Difference: InterOpNov2018DAL (26 vs. 27)

Revision 272018-11-08 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2018"

DAL sessions schedule - IVOA November 2018 College Park Interoperability Meeting

includes DAL/GWS/Registry joint session schedule

DAL 1 (Thursday Nov. 08, 14:00-15:30, Salon 1&2)

Speaker Title Time Material
Rick Ebert Latest from NED 15'  
Jesus Salgado Observatory services: Object Visibility and Observation locator protocols status 15' pptx
François Bonnarel HiPSToFITS prototype (and ideas for SIAv2 & SODA next) 15'  
François Bonnarel HiPSToFITS prototype (and ideas for SIAv2 & SODA next) 15' pdf
Dave Morris ADQL status report 15' pdf
discussion 30'

DAL/GWS/Registry (Friday Nov. 09, 14:00-15:30, Salon 1&2): Discovering Authenticated Endpoints (in TAP) joint session

Speaker Title Time Material
Simon O'Toole Access Control in the All-Sky Virtual Observatory 15'  
Jesus Salgado GAIA TAP (TAP+ protocol) 15'  
Pat Dowler TAP-1.1 & endpoints authentication 15'  
Mark Taylor TAP-1.1 authentication in TOPCAT/STILTS (include Markus D. topics) 25' pdf
discussion (overflow option to splinter) 20'

DAL/GWS/Registry (Saturday Nov. 10, 09:00-10:30, Salon 3): Splinter session: TAP authentication Endpoints

Overflow discussion from the joint session. Notes will go here.

DAL 2 (Saturday Nov. 10, 11:00-12:30, Salon 1&2)

Speaker Title Time Material
Nicolas Moreau (by proxy) SLAP-2.0 status report 5' pdf
Nicolas Moreau (by proxy) SLAP-2.0 status report 5' pdf
Michèle Sanguillon A ProvSAP prototype 15'  
François Bonnarel Towards DataLink 1.1 15'  
Patrick Dowler Extending TAP to Support User Table Creation 20'  
discussion 35'


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="20181108-02-ADQL-changes.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1541694640" name="20181108-02-ADQL-changes.pdf" path="20181108-02-ADQL-changes.pdf" size="226861" user="DaveMorris" version="3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="tapauth.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1541684870" name="tapauth.pdf" path="tapauth.pdf" size="147303" user="MarkTaylor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2018_11_06_interop_college_park_SLAP.pdf" attr="" comment="SLAP-2.0 status report (Nicolas Moreau)" date="1541694942" name="2018_11_06_interop_college_park_SLAP.pdf" path="2018_11_06_interop_college_park_SLAP.pdf" size="75461" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VisibilityObsLoc-IVOA-Washington.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1541698270" name="VisibilityObsLoc-IVOA-Washington.pptx" path="VisibilityObsLoc-IVOA-Washington.pptx" size="7558370" user="JesusSalgado" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="HiPStoFits_Prototype_IVOA.pdf" attr="" comment="HiPStoFITS prototype as testbed of SODA1.1 and SIAP2.1" date="1541704775" name="HiPStoFits_Prototype_IVOA.pdf" path="HiPStoFits_Prototype_IVOA.pdf" size="9785254" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"
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