Difference: InterOpMay2024RIG (1 vs. 11)

Revision 112024-11-13 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"
--+ RadioIG Session Schedule - IVOA May 2024 Interoperability Meeting

back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+6:00 UTC+10:00
Pasadena/Victoria Washington DC/Boston Roma/Paris/Berlin/Madrid Perth/Beijing Sydney
RIG May 21 06:00 May 20 23:00 May 21 2:00 May 21 8:00 May 21 14:00 May 21 16:00

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.

RadioIG session

Time: May 21 16:00 [session7-B]

Speaker Title Time Material
François Bonnarel introduction to Obscore Extension + proto demo 10' pdf
François Bonnarel introduction to Obscore Extension + proto demo 10' pdf
Mark Kettenis

Protoyping a Radio Obscore implementation for visibility data using DaCHS

Recent versions of DaCHS include support for the IVOA Obscore Extension for Radio data
working draft. This includes support for the UV coverage parameters introduced in the extension. At JIVE we have calculated these parameters for most observations in the EVN archive and make
them available in our DaCHS -based VO service. I will discuss some of the interpretation issues that arose while doing this prototype implementation and will show some interesting queries that are now possible.

15' pdf
all Discussion on Obscore Extension and radio VO service implementation 30'  
François Bonnarel Pulsar data discovery and access (joint with TDIG) 10' pdf
all discussion (with TDIG) 25'  
Moderator: François Notetaker: Mark ,

notes: saved notes - not yet available ( link to etherpad live notes, should expire around end of May 2025)

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA-2024-Sydney-Kettenis.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716270370" name="IVOA-2024-Sydney-Kettenis.pdf" path="IVOA-2024-Sydney-Kettenis.pdf" size="764349" user="MarkKettenis" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ObsCoreRadioExtensionMay2024.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716271197" name="ObsCoreRadioExtensionMay2024.pdf" path="ObsCoreRadioExtensionMay2024.pdf" size="2730202" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CASDA-Obscore-for-Visibilities-20240521.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716271646" name="CASDA-Obscore-for-Visibilities-20240521.pdf" path="CASDA-Obscore-for-Visibilities-20240521.pdf" size="102191" user="JamesDempsey" version="1"

Revision 102024-05-21 - JamesDempsey

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"
--+ RadioIG Session Schedule - IVOA May 2024 Interoperability Meeting

back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+6:00 UTC+10:00
Pasadena/Victoria Washington DC/Boston Roma/Paris/Berlin/Madrid Perth/Beijing Sydney
RIG May 21 06:00 May 20 23:00 May 21 2:00 May 21 8:00 May 21 14:00 May 21 16:00

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.

RadioIG session

Time: May 21 16:00 [session7-B]

Speaker Title Time Material
François Bonnarel introduction to Obscore Extension + proto demo 10' pdf
Mark Kettenis

Protoyping a Radio Obscore implementation for visibility data using DaCHS

Recent versions of DaCHS include support for the IVOA Obscore Extension for Radio data
working draft. This includes support for the UV coverage parameters introduced in the extension. At JIVE we have calculated these parameters for most observations in the EVN archive and make
them available in our DaCHS -based VO service. I will discuss some of the interpretation issues that arose while doing this prototype implementation and will show some interesting queries that are now possible.

15' pdf
all Discussion on Obscore Extension and radio VO service implementation 30'  
François Bonnarel Pulsar data discovery and access (joint with TDIG) 10' pdf
all discussion (with TDIG) 25'  
Moderator: François Notetaker: Mark ,

notes: saved notes - not yet available ( link to etherpad live notes, should expire around end of May 2025)

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA-2024-Sydney-Kettenis.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716270370" name="IVOA-2024-Sydney-Kettenis.pdf" path="IVOA-2024-Sydney-Kettenis.pdf" size="764349" user="MarkKettenis" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ObsCoreRadioExtensionMay2024.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716271197" name="ObsCoreRadioExtensionMay2024.pdf" path="ObsCoreRadioExtensionMay2024.pdf" size="2730202" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CASDA-Obscore-for-Visibilities-20240521.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716271646" name="CASDA-Obscore-for-Visibilities-20240521.pdf" path="CASDA-Obscore-for-Visibilities-20240521.pdf" size="102191" user="JamesDempsey" version="1"

Revision 92024-05-21 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"
--+ RadioIG Session Schedule - IVOA May 2024 Interoperability Meeting

back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+6:00 UTC+10:00
Pasadena/Victoria Washington DC/Boston Roma/Paris/Berlin/Madrid Perth/Beijing Sydney
RIG May 21 06:00 May 20 23:00 May 21 2:00 May 21 8:00 May 21 14:00 May 21 16:00

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.

RadioIG session

Time: May 21 16:00 [session7-B]

Speaker Title Time Material
François Bonnarel introduction to Obscore Extension + proto demo 10' pdf
Mark Kettenis

Protoyping a Radio Obscore implementation for visibility data using DaCHS

Recent versions of DaCHS include support for the IVOA Obscore Extension for Radio data
working draft. This includes support for the UV coverage parameters introduced in the extension. At JIVE we have calculated these parameters for most observations in the EVN archive and make
them available in our DaCHS -based VO service. I will discuss some of the interpretation issues that arose while doing this prototype implementation and will show some interesting queries that are now possible.

15' pdf
all Discussion on Obscore Extension and radio VO service implementation 30'  
François Bonnarel Pulsar data discovery and access (joint with TDIG) 10' pdf
all discussion (with TDIG) 25'  
Moderator: François Notetaker: Mark ,

notes: saved notes - not yet available ( link to etherpad live notes, should expire around end of May 2025)

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA-2024-Sydney-Kettenis.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716270370" name="IVOA-2024-Sydney-Kettenis.pdf" path="IVOA-2024-Sydney-Kettenis.pdf" size="764349" user="MarkKettenis" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ObsCoreRadioExtensionMay2024.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716271197" name="ObsCoreRadioExtensionMay2024.pdf" path="ObsCoreRadioExtensionMay2024.pdf" size="2730202" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"

Revision 82024-05-21 - MarkKettenis

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"
--+ RadioIG Session Schedule - IVOA May 2024 Interoperability Meeting

back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+6:00 UTC+10:00
Pasadena/Victoria Washington DC/Boston Roma/Paris/Berlin/Madrid Perth/Beijing Sydney
RIG May 21 06:00 May 20 23:00 May 21 2:00 May 21 8:00 May 21 14:00 May 21 16:00

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.

RadioIG session

Time: May 21 16:00 [session7-B]

Speaker Title Time Material
François Bonnarel introduction to Obscore Extension + proto demo 10' pdf
Mark Kettenis

Protoyping a Radio Obscore implementation for visibility data using DaCHS

Recent versions of DaCHS include support for the IVOA Obscore Extension for Radio data
working draft. This includes support for the UV coverage parameters introduced in the extension.
At JIVE we have calculated these parameters for most observations in the EVN archive and make
them available in our DaCHS -based VO service. I will discuss some of the interpretation issues
that arose while doing this prototype implementation and will show some interesting queries that
are now possible.

Mark Kettenis

Protoyping a Radio Obscore implementation for visibility data using DaCHS

Recent versions of DaCHS include support for the IVOA Obscore Extension for Radio data
working draft. This includes support for the UV coverage parameters introduced in the extension. At JIVE we have calculated these parameters for most observations in the EVN archive and make
them available in our DaCHS -based VO service. I will discuss some of the interpretation issues that arose while doing this prototype implementation and will show some interesting queries that are now possible.

15' pdf
all Discussion on Obscore Extension and radio VO service implementation 30'  
François Bonnarel Pulsar data discovery and access (joint with TDIG) 10' pdf
all discussion (with TDIG) 25'  
all discussion (with TDIG) 25'  
 Moderator: François Notetaker: Mark ,

notes: saved notes - not yet available ( link to etherpad live notes, should expire around end of May 2025)

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA-2024-Sydney-Kettenis.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716270370" name="IVOA-2024-Sydney-Kettenis.pdf" path="IVOA-2024-Sydney-Kettenis.pdf" size="764349" user="MarkKettenis" version="2"

Revision 72024-05-21 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"
--+ RadioIG Session Schedule - IVOA May 2024 Interoperability Meeting

back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+6:00 UTC+10:00
Pasadena/Victoria Washington DC/Boston Roma/Paris/Berlin/Madrid Perth/Beijing Sydney
RIG May 21 06:00 May 20 23:00 May 21 2:00 May 21 8:00 May 21 14:00 May 21 16:00

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.

RadioIG session

Time: May 21 16:00 [session7-B]

Speaker Title Time Material
François Bonnarel introduction to Obscore Extension + proto demo 10' pdf
Mark Kettenis

Protoyping a Radio Obscore implementation for visibility data using DaCHS

Recent versions of DaCHS include support for the IVOA Obscore Extension for Radio data
working draft. This includes support for the UV coverage parameters introduced in the extension.
At JIVE we have calculated these parameters for most observations in the EVN archive and make
them available in our DaCHS -based VO service. I will discuss some of the interpretation issues
that arose while doing this prototype implementation and will show some interesting queries that
are now possible.

all Discussion on Obscore Extension and radio VO service implementation 30' pdf
all Discussion on Obscore Extension and radio VO service implementation 30'  
François Bonnarel Pulsar data discovery and access (joint with TDIG) 10' pdf
all discussion (with TDIG) 25' pdf
all discussion (with TDIG) 25'  
 Moderator: François Notetaker: Mark ,

notes: saved notes - not yet available ( link to etherpad live notes, should expire around end of May 2025)

Revision 62024-05-18 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"
--+ RadioIG Session Schedule - IVOA May 2024 Interoperability Meeting

back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+6:00 UTC+10:00
Pasadena/Victoria Washington DC/Boston Roma/Paris/Berlin/Madrid Perth/Beijing Sydney
RIG May 21 06:00 May 20 23:00 May 21 2:00 May 21 8:00 May 21 14:00 May 21 16:00

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.

RadioIG session

Time: May 21 16:00 [session7-B]

Speaker Title Time Material
François Bonnarel introduction to Obscore Extension + proto demo 10' pdf
Mark Kettenis

Protoyping a Radio Obscore implementation for visibility data using DaCHS

Recent versions of DaCHS include support for the IVOA Obscore Extension for Radio data
working draft. This includes support for the UV coverage parameters introduced in the extension.
At JIVE we have calculated these parameters for most observations in the EVN archive and make
them available in our DaCHS -based VO service. I will discuss some of the interpretation issues
that arose while doing this prototype implementation and will show some interesting queries that
are now possible.

all Discussion on Obscore Extension and radio VO service implementation 30' pdf
François Bonnarel Pulsar data discovery and access (joint with TDIG) 10' pdf
all discussion (with TDIG) 25' pdf
 Moderator: François Notetaker: Mark ,

notes: saved notes - not yet available ( link to etherpad live notes, should expire around end of May 2025)


Revision 52024-05-13 - MarkKettenis

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"
--+ RadioIG Session Schedule - IVOA May 2024 Interoperability Meeting

back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+6:00 UTC+10:00
Pasadena/Victoria Washington DC/Boston Roma/Paris/Berlin/Madrid Perth/Beijing Sydney
RIG May 21 06:00 May 20 23:00 May 21 2:00 May 21 8:00 May 21 14:00 May 21 16:00

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.

RadioIG session

Time: May 21 16:00 [session7-B]

Speaker Title Time Material
François Bonnarel introduction to Obscore Extension + proto demo 10' pdf
Mark Kettenis JIVE implementation 15'  
Mark Kettenis

Protoyping a Radio Obscore implementation for visibility data using DaCHS

Recent versions of DaCHS include support for the IVOA Obscore Extension for Radio data
working draft. This includes support for the UV coverage parameters introduced in the extension.
At JIVE we have calculated these parameters for most observations in the EVN archive and make
them available in our DaCHS -based VO service. I will discuss some of the interpretation issues
that arose while doing this prototype implementation and will show some interesting queries that
are now possible.

all Discussion on Obscore Extension and radio VO service implementation 30' pdf
Moderator: François Notetaker: Mark ,

notes: saved notes - not yet available ( link to etherpad live notes, should expire around end of May 2025)

Revision 42024-05-08 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"
--+ RadioIG Session Schedule - IVOA May 2024 Interoperability Meeting

back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+6:00 UTC+10:00
Pasadena/Victoria Washington DC/Boston Roma/Paris/Berlin/Madrid Perth/Beijing Sydney
RIG May 20 06:00 May 19 23:00 May 20 2:00 May 20 8:00 May 20 14:00 May 20 16:00
RIG May 21 06:00 May 20 23:00 May 21 2:00 May 21 8:00 May 21 14:00 May 21 16:00

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.

RadioIG session

Time: May 20 16:00 [session #12-B]
Time: May 21 16:00 [session7-B]
Speaker Title Time Material

François Bonnarel introduction to Obscore Extension + proto demo 10' pdf
Mark Kettenis JIVE implementation 15'  
all Discussion on Obscore Extension and radio VO service implementation 30' pdf
Moderator: François Notetaker: Mark ,

notes: saved notes - not yet available ( link to etherpad live notes, should expire around end of May 2025)

Revision 32024-05-07 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"
--+ RadioIG Session Schedule - IVOA May 2024 Interoperability Meeting

back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+6:00 UTC+10:00
Pasadena/Victoria Washington DC/Boston Roma/Paris/Berlin/Madrid Perth/Beijing Sydney
RIG May 20 18:00 May 19 23:00 May 20 2:00 May 20 8:00 May 20 14:00 May 20 16:00
RIG May 20 06:00 May 19 23:00 May 20 2:00 May 20 8:00 May 20 14:00 May 20 16:00

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.

RadioIG session

Time: May 20 16:00 [session #12-B]

Speaker Title Time Material
François Bonnarel   12 + 3 pdf
all Discussion on Obscore Extension and radio VO service implementation 15 pdf
François Bonnarel introduction to Obscore Extension + proto demo 10' pdf
Mark Kettenis JIVE implementation 15'  
all Discussion on Obscore Extension and radio VO service implementation 30' pdf
 Moderator: François Notetaker: Mark ,
notes: saved notes ( link to etherpad live notes, should expire around end of November 2024)
notes: saved notes - not yet available ( link to etherpad live notes, should expire around end of May 2025)

Revision 22024-05-07 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"
--+ RadioIG Session Schedule - IVOA November 2023 Interoperability Meeting
--+ RadioIG Session Schedule - IVOA May 2024 Interoperability Meeting
back to main programme page]
back to main programme page]
Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-06:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+6:00 UTC+10:00
Tucson Washington DC Roma/Paris/Berlin/Madrid Perth/Beijing Canberra
RIG Nov 11 18:00 Nov 11 11:00 Nov 11 13:00 Nov 11 19:00 Nov 12 2:00 Nov 11 5:00
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+6:00 UTC+10:00
Pasadena/Victoria Washington DC/Boston Roma/Paris/Berlin/Madrid Perth/Beijing Sydney
RIG May 20 18:00 May 19 23:00 May 20 2:00 May 20 8:00 May 20 14:00 May 20 16:00

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.

RadioIG session

Time: May 10 16:00 [session #12-B]
Time: May 20 16:00 [session #12-B]
Speaker Title Time Material
Greg Sleap MWA Archive & VO Overview 12 + 3 pdf
Julian Garrido - Ixaka Labadie Visualization for data cubes using SODA, as a preparation for the SKA archive 12 + 3 pdf
François Bonnarel   12 + 3 pdf
Baptiste Cecconi and collaborators 4D (spatial-temporal-spectral) radio data in the VO 12 + 3 pdf
Mark Lacy Accessing data from the VLA Sky Survey via the VO 12 + 3 pdf
François Bonnarel and SRCnet collaborators Access from visualisation tools to SKA science images and cubes stored in a rucio DataLake through IVOA discovery and access services 12 + 3 pdf
all Discussion on Obscore Extension and radio VO service implementation 15 pdf
Moderator: François Notetaker: Mark ,

notes: saved notes ( link to etherpad live notes, should expire around end of November 2024)

Revision 12024-05-06 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"
--+ RadioIG Session Schedule - IVOA November 2023 Interoperability Meeting

back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-06:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+6:00 UTC+10:00
Tucson Washington DC Roma/Paris/Berlin/Madrid Perth/Beijing Canberra
RIG Nov 11 18:00 Nov 11 11:00 Nov 11 13:00 Nov 11 19:00 Nov 12 2:00 Nov 11 5:00

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.

RadioIG session

Time: May 10 16:00 [session #12-B]

Speaker Title Time Material
Greg Sleap MWA Archive & VO Overview 12 + 3 pdf
Julian Garrido - Ixaka Labadie Visualization for data cubes using SODA, as a preparation for the SKA archive 12 + 3 pdf
Baptiste Cecconi and collaborators 4D (spatial-temporal-spectral) radio data in the VO 12 + 3 pdf
Mark Lacy Accessing data from the VLA Sky Survey via the VO 12 + 3 pdf
François Bonnarel and SRCnet collaborators Access from visualisation tools to SKA science images and cubes stored in a rucio DataLake through IVOA discovery and access services 12 + 3 pdf
all Discussion on Obscore Extension and radio VO service implementation 15 pdf
Moderator: François Notetaker: Mark ,

notes: saved notes ( link to etherpad live notes, should expire around end of November 2024)

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