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META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 UCD (Content Description)


Meeting starts Friday 20, 9:00 a.m.

09:00 - 10:30 Joint session with DM3 - Room I
11:00 - 12:30 Joint session with VOEvent - Room J

Time Content Leader
09:00 Introduction (.pdf) A. Preite Martinez
09:10 Tools and Web Services (.pdf) S.Derriere
09:30 UCDs for the SED data model (.pdf) J.McDowell
09:50 UCDs for Planetology (.ppt) A.Sarkissian
10:00 Actions A. Preite Martinez
  Discussion All
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 VOEvent vocabulary A. Allan (.ppt)
  Discussion on VOEvent All
12:15 Conclusions - wrap up  

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Joint session with DM group

Tools for UCD1+

There is a set of simple tools for UCD1+, also available as Web services for UCD1+

UCDs for the SED data model

JCM presented the list of new proposed UCDs since Pune (some already adopted):

  • phys.energyDensity - useful for extragalactic, CMB
  • stat.fill - Filling factor
  • arith.log (rejected at Pune, handle with units)
  • spect.radioVeloc and spect.optVeloc
  • curation-type stuff
  • src.net, src.total, src.background
  • instr.beam (already there)
  • stat.error.sys
  • change def. of time.expo -> exposure length

UCDs for Planetology

Work on this topic started after french VO tutorial (oct 2004):
  • Planetary Data System -> VO
  • Space Time Coordinates: changes are needed

  • VO planeto activities:
    • 13 new UCDs and 8 modifications
    • provide VOTable output of planetary data
    • Data Model
    • Extension of activities, involvement of community, and link with EuroPlanet

  • Expected results for first VO-compatible applications, end of 2005

Pedro Osuna: discuss with ESA (about collaboration with NASA). Andy Lawrence: AstroGrid covers solar data - are there UCDs there

General DM-UCD discussion:

  • GL asks to clarify difference between UCD and utypes ? utypes = pointers for serialization of DMs ucd = can be simpler, able to generalize with the 1st word: UCD = one-word data model (when we don't need to go into the details)

  • On the question of merging UCD (or semantics) in the DM (or modelling) activity -> JCM: good idea to keep the vocabulary separate from the DM structure for the moment

  • APM proposal:
    • keep WG
    • add 'semantics' to UCD in the WG's name
    • have standard list of words (stabilisation) before summer 2005
    • don't try to do an ontology immediately

Joint session with VOEvent

AA summarizes result of discussions on UCD that took place during yesterday's VOEvent session

Discussion on VOEvent

  • Allow a 6 months period for the definition of a list of standard expressions used by the VOEvent producers.
  • Discuss possible changes to the schema about the content of the <Hypothesis> schema within the VOEvent-core mailing list after this meeting.

UCD board creation:

  • Scientific board:
    • APM sends a message: those answering within 10 days will be part of the scientific board
    • The board discusses on words evolution/modifications/suppression/addition
    • The first board leader will be the leader of the WG. Later on, the board will choose a scientific leader. The WG leader can take final decisions.
    • End of may: first board is composed, ready to work
    • Work in june on list of words
    • Then, move list of words to PR

  • Technical board:
    • In charge of building software and tools
    • Creation process same as sci. board

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Proposed UCDs for SED model" date="1116465828" name="kyoto.seducd.pdf" path="kyoto.seducd.pdf" size="153973" user="JonathanMcDowell" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction - List of actions" date="1116480859" name="2005UCDsession.pdf" path="2005UCDsession.pdf" size="12802" user="AndreaPreiteMartinez" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UCD toolset description" date="1116556651" name="ucd-tools.pdf" path="ucd-tools.pdf" size="240540" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Summary of the discussion in the VOEvent session" date="1116556695" name="VOEventandUCDsTalk.ppt" path="VOEvent and UCDs Talk.ppt" size="157184" user="AlasdairAllan" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UCDs for planetology" date="1116560860" name="pres_OVP_Kyoto.ppt" path="pres_OVP_Kyoto.ppt" size="1231872" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
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