Attendees: Laurent, Catherine, Mathieu, Ian, Antara, Jutta, Francesca, Matthias, Francesca, Mark CD, maybe missed a few later joiners??
Regrets: Ada, Giuseppe
Francesca - Complete invitations to Plenary and report if there is a space to fill; add Jutta for a Neutrino presentation to the group.
Ian - Followup with conversation to update section 3.2.2 to discuss extreme poison and observable vs physical and other details discussed in the Git Issue you submitted
Mathieu - Add Photometry DM to list of DMs with HE interest; HE approaches photometry different than Optical
ALL - Consider a presentation to another group on a HE topic ... let's have a strong showing and get involved in this meeting - few topics suggestion in notes below.
ALL - Review the Doc as a whole - what's missing, needs update, needs expansion???
Giuseppe Greco - writeup project description and use case for GW (Section 2 - see other examples there; also 4.5 for Multi-wavelength)
These are the possible science speakers - inivtes sent out
18+2 - X-ray and Gamma-ray: Brad Cenko (GSFC/Swift) (Phil Evans, implemented obscore for data distribution)
18+2 - GW LVK and Einstein Telescopes: Giuseppe Greco (INGN/EGO-Virgo)
18+2 - Very high energy (include neutrino): Karl Kosack (CTA/HESS)
18+2 - Alert Services: Judy Racusin (NASA/Fermi)
10 minutes talk from HEIG representative givong overview of our activities and asking for the IVOA IG status
These are the questions we asked they address:
How does your project make their data discoverable? Are data from your project in the IVOA registry? Are there problems in the IVOA Obscore definition preventing or limiting it?
What data products are used in your data analysis and are they interoperable with data from other projects? Do you use a data model?
What do you use for an alert system? Do you use VOevent, and if not, can you address the issues you see?
How do you coordinate follow up observations currently? Are the Observing plan of your project/mission available externally and is there coordination of your project/mission among the HE projects? Are you familiar with the IVOA ObsLocTAP protocol and ObjObsSAP working draft of the IVOA?
Can we offer presentations in WG sessions?? Few ideas ... interested in your input ...
HE thoughts on Obscore - joint session with Radio/DAL??
Findability of HE data - Is it more than Obscore?? How about Catalog data??
HE thoughts on HE data formats and how they fit/don't fit into IVOA; or just take one wavelength and tackle that -- contrib to a DM session
IVOA HEIG Note progress
Status summary from Mathieu
Review Doc actions - thanks to those who worked to close actions and suggest new areas to expand on
Discussed Author list - MS will start with those that contributed to the doc via Git as a start
What is missing??
Are catalogs discussed sufficiently? Should it be a section??
Are our topics to pursue as an IG identified well?? Should we add Data discovery, Alerts, Followup Observations?
Complete or Draft by Interop?? Needs an end to end review and comment - set action to group
Need to go to Interop with suggested names for Ch/V Ch to the Exec;; 3 year term;; this is one of the hesitations of the Exec cause it's sometimes hard to find folks to fill those roles. For an Interest group at least the Chair should be a scientist.
Bruno suggested by Catherine; thought 2nd person should come from US/NASA
Note: a new rec - VOEvent 2.1 is in the Request for Comment phase; see link to doc: