Difference: CSPPubVO (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22021-12-16 - HendriklHein

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSciencePriorities"

Review "Publishing data into the VO"

  • Meeting 10.12.2021, 13:00 UTC in zoom.
    • Attendees : Janet Evans, Marco Molinaro, Francois Bonnarel, Dave Morris, Hendrik Heinl, Ada Nebot
    • Notes :
      • Multiple pages in the wiki. We should settle on one, and delete the others to avoid confusion. Delete the others to avoid Google finding them buried in the wiki history. Action on MM: email the Document coordinator.
      • Series of simple steps that a publisher would need to follow. Getting the metadata, FITS headers, formats etc right. Then we point out the technical tools. Action on JE: share the slide.
      • What does the user want to do? Why do they end up on the IVOA site? We can't predict all of the use cases. Action on AN: Start a webpage to collect information.
      • Make the page a tree structure with links to specific use case (landing) pages. For each use case have a contact person who has done the same thing.
      • Current Q&A looks good as a start, but examples are missing, on real resources and services (+contact points).
      • Adding links to VO Schools (and materials) as a potential starting point and events to look after as a jump-start. Beware: VO Schools are for user, not for providers. But there are tech schools too.
      • Can we have a set of: registry and services in a sandbox to play with?
      • Can we have a set of: registry and services in a sandbox to play with?
        Can we have a test registry for the purpose of testing and to be used at schools, which could be added to the drop down menues in tools like Aladin or Topcat ?
        Action on HH: Identify existing tutorial/tools/software to add a section to the newcomer's session "How to publish [Images/Tables] in the VO and make it findable in the registry.

Resources (as in 16th December 2022)

Use cases

Revision 12021-12-16 - AdaNebot

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSciencePriorities"

Review "Publishing data into the VO"

  • Meeting 10.12.2021, 13:00 UTC in zoom.
    • Attendees : Janet Evans, Marco Molinaro, Francois Bonnarel, Dave Morris, Hendrik Heinl, Ada Nebot
    • Notes :
      • Multiple pages in the wiki. We should settle on one, and delete the others to avoid confusion. Delete the others to avoid Google finding them buried in the wiki history. Action on MM: email the Document coordinator.
      • Series of simple steps that a publisher would need to follow. Getting the metadata, FITS headers, formats etc right. Then we point out the technical tools. Action on JE: share the slide.
      • What does the user want to do? Why do they end up on the IVOA site? We can't predict all of the use cases. Action on AN: Start a webpage to collect information.
      • Make the page a tree structure with links to specific use case (landing) pages. For each use case have a contact person who has done the same thing.
      • Current Q&A looks good as a start, but examples are missing, on real resources and services (+contact points).
      • Adding links to VO Schools (and materials) as a potential starting point and events to look after as a jump-start. Beware: VO Schools are for user, not for providers. But there are tech schools too.
      • Can we have a set of: registry and services in a sandbox to play with?

Resources (as in 16th December 2022)

Use cases

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