CSP - Plenary Session I - Tuesday 9:00-10:30am Local Time

The goal of the session is to learn about the next generation of radio astronomy facilities, the science goals and the data distribution plans.

We would like to know how that folds back into IVOA protocols, it can be success stories or requirements driving next generation protocols.

Speaker Title Abstract  
Gregory Dubois-Felsmann The DSA-2000 Radio Camera and the IVOA We briefly describe the proposed DSA-2000 "Radio Camera" - an array of 2000 5m dishes surveying the sky in the 0.7 - 2 GHz band, its scientific motivation, and an early look at the issues involved in using IVOA standards to deliver its data products to researchers. We will describe the planned data products and data access environment, outline current plans for the use of existing IVOA standards to make the data products available and discoverable, and indicate where existing standards may be inadequate to the project's needs. 20 min
Minh Huynh

ASKAP, CASDA, and the Australia Telescope National Facility Archives

The Australian SKA Pathfinder, located at the SKA site in outback Western Australia, is CSIRO�s newest radio telescope. Around 25 TB per day of processed science-ready ASKAP data is produced by our custom pipeline. The CSIRO ASKAP Science Data Archive (CASDA) stores and makes this data accessible to astronomers around the world. In this talk I will describe CASDA, its capabilities, and our implementation of VO services. I will also discuss our efforts in Australia to prepare for the next deluge of radio astronomy data from our new instruments BIGCAT and CryoPAF. I will then present some challenges in making this big dataset accessible to the community. 20 min
Jesus Salgado SKA Regional Centres Network (SRCNet):
Addressing Large-Scale Data Challenges
The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project generates massive datasets requiring innovative solutions for scientific analysis. The SKA Regional Centres Network (SRCNet) collaboration addresses this by establishing a distributed science analysis platform. This talk explores the data challenges of SKA and how SRCNet is being designed to streamline data access, workflow execution, and scientific analysis. We will also discuss the potential of the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) in addressing these large-scale data analysis complexities. 20 min
Panel Discussion  

3 topics for the discussion panel will be

  • Bulk data access protocols

  • Science Platform standards: e.g. execution broker

  • Data Models: eg Provenance

30 min

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf DSA-2000-IVOA-202405.pdf r1 manage 6449.0 K 2024-05-20 - 23:41 FrancescaCivano  
PDFpdf SKA_Regional_Centres_Network_-_Sydney.pdf r1 manage 7635.6 K 2024-05-20 - 13:13 JesusSalgado  
PDFpdf casda_CSP_challenges.pdf r1 manage 5105.7 K 2024-05-21 - 06:10 FrancescaCivano  
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Topic revision: r6 - 2024-10-08 - FrancescaCivano
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