Difference: InterOpNov2024Ops (24 vs. 25)

Revision 252024-12-16 - TamaraCivera

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Ops Session at the November 2024 Interop, La Valleta, Malta

Sunday November 17 2024 9:00-10:30, Room: room 103

See InterOpNov2024 for the complete programme.

Speaker Title Time Material
Henrik Norman

Euro-VO Registry weather report

The usual Euro-VO Registry "weather report" will be presented, detailing the compliance with the IVOA standards for VOResources (SCS, SIAP, SSAP, and TAP), the progression over time, and the main reasons for non-compliance.

15' + 5' pdf
Markus Demleitner

A Mini-Survey of TAP Error Messages

I asked a student in our VO lecture in the summer semester 2024 to take a survey of the messages some of the major TAP services produce when confronted with requests broken in some way and what pyVO makes of them – and to classify them according to how much they help to fix things. In this contribution, I give a brief account of his experiences.

15' + 5' notes slides

Discussion, some possible topics:

  • Authentication and identity services
  • Support for cloud-based data
  • User-agent demographics - what software are people using to access VO services

Moderators: Steve Groom, Tamara Civera

Notetakers: Anastasia Laity, Steve Groom, Collaborative

notes: live notes, (should expire around start of Decemberr 2024)
notes: IVOA_Nov24_Ops.html
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