Difference: InterOpMay2004DataModel (8 vs. 9)

Revision 92004-05-30 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2004"
Links: IvoaDataModel :: data model mail archive
Links: IvoaDataModel :: data model mail archive

InterOpMay2004 Data Models

Tuesday May 25, 2004

  • Overview (Jonathan)
  • Quantity (Brian)
  • DM1Notes: Notes/minutes from DM1

Thursday May 27, 2004

  • Intro (Jonathan)
  • Observation Model (Mireille)
  • Observation Model, Radio (Anita, Peter)

Friday May 28, 2004

  • Space/Time Coordinate model (Arnold)
  • High level view (Gerard)
  • Low level object oriented design (Martin) Slides
  • DM3Notes: Notes/minutes from DM3

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Notes/Minutes on the Observation model (Thurs)

OOD.ppt: Martin's 5 minute intro to Object Oriented Design practices

jcm.html: Link to Jonathan's presentations


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Martin's 5 minute intro to Object Oriented Design" date="1085758530" name="OOD.ppt" path="OOD.ppt" size="67584" user="MartinHill" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Observation DM & the Radio DM (Peter Lamb)" date="1085758278" moveby="MarcoLeoni" movedto="IVOA.InterOpMay2004DataModel" movedwhen="1085759326" movefrom="IVOA.PresentationsAtIVOAWorkshopBoston20040524to28" name="LambObsDMandRadioDM.ppt.gz" path="LambObsDMandRadioDM.ppt.gz" size="396662" user="AnitaRichards" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Observation DM & the Radio DM (Peter Lamb)" date="1085758322" moveby="MarcoLeoni" movedto="IVOA.InterOpMay2004DataModel" movedwhen="1085759381" movefrom="IVOA.PresentationsAtIVOAWorkshopBoston20040524to28" name="LambObsDMandRadioDM.pdf.gz" path="LambObsDMandRadioDM.pdf.gz" size="134286" user="AnitaRichards" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Obs DM use for radio & other data (Anita Richards)" date="1085758511" moveby="MarcoLeoni" movedto="IVOA.InterOpMay2004DataModel" movedwhen="1085759449" movefrom="IVOA.PresentationsAtIVOAWorkshopBoston20040524to28" name="IVOA_May2004_DM.sxi.gz" path="IVOA_May2004_DM.sxi.gz" size="2243735" user="AnitaRichards" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Obs DM use for radio & other data (Anita Richards)" date="1085758586" moveby="MarcoLeoni" movedto="IVOA.InterOpMay2004DataModel" movedwhen="1085759498" movefrom="IVOA.PresentationsAtIVOAWorkshopBoston20040524to28" name="IVOA_May2004_DM.pdf.gz" path="IVOA_May2004_DM.pdf.gz" size="1660742" user="AnitaRichards" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1085788981" name="DM1Notes" path="DM1Notes" size="7967" user="JonathanMcDowell" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Norman's minutes from DM1" date="1085788981" name="DM1Notes" path="DM1Notes" size="7967" user="JonathanMcDowell" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Norman's minutes from DM3" date="1085789075" name="DM3Notes" path="DM3Notes" size="8503" user="JonathanMcDowell" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Link to Jonathan's presentations" date="1085795489" name="jcm.html" path="jcm.html" size="977" user="JonathanMcDowell" version="1.2"
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