Difference: IVOATheoryGeneralRequirements (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22012-06-26 - root

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaTheory"

IVOA Theory: General requirements

The general requirements form this page are meant to guide the discussions and working of the Theory Interest Group. The objective is to define a list of requirements needed to include theoretical models in general in the IVAO framework (i.e. related with other WG and IG). These requirements extends the ones taht can we extracted from the Use cases page.

General requirements

  • Recover references of the theoretical models
  • Work with metadata different than RA & DEC
  • Keep specifications for theoretical services as simple as possible in such a way that a "normal" researcher can include their results in the VO (it means, no much more difficult that to create a HTML page)

Applications requirements

How theoretical services can be access from applications? Would we push the App WG to include theoretical services at the same level of "cone-search-like" services? (linked with Registry requeriments).

Semantics requirements

See Semantics for requirements

Data Acess Layer requirements

It is SNAP + TAP enough?, Should be TSAP (theoretical spectral access protocol) extended to other data services different than spectra?

Data Modeling requirements

Should each kind of theoretical result have a particluar data model? (data model for spectra + datamodel for isochrones + data model for photoionization + ....)?

Grids and Web services requirements


Regitry requirements

How to register theoretical models?
SNAP Services approach: to register services that use SNAP and mantain a separated registry of SNAP resources(?)
Non-SNAP services: It refers to services that can use other protocools, like theoretical spectral as example that can use SSAP. Should these serviced registered as SSAP or we must ask for an "special" entry inthe registry?

Revision 12007-10-11 - MiguelCervino

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaTheory"

IVOA Theory: General requirements

The general requirements form this page are meant to guide the discussions and working of the Theory Interest Group. The objective is to define a list of requirements needed to include theoretical models in general in the IVAO framework (i.e. related with other WG and IG). These requirements extends the ones taht can we extracted from the Use cases page.

General requirements

  • Recover references of the theoretical models
  • Work with metadata different than RA & DEC
  • Keep specifications for theoretical services as simple as possible in such a way that a "normal" researcher can include their results in the VO (it means, no much more difficult that to create a HTML page)

Applications requirements

How theoretical services can be access from applications? Would we push the App WG to include theoretical services at the same level of "cone-search-like" services? (linked with Registry requeriments).

Semantics requirements

See Semantics for requirements

Data Acess Layer requirements

It is SNAP + TAP enough?, Should be TSAP (theoretical spectral access protocol) extended to other data services different than spectra?

Data Modeling requirements

Should each kind of theoretical result have a particluar data model? (data model for spectra + datamodel for isochrones + data model for photoionization + ....)?

Grids and Web services requirements


Regitry requirements

How to register theoretical models?
SNAP Services approach: to register services that use SNAP and mantain a separated registry of SNAP resources(?)
Non-SNAP services: It refers to services that can use other protocools, like theoretical spectral as example that can use SSAP. Should these serviced registered as SSAP or we must ask for an "special" entry inthe registry?

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