Protocol Transitioning Tiger Team (P3T)

The Protocol Transitioning Tiger Team was formed in Tucson at the Interop meeting in Nov 2023. The aim is to address the question of compatibility of the DAL protocols (and by implication protocols such as UWS) with modern web development tools. A number of people volunteered to form a tiger team to work on this.

The recommendations being examined would mostly be in DAL and GWS (e.g., TAP, SIA2, SODA, UWS) so will need to be a cross WG effort. A question to answer is : How do we adapt the protocol interactions to be compatible with tools such as OpenAPI.

Membership - email alias "P3T"

Meetings (reverse order)

High-Level Roadmap

  • Setup a wiki & mail list
  • Meet over 4 months ... Jan - April (once a month)
  • Plan to meet in Sydney 2 days (Thu/Fri, May 16/17) prior to IVOA that starts on Sunday (discussed with Simon/he can do it)
  • May Interop : May 20-24; TCG mtg: May 19
  • Followup with 3 phase plan ... Phase 1 due @ Fall Interop

OpenAPI Project Links (add yours)

Related GitHub issues (add yours)


Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf IVOA_16May_PTTT.pdf r1 manage 54.9 K 2024-05-19 - 05:02 JamesDempsey  
PDFpdf IVOA_17May_PTTT.pdf r1 manage 55.7 K 2024-05-19 - 05:03 JamesDempsey  
PDFpdf IVOA_22Jan_PTTT.pdf r1 manage 39.3 K 2024-02-15 - 00:00 JamesDempsey  
PDFpdf IVOA_26Apr_PTTT.pdf r1 manage 40.6 K 2024-05-07 - 08:29 JamesDempsey  
PDFpdf IVOA_26Feb_PTTT.pdf r1 manage 50.3 K 2024-03-07 - 20:33 JamesDempsey  
PDFpdf IVOA_26Mar_PTTT.pdf r1 manage 48.7 K 2024-04-02 - 11:31 JamesDempsey  
PDFpdf Modernisation_of_protocols.pdf r1 manage 22.1 K 2024-06-06 - 17:15 JanetEvans  
PDFpdf Modernization_of_protocols.pdf r1 manage 22.2 K 2024-06-06 - 17:20 JanetEvans  
PDFpdf P3T_Forward_Planning_mtg_May22.pdf r1 manage 46.6 K 2024-06-06 - 16:56 JanetEvans  
PDFpdf PTTT_May1617_Schedule.pdf r1 manage 54.4 K 2024-05-15 - 21:37 JanetEvans PTTT Face to Face schedule - May 16/17
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Topic revision: r37 - 2024-07-17 - JanetEvans
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