name="IvoaTCG" |
IVOA Roadmap for the 2024B time span
This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA Working and Interest Groups between the November 2024 (Malta) and June 2025 (Maryland) Interops.
Working Groups
Applications WG
- Standardization VOTable 1.5
- Parquet support
- Note is available at ( https://www.star.bristol.ac.uk/mbt/voparquet/voparquet.html) awayting comments from users until the end of the year.
- Made a call for prototype implementations (TOPCAT/STILTS/STIL available, CADC TAP in the works, others?). Progress at: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/ParquetInAstronomy
- TCG Endorsed Note? What are the requirements?
- extension of usage for large catalogs (Healpix for catalogs)
- extension for 3D HIPS
- Evolution on MOC usage versus s-region
Data Access Layer WG
Modernize required UCDs (UCD 1.0-> UCD 1+)
Allow services to reject unknown parameters
WD-1.1 by June 2025 (PR pending validators and implementations)
Data Model WG
- MANGO 1.0: Model for ANnotating Generic Objects
- DM group comments on Working Draft to Git issues
- Resolve comments - update working draft and implementations
- Move forward to RFC process.
- CAOM 2.5 Integration
- Documentation updates (LaTeX representation) - February
- Hold focus meeting on integration plan - February
- Review/resolve issues from working group review
- Working on python implementation (at CADC)
- ObsCore/RadioExtension reconciliation
- Port ObsCore -1.1 document to ivoatex
- Schedule focus meeting with interest groups (DM, RadIG, TDIG, HEIG)
- Submit proposal of <attributes> to move into ObsCore proper
- Continued discussion - how to discover services that include <domain> extension content
- Open working draft for ObsCore -1.2 and update RadioExtension -1.0
- VO-DML 1.1: Updates to facilitate database and code generation threads
- Deliver list of update candidates to DM mailing list for review
- Create working draft document
- Review internally, and move through RFC process
- Cube 1.0
- Work with HEIG to define/implement use case workflow with event data
- VOEvent 2.2
- Monitor VOEvent activities
Distributed Services Protocols WG
Registry WG
- Work towards adoption of PR VOResource-1.2 (in RFC from 2024-11-17)
- https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/VOResource12RFC
- Investigate "Serving Simulated Data in VO Services/Collections"
- cf https://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/InterOpNov2024DAL/DAL_at_IRSA_Laity.pdf
- Open question: reuse SSAP datasources for VODataService ?
- Support data publishers towards filling coverage information as MOCs in publishing registries according to REC RegTAP -1.2
- Participate in "alternative links" in DataLink effort with DAL WG to publish cloud-based data products cf https://github.com/ivoa-std/DataLink/issues/117. Also investigate with GWS WG if necessary to have such metadata in the Registry.
- Prepare future RegTAP -1.3 to facilitate searching by product type served after VODataService -1.3
- VODataService -1.3 (editor: MD) "A VOResource Schema Extension for Describing Collections and Services"
- https://github.com/ivoa-std/VODataService
- Status: WD https://ivoa.net/documents/VODataService/20241113/index.html
- adding a productTypeServed element child to to DataService
- working on mechanism to discover simulated data
- DocRegExt -1.0 (editor: MD) "Educational Resources in the Virtual Observatory"
- https://github.com/ivoa-std/DocRegExt
- Status: WD https://ivoa.net/documents/DocRegExt/20230426/index.html
- StandardsRegExt -1.1 (editor: RS) "A VOResource Schema Extension for Describing IVOA Standards"
- https://github.com/ivoa-std/StandardsRegExt
- Status: WD https://ivoa.net/documents/StandardsRegExt/20240125/index.html
- Implementation: Continue developing and maintaining the new PyVO Registry search and discovery API
- Curation and Validation: setup a hackathon and project board to correct Registry issues at College Park Interop in June 2025
- On-boarding Effort: Prepare and fund a workshop to discuss and disseminate best practices for registry publishing
- Continue discussions on “Linking capabilities with tablesets” (cf https://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/202404InteropRegistry/InterOpMay2024Reg_linking_capabilities_tablesets.pdf)
- Continue involvement with DCP IG, esp. on the note “Data Origin and the VO” https://www.ivoa.net/documents/DataOrigin/
Semantics WG
Interest Groups
Data Curation Preservation IG |
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- Draft for a DOI note planed to next IVOA
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- Draft for a DOI note planned to next IVOA
- Promote BIBvo: discussion for an endorsed note?
- Promote DataOrigin. Add DataOrigin in astroquery, pyvo
- investigate the interaction between data retention and AI ?
Education IG
High Energy IG |
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- JE Draft - Needs HEIG review:
- ObsCore continuation - work to get a concrete recommendation to move this forward
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- ObsCore continuation (highest priority) - work to get a HE recommendation to merge with other efforts and move this forward
- VOEvent - followup/continuation from the side-meeting we had in Malta; form a plan
- DataModel /Event List/High Energy data formats - pursue next steps
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- VOEvent - followup/continuation from the side-meeting we had in Malta; form a plan
- DataModel /Event List/High Energy data formats - pursue next steps
| Knowledge Discovery IG
- following the Malta KDD-GWS joint session and its discussion about AI impact on IVOA standards,continue to interact with IVOA WGs/IGs through the gathering of experiments and knowledge in the AI frame
- reflect the state of the scientific and technological art in AI to the VO community
- Investigate standards for multimodal astronomical AI-ready data
Operations IG
Ongoing activity:
- Monitor VO health:
- Coordinate "weather reports" (service compliance)
- Address non-compliancy:
- Identify common/persistent errors
- Support/encourage service operators to improve service compliance
- Work with WGs on standards-related issues
- Validation:
- Ensure validators are available (IvoaValidatorsSummary)
- Encourage use of validators:
- on deployed services
- during standard development
- Communication:
- Provide forum for discussion of operational issues
- Host/invite "site reports"
- Encourage feedback communication between ops services and data providers
Specific focus:
- Work with DAL on standards issues:
- ConeSearch: UCD1+
- DALI: Sexagesimal markup standards
- SSA: A couple of Errata suggested
- Push for service metadata improvements:
- Operations in the cloud
- Security in VO services
- Encourage TAP validators developers to add checks for sql injection susceptibility
- Authentication as an operational necessity
- User agents used in VO services clients
Radio IG
Solar System IG
Time Domain IG
Standard and Processes
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investigate the interaction between data retention and AI |
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