Difference: InterOpMay2023Registry (8 vs. 9)

Revision 92023-05-09 - RenaudSavalle

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"

Registry Session: May 2023

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Tuesday May 09 2023 @14:00 CEST: Room 216 and online (Session 7)
Speaker Title Time Abstract Material
Hendrik Heinl Time Series in the VO -- how not to be seen 8+2 "Where do I find TESS lightcurves in the VO?" seemed an easy question to Ada and me, when we started out. Little did we know about the many unexpected obstacles we ran into. Here I present the different obstacles user face, quick and dirty temporary solutions, and suggest a solution.  
Markus Demleitner Confessions of a Registry Janitor 15+5 Making a registry record that passes the validator is just the first step to become a well-findable part of the Virtual Observatory. In this talk, I will tell you what sets a good registry record apart from one that just barely works – and why that matters. notes slides
Markus Demleitner VOResource-1.2 - new features 15+5 VOResource 1.2 will be a rather minor update to the VO's basic metadata format. Still, in particular the integration of non-VO identifier schemes has some subtleties. This talk will briefly discuss the changes proposed in the current working draft and let you weigh in on them. notes slides
Renaud Savalle StandardRegExt -1.1 8+2 Update on the registry extension to register IVOA standards  
Renaud Savalle StandardRegExt -1.1 8+2 Update on the registry extension to register IVOA standards slides
All General Discussion 30 Topics for discussion:
1.Deprecate Registry Interface 1.0 client search functionality
2.How to bring RegTAP query implementations up-to-date (MOC usage in ADQL geometric queries)
3.Curation and validation of the Registry

Relevant Links and Information

Other sessions of interest

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="InterOpMay2023Reg_StandardsRegExt-1.1.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1683627059" name="InterOpMay2023Reg_StandardsRegExt-1.1.pdf" path="InterOpMay2023Reg_StandardsRegExt-1.1.pdf" size="1520796" user="RenaudSavalle" version="1"
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