Difference: InterOpMay2023SSIG (1 vs. 15)

Revision 152023-05-10 - StephaneErard

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"

Solar System Interest Group Session: May 2023, Bologna, Italy

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+10:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Bologna Perth/Beijing Canberra
SSIG 10 May 07:00 10 May 00:00 10 May 03:00 10 May 09:00 10 May 15:00 10 May 17:00

Wednesday, May 10, 09:00--10:30, Room 214
Speaker Title Time Abstract Materials
Thomas Boch (CDS) Recent Planetary activity at CDS 12+3 Generation of Mars MRO CTX HiPS, Aladin Lite planets explorer page, planetary features name resolver service. pdf pptx
Stéphane Erard (Obs Paris) VESPA Update 12+3 VESPA portal update, and ideas on optimising services and servers PDF
Steve Joy + In Sook Moon (IGPP/UCLA + NASA/PDS/PPI) NASA/PDS/PPI VESPA service 12+3 Status report of VESPA/EPNcore implementation by NASA/PDS/PPI pdf
Trent Hare (USGS) / Jean-Christophe Malapert (CNES) Report OGC planetary reference frame working group 12+3 The OGC (Open geospatial Consortium) has ingested planetary reference frames in their ecosystem. The report presents the result of this actions, and how this related to the IVOA PDF

Angelo Zinzi and Marco Giardino (ASI-SSDC)

Presenting via Zoom

NEO Data Services at SSDC 12+3 The Space Science Data Center is currently involved in several projects related to the study of Near Earth Objects. This presentation will be focused on the data management activities, discussing the status of the application of VO techniques for these projects and their way forward. Providing services about the physical characterization of NEO is our major goal: the attempt is to build such services on top of existing IVOA standards to maximize interoperability and to include this science domain in the standardization process. pdf pptx
Open Discussion Time   15    

Notes: link to live notes (expires 9 June)

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pdf" attr="" comment="Recent planetary activity at CDS (pdf)" date="1683697583" name="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pdf" path="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pdf" size="19717722" user="ThomasBoch" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pptx" attr="" comment="Recent planetary activity at CDS (pptx)" date="1683634824" name="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pptx" path="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pptx" size="46464978" user="ThomasBoch" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA2023_SSIG_EPN-TAPatPPI.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1683645774" name="IVOA2023_SSIG_EPN-TAPatPPI.pdf" path="IVOA2023_SSIG_EPN-TAPatPPI.pdf" size="7315311" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA2023_SSIG_ogc_crs_v0.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1683645912" name="IVOA2023_SSIG_ogc_crs_v0.pdf" path="IVOA2023_SSIG_ogc_crs_v0.pdf" size="4537444" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VESPA_updates_2023.key.pdf" attr="" comment="VESPA Update" date="1683665934" name="VESPA_updates_2023.key.pdf" path="VESPA_updates_2023.key.pdf" size="648127" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VESPA_updates_2023.key.pdf" attr="" comment="VESPA presentation" date="1683708671" name="VESPA_updates_2023.key.pdf" path="VESPA_updates_2023.key.pdf" size="648447" user="StephaneErard" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Interop_SSDC_2023_AZ.pptx" attr="" comment="ZinziSSIG" date="1683702304" name="Interop_SSDC_2023_AZ.pptx" path="Interop_SSDC_2023_AZ.pptx" size="13688297" user="AnneRaugh" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Interop_SSDC_2023_AZ.pdf" attr="" comment="ZinziSSIG" date="1683702333" name="Interop_SSDC_2023_AZ.pdf" path="Interop_SSDC_2023_AZ.pdf" size="1635273" user="AnneRaugh" version="1"

Revision 142023-05-10 - AnneRaugh

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"

Solar System Interest Group Session: May 2023, Bologna, Italy

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+10:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Bologna Perth/Beijing Canberra
SSIG 10 May 07:00 10 May 00:00 10 May 03:00 10 May 09:00 10 May 15:00 10 May 17:00

Wednesday, May 10, 09:00--10:30, Room 214
Speaker Title Time Abstract Materials
Thomas Boch (CDS) Recent Planetary activity at CDS 12+3 Generation of Mars MRO CTX HiPS, Aladin Lite planets explorer page, planetary features name resolver service. pdf pptx
Stéphane Erard (Obs Paris) VESPA Update 12+3 VESPA portal update, and ideas on optimising services and servers PDF
Steve Joy + In Sook Moon (IGPP/UCLA + NASA/PDS/PPI) NASA/PDS/PPI VESPA service 12+3 Status report of VESPA/EPNcore implementation by NASA/PDS/PPI pdf
Trent Hare (USGS) / Jean-Christophe Malapert (CNES) Report OGC planetary reference frame working group 12+3 The OGC (Open geospatial Consortium) has ingested planetary reference frames in their ecosystem. The report presents the result of this actions, and how this related to the IVOA PDF

Angelo Zinzi and Marco Giardino (ASI-SSDC)

Presenting via Zoom

NEO Data Services at SSDC 12+3 The Space Science Data Center is currently involved in several projects related to the study of Near Earth Objects. This presentation will be focused on the data management activities, discussing the status of the application of VO techniques for these projects and their way forward. Providing services about the physical characterization of NEO is our major goal: the attempt is to build such services on top of existing IVOA standards to maximize interoperability and to include this science domain in the standardization process.  

Angelo Zinzi and Marco Giardino (ASI-SSDC)

Presenting via Zoom

NEO Data Services at SSDC 12+3 The Space Science Data Center is currently involved in several projects related to the study of Near Earth Objects. This presentation will be focused on the data management activities, discussing the status of the application of VO techniques for these projects and their way forward. Providing services about the physical characterization of NEO is our major goal: the attempt is to build such services on top of existing IVOA standards to maximize interoperability and to include this science domain in the standardization process. pdf pptx
Open Discussion Time   15    
  Notes: link to live notes (expires 9 June)

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pdf" attr="" comment="Recent planetary activity at CDS (pdf)" date="1683697583" name="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pdf" path="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pdf" size="19717722" user="ThomasBoch" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pptx" attr="" comment="Recent planetary activity at CDS (pptx)" date="1683634824" name="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pptx" path="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pptx" size="46464978" user="ThomasBoch" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA2023_SSIG_EPN-TAPatPPI.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1683645774" name="IVOA2023_SSIG_EPN-TAPatPPI.pdf" path="IVOA2023_SSIG_EPN-TAPatPPI.pdf" size="7315311" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA2023_SSIG_ogc_crs_v0.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1683645912" name="IVOA2023_SSIG_ogc_crs_v0.pdf" path="IVOA2023_SSIG_ogc_crs_v0.pdf" size="4537444" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VESPA_updates_2023.key.pdf" attr="" comment="VESPA Update" date="1683665934" name="VESPA_updates_2023.key.pdf" path="VESPA_updates_2023.key.pdf" size="648127" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Interop_SSDC_2023_AZ.pptx" attr="" comment="ZinziSSIG" date="1683702304" name="Interop_SSDC_2023_AZ.pptx" path="Interop_SSDC_2023_AZ.pptx" size="13688297" user="AnneRaugh" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Interop_SSDC_2023_AZ.pdf" attr="" comment="ZinziSSIG" date="1683702333" name="Interop_SSDC_2023_AZ.pdf" path="Interop_SSDC_2023_AZ.pdf" size="1635273" user="AnneRaugh" version="1"

Revision 132023-05-10 - ThomasBoch

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"

Solar System Interest Group Session: May 2023, Bologna, Italy

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+10:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Bologna Perth/Beijing Canberra
SSIG 10 May 07:00 10 May 00:00 10 May 03:00 10 May 09:00 10 May 15:00 10 May 17:00

Wednesday, May 10, 09:00--10:30, Room 214
Speaker Title Time Abstract Materials
Thomas Boch (CDS) Recent Planetary activity at CDS 12+3 Generation of Mars MRO CTX HiPS, Aladin Lite planets explorer page, planetary features name resolver service. pdf pptx
Stéphane Erard (Obs Paris) VESPA Update 12+3 VESPA portal update, and ideas on optimising services and servers PDF
Steve Joy + In Sook Moon (IGPP/UCLA + NASA/PDS/PPI) NASA/PDS/PPI VESPA service 12+3 Status report of VESPA/EPNcore implementation by NASA/PDS/PPI pdf
Trent Hare (USGS) / Jean-Christophe Malapert (CNES) Report OGC planetary reference frame working group 12+3 The OGC (Open geospatial Consortium) has ingested planetary reference frames in their ecosystem. The report presents the result of this actions, and how this related to the IVOA PDF

Angelo Zinzi and Marco Giardino (ASI-SSDC)

Presenting via Zoom

NEO Data Services at SSDC 12+3 The Space Science Data Center is currently involved in several projects related to the study of Near Earth Objects. This presentation will be focused on the data management activities, discussing the status of the application of VO techniques for these projects and their way forward. Providing services about the physical characterization of NEO is our major goal: the attempt is to build such services on top of existing IVOA standards to maximize interoperability and to include this science domain in the standardization process.  
Open Discussion Time   15    

Notes: link to live notes (expires 9 June)

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pdf" attr="" comment="Recent planetary activity at CDS (pdf)" date="1683634609" name="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pdf" path="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pdf" size="19717709" user="ThomasBoch" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pdf" attr="" comment="Recent planetary activity at CDS (pdf)" date="1683697583" name="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pdf" path="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pdf" size="19717722" user="ThomasBoch" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pptx" attr="" comment="Recent planetary activity at CDS (pptx)" date="1683634824" name="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pptx" path="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pptx" size="46464978" user="ThomasBoch" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA2023_SSIG_EPN-TAPatPPI.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1683645774" name="IVOA2023_SSIG_EPN-TAPatPPI.pdf" path="IVOA2023_SSIG_EPN-TAPatPPI.pdf" size="7315311" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA2023_SSIG_ogc_crs_v0.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1683645912" name="IVOA2023_SSIG_ogc_crs_v0.pdf" path="IVOA2023_SSIG_ogc_crs_v0.pdf" size="4537444" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VESPA_updates_2023.key.pdf" attr="" comment="VESPA Update" date="1683665934" name="VESPA_updates_2023.key.pdf" path="VESPA_updates_2023.key.pdf" size="648127" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="1"

Revision 122023-05-10 - AnneRaugh

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"

Solar System Interest Group Session: May 2023, Bologna, Italy

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+10:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Bologna Perth/Beijing Canberra
SSIG 10 May 07:00 10 May 00:00 10 May 03:00 10 May 09:00 10 May 15:00 10 May 17:00

Wednesday, May 10, 09:00--10:30, Room 214
Speaker Title Time Abstract Materials
Thomas Boch (CDS) Recent Planetary activity at CDS 12+3 Generation of Mars MRO CTX HiPS, Aladin Lite planets explorer page, planetary features name resolver service. pdf pptx
Stéphane Erard (Obs Paris) VESPA Update 12+3 VESPA portal update, and ideas on optimising services and servers PDF
Steve Joy + In Sook Moon (IGPP/UCLA + NASA/PDS/PPI) NASA/PDS/PPI VESPA service 12+3 Status report of VESPA/EPNcore implementation by NASA/PDS/PPI pdf
Trent Hare (USGS) / Jean-Christophe Malapert (CNES) Report OGC planetary reference frame working group 12+3 The OGC (Open geospatial Consortium) has ingested planetary reference frames in their ecosystem. The report presents the result of this actions, and how this related to the IVOA PDF

Angelo Zinzi and Marco Giardino (ASI-SSDC)

Presenting via Zoom

NEO Data Services at SSDC 12+3 The Space Science Data Center is currently involved in several projects related to the study of Near Earth Objects. This presentation will be focused on the data management activities, discussing the status of the application of VO techniques for these projects and their way forward. Providing services about the physical characterization of NEO is our major goal: the attempt is to build such services on top of existing IVOA standards to maximize interoperability and to include this science domain in the standardization process.  
Open Discussion Time   15    

Notes: link to live notes (expires 9 June)

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pdf" attr="" comment="Recent planetary activity at CDS (pdf)" date="1683634609" name="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pdf" path="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pdf" size="19717709" user="ThomasBoch" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pptx" attr="" comment="Recent planetary activity at CDS (pptx)" date="1683634824" name="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pptx" path="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pptx" size="46464978" user="ThomasBoch" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA2023_SSIG_EPN-TAPatPPI.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1683645774" name="IVOA2023_SSIG_EPN-TAPatPPI.pdf" path="IVOA2023_SSIG_EPN-TAPatPPI.pdf" size="7315311" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA2023_SSIG_ogc_crs_v0.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1683645912" name="IVOA2023_SSIG_ogc_crs_v0.pdf" path="IVOA2023_SSIG_ogc_crs_v0.pdf" size="4537444" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VESPA_updates_2023.key.pdf" attr="" comment="VESPA Update" date="1683665934" name="VESPA_updates_2023.key.pdf" path="VESPA_updates_2023.key.pdf" size="648127" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="1"

Revision 112023-05-09 - BaptisteCecconi

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"

Solar System Interest Group Session: May 2023, Bologna, Italy

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+10:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Bologna Perth/Beijing Canberra
SSIG 10 May 07:00 10 May 00:00 10 May 03:00 10 May 09:00 10 May 15:00 10 May 17:00

Wednesday, May 10, 09:00--10:30, Room 214
Speaker Title Time Abstract Materials
Thomas Boch (CDS) Recent Planetary activity at CDS 12+3 Generation of Mars MRO CTX HiPS, Aladin Lite planets explorer page, planetary features name resolver service. pdf pptx
Stéphane Erard (Obs Paris) VESPA Update 12+3 VESPA portal update, and ideas on optimising services and servers  
Stéphane Erard (Obs Paris) VESPA Update 12+3 VESPA portal update, and ideas on optimising services and servers PDF
Steve Joy + In Sook Moon (IGPP/UCLA + NASA/PDS/PPI) NASA/PDS/PPI VESPA service 12+3 Status report of VESPA/EPNcore implementation by NASA/PDS/PPI pdf
Trent Hare (USGS) / Jean-Christophe Malapert (CNES) Report OGC planetary reference frame working group 12+3 The OGC (Open geospatial Consortium) has ingested planetary reference frames in their ecosystem. The report presents the result of this actions, and how this related to the IVOA PDF

Angelo Zinzi and Marco Giardino (ASI-SSDC)

Presenting via Zoom

NEO Data Services at SSDC 12+3 The Space Science Data Center is currently involved in several projects related to the study of Near Earth Objects. This presentation will be focused on the data management activities, discussing the status of the application of VO techniques for these projects and their way forward. Providing services about the physical characterization of NEO is our major goal: the attempt is to build such services on top of existing IVOA standards to maximize interoperability and to include this science domain in the standardization process.  
Open Discussion Time   15    

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pdf" attr="" comment="Recent planetary activity at CDS (pdf)" date="1683634609" name="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pdf" path="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pdf" size="19717709" user="ThomasBoch" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pptx" attr="" comment="Recent planetary activity at CDS (pptx)" date="1683634824" name="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pptx" path="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pptx" size="46464978" user="ThomasBoch" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA2023_SSIG_EPN-TAPatPPI.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1683645774" name="IVOA2023_SSIG_EPN-TAPatPPI.pdf" path="IVOA2023_SSIG_EPN-TAPatPPI.pdf" size="7315311" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA2023_SSIG_ogc_crs_v0.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1683645912" name="IVOA2023_SSIG_ogc_crs_v0.pdf" path="IVOA2023_SSIG_ogc_crs_v0.pdf" size="4537444" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VESPA_updates_2023.key.pdf" attr="" comment="VESPA Update" date="1683665934" name="VESPA_updates_2023.key.pdf" path="VESPA_updates_2023.key.pdf" size="648127" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="1"

Revision 102023-05-09 - BaptisteCecconi

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"

Solar System Interest Group Session: May 2023, Bologna, Italy

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+10:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Bologna Perth/Beijing Canberra
SSIG 10 May 07:00 10 May 00:00 10 May 03:00 10 May 09:00 10 May 15:00 10 May 17:00

Wednesday, May 10, 09:00--10:30, Room 214
Speaker Title Time Abstract Materials
Thomas Boch (CDS) Recent Planetary activity at CDS 12+3 Generation of Mars MRO CTX HiPS, Aladin Lite planets explorer page, planetary features name resolver service. pdf pptx
Stéphane Erard (Obs Paris) VESPA Update 12+3 VESPA portal update, and ideas on optimising services and servers  
Steve Joy + In Sook Moon (IGPP/UCLA + NASA/PDS/PPI) NASA/PDS/PPI VESPA service 12+3 Status report of VESPA/EPNcore implementation by NASA/PDS/PPI  
Trent Hare (USGS) / Jean-Christophe Malapert (CNES) Report OGC planetary reference frame working group 12+3 The OGC (Open geospatial Consortium) has ingested planetary reference frames in their ecosystem. The report presents the result of this actions, and how this related to the IVOA  
Steve Joy + In Sook Moon (IGPP/UCLA + NASA/PDS/PPI) NASA/PDS/PPI VESPA service 12+3 Status report of VESPA/EPNcore implementation by NASA/PDS/PPI pdf
Trent Hare (USGS) / Jean-Christophe Malapert (CNES) Report OGC planetary reference frame working group 12+3 The OGC (Open geospatial Consortium) has ingested planetary reference frames in their ecosystem. The report presents the result of this actions, and how this related to the IVOA PDF

Angelo Zinzi and Marco Giardino (ASI-SSDC)

Presenting via Zoom

NEO Data Services at SSDC 12+3 The Space Science Data Center is currently involved in several projects related to the study of Near Earth Objects. This presentation will be focused on the data management activities, discussing the status of the application of VO techniques for these projects and their way forward. Providing services about the physical characterization of NEO is our major goal: the attempt is to build such services on top of existing IVOA standards to maximize interoperability and to include this science domain in the standardization process.  
Open Discussion Time   15    

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pdf" attr="" comment="Recent planetary activity at CDS (pdf)" date="1683634609" name="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pdf" path="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pdf" size="19717709" user="ThomasBoch" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pptx" attr="" comment="Recent planetary activity at CDS (pptx)" date="1683634824" name="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pptx" path="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pptx" size="46464978" user="ThomasBoch" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA2023_SSIG_EPN-TAPatPPI.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1683645774" name="IVOA2023_SSIG_EPN-TAPatPPI.pdf" path="IVOA2023_SSIG_EPN-TAPatPPI.pdf" size="7315311" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA2023_SSIG_ogc_crs_v0.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1683645912" name="IVOA2023_SSIG_ogc_crs_v0.pdf" path="IVOA2023_SSIG_ogc_crs_v0.pdf" size="4537444" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="1"

Revision 92023-05-09 - ThomasBoch

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"

Solar System Interest Group Session: May 2023, Bologna, Italy

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+10:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Bologna Perth/Beijing Canberra
SSIG 10 May 07:00 10 May 00:00 10 May 03:00 10 May 09:00 10 May 15:00 10 May 17:00

Wednesday, May 10, 09:00--10:30, Room 214
Speaker Title Time Abstract Materials
Thomas Boch (CDS) Recent Planetary activity at CDS 12+3 Generation of Mars MRO CTX HiPS, Aladin Lite planets explorer page, planetary features name resolver service.  
Thomas Boch (CDS) Recent Planetary activity at CDS 12+3 Generation of Mars MRO CTX HiPS, Aladin Lite planets explorer page, planetary features name resolver service. pdf pptx
Stéphane Erard (Obs Paris) VESPA Update 12+3 VESPA portal update, and ideas on optimising services and servers  
Steve Joy + In Sook Moon (IGPP/UCLA + NASA/PDS/PPI) NASA/PDS/PPI VESPA service 12+3 Status report of VESPA/EPNcore implementation by NASA/PDS/PPI  
Trent Hare (USGS) / Jean-Christophe Malapert (CNES) Report OGC planetary reference frame working group 12+3 The OGC (Open geospatial Consortium) has ingested planetary reference frames in their ecosystem. The report presents the result of this actions, and how this related to the IVOA  

Angelo Zinzi and Marco Giardino (ASI-SSDC)

Presenting via Zoom

NEO Data Services at SSDC 12+3 The Space Science Data Center is currently involved in several projects related to the study of Near Earth Objects. This presentation will be focused on the data management activities, discussing the status of the application of VO techniques for these projects and their way forward. Providing services about the physical characterization of NEO is our major goal: the attempt is to build such services on top of existing IVOA standards to maximize interoperability and to include this science domain in the standardization process.  
Open Discussion Time   15    
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pdf" attr="" comment="Recent planetary activity at CDS (pdf)" date="1683634609" name="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pdf" path="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pdf" size="19717709" user="ThomasBoch" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pptx" attr="" comment="Recent planetary activity at CDS (pptx)" date="1683634824" name="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pptx" path="IVOABologna2023-TBoch-SSIG-recent-activity-at-cds.pptx" size="46464978" user="ThomasBoch" version="1"

Revision 82023-05-09 - AnneRaugh

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"

Solar System Interest Group Session: May 2023, Bologna, Italy


This schedule is a draft very prone to changes!!
Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+10:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Bologna Perth/Beijing Canberra
SSIG 10 May 07:00 10 May 00:00 10 May 03:00 10 May 09:00 10 May 15:00 10 May 17:00

Wednesday, May 10, 09:00--10:30, Room 214
Speaker Title Abstract Materials Time
Thomas Boch (CDS) Recent Planetary activity at CDS Generation of Mars MRO CTX HiPS, Aladin Lite planets explorer page, planetary features name resolver service.   12+3
Stéphane Erard (Obs Paris) VESPA Update VESPA portal update, and ideas on optimising services and servers   12+3
Steve Joy + In Sook Moon (IGPP/UCLA + NASA/PDS/PPI) NASA/PDS/PPI VESPA service Status report of VESPA/EPNcore implementation by NASA/PDS/PPI   12+3
Trent Hare (USGS) / Jean-Christophe Malapert (CNES) Report OGC planetary reference frame working group The OGC (Open geospatial Consortium) has ingested planetary reference frames in their ecosystem. The report presents the result of this actions, and how this related to the IVOA   12+3

Angelo Zinzi and Marco Giardino (ASI-SSDC)

Presenting via Zoom

NEO Data Services at SSDC The Space Science Data Center is currently involved in several projects related to the study of Near Earth Objects. This presentation will be focused on the data management activities, discussing the status of the application of VO techniques for these projects and their way forward. Providing services about the physical characterization of NEO is our major goal: the attempt is to build such services on top of existing IVOA standards to maximize interoperability and to include this science domain in the standardization process.   12+3
Open Discussion Time       15
Speaker Title Time Abstract Materials
Thomas Boch (CDS) Recent Planetary activity at CDS 12+3 Generation of Mars MRO CTX HiPS, Aladin Lite planets explorer page, planetary features name resolver service.  
Stéphane Erard (Obs Paris) VESPA Update 12+3 VESPA portal update, and ideas on optimising services and servers  
Steve Joy + In Sook Moon (IGPP/UCLA + NASA/PDS/PPI) NASA/PDS/PPI VESPA service 12+3 Status report of VESPA/EPNcore implementation by NASA/PDS/PPI  
Trent Hare (USGS) / Jean-Christophe Malapert (CNES) Report OGC planetary reference frame working group 12+3 The OGC (Open geospatial Consortium) has ingested planetary reference frames in their ecosystem. The report presents the result of this actions, and how this related to the IVOA  

Angelo Zinzi and Marco Giardino (ASI-SSDC)

Presenting via Zoom

NEO Data Services at SSDC 12+3 The Space Science Data Center is currently involved in several projects related to the study of Near Earth Objects. This presentation will be focused on the data management activities, discussing the status of the application of VO techniques for these projects and their way forward. Providing services about the physical characterization of NEO is our major goal: the attempt is to build such services on top of existing IVOA standards to maximize interoperability and to include this science domain in the standardization process.  
Open Discussion Time   15    

Revision 72023-05-07 - BaptisteCecconi

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"

Solar System Interest Group Session: May 2023, Bologna, Italy

This schedule is a draft very prone to changes!!

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+10:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Bologna Perth/Beijing Canberra
SSIG 10 May 07:00 10 May 00:00 10 May 03:00 10 May 09:00 10 May 15:00 10 May 17:00

Wednesday, May 10, 09:00--10:30, Room 214
Speaker Title Abstract Materials Time
Thomas Boch (CDS) Recent Planetary activity at CDS Generation of Mars MRO CTX HiPS, Aladin Lite planets explorer page, planetary features name resolver service.   12+3
Stéphane Erard (Obs Paris) VESPA Update     12+3
Steve Joy + In Sook Moon (IGPP/UCLA + NASA/PDS/PPI) NASA/PDS/PPI VESPA service Status report of PPI implementation   12+3
Trent Hare (USGS) / Jean-Christophe Malapert (CNES) Report OGC planetary reference frame working group     12+3
Stéphane Erard (Obs Paris) VESPA Update VESPA portal update, and ideas on optimising services and servers   12+3
Steve Joy + In Sook Moon (IGPP/UCLA + NASA/PDS/PPI) NASA/PDS/PPI VESPA service Status report of VESPA/EPNcore implementation by NASA/PDS/PPI   12+3
Trent Hare (USGS) / Jean-Christophe Malapert (CNES) Report OGC planetary reference frame working group The OGC (Open geospatial Consortium) has ingested planetary reference frames in their ecosystem. The report presents the result of this actions, and how this related to the IVOA   12+3

Angelo Zinzi and Marco Giardino (ASI-SSDC)

Presenting via Zoom

NEO Data Services at SSDC The Space Science Data Center is currently involved in several projects related to the study of Near Earth Objects. This presentation will be focused on the data management activities, discussing the status of the application of VO techniques for these projects and their way forward. Providing services about the physical characterization of NEO is our major goal: the attempt is to build such services on top of existing IVOA standards to maximize interoperability and to include this science domain in the standardization process.   12+3
Open Discussion Time       15

Revision 62023-04-28 - AnneRaugh

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"

Solar System Interest Group Session: May 2023, Bologna, Italy

This schedule is a draft very prone to changes!!

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+10:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Bologna Perth/Beijing Canberra
SSIG 10 May 07:00 10 May 00:00 10 May 03:00 10 May 09:00 10 May 15:00 10 May 17:00

Wednesday, May 10, 09:00--10:30, Room 214
Speaker Title Abstract Materials Time
Thomas Boch (CDS) Recent Planetary activity at CDS Generation of Mars MRO CTX HiPS, Aladin Lite planets explorer page, planetary features name resolver service.   12+3
Stéphane Erard (Obs Paris) VESPA Update     12+3
Steve Joy + In Sook Moon (IGPP/UCLA + NASA/PDS/PPI) NASA/PDS/PPI VESPA service Status report of PPI implementation   12+3
Trent Hare (USGS) / Jean-Christophe Malapert (CNES) Report OGC planetary reference frame working group     12+3
Angelo Zinzi (ASI-SSDC) NEO Data Services at SSDC     12+3

Angelo Zinzi and Marco Giardino (ASI-SSDC)

Presenting via Zoom

NEO Data Services at SSDC The Space Science Data Center is currently involved in several projects related to the study of Near Earth Objects. This presentation will be focused on the data management activities, discussing the status of the application of VO techniques for these projects and their way forward. Providing services about the physical characterization of NEO is our major goal: the attempt is to build such services on top of existing IVOA standards to maximize interoperability and to include this science domain in the standardization process.   12+3
Open Discussion Time       15

Revision 52023-04-28 - AnneRaugh

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"

Solar System Interest Group Session: May 2023, Bologna, Italy

This schedule is a draft very prone to changes!!

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+10:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Bologna Perth/Beijing Canberra
SSIG 10 May 07:00 10 May 00:00 10 May 03:00 10 May 09:00 10 May 15:00 10 May 17:00
Wednesday, May 10, 09:00--10:30, Room 214
Speaker Title Abstract Materials Time
Thomas Boch (CDS) Recent Planetary activity at CDS Generation of Mars MRO CTX HiPS, Aladin Lite planets explorer page, planetary features name resolver service.   12+3
Stéphane Erard (Obs Paris) VESPA Update     12+3
Steve Joy + In Sook Moon (IGPP/UCLA + NASA/PDS/PPI) NASA/PDS/PPI VESPA service Status report of PPI implementation   12+3
Trent Hare (USGS) / Jean-Christophe Malapert (CNES) Report OGC planetary reference frame working group     12+3
Angelo Zinzi (ASI-SSDC) NEO Data Services at SSDC     12+3
Open Discussion Time       15

Revision 42023-04-27 - BaptisteCecconi

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"

Solar System Interest Group Session: May 2023, Bologna, Italy

This schedule is a draft very prone to changes!!

Wednesday, May 10, 09:00--10:30, Room 214
Speaker Title Abstract Materials Time
Thomas Boch Recent Planetary activity at CDS Generation of Mars MRO CTX HiPS, Aladin Lite planets explorer page, planetary features name resolver service.   15+3
Stéphane Erard VESPA Update     15+3
Steve Joy / In Sook Moon (?) NASA/PDS/PPI VESPA service Status report of PPI implementation   15+3
Trent Hare / Jean-Christophe Malapert (?) Report OGC planetary reference frame working group     15+3
Angelo Zinzi (ASI-SSDC) NEO Data Services at SSDC     15+3
Thomas Boch (CDS) Recent Planetary activity at CDS Generation of Mars MRO CTX HiPS, Aladin Lite planets explorer page, planetary features name resolver service.   12+3
Stéphane Erard (Obs Paris) VESPA Update     12+3
Steve Joy + In Sook Moon (IGPP/UCLA + NASA/PDS/PPI) NASA/PDS/PPI VESPA service Status report of PPI implementation   12+3
Trent Hare (USGS) / Jean-Christophe Malapert (CNES) Report OGC planetary reference frame working group     12+3
Angelo Zinzi (ASI-SSDC) NEO Data Services at SSDC     12+3
Open Discussion Time       15

Revision 32023-04-20 - AnneRaugh

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"

Solar System Interest Group Session: May 2023, Bologna, Italy

This schedule is a draft very prone to changes!!

Wednesday, May 10, 09:00--10:30, Room 214
Speaker Title Abstract Materials Time
Thomas Boch Recent Planetary activity at CDS Generation of Mars MRO CTX HiPS, Aladin Lite planets explorer page, planetary features name resolver service.   15+3
Stéphane Erard VESPA Update     15+3
Steve Joy / In Sook Moon (?) NASA/PDS/PPI VESPA service Status report of PPI implementation   15+3
Trent Hare / Jean-Christophe Malapert (?) Report OGC planetary reference frame working group     15+3
Marco Giardino NEO Data Services at SSDC     15+3
Angelo Zinzi (ASI-SSDC) NEO Data Services at SSDC     15+3

Revision 22023-04-13 - AnneRaugh

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"

Solar System Interest Group Session: May 2023, Bologna, Italy

This schedule is a draft very prone to changes!!

Wednesday, May 10, 09:00--10:30, Room 214
Wednesday, May 10, 09:00--10:30, Room 214
Speaker Title Abstract Materials Time
Thomas Boch Recent Planetary activity at CDS Generation of Mars MRO CTX HiPS, Aladin Lite planets explorer page, planetary features name resolver service.   15+3
Stéphane Erard VESPA Update     15+3
Stéphane Erard VESPA Update     15+3
Steve Joy / In Sook Moon (?) NASA/PDS/PPI VESPA service Status report of PPI implementation   15+3
Trent Hare / Jean-Christophe Malapert (?) Report OGC planetary reference frame working group       15+3
Trent Hare / Jean-Christophe Malapert (?) Report OGC planetary reference frame working group     15+3
Marco Giardino NEO Data Services at SSDC     15+3

Revision 12023-04-06 - BaptisteCecconi

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"

Solar System Interest Group Session: May 2023, Bologna, Italy

This schedule is a draft very prone to changes!!

Wednesday, May 10, 09:00--10:30, Room 214
Speaker Title Abstract Materials Time
Thomas Boch Recent Planetary activity at CDS Generation of Mars MRO CTX HiPS, Aladin Lite planets explorer page, planetary features name resolver service.   15+3
Stéphane Erard VESPA Update     15+3
Steve Joy / In Sook Moon (?) NASA/PDS/PPI VESPA service Status report of PPI implementation   15+3
Trent Hare / Jean-Christophe Malapert (?) Report OGC planetary reference frame working group       15+3
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