name="InterOpMay2020" |
DAL sessions schedule - IVOA May 2020 Virtual Interoperability Meeting
This is the schedule setup for DAL related sessions at the Virtual IVOA Meeting (May 2020).
The table below shows the DAL related session start time and date at various time zones. If you don't find your time zone there, or for cross-check, click on the UTC DateTime for your time or have a look at a tool like this one.
Topics that didn't find a place in the main week sessions will be scheduled by DAL in the following weeks, accordingly to interest and attendance availability.
Schedule Summary |
Topic |
Group |
DateTime UTC |
UTC-07:00 |
UTC-04:00 |
UTC+02:00 |
UTC+08:00 |
UTC+10:00 |
Victoria BC |
Washington DC/Pasadena |
Strasbourg |
Perth/Beijing |
Sydney |
DataLink |
May 6 04:30 |
May 5 21:30 |
May 6 00:30 |
May 6 06:30 |
May 6 12:30 |
May 6 14:30 |
May 7 06:00 |
May 6 23:00 |
May 7 02:00 |
May 7 08:00 |
May 7 14:00 |
May 7 16:00 |
ConeSearch |
May 7 13:30 |
May 7 06:30 |
May 7 09:30 |
May 7 15:30 |
May 7 21:30 |
May 7 23:30 |
NExSci python TAP |
May 7 20:30 |
May 7 13:30 |
May 7 16:30 |
May 7 22:30 |
May 8 04:30 |
May 8 06:30 |
ObjVisSAP & ObsLocTAP |
May 8 04:30 |
May 7 21:30 |
May 8 00:30 |
May 8 06:30 |
May 8 12:30 |
May 8 14:30 |
May 8 15:00 |
May 8 08:00 |
May 8 11:00 |
May 8 17:00 |
May 8 23:00 |
May 9 01:00 |
Other topics to be discussed in the following weeks.
For questions and comments please contact the Data Access Layer Working Group chairs, MarcoMolinaro, JamesDempsey.
For links to the zoom meeting rooms for each session, please see the main program.
Virtual Meeting (May 5-8) Sessions
DataLink "work on resolving current issues"
(Wednesday May 6, 4:30-5:30 UTC) Other time zones
ADQL "status & discussion"
(Thursday May 7, 6:00-7:00 UTC) Other time zones
ConeSearch "status & discussion"
(Thursday May 7, 13:30-14:30 UTC) Other time zones
A Python based TAP Server at Caltech/IPAC-NExScI
(Thursday May 7, 20:30-21:30 UTC) Other time zones
Object Visibility SAP & Observation Locator TAP
(Friday May 8, 4:30-5:30 UTC) Other time zones
Feedback on SIA2/SODA including PyVO developments
(Friday May 8, 15:00-16:00 UTC) Other time zones
Other sessions
The following topics, from the DAL roadmap or suggested during the schedule preparation, are listed here as points for discussion in teleconf/videoconf meetings, scheduled pending attendees availability and interest.
Feel free to suggest your own interests at any time contacting the DAL chairs.
- "caproles" & complex interfaces w/ TAPRegExt relation
- SIAP-2.x/SODA (besides the PyVO connected session above)
- ProvTAP
- MAST TESScut as SODA service
attachment="DataLink-nextProgress.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1588745360" name="DataLink-nextProgress.pdf" path="DataLink-nextProgress.pdf" size="567100" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="2" |
attachment="MolinaroNebot_IVOA2020A_ConeSearch.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1588837672" name="MolinaroNebot_IVOA2020A_ConeSearch.pdf" path="MolinaroNebot_IVOA2020A_ConeSearch.pdf" size="2384234" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="2" |
attachment="adql_2.1_status.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1588800294" name="adql_2.1_status.pdf" path="adql_2.1_status.pdf" size="961248" user="GregoryMantelet" version="1" |
attachment="VisibilityObsLoc-IVOA-May2020.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1588888568" name="VisibilityObsLoc-IVOA-May2020.pptx" path="VisibilityObsLoc-IVOA-May2020.pptx" size="22784446" user="JesusSalgado" version="1" |