Programme for May 2024 Interop in Sydney (Australia)

IVOA Northern Spring 2024 Interoperability Meeting information:

NOTE! Times are in Sydney (Australia) locale.


Recordings are available via the CANFAR VOSpace service vault:

The International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) is made up of an Executive Comittee with representatives from member countries, a Committee for Science Priorities (CSP), and a Technical Coordination Group (TCG) made up of Working Groups (WG) and Interest Groups (IG). The WGs & IGs chairs and vice chairs lead topical sessions at the IVOA Interop meeting. Click on Programme links to view individual session details and abstracts.

Room C112 is available for adhoc meetings (holds 20).

Thu/Fri May 16/17, 2024 Time Location Topic
  10:00-17:30 C112 Protocol Transitioning Tiger team (P3T) meeting (members only)
Saturday May 18, 2024 Time Location Topic
  10:00-17:30 C112 P3T /WG/IG/Exec Face-to-face discussions (members only)
Sunday May 19, 2024 Time Location Topic
  10:00-15:30 C120/121 Technical Coordination Face-to-face meeting (members only)
  16:00-18:00 C120/121 Executive Committee Face-to-face meeting (members only)
Start of Sessions
Monday May 20, 2024 Time Room Session Lead
1 09:00-09:15 C122 Welcome and Logistics Simon O'Toole
09:15-09:45   State of the IVOA Simon O'Toole
09:45-10:00   Committee for Science Priorities (CSP) Status Francesca Civano
10:00-10:15   State of the TCG Janet Evans
  10:30-11:00   Break  
  11:00-12:30 C122 Charge to the Working Groups Working Group/Iinterest Group Chairs
  12:30-14:00   Lunch break Provided
2 14:00-15:30 C122 Local Host Plenary: The Australian data landscape Simon O'Toole
  15:30 -16:00   Break  
3 16:00-17:30 C122 Applications WG 1 Pierre Le Sidaner/Adrian Damian
  18:00-late   Welcome function at Macquarie Ubar  
Tuesday May 21, 2024 Time Room Session Lead
4 9:00-10:30 C122 Plenary : Next Generation of Radio Astronomy facilities Francesca Civano (CSP)
  10:30-11:00   Break  
5 11:00-12:30 C122 Data Access Layer 1 (DAL) James Dempsey/Gregory Mantelet
  12:30-14:00   Lunch break Provided
6 14:00-15:30 C122 Data Model 1 (DM) - High Energy focus Mark Cresitello-Dittmar/Mathieu Servillat
C120/121 Grid and Web Services (GWS) Jesus Salgado/Sara Bertocco
  15:30 -16:00   Break  
7 16:00-17:30 C122 Registry Renaud Savalle/Tess Jaffe
C120/121 Radio IG Francois Bonnarel/Mark Kettenis
Wednesday May 22, 2024 Time Room Session Lead
8 9:00-10:30 C122 Protocol Transition Tiger Team (GWS/DAL) James Dempsey/Jesus Salgado
  10:30-11:00   Break  
9 11:00-12:30 C122 Data Model (DM) 2 Mark Cresitello-Dittmar/Mathieu Servillat
C120/121 Knowledge Discovery (KD) Yihan Tao, Raffaele D'Abrusco
  12:30-14:00   Lunch break Provided
C120/121 Exec Meeting closed door
10 14:00-15:30 C120/121 Documentation Hackathon (Updating IVOA pages) Anne/Steve/Janet/Marco
  15:30 -16:00   Break  
11 16:00-17:30 C120/121 Documentation Hackathon (Updating IVOA pages) Anne/Steve/Janet/Marco
Thursday May 23, 2024 Time Room Session Lead
12 9:00-10:30 C122 Applications WG 1-Bis Pierre Le Sidaner/Adrian Damian
C120/121 Time Domain Interest Group (TDIG) TimeDomainIG Rafael Martinez Galarza/Pierre Fernique
  10:30-11:00   Break  
13 11:00-12:30 C122 Applications WG 2 Pierre Le Sidaner/Adrian Damian
C120/121 Semantics Baptiste Cecconi, Sebastien Derriere
  12:30-14:00   Lunch break – Conference photo prior to lunch! Provided
14 14:00-15:30 C122 Operations Steve Groom/Tamara Civera
  C120/121 Data Access Layer (DAL) 2 James Dempsey/Gregory Mantelet
  15:30 -16:00   Break  
15 16:00-17:30 C122 DM/DAL/APP Joint Session
Mark CD, James D, Pierre LS
  19:00-20:30   Public talk: "A Universe in Data" – Mason Theatre, 12 Wally's Walk  
Friday May 24, 2024 Time Room Session Lead
16 10:00-11:30 C122 Closing Plenary  
    60 min Summary from Working Groups WG/IG Chairs
    15 min TCG Closing Remarks Janet Evans
    15 min   Simon O'Toole
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf CSP-Presentation-interop-2024A_FC.pdf r1 manage 3118.5 K 2024-05-19 - 01:49 FrancescaCivano CSP status
PDFpdf CSP-Presentation-interop-2024A_FC_2.pdf r1 manage 3118.5 K 2024-05-19 - 23:20 FrancescaCivano CSP 2
PDFpdf State_of_the_IVOA__May_2024.pdf r1 manage 21240.0 K 2024-05-19 - 21:27 SimonOToole  
PDFpdf Sydney2024-TCG-opening.pdf r1 manage 966.3 K 2024-05-19 - 21:04 JanetEvans  
PDFpdf Sydney2024-closing.pdf r3 r2 r1 manage 1572.9 K 2024-05-24 - 00:25 JanetEvans  
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