Difference: InterOpMay2024Apps (6 vs. 7)

Revision 72024-05-02 - AdrianDamian

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"


Applications Working Group : May 2024, Online

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Applications Session 1: Monday May 20 2023 @ 16:00-17:30 (Session #1) Room C122
Speaker Title Materials Time
M.Taylor Web SAMP and Private Network Access   15 + 5
M. Baumann feedbacks on the implementation of VO standards
for Aladin Lite in the frame of SKA
  15 + 5
F.X. Pineau Feedback on VOTable (implementing vot-cli) and fast (possibly complex) STC-S queries thanks to (B) MOCs.   15 +5
Jose Osinde ESA TAP+/Datalink Updates Status and evolution of ESDC TAP and Datalink services 15 + 5


Applications Join session with DM/DALL: Wednesday May 22 2024 @ 11:00-12:30 Room C122
Speaker Title Materials Time


Applications Session 2: Thursday May 23 2024 @ 11:00-12:30 (Session #2) Room C122
Speaker Title Materials Time
L. Michel CooSys using MIVOT:
We will present a flexible solution for representing the position of moving objects at any given epoch, based on the mapping of tabular data onto the MANGO model using MIVOT annotations.
We will focus on the different client-side implementations.
This work comes in response to a request from Apps WG (Tucson 2023) for a durable solution to seamlessly connect coordinate systems and data in VOTables.
  15 +5
Molinaro & Butora multiplicity and recursiveness in VOTable   15 +5
Haigron & Le Sidaner Spatial selection using MOC   10 + 5
L. Michel CooSys using MIVOT We will present a flexible solution for representing the position of moving objects at any given epoch, based on the mapping of tabular data onto the MANGO model using MIVOT annotations.
We will focus on the different client-side implementations.
This work comes in response to a request from Apps WG (Tucson 2023) for a durable solution to seamlessly connect coordinate systems and data in VOTables.
15 + 2
Molinaro & Butora multiplicity and recursiveness in VOTable   15 + 2
Haigron & Le Sidaner Spatial selection using MOC   15 + 2
Duy Nguyen Jdaviz visualization app   15 + 2
Sara Nieto VO protocols exposed in ESA Euclid/Survey How Euclid is serving data through VO protocols prior to upcoming Data Releases 15 + 2
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