Difference: InterOpMay2019DCP (30 vs. 31)

Revision 312019-05-16 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2019"

DCP IG Session, IVOA Interoperability meeting, Paris May 2019

"Share best practices and engage IVOA member projects in the long-term curation and preservation of astronomical data"

Our session will mainly focus on DOI which is currently the hot topic. Certification is also becoming important for many actors and we will have a talk about it. As usual, in the frame of the liaison with RDA, we will also have talks about its relevant work.

Remark to the speakers: we have a lot of interesting presentations, thank you to respect the given duration to let a chance to all the speakers to have enough time ! Thanks a lot.

A splinter meeting will take place for an open discussion about DOIs (on going survey, Note, inputs from everybody, Registry, etc.) on Thursday evening from 17:30 to 18:30 in Salle Le Verrier.

Thursday May 16 - Salle Denisse - 11:00-12:30

Session minutes
Speaker Title Time
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Sorted ascending
André Schaaff, Tim Jenness Quick Introduction ... pdf
All On the road again: main topic(s) for the next Interops ... ...
Françoise Genova Trustworthy Data Repositories: CoreTrustSeal certification 10+2 pdf
Raffaele D'Abrusco Update of the DOI initiative at the Chandra Data Archive 10+2 pdf
Séverin Gaudet The new self-serve DOI service deployed in the CANFAR Science plateform (talk / demo) 10+2 pdf
Yihan Tao, Changhua Li, Boliang He, Chenzhou Cui PaperData updates : Integrated VOSpace, Registry and DOI services 10+2 pdf
Deborah Baines Plans about DOIs in the ESA Science Archives 10+2 pdf
David Schade Discussion about RDA outputs relevant to DCP (Data Versioning and Data Citation) 10+2 pdf
Carlo Maria Zwölf Quick news about RDA Federation Identity Management recommendation. 6+2 pdf
André Schaaff, Tim Jenness DOI Note status 8+2 pdf
--- Certification ---      
--- DOIs ---      
--- RDA ---      
  Slides presented in April 2019 at the RDA Plenary on the RDA recommendations relevant to the different phases of the data life cycle   pptx

Thursday May 16 - Salle Le Verrier - 17:30-18:30

This splinter meeting will be an opportunity to have a face to face meeting to discuss around DOIs (especially link with Registry, ongoing Survey, IVOA Note).

Speaker Title Time Materials
All DOIs 1 hour max. ...

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  • ...
<-- Minutes -->


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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PaperData_Updates_0516.pdf" attr="" comment="China-VO Paper Data Repository" date="1557990165" name="PaperData_Updates_0516.pdf" path="PaperData_Updates_0516.pdf" size="1249133" user="YihanTao" version="1"
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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA-Paris-DCP-Session-DOIs.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1557994676" name="IVOA-Paris-DCP-Session-DOIs.pdf" path="IVOA-Paris-DCP-Session-DOIs.pdf" size="1235368" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
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