Difference: DatasetMetadataSplinter2023 (1 vs. 4)

Revision 42023-04-26 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaDataModel"

Dataset Metadata: Splinter session


Now that the core models of the Cube family (Meas/Coords) are completed, we return our attention to the next group.

The information in this model is a consolidation of content from several of the early core models (ObsCore, Spectrum, Characterization). The descriptions of many of the elements are derived from the Resource Metadata standard. The idea of this model is to centralize this information for other datamodels to use (Cube, Mango, Spectrum2, TimeSeries).

There are a couple topics which should be discussed so that the DM group can have a clear plan/roadmap going forward:

  • Relation to Provenance Model
    • Much of the content of the Dataset Model can be considered Provenance.
      • Dataset: can be considered an Entity generated by an Activity (software and/or Observation)
      • Party: is equivalent to the Provenance Agent, who serves some role in the history of the Dataset ( Contact, Publisher, etc )
      • several other elements are extractions of the Observation configuration
    • The goal here is to clarify the relation between these models, and how that is represented/described in the Dataset Model.
  • Relation to CAOM2
    • A recurring question has been whether or not CAOM2 can become an IVOA standard.
    • There is significant overlap between that model and Dataset.
      • I believe at one point, I put together a formal comparison of the two.. which I'll try to add here.
    • The goal here is to see if we can make a plan for this proposal and prepare for a smooth migration.
  • Role of Characterization within Dataset
    • (requested by FB)
    • Metadata required to describe datasets must include some overall description of the physical axes of the data (time, spatial, spectral, polarization,etc..). This has been experimented with success in ObsCore
    • Inclusion of a Characterization class in DataSet datamodel (as well as in Mango maybe) seems to be useful. The issue is that the general IVOA Characterzation datamodel (2007) doesn't follow the vodml rules and cannot be integrated "as is" in the DataSet data model. This question muts be revisistd.
    • Inclusion of a Characterization Package ( set of classes) in DataSet datamodel (as well as in Mango maybe) seems to be useful.
      The issue is that the general IVOA Characterization datamodel (2007) doesn't follow the vodml rules and cannot be integrated "as is" in the DataSet data model.
      This question must be revisited.


To form a better understanding of how these models interrelate and make a plan for this model moving forward.


Please add other discussion topics and/or specific points to cover here.


Revision 32023-04-23 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaDataModel"

Dataset Metadata: Splinter session


Now that the core models of the Cube family (Meas/Coords) are completed, we return our attention to the next group.

The information in this model is a consolidation of content from several of the early core models (ObsCore, Spectrum, Characterization). The descriptions of many of the elements are derived from the Resource Metadata standard. The idea of this model is to centralize this information for other datamodels to use (Cube, Mango, Spectrum2, TimeSeries).

There are a couple topics which should be discussed so that the DM group can have a clear plan/roadmap going forward:

  • Relation to Provenance Model
    • Much of the content of the Dataset Model can be considered Provenance.
      • Dataset: can be considered an Entity generated by an Activity (software and/or Observation)
      • Party: is equivalent to the Provenance Agent, who serves some role in the history of the Dataset ( Contact, Publisher, etc )
      • several other elements are extractions of the Observation configuration
    • The goal here is to clarify the relation between these models, and how that is represented/described in the Dataset Model.
  • Relation to CAOM2
    • A recurring question has been whether or not CAOM2 can become an IVOA standard.
    • There is significant overlap between that model and Dataset.
      • I believe at one point, I put together a formal comparison of the two.. which I'll try to add here.
    • The goal here is to see if we can make a plan for this proposal and prepare for a smooth migration.
  • Role of Characterization within Dataset
    • (requested by FB - details TBD)
    • (requested by FB)
    • Metadata required to describe datasets must include some overall description of the physical axes of the data (time, spatial, spectral, polarization,etc..). This has been experimented with success in ObsCore
    • Inclusion of a Characterization class in DataSet datamodel (as well as in Mango maybe) seems to be useful. The issue is that the general IVOA Characterzation datamodel (2007) doesn't follow the vodml rules and cannot be integrated "as is" in the DataSet data model. This question muts be revisistd.


To form a better understanding of how these models interrelate and make a plan for this model moving forward.


Please add other discussion topics and/or specific points to cover here.


Revision 22023-04-10 - MarkCresitelloDittmar

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaDataModel"

Dataset Metadata: Splinter session


Dataset Metadata: Splinter session



Now that the core models of the Cube family (Meas/Coords) are completed, we return our attention to the next group.
Now that the core models of the Cube family (Meas/Coords) are completed, we return our attention to the next group.
  The information in this model is a consolidation of content from several of the early core models (ObsCore, Spectrum, Characterization). The descriptions of many of the elements are derived from the Resource Metadata standard. The idea of this model is to centralize this information for other datamodels to use (Cube, Mango, Spectrum2, TimeSeries).

There are a couple topics which should be discussed so that the DM group can have a clear plan/roadmap going forward:

  • Relation to Provenance Model
    • Much of the content of the Dataset Model can be considered Provenance.
      • Dataset: can be considered an Entity generated by an Activity (software and/or Observation)
      • Party: is equivalent to the Provenance Agent, who serves some role in the history of the Dataset ( Contact, Publisher, etc )
      • several other elements are extractions of the Observation configuration
      • several other elements are extractions of the Observation configuration
    • The goal here is to clarify the relation between these models, and how that is represented/described in the Dataset Model.
  • Relation to CAOM2
    • A recurring question has been whether or not CAOM2 can become an IVOA standard.
    • There is significant overlap between that model and Dataset.
    • A recurring question has been whether or not CAOM2 can become an IVOA standard.
    • There is significant overlap between that model and Dataset.
      • I believe at one point, I put together a formal comparison of the two.. which I'll try to add here.
    • The goal here is to see if we can make a plan for this proposal and prepare for a smooth migration.
  • Role of Characterization within Dataset
    • (requested by FB - details TBD)


To form a better understanding of how these models interrelate and make a plan for this model moving forward.


Please add other discussion topics and/or specific points to cover here.




Revision 12023-04-06 - MarkCresitelloDittmar

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaDataModel"

Dataset Metadata: Splinter session


Now that the core models of the Cube family (Meas/Coords) are completed, we return our attention to the next group.

The information in this model is a consolidation of content from several of the early core models (ObsCore, Spectrum, Characterization). The descriptions of many of the elements are derived from the Resource Metadata standard. The idea of this model is to centralize this information for other datamodels to use (Cube, Mango, Spectrum2, TimeSeries).

There are a couple topics which should be discussed so that the DM group can have a clear plan/roadmap going forward:

  • Relation to Provenance Model
    • Much of the content of the Dataset Model can be considered Provenance.
      • Dataset: can be considered an Entity generated by an Activity (software and/or Observation)
      • Party: is equivalent to the Provenance Agent, who serves some role in the history of the Dataset ( Contact, Publisher, etc )
      • several other elements are extractions of the Observation configuration
    • The goal here is to clarify the relation between these models, and how that is represented/described in the Dataset Model.
  • Relation to CAOM2
    • A recurring question has been whether or not CAOM2 can become an IVOA standard.
    • There is significant overlap between that model and Dataset.
      • I believe at one point, I put together a formal comparison of the two.. which I'll try to add here.
    • The goal here is to see if we can make a plan for this proposal and prepare for a smooth migration.


To form a better understanding of how these models interrelate and make a plan for this model moving forward.


Please add other discussion topics and/or specific points to cover here.


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