Difference: GWSTelecon20180206 ( vs. 1)

Revision 12018-02-06 - BrianMajor

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"
In attendance:

  • Brian Major
  • Giuliano Taffoni
  • Sara Bertocco
  • Tom Donaldson

  • For the Euclid project, the choice has been mode to use VOSpace as the official repo for MOC catalogs
  • VOSpace built on a BGFS back end
  • VM connection over InfiniBand
  • User testing in progress
  • BGFS vs Lustre - BGFS has a higher level of support for replication, better for production.
  • Code changes to opencadc vospace minimal, mostly disabled some UI features

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From CADC:

  • Implemented the change to TAP Capabilities interfaces, now using the UWS 'sync' and 'async' Interface types to define the TAP query interfaces.
  • Have also implemented a File System based VOSpace called Cavern: https://github.com/opencadc/vos/tree/master/cavern
  • Working on protypes and plans in preparation for the upcoming Science Platforms workshop hosted by STScI.

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