MCD - MCD suggested Use cases that follow a story board are helpful to WGs that work to implement the standards; Mark will make several examples available to guide HEIG contributors - OPEN
Meeting Agenda
(Meeting notes added to the agenda and appear in BOLD)
General Info
IVOA meeting in Malta: Nov 15-17
HEIG Plenary request submitted to TCG; asked for early slot
Links to VO and HE Astrophysics Draft: (also linked from HE wiki page)
These are the possible science speakers - inivtes sent out
18+2 - X-ray and Gamma-ray: Brad Cenko (GSFC/Swift) (Phil Evans, implemented obscore for data distribution)
18+2 - GW LVK and Einstein Telescopes: Giuseppe Greco (INGN/EGO-Virgo)
18+2 - Very high energy (include neutrino): Karl Kosack (CTA/HESS)
18+2 - Alert Services: Judy Racusin (NASA/Fermi)
10 minutes talk from HEIG representative asking for the IG status
These are the questions we asked they address:
How does your project make their data discoverable? Are data from your project in the IVOA registry? Are there problems in the IVOA Obscore definition preventing or limiting it?
What data products are used in your data analysis and are they interoperable with data from other projects? Do you use a data model?
What do you use for an alert system? Do you use VOevent, and if not, can you address the issues you see?
How do you coordinate follow up observations currently? Are the Observing plan of your project/mission available externally and is there coordination of your project/mission among the HE projects? Are you familiar with the IVOA ObsLocTAP protocol and ObjObsSAP working draft of the IVOA?
Can we offer presentations in WG sessions?? Few ideas ... interested in your input ...
HE thoughts on Obscore (fold radio work so far in)
HE thoughts on HE data formats and how they fit/don't fir into IVOA; or just take one wavelength and tackle that
> >
Note: a new rec - VOEvent 2.1 is in the Request for Comment phase; see link to doc:
MCD - MCD suggested Use cases that follow a story board are helpful to WGs that work to implement the standards; Mark will make several examples available to guide HEIG contributors - OPEN
Meeting Agenda
(Meeting notes added to the agenda and appear in BOLD)
General Info
IVOA meeting in Malta: Nov 15-17
HEIG Plenary request submitted to TCG; asked for early slot
Links to VO and HE Astrophysics Draft: (also linked from HE wiki page)
These are the possible science speakers - inivtes sent out
18+2 - X-ray and Gamma-ray: Brad Cenko (GSFC/Swift) (Phil Evans, implemented obscore for data distribution)
18+2 - GW LVK and Einstein Telescopes: Giuseppe Greco (INGN/EGO-Virgo)
18+2 - Very high energy (include neutrino): Karl Kosack (CTA/HESS)
18+2 - Alert Services: Judy Racusin (NASA/Fermi)
10 minutes talk from HEIG representative asking for the IG status
These are the questions we asked they address:
How does your project make their data discoverable? Are data from your project in the IVOA registry? Are there problems in the IVOA Obscore definition preventing or limiting it?
What data products are used in your data analysis and are they interoperable with data from other projects? Do you use a data model?
What do you use for an alert system? Do you use VOevent, and if not, can you address the issues you see?
How do you coordinate follow up observations currently? Are the Observing plan of your project/mission available externally and is there coordination of your project/mission among the HE projects? Are you familiar with the IVOA ObsLocTAP protocol and ObjObsSAP working draft of the IVOA?
Can we offer presentations in WG sessions?? Few ideas ... interested in your input ...
HE thoughts on Obscore (fold radio work so far in)
HE thoughts on HE data formats and how they fit/don't fir into IVOA; or just take one wavelength and tackle that