Difference: InterOpMay2005UCD (1 vs. 15)

Revision 152012-06-26 - root

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 UCD (Content Description)


Meeting starts Friday 20, 9:00 a.m.

09:00 - 10:30 Joint session with DM3 - Room I
11:00 - 12:30 Joint session with VOEvent - Room J

Time Content Leader
09:00 Introduction (.pdf) A. Preite Martinez
09:10 Tools and Web Services (.pdf) S.Derriere
09:30 UCDs for the SED data model (.pdf) J.McDowell
09:50 UCDs for Planetology (.ppt) A.Sarkissian
10:00 Actions A. Preite Martinez
  Discussion All
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 VOEvent vocabulary A. Allan (.ppt)
  Discussion on VOEvent All
12:15 Conclusions - wrap up  

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Joint session with DM group

Tools for UCD1+

There is a set of simple tools for UCD1+, also available as Web services for UCD1+

UCDs for the SED data model

JCM presented the list of new proposed UCDs since Pune (some already adopted):

  • phys.energyDensity - useful for extragalactic, CMB
  • stat.fill - Filling factor
  • arith.log (rejected at Pune, handle with units)
  • spect.radioVeloc and spect.optVeloc
  • curation-type stuff
  • src.net, src.total, src.background
  • instr.beam (already there)
  • stat.error.sys
  • change def. of time.expo -> exposure length

UCDs for Planetology

Work on this topic started after french VO tutorial (oct 2004):
  • Planetary Data System -> VO
  • Space Time Coordinates: changes are needed

  • VO planeto activities:
    • 13 new UCDs and 8 modifications
    • provide VOTable output of planetary data
    • Data Model
    • Extension of activities, involvement of community, and link with EuroPlanet

  • Expected results for first VO-compatible applications, end of 2005

Pedro Osuna: discuss with ESA (about collaboration with NASA). Andy Lawrence: AstroGrid covers solar data - are there UCDs there

General DM-UCD discussion:

  • GL asks to clarify difference between UCD and utypes ? utypes = pointers for serialization of DMs ucd = can be simpler, able to generalize with the 1st word: UCD = one-word data model (when we don't need to go into the details)

  • On the question of merging UCD (or semantics) in the DM (or modelling) activity -> JCM: good idea to keep the vocabulary separate from the DM structure for the moment

  • APM proposal:
    • keep WG
    • add 'semantics' to UCD in the WG's name
    • have standard list of words (stabilisation) before summer 2005
    • don't try to do an ontology immediately

Joint session with VOEvent

AA summarizes result of discussions on UCD that took place during yesterday's VOEvent session

Discussion on VOEvent

  • Allow a 6 months period for the definition of a list of standard expressions used by the VOEvent producers.
  • Discuss possible changes to the schema about the content of the <Hypothesis> schema within the VOEvent-core mailing list after this meeting.

UCD board creation:

  • Scientific board:
    • APM sends a message: those answering within 10 days will be part of the scientific board
    • The board discusses on words evolution/modifications/suppression/addition
    • The first board leader will be the leader of the WG. Later on, the board will choose a scientific leader. The WG leader can take final decisions.
    • End of may: first board is composed, ready to work
    • Work in june on list of words
    • Then, move list of words to PR

  • Technical board:
    • In charge of building software and tools
    • Creation process same as sci. board

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Proposed UCDs for SED model" date="1116465828" name="kyoto.seducd.pdf" path="kyoto.seducd.pdf" size="153973" user="JonathanMcDowell" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction - List of actions" date="1116480859" name="2005UCDsession.pdf" path="2005UCDsession.pdf" size="12802" user="AndreaPreiteMartinez" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UCD toolset description" date="1116556651" name="ucd-tools.pdf" path="ucd-tools.pdf" size="240540" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Summary of the discussion in the VOEvent session" date="1116556695" name="VOEventandUCDsTalk.ppt" path="VOEvent and UCDs Talk.ppt" size="157184" user="AlasdairAllan" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UCDs for planetology" date="1116560860" name="pres_OVP_Kyoto.ppt" path="pres_OVP_Kyoto.ppt" size="1231872" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"

Revision 142005-05-31 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 UCD (Content Description)


A. Preite Martinez (APM), J. McDowell (JCM), A. Sarkissian (AS), S. Derriere (SD), A. Micol (AM), G. Lemson (GL), A. Lawrence, P. Osuna, ...


Meeting starts Friday 20, 9:00 a.m.

09:00 - 10:30 Joint session with DM3 - Room I
11:00 - 12:30 Joint session with VOEvent - Room J

Time Content Leader
09:00 Introduction (.pdf) A. Preite Martinez
09:10 Tools and Web Services (.pdf) S.Derriere
09:30 UCDs for the SED data model (.pdf) J.McDowell
09:50 UCDs for Planetology (.ppt) A.Sarkissian
10:00 Actions A. Preite Martinez
  Discussion All
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 VOEvent vocabulary A. Allan (.ppt)
  Discussion on VOEvent All
12:15 Conclusions - wrap up  

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Joint session with DM group

Tools for UCD1+

There is a set of simple tools for UCD1+, also available as Web services for UCD1+

UCDs for the SED data model

JCM presented the list of new proposed UCDs since Pune (some already adopted):

  • phys.energyDensity - useful for extragalactic, CMB
  • stat.fill - Filling factor
  • arith.log (rejected at Pune, handle with units)
  • spect.radioVeloc and spect.optVeloc
  • curation-type stuff
  • src.net, src.total, src.background
  • instr.beam (already there)
  • stat.error.sys
  • change def. of time.expo -> exposure length

UCDs for Planetology

Work on this topic started after french VO tutorial (oct 2004):

  • Planetary Data System -> VO
  • Space Time Coordinates: changes are needed

  • VO planeto activities:
    • 13 new UCDs and 8 modifications
    • provide VOTable output of planetary data
    • Data Model
    • Extension of activities, involvement of community, and link with EuroPlanet

  • Expected results for first VO-compatible applications, end of 2005


Pedro Osuna: discuss with ESA (about collaboration with NASA). Andy Lawrence: AstroGrid covers solar data - are there UCDs there

General DM-UCD discussion:

  • GL asks to clarify difference between UCD and utypes ? utypes = pointers for serialization of DMs ucd = can be simpler, able to generalize with the 1st word: UCD = one-word data model (when we don't need to go into the details)

  • On the question of merging UCD (or semantics) in the DM (or modelling) activity -> JCM: good idea to keep the vocabulary separate from the DM structure for the moment

  • APM proposal:
    • keep WG
    • add 'semantics' to UCD in the WG's name
    • have standard list of words (stabilisation) before summer 2005
    • don't try to do an ontology immediately

Joint session with VOEvent

AA summarizes result of discussions on UCD that took place during yesterday's VOEvent session

Discussion on VOEvent

  • Allow a 6 months period for the definition of a list of standard expressions used by the VOEvent producers.

  • Discuss possible changes to the schema about the content of the <Hypothesis> schema within the VOEvent-core mailing list after this meeting.

UCD board creation:

  • Scientific board:
    • APM sends a message: those answering within 10 days will be part of the scientific board
    • The board discusses on words evolution/modifications/suppression/addition
    • The first board leader will be the leader of the WG. Later on, the board will choose a scientific leader. The WG leader can take final decisions.
    • End of may: first board is composed, ready to work
    • Work in june on list of words
    • Then, move list of words to PR

  • Technical board:
    • In charge of building software and tools
    • Creation process same as sci. board

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Proposed UCDs for SED model" date="1116465828" name="kyoto.seducd.pdf" path="kyoto.seducd.pdf" size="153973" user="JonathanMcDowell" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction - List of actions" date="1116480859" name="2005UCDsession.pdf" path="2005UCDsession.pdf" size="12802" user="AndreaPreiteMartinez" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UCD toolset description" date="1116556651" name="ucd-tools.pdf" path="ucd-tools.pdf" size="240540" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Summary of the discussion in the VOEvent session" date="1116556695" name="VOEventandUCDsTalk.ppt" path="VOEvent and UCDs Talk.ppt" size="157184" user="AlasdairAllan" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UCDs for planetology" date="1116560860" name="pres_OVP_Kyoto.ppt" path="pres_OVP_Kyoto.ppt" size="1231872" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"

Revision 132005-05-20 - AndreaPreiteMartinez

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 UCD (Content Description)


A. Preite Martinez (APM), J. McDowell (JCM), A. Sarkissian (AS), S. Derriere (SD), A. Micol (AM), G. Lemson (GL), A. Lawrence, P. Osuna, ...


Meeting starts Friday 20, 9:00 a.m.

09:00 - 10:30 Joint session with DM3 - Room I
11:00 - 12:30 Joint session with VOEvent - Room J

Time Content Leader
09:00 Introduction (.pdf) A. Preite Martinez
09:10 Tools and Web Services (.pdf) S.Derriere
09:30 UCDs for the SED data model (.pdf) J.McDowell
09:50 UCDs for Planetology (.ppt) A.Sarkissian
10:00 Actions A. Preite Martinez
  Discussion All
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 VOEvent vocabulary A. Allan (.ppt)
  Discussion on VOEvent All
12:15 Conclusions - wrap up  

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Joint session with DM group

Tools for UCD1+

There is a set of simple tools for UCD1+, also available as Web services for UCD1+

UCDs for the SED data model

JCM presented the list of new proposed UCDs since Pune (some already adopted):

  • phys.energyDensity - useful for extragalactic, CMB
  • stat.fill - Filling factor
  • arith.log (rejected at Pune, handle with units)
  • spect.radioVeloc and spect.optVeloc
  • curation-type stuff
  • src.net, src.total, src.background
  • instr.beam (already there)
  • stat.error.sys
  • change def. of time.expo -> exposure length

UCDs for Planetology

Work on this topic started after french VO tutorial (oct 2004):

  • Planetary Data System -> VO
  • Space Time Coordinates: changes are needed

  • VO planeto activities:
    • 13 new UCDs and 8 modifications
    • provide VOTable output of planetary data
    • Data Model
    • Extension of activities, involvement of community, and link with EuroPlanet

  • Expected results for first VO-compatible applications, end of 2005


Pedro Osuna: discuss with ESA (about collaboration with NASA). Andy Lawrence: AstroGrid covers solar data - are there UCDs there

General DM-UCD discussion:

  • GL asks to clarify difference between UCD and utypes ? utypes = pointers for serialization of DMs ucd = can be simpler, able to generalize with the 1st word: UCD = one-word data model (when we don't need to go into the details)

  • On the question of merging UCD (or semantics) in the DM (or modelling) activity -> JCM: good idea to keep the vocabulary separate from the DM structure for the moment

  • APM proposal:
    • keep WG
    • add 'semantics' to UCD in the WG's name
    • have standard list of words (stabilisation) before summer 2005
    • don't try to do an ontology immediately

Joint session with VOEvent

AA summarizes result of discussions on UCD that took place during yesterday's VOEvent session

Discussion on VOEvent

  • Allow a 6 months period for the definition of a list of standard expressions used by the VOEvent producers.
  • Discuss possible changes to the schema about <Hypothesis> contents within the VOEvent-core list after this meeting.
  • Discuss possible changes to the schema about the content of the <Hypothesis> schema within the VOEvent-core mailing list after this meeting.

UCD board creation:

  • Scientific board:
    • APM sends a message: those answering within 10 days will be part of the scientific board
    • The board discusses on words evolution/modifications/suppression/addition
    • The first board leader will be the leader of the WG. Later on, the board will choose a scientific leader. The WG leader can take final decisions.
    • End of may: first board is composed, ready to work
    • Work in june on list of work
    • Work in june on list of words
    • Then, move list of words to PR

  • Technical board:
    • In charge of building software and tools
    • Creation process same as sci. board


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Proposed UCDs for SED model" date="1116465828" name="kyoto.seducd.pdf" path="kyoto.seducd.pdf" size="153973" user="JonathanMcDowell" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction - List of actions" date="1116480859" name="2005UCDsession.pdf" path="2005UCDsession.pdf" size="12802" user="AndreaPreiteMartinez" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UCD toolset description" date="1116556651" name="ucd-tools.pdf" path="ucd-tools.pdf" size="240540" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Summary of the discussion in the VOEvent session" date="1116556695" name="VOEventandUCDsTalk.ppt" path="VOEvent and UCDs Talk.ppt" size="157184" user="AlasdairAllan" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UCDs for planetology" date="1116560860" name="pres_OVP_Kyoto.ppt" path="pres_OVP_Kyoto.ppt" size="1231872" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"

Revision 122005-05-20 - SebastienDerriere

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 UCD (Content Description)


A. Preite Martinez (APM), J. McDowell (JCM), A. Sarkissian (AS), S. Derriere (SD), A. Micol (AM), G. Lemson (GL), A. Lawrence, P. Osuna, ...


Meeting starts Friday 20, 9:00 a.m.

09:00 - 10:30 Joint session with DM3 - Room I
11:00 - 12:30 Joint session with VOEvent - Room J

Time Content Leader
09:00 Introduction (.pdf) A. Preite Martinez
09:10 Tools and Web Services (.pdf) S.Derriere
09:30 UCDs for the SED data model (.pdf) J.McDowell
09:50 UCDs for Planetology A.Sarkissian
09:50 UCDs for Planetology (.ppt) A.Sarkissian
10:00 Actions A. Preite Martinez
  Discussion All
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 VOEvent vocabulary A. Allan (.ppt)
  Discussion on VOEvent All
12:15 Conclusions - wrap up  

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Joint session with DM group

Tools for UCD1+

There is a set of simple tools for UCD1+, also available as Web services for UCD1+

UCDs for the SED data model

JCM presented the list of new proposed UCDs since Pune (some already adopted):

  • phys.energyDensity - useful for extragalactic, CMB
  • stat.fill - Filling factor
  • arith.log (rejected at Pune, handle with units)
  • spect.radioVeloc and spect.optVeloc
  • curation-type stuff
  • src.net, src.total, src.background
  • instr.beam (already there)
  • stat.error.sys
  • change def. of time.expo -> exposure length

UCDs for Planetology

Work on this topic started after french VO tutorial (oct 2004):

  • Planetary Data System -> VO
  • Space Time Coordinates: changes are needed

  • VO planeto activities:
    • 13 new UCDs and 8 modifications
    • provide VOTable output of planetary data
    • Data Model
    • Extension of activities, involvement of community, and link with EuroPlanet

  • Expected results for first VO-compatible applications, end of 2005


Pedro Osuna: discuss with ESA (about collaboration with NASA). Andy Lawrence: AstroGrid covers solar data - are there UCDs there

General DM-UCD discussion:

  • GL asks to clarify difference between UCD and utypes ? utypes = pointers for serialization of DMs ucd = can be simpler, able to generalize with the 1st word: UCD = one-word data model (when we don't need to go into the details)

  • On the question of merging UCD (or semantics) in the DM (or modelling) activity -> JCM: good idea to keep the vocabulary separate from the DM structure for the moment

  • APM proposal:
    • keep WG
    • add 'semantics' to UCD in the WG's name
    • have standard list of words (stabilisation) before summer 2005
    • don't try to do an ontology immediately

Joint session with VOEvent

AA summarizes result of discussions on UCD that took place during yesterday's VOEvent session

Discussion on VOEvent

  • Allow a 6 months period for the definition of a list of standard expressions used by the VOEvent producers.

  • Discuss possible changes to the schema about <Hypothesis> contents within the VOEvent-core list after this meeting.

UCD board creation:

  • Scientific board:
    • APM sends a message: those answering within 10 days will be part of the scientific board
    • The board discusses on words evolution/modifications/suppression/addition
    • The first board leader will be the leader of the WG. Later on, the board will choose a scientific leader. The WG leader can take final decisions.
    • End of may: first board is composed, ready to work
    • Work in june on list of work
    • Then, move list of words to PR

  • Technical board:
    • In charge of building software and tools
    • Creation process same as sci. board



META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Proposed UCDs for SED model" date="1116465828" name="kyoto.seducd.pdf" path="kyoto.seducd.pdf" size="153973" user="JonathanMcDowell" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction - List of actions" date="1116480859" name="2005UCDsession.pdf" path="2005UCDsession.pdf" size="12802" user="AndreaPreiteMartinez" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UCD toolset description" date="1116556651" name="ucd-tools.pdf" path="ucd-tools.pdf" size="240540" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Summary of the discussion in the VOEvent session" date="1116556695" name="VOEventandUCDsTalk.ppt" path="VOEvent and UCDs Talk.ppt" size="157184" user="AlasdairAllan" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UCDs for planetology" date="1116560860" name="pres_OVP_Kyoto.ppt" path="pres_OVP_Kyoto.ppt" size="1231872" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"

Revision 112005-05-20 - SebastienDerriere

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 UCD (Content Description)


A. Preite Martinez (APM), J. McDowell (JCM), A. Sarkissian (AS), S. Derriere (SD), A. Micol (AM), G. Lemson (GL), A. Lawrence, P. Osuna, ...


Meeting starts Friday 20, 9:00 a.m.

09:00 - 10:30 Joint session with DM3 - Room I
11:00 - 12:30 Joint session with VOEvent - Room J

Time Content Leader
09:00 Introduction (.pdf) A. Preite Martinez
09:10 Tools and Web Services S.Derriere
09:00 Introduction (.pdf) A. Preite Martinez
09:10 Tools and Web Services (.pdf) S.Derriere
09:30 UCDs for the SED data model (.pdf) J.McDowell
09:50 UCDs for Planetology A.Sarkissian
10:00 Actions A. Preite Martinez
  Discussion All
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 VOEvent vocabulary A. Allan
11:00 VOEvent vocabulary A. Allan (.ppt)
  Discussion on VOEvent All
12:15 Conclusions - wrap up  

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Joint session with DM group

Tools for UCD1+

There is a set of simple tools for UCD1+, also available as Web services for UCD1+

UCDs for the SED data model

JCM presented the list of new proposed UCDs since Pune (some already adopted):

  • phys.energyDensity - useful for extragalactic, CMB
  • stat.fill - Filling factor
  • arith.log (rejected at Pune, handle with units)
  • spect.radioVeloc and spect.optVeloc
  • curation-type stuff
  • src.net, src.total, src.background
  • instr.beam (already there)
  • stat.error.sys
  • change def. of time.expo -> exposure length

UCDs for Planetology

Work on this topic started after french VO tutorial (oct 2004):

  • Planetary Data System -> VO
  • Space Time Coordinates: changes are needed

  • VO planeto activities:
    • 13 new UCDs and 8 modifications
    • provide VOTable output of planetary data
    • Data Model
    • Extension of activities, involvement of community, and link with EuroPlanet

  • Expected results for first VO-compatible applications, end of 2005


Pedro Osuna: discuss with ESA (about collaboration with NASA). Andy Lawrence: AstroGrid covers solar data - are there UCDs there

General DM-UCD discussion:

  • GL asks to clarify difference between UCD and utypes ? utypes = pointers for serialization of DMs ucd = can be simpler, able to generalize with the 1st word: UCD = one-word data model (when we don't need to go into the details)

  • On the question of merging UCD (or semantics) in the DM (or modelling) activity -> JCM: good idea to keep the vocabulary separate from the DM structure for the moment

  • APM proposal:
    • keep WG
    • add 'semantics' to UCD in the WG's name
    • have std list of words by the end of the year (stabilisation)
    • have standard list of words (stabilisation) before summer 2005
    • don't try to do an ontology immediately

Joint session with VOEvent

AA summarizes result of discussions on UCD that took place during yesterday's VOEvent session


Discussion on VOEvent

  • Allow a 6 months period for the definition of a list of standard expressions used by the VOEvent producers.

  • Discuss possible changes to the schema about <Hypothesis> contents within the VOEvent-core list after this meeting.

UCD board creation:

  • Scientific board:
    • APM sends a message: those answering within 10 days will be part of the scientific board
    • The board discusses on words evolution/modifications/suppression/addition
    • The first board leader will be the leader of the WG. Later on, the board will choose a scientific leader. The WG leader can take final decisions.
    • End of may: first board is composed, ready to work
    • Work in june on list of work
    • Then, move list of words to PR

  • Technical board:
    • In charge of building software and tools
    • Creation process same as sci. board



META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Proposed UCDs for SED model" date="1116465828" name="kyoto.seducd.pdf" path="kyoto.seducd.pdf" size="153973" user="JonathanMcDowell" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction - List of actions" date="1116480859" name="2005UCDsession.pdf" path="2005UCDsession.pdf" size="12802" user="AndreaPreiteMartinez" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UCD toolset description" date="1116556651" name="ucd-tools.pdf" path="ucd-tools.pdf" size="240540" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Summary of the discussion in the VOEvent session" date="1116556695" name="VOEventandUCDsTalk.ppt" path="VOEvent and UCDs Talk.ppt" size="157184" user="AlasdairAllan" version="1.1"

Revision 102005-05-20 - AlasdairAllan

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 UCD (Content Description)


A. Preite Martinez (APM), J. McDowell (JCM), A. Sarkissian (AS), S. Derriere (SD), A. Micol (AM), G. Lemson (GL), A. Lawrence, P. Osuna, ...


Meeting starts Friday 20, 9:00 a.m.

09:00 - 10:30 Joint session with DM3 - Room I
11:00 - 12:30 Joint session with VOEvent - Room J

Time Content Leader
09:00 Introduction (.pdf) A. Preite Martinez
09:10 Tools and Web Services S.Derriere
09:30 UCDs for the SED data model (.pdf) J.McDowell
09:50 UCDs for Planetology A.Sarkissian
10:00 Actions A. Preite Martinez
  Discussion All
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 VOEvent vocabulary A. Allan
  Discussion on VOEvent All
12:15 Conclusions - wrap up  

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Joint session with DM group

Tools for UCD1+

There is a set of simple tools for UCD1+, also available as Web services for UCD1+

UCDs for the SED data model

JCM presented the list of new proposed UCDs since Pune (some already adopted):

  • phys.energyDensity - useful for extragalactic, CMB
  • stat.fill - Filling factor
  • arith.log (rejected at Pune, handle with units)
  • spect.radioVeloc and spect.optVeloc
  • curation-type stuff
  • src.net, src.total, src.background
  • instr.beam (already there)
  • stat.error.sys
  • change def. of time.expo -> exposure length

UCDs for Planetology

Work on this topic started after french VO tutorial (oct 2004):

  • Planetary Data System -> VO
  • Space Time Coordinates: changes are needed

  • VO planeto activities:
    • 13 new UCDs and 8 modifications
    • provide VOTable output of planetary data
    • Data Model
    • Extension of activities, involvement of community, and link with EuroPlanet

  • Expected results for first VO-compatible applications, end of 2005


Pedro Osuna: discuss with ESA (about collaboration with NASA). Andy Lawrence: AstroGrid covers solar data - are there UCDs there

General DM-UCD discussion:

  • GL asks to clarify difference between UCD and utypes ? utypes = pointers for serialization of DMs ucd = can be simpler, able to generalize with the 1st word: UCD = one-word data model (when we don't need to go into the details)

  • On the question of merging UCD (or semantics) in the DM (or modelling) activity -> JCM: good idea to keep the vocabulary separate from the DM structure for the moment

  • APM proposal:
    • keep WG
    • add 'semantics' to UCD in the WG's name
    • have std list of words by the end of the year (stabilisation)
    • don't try to do an ontology immediately

Joint session with VOEvent

AA summarizes result of discussions on UCD that took place during yesterday's VOEvent session


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Proposed UCDs for SED model" date="1116465828" name="kyoto.seducd.pdf" path="kyoto.seducd.pdf" size="153973" user="JonathanMcDowell" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction - List of actions" date="1116480859" name="2005UCDsession.pdf" path="2005UCDsession.pdf" size="12802" user="AndreaPreiteMartinez" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UCD toolset description" date="1116556651" name="ucd-tools.pdf" path="ucd-tools.pdf" size="240540" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Summary of the discussion in the VOEvent session" date="1116556695" name="VOEventandUCDsTalk.ppt" path="VOEvent and UCDs Talk.ppt" size="157184" user="AlasdairAllan" version="1.1"

Revision 92005-05-20 - SebastienDerriere

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 UCD (Content Description)


A. Preite Martinez (APM), J. McDowell (JCM), A. Sarkissian (AS), S. Derriere (SD), A. Micol (AM), G. Lemson (GL), A. Lawrence, P. Osuna, ...


Meeting starts Friday 20, 9:00 a.m.

09:00 - 10:30 Joint session with DM3 - Room I
11:00 - 12:30 Joint session with VOEvent - Room J

Time Content Leader
09:00 Introduction A. Preite Martinez
09:00 Introduction (.pdf) A. Preite Martinez
09:10 Tools and Web Services S.Derriere
09:30 UCDs for the SED data model J.McDowell
09:30 UCDs for the SED data model (.pdf) J.McDowell
09:50 UCDs for Planetology A.Sarkissian
10:00 Actions A. Preite Martinez
  Discussion All
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 VOEvent vocabulary A. Allan
  Discussion on VOEvent All
12:15 Conclusions - wrap up  

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions


Joint session with DM group

Tools for UCD1+

There is a set of simple tools for UCD1+, also available as Web services for UCD1+

UCDs for the SED data model

JCM presented the list of new proposed UCDs since Pune (some already adopted):

  • phys.energyDensity - useful for extragalactic, CMB
  • stat.fill - Filling factor
  • arith.log (rejected at Pune, handle with units)
  • spect.radioVeloc and spect.optVeloc
  • curation-type stuff
  • src.net, src.total, src.background
  • instr.beam (already there)
  • stat.error.sys
  • change def. of time.expo -> exposure length

UCDs for Planetology

Work on this topic started after french VO tutorial (oct 2004):

  • Planetary Data System -> VO
  • Space Time Coordinates: changes are needed

  • VO planeto activities:
    • 13 new UCDs and 8 modifications
    • provide VOTable output of planetary data
    • Data Model
    • Extension of activities, involvement of community, and link with EuroPlanet

  • Expected results for first VO-compatible applications, end of 2005


Pedro Osuna: discuss with ESA (about collaboration with NASA). Andy Lawrence: AstroGrid covers solar data - are there UCDs there

General DM-UCD discussion:

  • GL asks to clarify difference between UCD and utypes ? utypes = pointers for serialization of DMs ucd = can be simpler, able to generalize with the 1st word: UCD = one-word data model (when we don't need to go into the details)

  • On the question of merging UCD (or semantics) in the DM (or modelling) activity -> JCM: good idea to keep the vocabulary separate from the DM structure for the moment

  • APM proposal:
    • keep WG
    • add 'semantics' to UCD in the WG's name
    • have std list of words by the end of the year (stabilisation)
    • don't try to do an ontology immediately

Joint session with VOEvent

AA summarizes result of discussions on UCD that took place during yesterday's VOEvent session


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Proposed UCDs for SED model" date="1116465828" name="kyoto.seducd.pdf" path="kyoto.seducd.pdf" size="153973" user="JonathanMcDowell" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction - List of actions" date="1116480859" name="2005UCDsession.pdf" path="2005UCDsession.pdf" size="12802" user="AndreaPreiteMartinez" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UCD toolset description" date="1116556651" name="ucd-tools.pdf" path="ucd-tools.pdf" size="240540" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"

Revision 82005-05-20 - SebastienDerriere

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 UCD (Content Description)



Meeting starts Friday 20, 9:00 a.m.

09:00 - 10:30 Joint session with DM3 - Room I
11:00 - 12:30 Joint session with VOEvent - Room J

Time Content Leader
09:00 Introduction A. Preite Martinez
09:10 Tools and Web Services S.Derriere
09:30 UCDs for the SED data model J.McDowell
09:50 UCDs for Planetology A.Sarkissian
10:00 Actions A. Preite Martinez
  Discussion All
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 VOEvent vocabulary A. Allan
  Discussion on VOEvent All
12:15 Conclusions - wrap up  

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Proposed UCDs for SED model" date="1116465828" name="kyoto.seducd.pdf" path="kyoto.seducd.pdf" size="153973" user="JonathanMcDowell" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction - List of actions" date="1116480859" name="2005UCDsession.pdf" path="2005UCDsession.pdf" size="12802" user="AndreaPreiteMartinez" version="1.1"

Revision 72005-05-19 - AndreaPreiteMartinez

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 UCD (Content Description)



Meeting starts Friday 20, 9:00 a.m.
09:00 - 10:30 Joint session with DM3
11:00 - 12:30 Joint session with VOEvent
09:00 - 10:30 Joint session with DM3 - Room I
11:00 - 12:30 Joint session with VOEvent - Room J
Time Content Leader
09:00 Introduction A. Preite Martinez
09:10 Tools and Web Services S.Derriere
09:30 UCDs for the SED data model J.McDowell
09:50 A new PR for the list of words A. Preite Martinez
09:50 UCDs for Planetology A.Sarkissian
10:00 Actions A. Preite Martinez
  Discussion All
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 VOEvent vocabulary A. Allan
  Discussion on VOEvent All
12:15 Conclusions - wrap up  

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Proposed UCDs for SED model" date="1116465828" name="kyoto.seducd.pdf" path="kyoto.seducd.pdf" size="153973" user="JonathanMcDowell" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction - List of actions" date="1116480859" name="2005UCDsession.pdf" path="2005UCDsession.pdf" size="12802" user="AndreaPreiteMartinez" version="1.1"

Revision 62005-05-19 - JonathanMcDowell

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 UCD (Content Description)



Meeting starts Friday 20, 9:00 a.m.

09:00 - 10:30 Joint session with DM3
11:00 - 12:30 Joint session with VOEvent

Time Content Leader
09:00 Introduction A. Preite Martinez
09:10 Tools and Web Services S.Derriere
09:30 UCDs for the SED data model J.McDowell
09:50 A new PR for the list of words A. Preite Martinez
  Discussion All
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 VOEvent vocabulary A. Allan
  Discussion on VOEvent All
12:15 Conclusions - wrap up  

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Proposed UCDs for SED model" date="1116465828" name="kyoto.seducd.pdf" path="kyoto.seducd.pdf" size="153973" user="JonathanMcDowell" version="1.1"

Revision 52005-05-17 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 UCD (Content Description)



 Meeting starts Friday 20, 9:00 a.m.

09:00 - 10:30 Joint session with DM3
11:00 - 12:30 Joint session with VOEvent

Time Work Pkg Content Leader
09:00   Introduction A. Preite Martinez
09:10   Tools and Web Services S.Derriere
09:30   UCDs for the SED data model J.McDowell
09:50   A new PR for the list of words A. Preite Martinez
    Discussion All
10:30   Coffee break  
11:00   VOEvent vocabulary A. Allan
    Discussion on VOEvent All
12:15   Conclusions - wrap up  
Time Content Leader
09:00 Introduction A. Preite Martinez
09:10 Tools and Web Services S.Derriere
09:30 UCDs for the SED data model J.McDowell
09:50 A new PR for the list of words A. Preite Martinez
  Discussion All
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 VOEvent vocabulary A. Allan
  Discussion on VOEvent All
12:15 Conclusions - wrap up  

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions


Revision 42005-05-17 - AndreaPreiteMartinez

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 UCD (Content Description)



Meeting starts Friday 20, 9:00 a.m.

09:00 - 10:30 Joint session with DM3
11:00 - 12:30 Joint session with VOEvent
Time Work Pkg Content Leader
09:00   Introduction A. Preite Martinez
09:10   Tools and Web Services S.Derriere
09:30   UCDs for the SED data model J.McDowell
09:50   A new PR for the list of words A. Preite Martinez
    Discussion All
10:30   Coffee break  
11:00   VOEvent vocabulary A. Allan
    Discussion on VOEvent All
12:15   Conclusions - wrap up  

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions


Revision 32005-05-16 - SebastienDerriere

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 UCD (Content Description)

Friday 20, 9:30
- S.Derriere : Tools and Web Services
- J.McDowell : UCDs for the SED data model

- A.Preite Martinez : A new PR for the main document

- Discussion

- A.Allan : VOEvent vocabulary

- Discussion




Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Meeting starts Friday 20, 9:00 a.m.
Time Work Pkg Content Leader
09:00   Introduction A. Preite Martinez
09:10   Tools and Web Services S.Derriere
09:30   UCDs for the SED data model J.McDowell
09:50   A new PR for the list of words A. Preite Martinez
    Discussion All
10:30   Coffee break  
11:00   VOEvent vocabulary A. Allan
    Discussion on VOEvent All
12:15   Conclusions - wrap up  

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions


Revision 22005-05-12 - AndreaPreiteMartinez

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 UCD (Content Description)

Friday 20, 9:30

- S.Derriere : Tools and Web Services

- J.McDowell : UCDs for the SED data model

- A.Preite Martinez : A new PR for the main document

- Discussion

- A.Allan : VOEvent vocabulary

- Discussion




Time Work Pkg Content Leader

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

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