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META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"


Applications Working Group : May 2024, Online

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Applications Session 1: Monday May 20 2023 @ 16:00-17:30 (Session #1) Room C122
Speaker Title Materials Time
M.Taylor Web SAMP and Private Network Access

Recent changes in W3C security standards, and their implementation in browsers, have affected how and whether Web SAMP works from HTTP or HTTPS web applications. I will describe hub implementation changes made to accommodate these, and summarise the state of play for service providers wishing to offer SAMP functionality from their web pages

pdf 10 + 2
L. Michel CooSys using MIVOT

We will present a flexible solution for representing the position of moving objects at any given epoch, based on the mapping of tabular data onto the MANGO model using MIVOT annotations.
We will focus on the different client-side implementations.
This work comes in response to a request from Apps WG (Tucson 2023) for a durable solution to seamlessly connect coordinate systems and data in VOTables.

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I will report the results of some ongoing experiments in TOPCAT/STIL working with the MIVOT annotations and MANGO DM described in Laurent's preceding talk. The idea is to extract and make use of astrometry information encoded in VOTables. I will describe progress so far and present some implementation feedback on use of MIVOT and MANGO that may be useful for the Apps and DM WGs.

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Feedbacks on the implementation of VO standards for Aladin Lite in the frame of SKA

I will present my new developments for Aladin Lite done as part of my implication in the SRCNet Orange Team which is dedicated to future SKA data cubes visualisation. SKAO has setup a SCS discovery service returning an ObsCore table that has been enriched by François Bonnarel. To be able for Aladin Lite to read that output, I enhanced the support of reading ObsCore and Datalink tables inside Aladin Lite, developed an interface to query SODA services, implement a basic SAMP support for managing VOTable sending and sub selection. Finally I will show access to a new on the fly HiPS generation from cube service developed by Thomas Boch.

aladin-lite-ska.pdf 10 + 2
F.X. Pineau Feedback on VOTable (implementing vot-cli) and fast (possibly complex) STC-S queries thanks to (B) MOCs. pdf 10 + 2
Regis Haigron & Pierre Le Sidaner Spatial selection using MOC
profits from CDS libraries
pdf 9 + 2

Applications Join session with DM/DALL: see https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2024DM

Applications Session 1 Bis: Thursday May 23 2023 @ 9:00-10:30 (Session #1) Room C122
Speaker Title Materials Time
A. Raugh When is 'Fair' F.A.I.R.?

Many archives and repositories have made the claim that "We have been FAIR since before there was a F.A.I.R." If this were generally true, there would have been neither impetus nor incentive for the myriad F.A.I.R. initiatives that have burst into existence across the data landscape. This talk delves into the "We've been FAIR..." claim and itemizes the key areas where repositories and archives might fail to meet the minimum standard to claim that they are truly F.A.I.R. and offers specific suggestions for first steps to take to achieve a baseline of FAIRness..

  15 + 5
A. Raugh When is 'Fair' F.A.I.R.?

Many archives and repositories have made the claim that "We have been FAIR since before there was a F.A.I.R." If this were generally true, there would have been neither impetus nor incentive for the myriad F.A.I.R. initiatives that have burst into existence across the data landscape. This talk delves into the "We've been FAIR..." claim and itemizes the key areas where repositories and archives might fail to meet the minimum standard to claim that they are truly F.A.I.R. and offers specific suggestions for first steps to take to achieve a baseline of FAIRness..

pdf 15 + 5
M.Juric An Update on Formats and Tools for Joint Distributed Analysis of LSST-Scale Datasets

The present decade will be marked by growth of large survey catalogs, both in their number and scale (e.g. LSST, Roman, SPHEREx and others). Joint analysis of large catalogs has historically shown itself to be tremendously useful, with its importance likely to rise even further. Yet, with the increase in scale towards PBs of data, joint analysis — even at a catalog level — becomes a complex data management problem that few astronomers are equipped to tackle with present-day technology. At 2023 Bologna IVOA we presented an experiment (provisionally) called HiPSCat, a format for efficient and queryable storage of large datasets. The goal of the format is to enable balanced spatial partitioning and enables scalable serving of PB-scale datasets (via HTTP) using Parquet for efficient storage. Since then, we have developed a Python framework for distributed querying of such datasets (LSDB), begun experimental deployment on the LINCC (LSST Interdisciplinary Network for Collaboration and Computing) Science Platform and the NASA Astrophysics Science Platform, and collected feedback from a number of test users. In this talk, we'd provide a quick update on lessons learned, the status of the format, and demo the available tools. We're looking for feedback and collaboration opportunities, and pathways towards IVOA discussions and standardization of such ideas.

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B. Sipocz Representation of VOTable data as Parquet - an update

We present an update on the previously reported effort to develop a mechanism for transporting metadata from the VOTable data model along with data in the modern, high-efficiency Parquet data format. We will describe progress in supporting the proposed standard in Astropy and we wish to trigger a conversation about whether and how this effort should proceed within the IVOA..

  15 + 5

Applications Session 2: Thursday May 23 2024 @ 11:00-12:30 (Session #2) Room C122
Speaker Title Materials Time
Jose Osinde ESA TAP+/Datalink Updates

The presentation will encompass the latest advancements in ESA TAP, incorporating ongoing efforts towards implementing bulk download functionality, which can be seen as an evolution of the Datalink Interface. Future developments will center on the adoption of Java 17, the integration of Spring Framework Annotations, and the establishment of a stateless TAP as a crucial step towards a scalable TAP server. Lastly, numerous challenges await, especially concerning complex authorization scenarios involving lists of accessible tables for specific groups or row access permissions. These topics will be explored and discussed during the presentation.

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Molinaro & Butora multiplicity and recursiveness in VOTable   12 + 3
Rach Bhatawdekar Integration of ESASky in the ESA science archives via its API

How ESASky is integrated in some of the ESA astronomy science archives such as Planck, JWST, HST, GAIA and Euclid via its API and its functionalities

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Duy Nguyen

Jdaviz visualization app

NASA's HEASARC archive is collaborating with STScI to include VO functionality into Jdaviz, the official Jupyter data analysis and visualization tool for the JWST mission and MAST archive. This demo will show a functional prototype of a Virtual Observatory plugin developed for Jdaviz to allow integrated archive querying and loading of VO image assets into the JWST tool.

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Sara Nieto VO protocols exposed in ESA Euclid/Survey

How Euclid is serving data through VO protocols prior to upcoming Data Releases

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PyVO Admins PyVO Refresher   12 + 3
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="samp-pna.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716116745" name="samp-pna.pdf" path="samp-pna.pdf" size="137238" user="MarkTaylor" version="1"
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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="aladin-lite-ska.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716168229" name="aladin-lite-ska.pdf" path="aladin-lite-ska.pdf" size="1992115" user="MatthieuBaumann" version="2"
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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ESAC_Tap_IVOA_May2024_final.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716415430" name="ESAC_Tap_IVOA_May2024_final.pdf" path="ESAC_Tap_IVOA_May2024_final.pdf" size="969676" user="JoseOsinde" version="3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ESASky_IVOA.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716345561" name="ESASky_IVOA.pdf" path="ESASky_IVOA.pdf" size="11035537" user="SaraNieto" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Euclid_IVOA_May24.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716419224" name="Euclid_IVOA_May24.pdf" path="Euclid_IVOA_May24.pdf" size="1641681" user="SaraNieto" version="1"
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