Difference: InterOpNov2023RadioIG (7 vs. 8)

Revision 82023-11-11 - MarkLacy

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2023"
--+ RadioIG Session Schedule - IVOA November 2023 Interoperability Meeting

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Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-05:00 UTC+01:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+10:00
Tucson Washington DC Roma/Paris/Berlin/Madrid Perth/Beijing Canberra
RIG Nov 11 18:00 Nov 11 11:00 Nov 11 13:00 Nov 11 19:00 Nov 12 2:00 Nov 11 5:00

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.

RadioIG session

Time: May 10 16:00 [session #12-B]

Speaker Title Time Material
Greg Sleap MWA Archive & VO Overview 12 + 3 pdf
Greg Sleap MWA Archive & VO Overview 12 + 3 https://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/InterOpNov2023RadioIG/
Julian Garrido - Ixaka Labadie Visualization for data cubes using SODA, as a preparation for the SKA archive 12 + 3 pdf
Baptiste Cecconi and collaborators 4D (spatial-temporal-spectral) radio data in the VO 12 + 3 pdf
Mark Lacy Accessing data from the VLA Sky Survey via the VO 12 + 3 pdf
Mark Lacy Accessing data from the VLA Sky Survey via the VO 12 + 3 pdf
François Bonnarel and SRCnet collaborators Access from visualisation tools to SKA science images and cubes stored in a rucio DataLake through IVOA discovery and access services 12 + 3 pdf
all Discussion on Obscore Extension and radio VO service implementation 15 pdf
all Discussion on Obscore Extension and radio VO service implementation 15 pdf
Moderator: François Notetaker: Mark ,
Moderator: François Notetaker:Mark ,
 notes: saved notes - file to come ( link to etherpad live notes, should expire around end of November 2024)


 MWA Archive & VO Overview - Greg Sleap

In this brief presentation, I will provide an status update of the MWA archive, data portal and VO services. I will also focus on the TAP service schemas we have developed to help make it more friendly to MWA users while also maintaining common standards such as ObsCore.

Visualization for data cubes using SODA, as a preparation for the SKA archive - Ixaka Labadie , J.Garrido

Presentation of a 3D rendering approach for radio data cubes to provide added value services in archives using SODA.
Presentation of a 3D rendering approach for radio data cubes to provide added value services in archives using SODA.
  4D (spatial-temporal-spectral) radio data in the VO - B Cecconi et al
We present a proof of concept for displaying radio domain temporal spectral data (aka dynamic spectra) of astrophysical sources, from an imaging interface (like Aladin)
We present a proof of concept for displaying radio domain temporal spectral data (aka dynamic spectra) of astrophysical sources, from an imaging interface (like Aladin)
  Accessing data from the VLA Sky Survey via the VO - Mark Lacy
Easy access to, and visualization of, data from large radio surveys is a challenge. I will present some examples of accessing cutouts of VLA Sky Survey data through the CADC's SODA service and highlight future challenges such as access to various forms of high-level products including data cubes.
Easy access to, and visualization of, data from large radio surveys is a challenge. I will present some examples of accessing cutouts of VLA Sky Survey data through the CADC's SODA service and highlight future challenges such as access to various forms of high-level products including data cubes.
  Access from visualisation tools to SKA science images and cubes stored in a rucio DataLake through IVOA discovery and access services - F.Bonnarel
 Within the scope of the SKA regional center network we have prototyped test data storage in the Rucio DataLake. Science metadata functionality has been implemented to the Rucio data lake prototype to demonstrate a means of enabling IVOA-compliant data discovery and server-side processing. We will demonstrate data access to this prototype and visualisation with VisIVO, Aladin Desktop and Aladin Lite
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-- FrancoisBonnarel - 2023-10-31


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