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Revision 102021-11-02 - FrancescaCivano

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CSP Panel Session 2 Nov 2021, 20:30 UTC

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Panel session: Bringing services and tools to the research community

Speaker Institution Presentation
Tess Jaffe NASA Astronomical VO pdf
Gregory Dubois-Felsmann IPAC pdf
Enrique Solano Spanish VO pdf
Francesca Civano Chandra pdf
Simon O’Toole ASVO pdf
Bruno Merin ESA pdf

Moderator: Ada Nebot Note taker:Raffaele D'Abrusco

notes: link to live notes, should expire around end of December 2021

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FC_CSP_IVOA_Interop_2021.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1635881499" name="FC_CSP_IVOA_Interop_2021.pdf" path="FC_CSP_IVOA_Interop_2021.pdf" size="11930485" user="FrancescaCivano" version="3"
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