nov 2009) InterOpNov2009 InterOpNov2009DM
Trieste, Italy (19-23 May 2008) InterOpMay2008 InterOpMay2008DataModels
Cambridge, UK (27-28 Sep 2007) InterOpSep2007 InterOpSep2007DataModel
Beijing, China (14-18 May 2007) InterOpMay2007 InterOpMay2007DataModel
Moscow, Russia (18-21 Sep 2006) InterOpSep2006 InterOpSep2006DM
Victoria, Canada (14-19 May 2006) InterOpMay2006 InterOpMay2006DataModel
Madrid, Spain (6-7 Oct 2005) InterOpOct2005 InterOpOct2005DataModel
Kyoto, Japan (16-20 May 2005) InterOpMay2005 InterOpMay2005DataModel
Pune, India (27-29 Sept 2004) InterOpSep2004 InterOpSep2004DataModel
Cambridge, Mass. USA (23-28 May 2004) InterOpMay2004 InterOpMay2004DataModel
Strasbourg (16-17 Oct 2003) InterOpOct2003 InterOpOct2003Registry
Cambridge, UK (12-16 May 2003) InterOpMay2003 InterOpMay2003DataModel

Involved People

Name Country Organization Role
Jonathan McDowell USA CfA, Boston
Francois Bonnarel France CDS Strasbourg
Igor Chilingarian USA CFA
Marie Lise Dubernet France Paris Observatory
Mireille Louys France CDS/ICube Laboratory, University of Strasbourg
Gerard Lemson USA JHU
Alberto Micol Germany ESO
Nicolas Moreau France Paris Observatory
Pedro Osuna Spain European Space Agency / ESAC
ArnoldRots USA CfA, Boston
Anita Richards UK Jodrell Bank
Jesus Salgado Spain ESA/ESAC
J.D. Santander-Vela Germany ESO / Archive dpt
Arancha Delgado Germany ESO / Archive dpt
Petr Skoda Czech Rep. Astron Inst. of Acad. Sciences
OmarLaurino USA Harvard-Smithsonian
KristinRiebe Germany GAVO, AIP, Potsdam (Germany)
MathieuServillat France LUTH - Observatoire de Paris Vice-Chair
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar USA CfA, Boston Chair
Laurent Michel France SSC XMM-Newton, Strasbourg
Michele Sanguillon France Montpellier
Ole Streicher Germany GAVO, AIP, Potsdam

Please put your name here if you wish ...

Other DM Meetings

  • ADASS 2021: BoF TAP and the data models TapandTheDMs
  • Check the above Interop pages for DM WG sessions
  • ESO/Garching, Jan 2004: Data Model Technical Meeting 4 Draft 0.1 of Observation model
  • Baltimore, Dec 2003: Data Model Technical Meeting 3 (no minutes yet; see draft 0.2 of Quantity)
  • ESO/Garching on Jan. 23/24, 2003: Data Model Sessions minutes (WG creation and planning)
  • Cambridge MA, Oct 2002: Data Model Technical Meeting 1 presentations & minutes
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf CharacterisationWDversion1.0.pdf r1 manage 1762.9 K 2006-10-20 - 17:44 MireilleLouys Characterisation Data Model
PDFpdf Characterisation_Note_20051129.pdf r1 manage 1250.5 K 2005-12-21 - 23:50 FrancoisBonnarel Characterization DM draft Note
PNGpng DataModelDependencyGraphic.png r3 r2 r1 manage 197.8 K 2019-10-23 - 19:53 MarkCresitelloDittmar  
Microsoft Word filedoc DomainModelv0.9.1.doc r1 manage 1733.0 K 2004-01-29 - 07:57 GerardLemson Rough and incomplete first draft
PNGpng ImageDMcomments.png r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 71.3 K 2012-02-28 - 14:39 MireilleLouys Overview on data model dependencies and re-use
PDFpdf Louys_Mireille_30876-AdassTalk.pdf r1 manage 1371.8 K 2016-12-20 - 19:30 MireilleLouys ADASS Talk "Datamodels in the IVOA Framework" pdf version
Unknown file formatpptx Louys_Mireille_30876-finale.pptx r2 r1 manage 3127.2 K 2016-10-21 - 13:05 MireilleLouys ADASS Talk "Datamodels in the IVOA Framework"/names corrected
PDFpdf NSA-DM-v0.4.0.pdf r1 manage 178.6 K 2004-08-20 - 22:12 PhillipWarner NOAO Science Archive Domain Model (snapshot)
PDFpdf Poona_2004_Catalogue_DM.pdf r1 manage 69.6 K 2005-02-01 - 10:56 PedroOsuna [CATALOGUE]Kick-off presentation at Poona 2004
PDFpdf SourceDM_Moscow_2006.pdf r1 manage 430.5 K 2006-09-19 - 11:03 InakiOrtiz Source Catalog Data Model Moscow Sept 2006
PDFpdf dmtm4.pdf r1 manage 156.7 K 2004-03-10 - 02:02 JonathanMcDowell DM WG Tech Meeting 4 minutes
PNGpng imageDM.png r1 manage 4.9 K 2011-06-03 - 09:41 MireilleLouys Overview on data model dependencies and re-use
PDFpdf map51.pdf r1 manage 122.8 K 2004-05-25 - 05:04 JonathanMcDowell [MAPPING] Draft v0.51
PDFpdf obs.v0.2.pdf r1 manage 291.3 K 2004-03-10 - 00:24 JonathanMcDowell [OBSERVATION] draft (pdf)
Postscriptps obs.v0.2.ps r1 manage 3296.8 K 2004-03-10 - 00:23 JonathanMcDowell [OBSERVATION] draft
PDFpdf obs23.pdf r1 manage 249.4 K 2004-05-25 - 04:16 JonathanMcDowell [OBSERVATION] draft V0.23
PDFpdf qty.v0.2.pdf r1 manage 363.2 K 2004-03-10 - 00:18 JonathanMcDowell [QUANTITY] draft (pdf)
Postscriptps qty.v0.2.ps r1 manage 616.1 K 2004-03-10 - 00:16 JonathanMcDowell [QUANTITY] draft
PDFpdf qty23.pdf r1 manage 196.9 K 2004-05-25 - 04:01 JonathanMcDowell [QUANTITY] revised draft
PDFpdf spec0.5.pdf r1 manage 150.4 K 2004-05-25 - 03:55 JonathanMcDowell [SPECTRA] Draft DM for SSAP
PDFpdf spec96d.pdf r1 manage 208.5 K 2006-05-14 - 00:31 JonathanMcDowell Spectrum DM version 0.96 latest (Victoria)
PDFpdf spec97d.pdf r1 manage 211.2 K 2006-05-14 - 09:49 JonathanMcDowell Alternative Spectrum DM with STC
PDFpdf spec98c.pdf r3 r2 r1 manage 217.2 K 2006-09-05 - 13:44 JonathanMcDowell Revised Spectrum DM
PDFpdf stc-jcm.v1.pdf r1 manage 141.3 K 2004-04-11 - 00:56 JonathanMcDowell [OBSERVATION] STC description
PDFpdf stc-jcm.v2.pdf r1 manage 151.5 K 2004-05-25 - 03:56 JonathanMcDowell [OBSERVATION] STC description V2
Texttxt stcimp.txt r1 manage 2.4 K 2007-04-13 - 09:29 JonathanMcDowell Note on STC Implementation Status
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