HEIG Meeting (online) - Fri Sep 27, 2024 @ 14:30 UTC



  • Attendees: Laurent, Catherine, Mathieu, Ian, Antara, Jutta, Francesca, Matthias, Francesca, Mark CD, maybe missed a few later joiners??
  • Regrets: Ada, Giuseppe, Bruno


  • NEW
    • Francesca - Complete invitations to Plenary and report if there is a space to fill; add Jutta for a Neutrino presentation to the group.
    • Ian - Followup with conversation to update section 3.2.2 to discuss extreme poison and observable vs physical and other details discussed in the Git Issue you submitted
    • Mathieu - Add Photometry DM to list of DMs with HE interest; HE approaches photometry different than Optical
    • ALL - Consider a presentation to another group on a HE topic ... let's have a strong showing and get involved in this meeting - few topics suggestion in notes below.
    • ALL - Review the Doc as a whole - what's missing, needs update, needs expansion???
  • Old/OPEN
    • Giuseppe Greco - writeup project description and use case for GW (Section 2 - see other examples there; also 4.5 for Multi-wavelength)
    • Laurent - Expand SVOM (France/China) description (Sec 2.2.3) - OPEN
    • Ada - Use cases - Section 4.3 - review/expand (transient) - OPEN (JE had email exchange with Ada - 9/25)
  • Old/CLOSED
    • JE request a session at the Interop for the HEIG - DONE
    • Jutta - use case for Neutrino's - DONE
    • Ada/Laurent - Expand XMM description (Section 2.2.2) - DONE
    • Ian/Janet - Tools for data extraction and Vis review (section 3.4) - DONE, 9/26
    • Laurent - Section 5.1.5 - MIVOT description - DONE
    • Mathieu - Provenance section - DONE
    • Mark CD - data models in working drafts - Expand (Section 5.2) - INCOMPLETE
    • Mireille - Obscore table completion (6.2.2); other TODOs in Section 6.2.3 - NEEDS REVIEW

Meeting Agenda

  • (Meeting notes added to the agenda and appear in BOLD)

  • General Info
    • IVOA meeting in Malta: Nov 15-17
    • HEIG Plenary request submitted to TCG; asked for early slot; Fri Nov 15 @ 14:00-15:30
  • Links to VO and HE Astrophysics Draft: (also linked from HE wiki page)
  • Malta plans for CSP/HEIG/TDAMM session
    • These are the possible science speakers - inivtes sent out
      • 15 - X-ray and Gamma-ray: OPEN
      • 15 - GW LVK and Einstein Telescopes: Giuseppe Greco (INGN/EGO-Virgo)
      • 15 - Very high energy (include neutrino): Karl Kosack (CTA/HESS)
      • 15 - Neutrinos: Jutta Schnabel (ECAP/KM3NeT)
      • 15 - Alert Services: Judy Racusin (NASA/Fermi)
      • 5 minutes talk from HEIG representative givong overview of our activities and asking for the IVOA IG status - Janet
    • These are the questions we asked they address:
      • How does your project make their data discoverable? Are data from your project in the IVOA registry? Are there problems in the IVOA Obscore definition preventing or limiting it?
      • What data products are used in your data analysis and are they interoperable with data from other projects? Do you use a data model?
      • What do you use for an alert system? Do you use VOevent, and if not, can you address the issues you see?
      • How do you coordinate follow up observations currently? Are the Observing plan of your project/mission available externally and is there coordination of your project/mission among the HE projects? Are you familiar with the IVOA ObsLocTAP protocol and ObjObsSAP working draft of the IVOA?
    • Can we offer presentations in WG sessions?? Few ideas ... interested in your input ...
      • HE thoughts on Obscore - joint session with Radio/DAL??
        • Findability of HE data - Is it more than Obscore?? How about Catalog data??
      • HE thoughts on HE data formats and how they fit/don't fit into IVOA; or just take one wavelength and tackle that -- contrib to a DM session
  • IVOA HEIG Note progress
    • Status summary from Mathieu
      • Review Doc actions - thanks to those who worked to close actions and suggest new areas to expand on
      • Discussed Author list - MS will start with those that contributed to the doc via Git as a start
    • What is missing??
      • Are catalogs discussed sufficiently? Should it be a section??
      • Are our topics to pursue as an IG identified well?? Should we add Data discovery, Alerts, Followup Observations?
    • Complete or Draft by Interop?? Needs an end to end review and comment - set action to group
  • Need to go to Interop with suggested names for Ch/V Ch to the Exec;; 3 year term;; this is one of the hesitations of the Exec cause it's sometimes hard to find folks to fill those roles. For an Interest group at least the Chair should be a scientist.
    • Bruno suggested by Catherine; thought 2nd person should come from US/NASA
    • Janet/Mathieu suggested by Bruno
  • AOB
  • Next Mtg: Wednesday Oct 23 @13:00 UTC

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Topic revision: r8 - 2024-10-04 - JanetEvans
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