Difference: InterOpJune2015MCD (1 vs. 3)

Revision 32015-06-18 - FabioPasian

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpJune2015"

IVOA Front Row Session on Massive and Complex Data

June 16, 2015 - Sesto, Italy

The session focuses on massive and complex data within the VO.

Session Agenda

Time Topic Presentation
09:00–09:30 Wil O'Mullane (GAIA) pdf
09:30–10:00 Fabio Pasian (EUCLID)  
09:30–10:00 Fabio Pasian (EUCLID) pdf
10:00–10:30 John Swinbank (LSST) pdf


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Gaia_WOM_DATA_2015_ho.pdf" attr="" comment="GAIA talk" date="1434535400" name="Gaia_WOM_DATA_2015_ho.pdf" path="Gaia_WOM_DATA_2015_ho.pdf" size="8933209" user="MatthewGraham" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2015-06_-_LSST_at_IVOA_InterOp.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1434544090" name="2015-06_-_LSST_at_IVOA_InterOp.pdf" path="2015-06_-_LSST_at_IVOA_InterOp.pdf" size="8869757" user="JohnSwinbank" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Pasian_Euclid.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1434618594" name="Pasian_Euclid.pdf" path="Pasian_Euclid.pdf" size="1253135" user="FabioPasian" version="1"

Revision 22015-06-17 - JohnSwinbank

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpJune2015"

IVOA Front Row Session on Massive and Complex Data

June 16, 2015 - Sesto, Italy

The session focuses on massive and complex data within the VO.

Session Agenda

Time Topic Presentation
09:00–09:30 Wil O'Mullane (GAIA) pdf
09:30–10:00 Fabio Pasian (EUCLID)  
10:00–10:30 John Swinbank (LSST)  
10:00–10:30 John Swinbank (LSST) pdf


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Gaia_WOM_DATA_2015_ho.pdf" attr="" comment="GAIA talk" date="1434535400" name="Gaia_WOM_DATA_2015_ho.pdf" path="Gaia_WOM_DATA_2015_ho.pdf" size="8933209" user="MatthewGraham" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2015-06_-_LSST_at_IVOA_InterOp.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1434544090" name="2015-06_-_LSST_at_IVOA_InterOp.pdf" path="2015-06_-_LSST_at_IVOA_InterOp.pdf" size="8869757" user="JohnSwinbank" version="1"

Revision 12015-06-17 - MatthewGraham

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpJune2015"

IVOA Front Row Session on Massive and Complex Data

June 16, 2015 - Sesto, Italy

The session focuses on massive and complex data within the VO.

Session Agenda

Time Topic Presentation
09:00–09:30 Wil O'Mullane (GAIA) pdf
09:30–10:00 Fabio Pasian (EUCLID)  
10:00–10:30 John Swinbank (LSST)  


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Gaia_WOM_DATA_2015_ho.pdf" attr="" comment="GAIA talk" date="1434535400" name="Gaia_WOM_DATA_2015_ho.pdf" path="Gaia_WOM_DATA_2015_ho.pdf" size="8933209" user="MatthewGraham" version="1"
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