Difference: InterOpMay2013TCG (1 vs. 24)

Revision 242021-04-13 - GiuliaIafrate

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2013"

IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 12, 2013 - Heidelberg, Germany

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in room 106 in the old Physics building, Philosophenweg 12 (Map)

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found here.

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:30–09:45 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:45–10:00 Review of action items from Feb 26 telecon Minutes
09:45–10:30 Status of Standards in REC process  
  • SimpleDALRegExt 1.0 – Gretchen  
  • PhotDM 1.0 – Jesus  
  • PhotDMv1-1 1.0 – Jesus  
  • VOUnits 1.0 – Norman  
  • DALI 1.0 – Pat  
  • VOTable 1.3 – Mark T  
10:30–10:45 Break (15')
10:45–12:30 Status of standards impacting various WG/IG  
  • Utypes 1.0
  • Summary of Tiger Team documents – Matthew
  • Presentation of UTYPES WD – Omar
  • Discussion

Tiger Team Page



  • proposed Filter Profile Service - Pat  
  • Other Topics???  
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00–15:30 General TCG discussions  
  • Review of Publishing Data in the VO page Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  • Discussion WG/IG participation in Focus Sessions – Mark A  
  • September 3-day InterOp discussion – Séverin  
  • IVOA Roadmap for 2013 – Matthew  
  • What to do about Notes being used as de-facto standards? – Françoise  
  • Summaries of the charges to WG/IG  
  • Update of IVOA Architecture – Séverin  
  • Other Topics???  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Séverin TCG Y
Matthew TCG & Time Domain Y
Mark T Apps Y
Pierre F Apps Y
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
André GWS Y
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre LS Registry Y
Norman Semantics Y
Mireille Semantics  
Alberto DCP Y
Françoise DCP & SP Y
Massimo Education Y
Sudhanshu Education  
George KDD  
Franck Theory Y
Rick Theory  
Matthew Time Domain  
John Time Domain after lunch
Ajit Exec  
David Exec  
Mark A CSP Y



META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UTypesHeidelberg.pdf" attr="" comment="UTYPEs WD presentation" date="1368367425" name="UTypesHeidelberg.pdf" path="UTypesHeidelberg.pdf" size="1964061" user="OmarLaurino" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UtypesInActionHeidelberg.pdf" attr="" comment="Basic test with new uTypes proposal" date="1368371370" name="UtypesInActionHeidelberg.pdf" path="UtypesInActionHeidelberg.pdf" size="338971" user="PierreFernique" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2013-05-12_TCG_Minutes.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1369170207" name="2013-05-12_TCG_Minutes.pdf" path="2013-05-12_TCG_Minutes.pdf" size="138169" user="SeverinGaudet" version="3"

Revision 232013-05-21 - SeverinGaudet

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2013"

IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 12, 2013 - Heidelberg, Germany

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in room 106 in the old Physics building, Philosophenweg 12 (Map)

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found here.

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:30–09:45 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:45–10:00 Review of action items from Feb 26 telecon Minutes
09:45–10:30 Status of Standards in REC process  
  • SimpleDALRegExt 1.0 – Gretchen  
  • PhotDM 1.0 – Jesus  
  • VOUnits 1.0 – Norman  
  • DALI 1.0 – Pat  
  • VOTable 1.3 – Mark T  
10:30–10:45 Break (15')
10:45–12:30 Status of standards impacting various WG/IG  
  • Utypes 1.0
  • Summary of Tiger Team documents – Matthew
  • Presentation of UTYPES WD – Omar
  • Discussion

Tiger Team Page



  • proposed Filter Profile Service - Pat  
  • Other Topics???  
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00–15:30 General TCG discussions  
  • Review of Publishing Data in the VO page Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  • Discussion WG/IG participation in Focus Sessions – Mark A  
  • September 3-day InterOp discussion – Séverin  
  • IVOA Roadmap for 2013 – Matthew  
  • What to do about Notes being used as de-facto standards? – Françoise  
  • Summaries of the charges to WG/IG  
  • Update of IVOA Architecture – Séverin  
  • Other Topics???  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Séverin TCG Y
Matthew TCG & Time Domain Y
Mark T Apps Y
Pierre F Apps Y
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
André GWS Y
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre LS Registry Y
Norman Semantics Y
Mireille Semantics  
Alberto DCP Y
Françoise DCP & SP Y
Massimo Education Y
Sudhanshu Education  
George KDD  
Franck Theory Y
Rick Theory  
Matthew Time Domain  
John Time Domain after lunch
Ajit Exec  
David Exec  
Mark A CSP Y



META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UTypesHeidelberg.pdf" attr="" comment="UTYPEs WD presentation" date="1368367425" name="UTypesHeidelberg.pdf" path="UTypesHeidelberg.pdf" size="1964061" user="OmarLaurino" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UtypesInActionHeidelberg.pdf" attr="" comment="Basic test with new uTypes proposal" date="1368371370" name="UtypesInActionHeidelberg.pdf" path="UtypesInActionHeidelberg.pdf" size="338971" user="PierreFernique" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2013-05-12_TCG_Minutes.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1368861435" name="2013-05-12_TCG_Minutes.pdf" path="2013-05-12_TCG_Minutes.pdf" size="138383" user="SeverinGaudet" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2013-05-12_TCG_Minutes.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1369170207" name="2013-05-12_TCG_Minutes.pdf" path="2013-05-12_TCG_Minutes.pdf" size="138169" user="SeverinGaudet" version="3"

Revision 222013-05-18 - SeverinGaudet

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2013"

IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 12, 2013 - Heidelberg, Germany

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in room 106 in the old Physics building, Philosophenweg 12 (Map)

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found here.
Notes and actions from the meeting can be found here.

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:30–09:45 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:45–10:00 Review of action items from Feb 26 telecon Minutes
09:45–10:30 Status of Standards in REC process  
  • SimpleDALRegExt 1.0 – Gretchen  
  • PhotDM 1.0 – Jesus  
  • VOUnits 1.0 – Norman  
  • DALI 1.0 – Pat  
  • VOTable 1.3 – Mark T  
10:30–10:45 Break (15')
10:45–12:30 Status of standards impacting various WG/IG  
  • Utypes 1.0
  • Summary of Tiger Team documents – Matthew
  • Presentation of UTYPES WD – Omar
  • Discussion

Tiger Team Page



  • proposed Filter Profile Service - Pat  
  • Other Topics???  
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00–15:30 General TCG discussions  
  • Review of Publishing Data in the VO page Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  • Discussion WG/IG participation in Focus Sessions – Mark A  
  • September 3-day InterOp discussion – Séverin  
  • IVOA Roadmap for 2013 – Matthew  
  • What to do about Notes being used as de-facto standards? – Françoise  
  • Summaries of the charges to WG/IG  
  • Update of IVOA Architecture – Séverin  
  • Other Topics???  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Séverin TCG Y
Matthew TCG & Time Domain Y
Mark T Apps Y
Pierre F Apps Y
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
André GWS Y
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre LS Registry Y
Norman Semantics Y
Mireille Semantics  
Alberto DCP Y
Françoise DCP & SP Y
Massimo Education Y
Sudhanshu Education  
George KDD  
Franck Theory Y
Rick Theory  
Matthew Time Domain  
John Time Domain after lunch
Ajit Exec  
David Exec  
Mark A CSP Y


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UTypesHeidelberg.pdf" attr="" comment="UTYPEs WD presentation" date="1368367425" name="UTypesHeidelberg.pdf" path="UTypesHeidelberg.pdf" size="1964061" user="OmarLaurino" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UtypesInActionHeidelberg.pdf" attr="" comment="Basic test with new uTypes proposal" date="1368371370" name="UtypesInActionHeidelberg.pdf" path="UtypesInActionHeidelberg.pdf" size="338971" user="PierreFernique" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2013-05-12_TCG_Minutes.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1368861435" name="2013-05-12_TCG_Minutes.pdf" path="2013-05-12_TCG_Minutes.pdf" size="138383" user="SeverinGaudet" version="1"

Revision 212013-05-12 - PierreFernique

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2013"

IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 12, 2013 - Heidelberg, Germany

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in room 106 in the old Physics building, Philosophenweg 12 (Map)

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found here.

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:30–09:45 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:45–10:00 Review of action items from Feb 26 telecon Minutes
09:45–10:30 Status of Standards in REC process  
  • SimpleDALRegExt 1.0 – Gretchen  
  • PhotDM 1.0 – Jesus  
  • VOUnits 1.0 – Norman  
  • DALI 1.0 – Pat  
  • VOTable 1.3 – Mark T  
10:30–10:45 Break (15')
10:45–12:30 Status of standards impacting various WG/IG  
  • Utypes 1.0
  • Summary of Tiger Team documents – Matthew
  • Presentation of UTYPES WD – Omar
  • Discussion

Tiger Team Page


  • Utypes 1.0
  • Summary of Tiger Team documents – Matthew
  • Presentation of UTYPES WD – Omar
  • Discussion

Tiger Team Page



  • proposed Filter Profile Service - Pat  
  • Other Topics???  
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00–15:30 General TCG discussions  
  • Review of Publishing Data in the VO page Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  • Discussion WG/IG participation in Focus Sessions – Mark A  
  • September 3-day InterOp discussion – Séverin  
  • IVOA Roadmap for 2013 – Matthew  
  • What to do about Notes being used as de-facto standards? – Françoise  
  • Summaries of the charges to WG/IG  
  • Update of IVOA Architecture – Séverin  
  • Other Topics???  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Séverin TCG Y
Matthew TCG & Time Domain Y
Mark T Apps Y
Pierre F Apps Y
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
André GWS Y
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre LS Registry Y
Norman Semantics Y
Mireille Semantics  
Alberto DCP Y
Françoise DCP & SP Y
Massimo Education Y
Sudhanshu Education  
George KDD  
Franck Theory Y
Rick Theory  
Matthew Time Domain  
John Time Domain after lunch
Ajit Exec  
David Exec  
Mark A CSP Y


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UTypesHeidelberg.pdf" attr="" comment="UTYPEs WD presentation" date="1368367425" name="UTypesHeidelberg.pdf" path="UTypesHeidelberg.pdf" size="1964061" user="OmarLaurino" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UtypesInActionHeidelberg.pdf" attr="" comment="Basic test with new uTypes proposal" date="1368371370" name="UtypesInActionHeidelberg.pdf" path="UtypesInActionHeidelberg.pdf" size="338971" user="PierreFernique" version="1"

Revision 202013-05-12 - OmarLaurino

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2013"

IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 12, 2013 - Heidelberg, Germany

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in room 106 in the old Physics building, Philosophenweg 12 (Map)

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found here.

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:30–09:45 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:45–10:00 Review of action items from Feb 26 telecon Minutes
09:45–10:30 Status of Standards in REC process  
  • SimpleDALRegExt 1.0 – Gretchen  
  • PhotDM 1.0 – Jesus  
  • VOUnits 1.0 – Norman  
  • DALI 1.0 – Pat  
  • VOTable 1.3 – Mark T  
10:30–10:45 Break (15')
10:45–12:30 Status of standards impacting various WG/IG  
  • Utypes 1.0
  • Summary of Tiger Team documents – Matthew
  • Presentation of UTYPES WD – Omar
  • Discussion
Tiger Team Page
  • Utypes 1.0
  • Summary of Tiger Team documents – Matthew
  • Presentation of UTYPES WD – Omar
  • Discussion

Tiger Team Page


  • proposed Filter Profile Service - Pat  
  • Other Topics???  
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00–15:30 General TCG discussions  
  • Review of Publishing Data in the VO page Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  • Discussion WG/IG participation in Focus Sessions – Mark A  
  • September 3-day InterOp discussion – Séverin  
  • IVOA Roadmap for 2013 – Matthew  
  • What to do about Notes being used as de-facto standards? – Françoise  
  • Summaries of the charges to WG/IG  
  • Update of IVOA Architecture – Séverin  
  • Other Topics???  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Séverin TCG Y
Matthew TCG & Time Domain Y
Mark T Apps Y
Pierre F Apps Y
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
André GWS Y
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre LS Registry Y
Norman Semantics Y
Mireille Semantics  
Alberto DCP Y
Françoise DCP & SP Y
Massimo Education Y
Sudhanshu Education  
George KDD  
Franck Theory Y
Rick Theory  
Matthew Time Domain  
John Time Domain after lunch
Ajit Exec  
David Exec  
Mark A CSP Y


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UTypesHeidelberg.pdf" attr="" comment="UTYPEs WD presentation" date="1368367425" name="UTypesHeidelberg.pdf" path="UTypesHeidelberg.pdf" size="1964061" user="OmarLaurino" version="1"

Revision 192013-05-12 - SeverinGaudet

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2013"

IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 12, 2013 - Heidelberg, Germany

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in room 106 in the old Physics building, Philosophenweg 12 (Map)

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found here.

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:30–09:45 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:45–10:00 Review of action items from Feb 26 telecon Minutes
09:45–10:30 Status of Standards in REC process  
  • SimpleDALRegExt 1.0 – Gretchen  
  • PhotDM 1.0 – Jesus  
  • VOUnits 1.0 – Norman  
  • DALI 1.0 – Pat  
  • VOTable 1.3 – Mark T  
10:30–10:45 Break (15')
10:45–12:30 Status of standards impacting various WG/IG  
  • Utypes 1.0
  • Summary of Tiger Team documents – Matthew
  • Presentation of UTYPES WD – Omar
  • Discussion
Tiger Team Page
  • proposed Filter Profile Service - Pat  
  • Other Topics???  
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00–15:30 General TCG discussions  
  • Review of Publishing Data in the VO page Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  • Discussion WG/IG participation in Focus Sessions – Mark A  
  • September 3-day InterOp discussion – Séverin  
  • IVOA Roadmap for 2013 – Matthew  
  • What to do about Notes being used as de-facto standards? – Françoise  
  • Summaries of the charges to WG/IG  
  • Update of IVOA Architecture – Séverin  
  • Other Topics???  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Séverin TCG Y
Matthew TCG & Time Domain Y
Mark T Apps Y
Pierre F Apps Y
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
André GWS Y
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre LS Registry Y
Norman Semantics Y
Mireille Semantics  
Alberto DCP Y
Françoise DCP & SP Y
Massimo Education Y
Sudhanshu Education  
George KDD  
Franck Theory Y
Rick Theory  
Matthew Time Domain  
John Time Domain after lunch
Ajit Exec  
David Exec  
Mark A CSP Y


Revision 182013-05-12 - FranckLePetit

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2013"

IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 12, 2013 - Heidelberg, Germany

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in room 106 in the old Physics building, Philosophenweg 12 (Map)

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found here.

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:30–09:45 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:45–10:00 Review of action items from Feb 26 telecon Minutes
09:45–10:30 Status of Standards in REC process  
  • SimpleDALRegExt 1.0 – Gretchen  
  • PhotDM 1.0 – Jesus  
  • VOUnits 1.0 – Norman  
  • DALI 1.0 – Pat  
  • VOTable 1.3 – Mark T  
10:30–10:45 Break (15')
10:45–12:30 Status of standards impacting various WG/IG  
  • Utypes 1.0
  • Summary of Tiger Team documents – Matthew
  • Presentation of UTYPES WD – Omar
  • Discussion
Tiger Team Page
  • proposed Filter Profile Service - Pat  
  • Other Topics???  
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00–15:30 General TCG discussions  
  • Review of Publishing Data in the VO page Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  • Discussion WG/IG participation in Focus Sessions – Mark A  
  • September 3-day InterOp discussion – Séverin  
  • IVOA Roadmap for 2013 – Matthew  
  • What to do about Notes being used as de-facto standards? – Françoise  
  • Update of IVOA Architecture – Séverin  
  • Other Topics???  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Séverin TCG Y
Matthew TCG & Time Domain Y
Mark T Apps Y
Pierre F Apps Y
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
André GWS Y
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre LS Registry Y
Norman Semantics Y
Mireille Semantics  
Alberto DCP Y
Françoise DCP & SP Y
Massimo Education Y
Sudhanshu Education  
George KDD  
Franck Theory  
Franck Theory Y
Rick Theory  
Matthew Time Domain  
John Time Domain after lunch
Ajit Exec  
David Exec  
Mark A CSP Y


Revision 172013-05-12 - JesusSalgado

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2013"

IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 12, 2013 - Heidelberg, Germany

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in room 106 in the old Physics building, Philosophenweg 12 (Map)

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found here.

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:30–09:45 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:45–10:00 Review of action items from Feb 26 telecon Minutes
09:45–10:30 Status of Standards in REC process  
  • SimpleDALRegExt 1.0 – Gretchen  
  • PhotDM 1.0 – Jesus  
  • VOUnits 1.0 – Norman  
  • DALI 1.0 – Pat  
  • VOTable 1.3 – Mark T  
10:30–10:45 Break (15')
10:45–12:30 Status of standards impacting various WG/IG  
  • Utypes 1.0
  • Summary of Tiger Team documents – Matthew
  • Presentation of UTYPES WD – Omar
  • Discussion
Tiger Team Page
  • proposed Filter Profile Service - Pat  
  • Other Topics???  
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00–15:30 General TCG discussions  
  • Review of Publishing Data in the VO page Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  • Discussion WG/IG participation in Focus Sessions – Mark A  
  • September 3-day InterOp discussion – Séverin  
  • IVOA Roadmap for 2013 – Matthew  
  • What to do about Notes being used as de-facto standards? – Françoise  
  • Update of IVOA Architecture – Séverin  
  • Other Topics???  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Séverin TCG Y
Matthew TCG & Time Domain Y
Mark T Apps Y
Pierre F Apps Y
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM  
Jesus DM Y
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
André GWS Y
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre LS Registry Y
Norman Semantics Y
Mireille Semantics  
Alberto DCP Y
Françoise DCP & SP Y
Massimo Education Y
Sudhanshu Education  
George KDD  
Franck Theory  
Rick Theory  
Matthew Time Domain  
John Time Domain after lunch
Ajit Exec  
David Exec  
Mark A CSP Y


Revision 162013-05-12 - SeverinGaudet

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2013"

IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 12, 2013 - Heidelberg, Germany

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in room 106 in the old Physics building, Philosophenweg 12 (Map)

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found here.

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:30–09:45 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:45–10:00 Review of action items from Feb 26 telecon Minutes
09:45–10:00 Review of action items from Feb 26 telecon Minutes
09:45–10:30 Status of Standards in REC process  
  • SimpleDALRegExt 1.0 – Gretchen  
  • PhotDM 1.0 – Jesus  
  • VOUnits 1.0 – Norman  
  • DALI 1.0 – Pat  
  • VOTable 1.3 – Mark T  
10:30–10:45 Break (15')
10:45–12:30 Status of standards impacting various WG/IG  
  • Utypes 1.0
  • Summary of Tiger Team documents – Matthew
  • Presentation of UTYPES WD – Omar
  • Discussion
Tiger Team Page
  • proposed Filter Profile Service - Pat  
  • Other Topics???  
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00–15:30 General TCG discussions  
  • Review of Publishing Data in the VO page Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  • Discussion WG/IG participation in Focus Sessions – Mark A  
  • September 3-day InterOp discussion – Séverin  
  • IVOA Roadmap for 2013 – Matthew  
  • What to do about Notes being used as de-facto standards? – Françoise  
  • Update of IVOA Architecture – Séverin  
  • Other Topics???  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Séverin TCG Y
Matthew TCG & Time Domain Y
Mark T Apps Y
Pierre F Apps Y
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM  
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
André GWS Y
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre LS Registry Y
Norman Semantics Y
Mireille Semantics  
Alberto DCP Y
Françoise DCP & SP Y
Massimo Education Y
Sudhanshu Education  
George KDD  
Franck Theory  
Rick Theory  
Matthew Time Domain  
John Time Domain after lunch
Ajit Exec  
David Exec  
Mark A CSP Y


Revision 152013-05-11 - OmarLaurino

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2013"

IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 12, 2013 - Heidelberg, Germany

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in room 106 in the old Physics building, Philosophenweg 12 (Map)

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found here.

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
<-- -->
Sorted ascending
10:30–10:45 Break (15')
09:45–10:00 Review of action items from Feb 26 telecon Minutes
09:30–09:45 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:45–10:30 Status of Standards in REC process  
  • SimpleDALRegExt 1.0 – Gretchen  
  • PhotDM 1.0 – Jesus  
  • VOUnits 1.0 – Norman  
  • DALI 1.0 – Pat  
  • VOTable 1.3 – Mark T  
10:45–12:30 Status of standards impacting various WG/IG  
  • Utypes 1.0
  • Summary of Tiger Team documents – who?
  • Presentation of issues – who?
  • Discussion
Tiger Team Page
  • Utypes 1.0
  • Summary of Tiger Team documents – Matthew
  • Presentation of UTYPES WD – Omar
  • Discussion
Tiger Team Page
  • proposed Filter Profile Service - Pat  
  • Other Topics???  
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00–15:30 General TCG discussions  
  • Review of Publishing Data in the VO page Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  • Discussion WG/IG participation in Focus Sessions – Mark A  
  • September 3-day InterOp discussion – Séverin  
  • IVOA Roadmap for 2013 – Matthew  
  • What to do about Notes being used as de-facto standards? – Françoise  
  • Update of IVOA Architecture – Séverin  
  • Other Topics???  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Séverin TCG Y
Matthew TCG & Time Domain Y
Mark T Apps Y
Pierre F Apps Y
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM  
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
André GWS Y
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre LS Registry Y
Norman Semantics Y
Mireille Semantics  
Alberto DCP Y
Françoise DCP & SP Y
Massimo Education Y
Sudhanshu Education  
George KDD  
Franck Theory  
Rick Theory  
Matthew Time Domain  
John Time Domain after lunch
Ajit Exec  
David Exec  
Mark A CSP Y


Revision 142013-05-11 - PatrickDowler

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2013"

IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 12, 2013 - Heidelberg, Germany

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in room 106 in the old Physics building, Philosophenweg 12 (Map)

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found here.

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:30–09:45 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:45–10:00 Review of action items from Feb 26 telecon Minutes
09:45–10:30 Status of Standards in REC process  
  • SimpleDALRegExt 1.0 – Gretchen  
  • PhotDM 1.0 – Jesus  
  • VOUnits 1.0 – Norman  
  • DALI 1.0 – Pat  
  • VOTable 1.3 – Mark T  
10:30–10:45 Break (15')
10:45–12:30 Status of standards impacting various WG/IG  
  • Utypes 1.0
  • Summary of Tiger Team documents – who?
  • Presentation of issues – who?
  • Discussion
Tiger Team Page
  • proposed Filter Profile Service - Pat  
  • Other Topics???  
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00–15:30 General TCG discussions  
  • Review of Publishing Data in the VO page Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  • Discussion WG/IG participation in Focus Sessions – Mark A  
  • September 3-day InterOp discussion – Séverin  
  • IVOA Roadmap for 2013 – Matthew  
  • What to do about Notes being used as de-facto standards? – Françoise  
  • Update of IVOA Architecture – Séverin  
  • Other Topics???  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Séverin TCG Y
Matthew TCG & Time Domain Y
Mark T Apps Y
Pierre F Apps Y
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM  
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
André GWS Y
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre LS Registry Y
Norman Semantics Y
Mireille Semantics  
Alberto DCP Y
Alberto DCP Y
Françoise DCP & SP Y
Massimo Education Y
Sudhanshu Education  
George KDD  
Franck Theory  
Rick Theory  
Matthew Time Domain  
John Time Domain after lunch
Ajit Exec  
David Exec  
Mark A CSP Y


Revision 132013-05-10 - AlbertoAccomazzi

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2013"

IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 12, 2013 - Heidelberg, Germany

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in room 106 in the old Physics building, Philosophenweg 12 (Map)

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found here.

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:30–09:45 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:45–10:00 Review of action items from Feb 26 telecon Minutes
09:45–10:30 Status of Standards in REC process  
  • SimpleDALRegExt 1.0 – Gretchen  
  • PhotDM 1.0 – Jesus  
  • VOUnits 1.0 – Norman  
  • DALI 1.0 – Pat  
  • VOTable 1.3 – Mark T  
10:30–10:45 Break (15')
10:45–12:30 Status of standards impacting various WG/IG  
  • Utypes 1.0
  • Summary of Tiger Team documents – who?
  • Presentation of issues – who?
  • Discussion
Tiger Team Page
  • Other Topics???  
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00–15:30 General TCG discussions  
  • Review of Publishing Data in the VO page Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  • Discussion WG/IG participation in Focus Sessions – Mark A  
  • September 3-day InterOp discussion – Séverin  
  • IVOA Roadmap for 2013 – Matthew  
  • What to do about Notes being used as de-facto standards? – Françoise  
  • Update of IVOA Architecture – Séverin  
  • Other Topics???  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Séverin TCG Y
Matthew TCG & Time Domain Y
Mark T Apps Y
Pierre F Apps Y
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM  
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
André GWS Y
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre LS Registry Y
Norman Semantics Y
Mireille Semantics  
Alberto DCP  
Alberto DCP Y
Françoise DCP & SP Y
Massimo Education Y
Sudhanshu Education  
George KDD  
Franck Theory  
Rick Theory  
Matthew Time Domain  
John Time Domain after lunch
Ajit Exec  
David Exec  
Mark A CSP Y


Revision 122013-05-10 - PierreLeSidaner

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2013"

IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 12, 2013 - Heidelberg, Germany

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in room 106 in the old Physics building, Philosophenweg 12 (Map)

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found here.

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:30–09:45 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:45–10:00 Review of action items from Feb 26 telecon Minutes
09:45–10:30 Status of Standards in REC process  
  • SimpleDALRegExt 1.0 – Gretchen  
  • PhotDM 1.0 – Jesus  
  • VOUnits 1.0 – Norman  
  • DALI 1.0 – Pat  
  • VOTable 1.3 – Mark T  
10:30–10:45 Break (15')
10:45–12:30 Status of standards impacting various WG/IG  
  • Utypes 1.0
  • Summary of Tiger Team documents – who?
  • Presentation of issues – who?
  • Discussion
Tiger Team Page
  • Other Topics???  
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00–15:30 General TCG discussions  
  • Review of Publishing Data in the VO page Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  • Discussion WG/IG participation in Focus Sessions – Mark A  
  • September 3-day InterOp discussion – Séverin  
  • IVOA Roadmap for 2013 – Matthew  
  • What to do about Notes being used as de-facto standards? – Françoise  
  • Update of IVOA Architecture – Séverin  
  • Other Topics???  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Séverin TCG Y
Matthew TCG & Time Domain Y
Mark T Apps Y
Pierre F Apps Y
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM  
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
André GWS Y
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre LS Registry  
Pierre LS Registry Y
Norman Semantics Y
Mireille Semantics  
Alberto DCP  
Françoise DCP & SP Y
Massimo Education Y
Sudhanshu Education  
George KDD  
Franck Theory  
Rick Theory  
Matthew Time Domain  
John Time Domain after lunch
Ajit Exec  
David Exec  
Mark A CSP Y


Revision 112013-05-10 - MassimoRamellaINAF

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2013"

IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 12, 2013 - Heidelberg, Germany

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in room 106 in the old Physics building, Philosophenweg 12 (Map)

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found here.

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:30–09:45 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:45–10:00 Review of action items from Feb 26 telecon Minutes
09:45–10:30 Status of Standards in REC process  
  • SimpleDALRegExt 1.0 – Gretchen  
  • PhotDM 1.0 – Jesus  
  • VOUnits 1.0 – Norman  
  • DALI 1.0 – Pat  
  • VOTable 1.3 – Mark T  
10:30–10:45 Break (15')
10:45–12:30 Status of standards impacting various WG/IG  
  • Utypes 1.0
  • Summary of Tiger Team documents – who?
  • Presentation of issues – who?
  • Discussion
Tiger Team Page
  • Other Topics???  
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00–15:30 General TCG discussions  
  • Review of Publishing Data in the VO page Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  • Discussion WG/IG participation in Focus Sessions – Mark A  
  • September 3-day InterOp discussion – Séverin  
  • IVOA Roadmap for 2013 – Matthew  
  • What to do about Notes being used as de-facto standards? – Françoise  
  • Update of IVOA Architecture – Séverin  
  • Other Topics???  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  
Time Topic Notes
09:30–09:45 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:45–10:00 Review of action items from Feb 26 telecon Minutes
09:45–10:30 Status of Standards in REC process  
  • SimpleDALRegExt 1.0 – Gretchen  
  • PhotDM 1.0 – Jesus  
  • VOUnits 1.0 – Norman  
  • DALI 1.0 – Pat  
  • VOTable 1.3 – Mark T  
10:30–10:45 Break (15')
10:45–12:30 Status of standards impacting various WG/IG  
  • Utypes 1.0
  • Summary of Tiger Team documents – who?
  • Presentation of issues – who?
  • Discussion
Tiger Team Page
  • Other Topics???  
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00–15:30 General TCG discussions  
  • Review of Publishing Data in the VO page Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  • Discussion WG/IG participation in Focus Sessions – Mark A  
  • September 3-day InterOp discussion – Séverin  
  • IVOA Roadmap for 2013 – Matthew  
  • What to do about Notes being used as de-facto standards? – Françoise  
  • Update of IVOA Architecture – Séverin  
  • Other Topics???  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Séverin TCG Y
Matthew TCG & Time Domain Y
Mark T Apps Y
Pierre F Apps Y
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM  
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
André GWS Y
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre LS Registry  
Norman Semantics Y
Mireille Semantics  
Alberto DCP  
Françoise DCP & SP Y
Massimo Education  
Massimo Education Y
Sudhanshu Education  
George KDD  
Franck Theory  
Rick Theory  
Matthew Time Domain  
John Time Domain after lunch
Ajit Exec  
David Exec  
Mark A CSP Y


Revision 102013-05-08 - SeverinGaudet

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2013"

IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 12, 2013 - Heidelberg, Germany

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in room 106 in the old Physics building, Philosophenweg 12 (Map)

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found here.

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:30–09:45 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:45–10:30 Status of Standards in REC process  
  • SimpleDALRegExt 1.0 – Gretchen  
  • PhotDM 1.0 – Jesus  
  • VOUnits 1.0 – Norman  
  • DALI 1.0 – Pat  
  • VOTable 1.3 – Mark T  
10:30–10:45 Break (15')
10:45-12:30 Status of standards impacting various WG/IG  
  • Utypes 1.0
  • Summary of Tiger Team documents – who?
  • Presentation of issues – who?
  • Discussion
  • Other Topics???  
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 General TCG discussions  
  • Review of Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  • Discussion WG/IG participation in Focus Sessions – Mark A  
  • IVOA Roadmap for 2013 – Matthew  
  • Update of IVOA Architecture  
  • Other Topics???  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  
Time Topic Notes
09:30–09:45 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:45–10:00 Review of action items from Feb 26 telecon Minutes
09:45–10:30 Status of Standards in REC process  
  • SimpleDALRegExt 1.0 – Gretchen  
  • PhotDM 1.0 – Jesus  
  • VOUnits 1.0 – Norman  
  • DALI 1.0 – Pat  
  • VOTable 1.3 – Mark T  
10:30–10:45 Break (15')
10:45–12:30 Status of standards impacting various WG/IG  
  • Utypes 1.0
  • Summary of Tiger Team documents – who?
  • Presentation of issues – who?
  • Discussion
Tiger Team Page
  • Other Topics???  
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00–15:30 General TCG discussions  
  • Review of Publishing Data in the VO page Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  • Discussion WG/IG participation in Focus Sessions – Mark A  
  • September 3-day InterOp discussion – Séverin  
  • IVOA Roadmap for 2013 – Matthew  
  • What to do about Notes being used as de-facto standards? – Françoise  
  • Update of IVOA Architecture – Séverin  
  • Other Topics???  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Séverin TCG Y
Matthew TCG & Time Domain Y
Mark T Apps Y
Pierre F Apps Y
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM  
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
André GWS Y
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre LS Registry  
Norman Semantics Y
Mireille Semantics  
Alberto DCP  
Françoise DCP & SP Y
Massimo Education  
Sudhanshu Education  
George KDD  
Franck Theory  
Rick Theory  
Matthew Time Domain  
John Time Domain after lunch
Ajit Exec  
David Exec  
Mark A CSP Y


Revision 92013-05-08 - NormanGray

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2013"

IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 12, 2013 - Heidelberg, Germany

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in room 106 in the old Physics building, Philosophenweg 12 (Map)

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found here.

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:30–09:45 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:45–10:30 Status of Standards in REC process  
  • SimpleDALRegExt 1.0 – Gretchen  
  • PhotDM 1.0 – Jesus  
  • VOUnits 1.0 – Norman  
  • DALI 1.0 – Pat  
  • VOTable 1.3 – Mark T  
10:30–10:45 Break (15')
10:45-12:30 Status of standards impacting various WG/IG  
  • Utypes 1.0
  • Summary of Tiger Team documents – who?
  • Presentation of issues – who?
  • Discussion
  • Other Topics???  
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 General TCG discussions  
  • Review of Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  • Discussion WG/IG participation in Focus Sessions – Mark A  
  • IVOA Roadmap for 2013 – Matthew  
  • Update of IVOA Architecture  
  • Other Topics???  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Séverin TCG Y
Matthew TCG & Time Domain Y
Mark T Apps Y
Pierre F Apps Y
Mark T Apps Y
Pierre F Apps Y
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL Y
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM  
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
André GWS Y
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre LS Registry  
Norman Semantics  
Norman Semantics Y
Mireille Semantics  
Alberto DCP  
Françoise DCP & SP Y
Massimo Education  
Sudhanshu Education  
George KDD  
Franck Theory  
Rick Theory  
Matthew Time Domain  
John Time Domain after lunch
Ajit Exec  
David Exec  
Mark A CSP Y


Revision 82013-05-08 - JohnSwinbank

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2013"

IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 12, 2013 - Heidelberg, Germany

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in room 106 in the old Physics building, Philosophenweg 12 (Map)

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found here.

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:30–09:45 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:45–10:30 Status of Standards in REC process  
  • SimpleDALRegExt 1.0 – Gretchen  
  • PhotDM 1.0 – Jesus  
  • VOUnits 1.0 – Norman  
  • DALI 1.0 – Pat  
  • VOTable 1.3 – Mark T  
10:30–10:45 Break (15')
10:45-12:30 Status of standards impacting various WG/IG  
  • Utypes 1.0
  • Summary of Tiger Team documents – who?
  • Presentation of issues – who?
  • Discussion
  • Other Topics???  
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 General TCG discussions  
  • Review of Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  • Discussion WG/IG participation in Focus Sessions – Mark A  
  • IVOA Roadmap for 2013 – Matthew  
  • Update of IVOA Architecture  
  • Other Topics???  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Séverin TCG Y
Matthew TCG & Time Domain Y
Mark T Apps Y
Pierre F Apps Y
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM  
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
André GWS Y
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre LS Registry  
Norman Semantics  
Mireille Semantics  
Alberto DCP  
Françoise DCP & SP Y
Massimo Education  
Sudhanshu Education  
George KDD  
Franck Theory  
Rick Theory  
Matthew Time Domain  
John Time Domain  
John Time Domain after lunch
Ajit Exec  
David Exec  
Mark A CSP Y


Revision 72013-05-07 - MarkTaylor

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2013"

IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 12, 2013 - Heidelberg, Germany

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in room 106 in the old Physics building, Philosophenweg 12 (Map)

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found here.

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:30–09:45 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:45–10:30 Status of Standards in REC process  
  • SimpleDALRegExt 1.0 – Gretchen  
  • PhotDM 1.0 – Jesus  
  • VOUnits 1.0 – Norman  
  • DALI 1.0 – Pat  
  • VOTable 1.3 – Mark T  
10:30–10:45 Break (15')
10:45-12:30 Status of standards impacting various WG/IG  
  • Utypes 1.0
  • Summary of Tiger Team documents – who?
  • Presentation of issues – who?
  • Discussion
  • Other Topics???  
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 General TCG discussions  
  • Review of Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  • Discussion WG/IG participation in Focus Sessions – Mark A  
  • IVOA Roadmap for 2013 – Matthew  
  • Update of IVOA Architecture  
  • Other Topics???  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Séverin TCG Y
Matthew TCG & Time Domain Y
Mark T Apps  
Mark T Apps Y
Pierre F Apps Y
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM  
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
André GWS Y
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre LS Registry  
Norman Semantics  
Mireille Semantics  
Alberto DCP  
Françoise DCP & SP Y
Massimo Education  
Sudhanshu Education  
George KDD  
Franck Theory  
Rick Theory  
Matthew Time Domain  
John Time Domain  
Ajit Exec  
David Exec  
Mark A CSP Y


Revision 62013-05-07 - PierreFernique

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2013"

IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 12, 2013 - Heidelberg, Germany

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in room 106 in the old Physics building, Philosophenweg 12 (Map)

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found here.

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:30–09:45 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:45–10:30 Status of Standards in REC process  
  • SimpleDALRegExt 1.0 – Gretchen  
  • PhotDM 1.0 – Jesus  
  • VOUnits 1.0 – Norman  
  • DALI 1.0 – Pat  
  • VOTable 1.3 – Mark T  
10:30–10:45 Break (15')
10:45-12:30 Status of standards impacting various WG/IG  
  • Utypes 1.0
  • Summary of Tiger Team documents – who?
  • Presentation of issues – who?
  • Discussion
  • Other Topics???  
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 General TCG discussions  
  • Review of Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  • Discussion WG/IG participation in Focus Sessions – Mark A  
  • IVOA Roadmap for 2013 – Matthew  
  • Update of IVOA Architecture  
  • Other Topics???  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Séverin TCG Y
Matthew TCG & Time Domain Y
Mark T Apps  
Pierre F Apps  
Pierre F Apps Y
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM  
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
André GWS Y
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre LS Registry  
Norman Semantics  
Mireille Semantics  
Alberto DCP  
Françoise DCP & SP Y
Massimo Education  
Sudhanshu Education  
George KDD  
Franck Theory  
Rick Theory  
Matthew Time Domain  
John Time Domain  
Ajit Exec  
David Exec  
Mark A CSP Y


Revision 52013-05-07 - FrancoiseGenova

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2013"

IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 12, 2013 - Heidelberg, Germany

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in room 106 in the old Physics building, Philosophenweg 12 (Map)

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found here.

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:30–09:45 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:45–10:30 Status of Standards in REC process  
  • SimpleDALRegExt 1.0 – Gretchen  
  • PhotDM 1.0 – Jesus  
  • VOUnits 1.0 – Norman  
  • DALI 1.0 – Pat  
  • VOTable 1.3 – Mark T  
10:30–10:45 Break (15')
10:45-12:30 Status of standards impacting various WG/IG  
  • Utypes 1.0
  • Summary of Tiger Team documents – who?
  • Presentation of issues – who?
  • Discussion
  • Other Topics???  
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 General TCG discussions  
  • Review of Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  • Discussion WG/IG participation in Focus Sessions – Mark A  
  • IVOA Roadmap for 2013 – Matthew  
  • Update of IVOA Architecture  
  • Other Topics???  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Séverin TCG Y
Matthew TCG & Time Domain Y
Mark T Apps  
Pierre F Apps  
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM  
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
André GWS Y
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre LS Registry  
Norman Semantics  
Mireille Semantics  
Alberto DCP  
Françoise DCP & SP  
Françoise DCP & SP Y
Massimo Education  
Sudhanshu Education  
George KDD  
Franck Theory  
Rick Theory  
Matthew Time Domain  
John Time Domain  
Ajit Exec  
David Exec  
Mark A CSP Y


Revision 42013-05-07 - MarkAllen

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2013"

IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 12, 2013 - Heidelberg, Germany

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in room 106 in the old Physics building, Philosophenweg 12 (Map)

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found here.

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:30–09:45 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:45–10:30 Status of Standards in REC process  
  • SimpleDALRegExt 1.0 – Gretchen  
  • PhotDM 1.0 – Jesus  
  • VOUnits 1.0 – Norman  
  • DALI 1.0 – Pat  
  • VOTable 1.3 – Mark T  
10:30–10:45 Break (15')
10:45-12:30 Status of standards impacting various WG/IG  
  • Utypes 1.0
  • Summary of Tiger Team documents – who?
  • Presentation of issues – who?
  • Discussion
  • Other Topics???  
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 General TCG discussions  
  • Review of Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  • Discussion WG/IG participation in Focus Sessions – Mark A  
  • IVOA Roadmap for 2013 – Matthew  
  • Update of IVOA Architecture  
  • Other Topics???  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Séverin TCG Y
Matthew TCG & Time Domain Y
Mark T Apps  
Pierre F Apps  
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM  
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
André GWS Y
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre LS Registry  
Norman Semantics  
Mireille Semantics  
Alberto DCP  
Françoise DCP & SP  
Massimo Education  
Sudhanshu Education  
George KDD  
Franck Theory  
Rick Theory  
Matthew Time Domain  
John Time Domain  
Ajit Exec  
David Exec  
Mark A CSP  
Mark A CSP Y


Revision 32013-05-07 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2013"

IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 12, 2013 - Heidelberg, Germany

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in room 106 in the old Physics building, Philosophenweg 12 (Map)

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found here.

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:30–09:45 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:45–10:30 Status of Standards in REC process  
  • SimpleDALRegExt 1.0 – Gretchen  
  • PhotDM 1.0 – Jesus  
  • VOUnits 1.0 – Norman  
  • DALI 1.0 – Pat  
  • VOTable 1.3 – Mark T  
10:30–10:45 Break (15')
10:45-12:30 Status of standards impacting various WG/IG  
  • Utypes 1.0
  • Summary of Tiger Team documents – who?
  • Presentation of issues – who?
  • Discussion
  • Other Topics???  
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 General TCG discussions  
  • Review of Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  • Discussion WG/IG participation in Focus Sessions – Mark A  
  • IVOA Roadmap for 2013 – Matthew  
  • Update of IVOA Architecture  
  • Other Topics???  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Séverin TCG Y
Matthew TCG & Time Domain Y
Mark T Apps  
Pierre F Apps  
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM  
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
André GWS  
André GWS Y
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre LS Registry  
Norman Semantics  
Mireille Semantics  
Alberto DCP  
Françoise DCP & SP  
Massimo Education  
Sudhanshu Education  
George KDD  
Franck Theory  
Rick Theory  
Matthew Time Domain  
John Time Domain  
Ajit Exec  
David Exec  
Mark A CSP  


Revision 22013-05-07 - MikeFitzpatrick

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2013"

IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 12, 2013 - Heidelberg, Germany


IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 12, 2013 - Heidelberg, Germany


Local Arrangements

 The meeting will be held in room 106 in the old Physics building, Philosophenweg 12 (Map)

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found here.

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:30–09:45 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:45–10:30 Status of Standards in REC process  
  • SimpleDALRegExt 1.0 – Gretchen  
  • PhotDM 1.0 – Jesus  
  • VOUnits 1.0 – Norman  
  • DALI 1.0 – Pat  
  • VOTable 1.3 – Mark T  
10:30–10:45 Break (15')
10:45-12:30 Status of standards impacting various WG/IG  
  • Utypes 1.0
  • Summary of Tiger Team documents – who?
  • Presentation of issues – who?
  • Discussion
  • Other Topics???  
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 General TCG discussions  
  • Review of Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  • Discussion WG/IG participation in Focus Sessions – Mark A  
  • IVOA Roadmap for 2013 – Matthew  
  • Update of IVOA Architecture  
  • Other Topics???  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  
Time Topic Notes
09:30–09:45 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:45–10:30 Status of Standards in REC process  
  • SimpleDALRegExt 1.0 – Gretchen  
  • PhotDM 1.0 – Jesus  
  • VOUnits 1.0 – Norman  
  • DALI 1.0 – Pat  
  • VOTable 1.3 – Mark T  
10:30–10:45 Break (15')
10:45-12:30 Status of standards impacting various WG/IG  
  • Utypes 1.0
  • Summary of Tiger Team documents – who?
  • Presentation of issues – who?
  • Discussion
  • Other Topics???  
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 General TCG discussions  
  • Review of Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  • Discussion WG/IG participation in Focus Sessions – Mark A  
  • IVOA Roadmap for 2013 – Matthew  
  • Update of IVOA Architecture  
  • Other Topics???  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Séverin TCG Y
Matthew TCG & Time Domain Y
Mark T Apps  
Pierre F Apps  
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL  
Jesus DM  
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
André GWS  
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre LS Registry  
Norman Semantics  
Mireille Semantics  
Alberto DCP  
Françoise DCP & SP  
Massimo Education  
Sudhanshu Education  
George KDD  
Franck Theory  
Rick Theory  
Matthew Time Domain  
John Time Domain  
Ajit Exec  
David Exec  
Mark A CSP  
Name WG/IG Present
Séverin TCG Y
Matthew TCG & Time Domain Y
Mark T Apps  
Pierre F Apps  
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL Y
Jesus DM  
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
André GWS  
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre LS Registry  
Norman Semantics  
Mireille Semantics  
Alberto DCP  
Françoise DCP & SP  
Massimo Education  
Sudhanshu Education  
George KDD  
Franck Theory  
Rick Theory  
Matthew Time Domain  
John Time Domain  
Ajit Exec  
David Exec  
Mark A CSP  

Revision 12013-05-07 - SeverinGaudet

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2013"

IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting

May 12, 2013 - Heidelberg, Germany

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held in room 106 in the old Physics building, Philosophenweg 12 (Map)

Coffee/tea breaks and lunch TBD.

Meeting Minutes and Actions

Notes and actions from the meeting can be found here.

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09:30–09:45 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09:45–10:30 Status of Standards in REC process  
  • SimpleDALRegExt 1.0 – Gretchen  
  • PhotDM 1.0 – Jesus  
  • VOUnits 1.0 – Norman  
  • DALI 1.0 – Pat  
  • VOTable 1.3 – Mark T  
10:30–10:45 Break (15')
10:45-12:30 Status of standards impacting various WG/IG  
  • Utypes 1.0
  • Summary of Tiger Team documents – who?
  • Presentation of issues – who?
  • Discussion
  • Other Topics???  
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 General TCG discussions  
  • Review of Implementation and Publication tools for Data Centres (see PAGE) Ref. IVOA Action FM38-5
  • Discussion WG/IG participation in Focus Sessions – Mark A  
  • IVOA Roadmap for 2013 – Matthew  
  • Update of IVOA Architecture  
  • Other Topics???  
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–18.00 Exec meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Séverin TCG Y
Matthew TCG & Time Domain Y
Mark T Apps  
Pierre F Apps  
Pat DAL  
Mike DAL  
Jesus DM  
Omar DM  
Andreas GWS  
André GWS  
Gretchen Registry  
Pierre LS Registry  
Norman Semantics  
Mireille Semantics  
Alberto DCP  
Françoise DCP & SP  
Massimo Education  
Sudhanshu Education  
George KDD  
Franck Theory  
Rick Theory  
Matthew Time Domain  
John Time Domain  
Ajit Exec  
David Exec  
Mark A CSP  

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