Difference: InterOpOct2005VOQL (1 vs. 13)

Revision 132012-06-26 - root

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2005"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting

6-7 Oct 2005: ESAC, Madrid, Spain


IvoaVOQL Session


VOQL Session



Session 1 (Oct 10, 9:30-11:00)

  1. Road Map: (YujiSHIRASAKI & MariaNieto: 10')
  1. Road Map: (YujiSHIRASAKI & MariaNieto: 10')
    • Where are we?
    • Meeting goals
  1. Review ADQL and SkyNode specifications WD: (All: 60')
    • ADQL v1.0
      • SQL 92
        • The SELECT statement
        • BNF independent from language (Post C# as an external reference)
      • XMATCH function(s) syntax
      • Single & Multi node queries
    • SkyNode v1.0
      • XMATCH function(s) algorithms
      • Architecture Decoupling (Cascade and Parallel)
      • Add a mechanism to transmit "messages" in addition to data
      • Content standardization in returned VOTable
  1. Metadata. How enforce quality? (MariaNieto: 10')
  1. Metadata. How enforce quality? (MariaNieto: 10')
  1. Discuss schedule to upgrade skynodes from 0.7 to 1.0 (All: 10')
- break -

Session 2 (Oct 10, 11:30-13:00)

  1. Short presentations (No more than 40 - 45'; 10' to 15' each depending on quantity )
  1. Future - Brief discussion (As time permits)
    • The '!' operator problem. Need for proper footprints. (MariaNieto: 10')
    • IvoaVOQL needs diversity: equivalent implementations of Open SkyQuery portals accepting distributed queries
    • The '!' operator problem. Need for proper footprints. (MariaNieto: 10')
    • VOQL needs diversity: equivalent implementations of Open SkyQuery portals accepting distributed queries
    • XMATCH function(s) algorithms (How do we include errors?)
    • How do we deal with big query results? The path to VOStore
    • Xmatch works only between primary table from SkyNode (What needs to be done to allow xmatch with others?)
    • Table data model (standard column names) Where does Catalog Data Model WG stand?
    • Query by ucd and utype
  1. Update Road Map

Documents & schema

title version doc
ADQL WD V1.02 ADQL-20050924.pdf
SkyNode WD V1.02 SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf
ADQL schema    
SkyNode WSDL    


Presenter Subject Slides
MariaNieto or YujiSHIRASAKI Agenda, Road Map, SkyNode spec review IvoaVOQL-05-10-07.ppt
YujiSHIRASAKI Review ADQL specifications WD ADQL-WD-Update.pdf
BrianThomas Achieving a Unified Query Layer in the VO  
AndreSchaaff "VizieR" in the context of ADQL-SkyNode pdf presentation
MariaNieto or YujiSHIRASAKI Agenda, Road Map, SkyNode spec review VOQL-05-10-07.ppt
YujiSHIRASAKI Review ADQL specifications WD ADQL-WD-Update.pdf
BrianThomas Achieving a Unified Query Layer in the VO  
AndreSchaaff "VizieR" in the context of ADQL-SkyNode pdf presentation


File By
IvoaVOQL Session Notes (Part I): voql-notes.txt RoyWilliams
IvoaVOQL Session Notes (Part II): VOQL2Madrid.pdf BobHanisch
VOQL Session Notes (Part I): voql-notes.txt RoyWilliams
VOQL Session Notes (Part II): VOQL2Madrid.pdf BobHanisch

Tools for SkyNode

Title Who Description Link


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="ADQL WD" date="1128044907" name="ADQL-20050924.pdf" path="D:\ADQL-20050924.pdf" size="435840" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SkyNode Interface" date="1128045056" name="SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf" path="C:\IVOA\IvoaVOQL\Protocols\Protocols-20050924\SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf" size="402305" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SkyNode Interface" date="1128045056" name="SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf" path="C:\IVOA\VOQL\Protocols\Protocols-20050924\SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf" size="402305" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="%_Q_%VizieR%_Q_% in the context of ADQL-SkyNode" date="1128681750" name="VizieR-VOQL_Escorial.pdf" path="VizieR-VOQL_Escorial.pdf" size="100496" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Agenda, Road Map, SkyNode spec" date="1129659117" name="IvoaVOQL-05-10-07.ppt" path="IvoaVOQL-05-10-07.ppt" size="1419776" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="IvoaVOQL Session Notes (Part I)" date="1129659197" name="voql-notes.txt" path="voql-notes.txt" size="1792" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="IvoaVOQL Session Notes (Part II)" date="1129659238" name="VOQL2Madrid.pdf" path="VOQL2Madrid.pdf" size="32837" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Agenda, Road Map, SkyNode spec" date="1129659117" name="VOQL-05-10-07.ppt" path="VOQL-05-10-07.ppt" size="1419776" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOQL Session Notes (Part I)" date="1129659197" name="voql-notes.txt" path="voql-notes.txt" size="1792" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOQL Session Notes (Part II)" date="1129659238" name="VOQL2Madrid.pdf" path="VOQL2Madrid.pdf" size="32837" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="ADQL WD update" date="1129683384" name="ADQL-WD-Update.pdf" path="ADQL-WD-Update.pdf" size="140301" user="YujiSHIRASAKI" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="ORM solution to allow Unified Query" date="1147969942" name="VOUnifiedQueryTalk.pdf" path="VOUnifiedQueryTalk.pdf" size="1305393" user="BrianThomas" version="1.1"

Revision 122007-01-17 - BrunoRino

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2005"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting

6-7 Oct 2005: ESAC, Madrid, Spain


VOQL Session


IvoaVOQL Session



Session 1 (Oct 10, 9:30-11:00)

  1. Road Map: (YujiSHIRASAKI & MariaNieto: 10')
    • Where are we?
    • Meeting goals
  2. Review ADQL and SkyNode specifications WD: (All: 60')
    • ADQL v1.0
      • SQL 92
        • The SELECT statement
        • BNF independent from language (Post C# as an external reference)
      • XMATCH function(s) syntax
      • Single & Multi node queries
    • SkyNode v1.0
      • XMATCH function(s) algorithms
      • Architecture Decoupling (Cascade and Parallel)
      • Add a mechanism to transmit "messages" in addition to data
      • Content standardization in returned VOTable
  3. Metadata. How enforce quality? (MariaNieto: 10')
  4. Discuss schedule to upgrade skynodes from 0.7 to 1.0 (All: 10')
- break -

Session 2 (Oct 10, 11:30-13:00)

  1. Short presentations (No more than 40 - 45'; 10' to 15' each depending on quantity )
  2. Future - Brief discussion (As time permits)
    • The '!' operator problem. Need for proper footprints. (MariaNieto: 10')
    • VOQL needs diversity: equivalent implementations of Open SkyQuery portals accepting distributed queries
    • IvoaVOQL needs diversity: equivalent implementations of Open SkyQuery portals accepting distributed queries
    • XMATCH function(s) algorithms (How do we include errors?)
    • How do we deal with big query results? The path to VOStore
    • Xmatch works only between primary table from SkyNode (What needs to be done to allow xmatch with others?)
    • Table data model (standard column names) Where does Catalog Data Model WG stand?
    • Query by ucd and utype
  1. Update Road Map

Documents & schema

title version doc
ADQL WD V1.02 ADQL-20050924.pdf
SkyNode WD V1.02 SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf
ADQL schema    
SkyNode WSDL    


Presenter Subject Slides
MariaNieto or YujiSHIRASAKI Agenda, Road Map, SkyNode spec review VOQL-05-10-07.ppt
MariaNieto or YujiSHIRASAKI Agenda, Road Map, SkyNode spec review IvoaVOQL-05-10-07.ppt
YujiSHIRASAKI Review ADQL specifications WD ADQL-WD-Update.pdf
BrianThomas Achieving a Unified Query Layer in the VO  
AndreSchaaff "VizieR" in the context of ADQL-SkyNode pdf presentation


File By
VOQL Session Notes (Part I): voql-notes.txt RoyWilliams
VOQL Session Notes (Part II): VOQL2Madrid.pdf BobHanisch
IvoaVOQL Session Notes (Part I): voql-notes.txt RoyWilliams
IvoaVOQL Session Notes (Part II): VOQL2Madrid.pdf BobHanisch

Tools for SkyNode

Title Who Description Link



META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="ADQL WD" date="1128044907" name="ADQL-20050924.pdf" path="D:\ADQL-20050924.pdf" size="435840" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SkyNode Interface" date="1128045056" name="SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf" path="C:\IVOA\VOQL\Protocols\Protocols-20050924\SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf" size="402305" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SkyNode Interface" date="1128045056" name="SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf" path="C:\IVOA\IvoaVOQL\Protocols\Protocols-20050924\SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf" size="402305" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="%_Q_%VizieR%_Q_% in the context of ADQL-SkyNode" date="1128681750" name="VizieR-VOQL_Escorial.pdf" path="VizieR-VOQL_Escorial.pdf" size="100496" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Agenda, Road Map, SkyNode spec" date="1129659117" name="VOQL-05-10-07.ppt" path="VOQL-05-10-07.ppt" size="1419776" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOQL Session Notes (Part I)" date="1129659197" name="voql-notes.txt" path="voql-notes.txt" size="1792" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOQL Session Notes (Part II)" date="1129659238" name="VOQL2Madrid.pdf" path="VOQL2Madrid.pdf" size="32837" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Agenda, Road Map, SkyNode spec" date="1129659117" name="IvoaVOQL-05-10-07.ppt" path="IvoaVOQL-05-10-07.ppt" size="1419776" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="IvoaVOQL Session Notes (Part I)" date="1129659197" name="voql-notes.txt" path="voql-notes.txt" size="1792" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="IvoaVOQL Session Notes (Part II)" date="1129659238" name="VOQL2Madrid.pdf" path="VOQL2Madrid.pdf" size="32837" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="ADQL WD update" date="1129683384" name="ADQL-WD-Update.pdf" path="ADQL-WD-Update.pdf" size="140301" user="YujiSHIRASAKI" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="ORM solution to allow Unified Query" date="1147969942" name="VOUnifiedQueryTalk.pdf" path="VOUnifiedQueryTalk.pdf" size="1305393" user="BrianThomas" version="1.1"

Revision 112006-05-18 - BrianThomas

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2005"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting

6-7 Oct 2005: ESAC, Madrid, Spain

VOQL Session


Session 1 (Oct 10, 9:30-11:00)

  1. Road Map: (YujiSHIRASAKI & MariaNieto: 10')
    • Where are we?
    • Meeting goals
  2. Review ADQL and SkyNode specifications WD: (All: 60')
    • ADQL v1.0
      • SQL 92
        • The SELECT statement
        • BNF independent from language (Post C# as an external reference)
      • XMATCH function(s) syntax
      • Single & Multi node queries
    • SkyNode v1.0
      • XMATCH function(s) algorithms
      • Architecture Decoupling (Cascade and Parallel)
      • Add a mechanism to transmit "messages" in addition to data
      • Content standardization in returned VOTable
  3. Metadata. How enforce quality? (MariaNieto: 10')
  4. Discuss schedule to upgrade skynodes from 0.7 to 1.0 (All: 10')
- break -

Session 2 (Oct 10, 11:30-13:00)

  1. Short presentations (No more than 40 - 45'; 10' to 15' each depending on quantity )
  2. Future - Brief discussion (As time permits)
    • The '!' operator problem. Need for proper footprints. (MariaNieto: 10')
    • VOQL needs diversity: equivalent implementations of Open SkyQuery portals accepting distributed queries
    • XMATCH function(s) algorithms (How do we include errors?)
    • How do we deal with big query results? The path to VOStore
    • Xmatch works only between primary table from SkyNode (What needs to be done to allow xmatch with others?)
    • Table data model (standard column names) Where does Catalog Data Model WG stand?
    • Query by ucd and utype
  3. Update Road Map

Documents & schema

title version doc
ADQL WD V1.02 ADQL-20050924.pdf
SkyNode WD V1.02 SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf
ADQL schema    
SkyNode WSDL    


Presenter Subject Slides
MariaNieto or YujiSHIRASAKI Agenda, Road Map, SkyNode spec review VOQL-05-10-07.ppt
YujiSHIRASAKI Review ADQL specifications WD ADQL-WD-Update.pdf
BrianThomas Achieving a Unified Query Layer in the VO  
AndreSchaaff "VizieR" in the context of ADQL-SkyNode pdf presentation


File By
VOQL Session Notes (Part I): voql-notes.txt RoyWilliams
VOQL Session Notes (Part II): VOQL2Madrid.pdf BobHanisch

Tools for SkyNode

Title Who Description Link



META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="ADQL WD" date="1128044907" name="ADQL-20050924.pdf" path="D:\ADQL-20050924.pdf" size="435840" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SkyNode Interface" date="1128045056" name="SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf" path="C:\IVOA\VOQL\Protocols\Protocols-20050924\SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf" size="402305" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="%_Q_%VizieR%_Q_% in the context of ADQL-SkyNode" date="1128681750" name="VizieR-VOQL_Escorial.pdf" path="VizieR-VOQL_Escorial.pdf" size="100496" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Agenda, Road Map, SkyNode spec" date="1129659117" name="VOQL-05-10-07.ppt" path="VOQL-05-10-07.ppt" size="1419776" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOQL Session Notes (Part I)" date="1129659197" name="voql-notes.txt" path="voql-notes.txt" size="1792" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOQL Session Notes (Part II)" date="1129659238" name="VOQL2Madrid.pdf" path="VOQL2Madrid.pdf" size="32837" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="ADQL WD update" date="1129683384" name="ADQL-WD-Update.pdf" path="ADQL-WD-Update.pdf" size="140301" user="YujiSHIRASAKI" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="ORM solution to allow Unified Query" date="1147969942" name="VOUnifiedQueryTalk.pdf" path="VOUnifiedQueryTalk.pdf" size="1305393" user="BrianThomas" version="1.1"

Revision 102005-10-19 - YujiSHIRASAKI

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2005"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting

6-7 Oct 2005: ESAC, Madrid, Spain

VOQL Session


Session 1 (Oct 10, 9:30-11:00)

  1. Road Map: (YujiSHIRASAKI & MariaNieto: 10')
    • Where are we?
    • Meeting goals
  2. Review ADQL and SkyNode specifications WD: (All: 60')
    • ADQL v1.0
      • SQL 92
        • The SELECT statement
        • BNF independent from language (Post C# as an external reference)
      • XMATCH function(s) syntax
      • Single & Multi node queries
    • SkyNode v1.0
      • XMATCH function(s) algorithms
      • Architecture Decoupling (Cascade and Parallel)
      • Add a mechanism to transmit "messages" in addition to data
      • Content standardization in returned VOTable
  3. Metadata. How enforce quality? (MariaNieto: 10')
  4. Discuss schedule to upgrade skynodes from 0.7 to 1.0 (All: 10')
- break -

Session 2 (Oct 10, 11:30-13:00)

  1. Short presentations (No more than 40 - 45'; 10' to 15' each depending on quantity )
  2. Future - Brief discussion (As time permits)
    • The '!' operator problem. Need for proper footprints. (MariaNieto: 10')
    • VOQL needs diversity: equivalent implementations of Open SkyQuery portals accepting distributed queries
    • XMATCH function(s) algorithms (How do we include errors?)
    • How do we deal with big query results? The path to VOStore
    • Xmatch works only between primary table from SkyNode (What needs to be done to allow xmatch with others?)
    • Table data model (standard column names) Where does Catalog Data Model WG stand?
    • Query by ucd and utype
  3. Update Road Map

Documents & schema

title version doc
ADQL WD V1.02 ADQL-20050924.pdf
SkyNode WD V1.02 SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf
ADQL schema    
SkyNode WSDL    


Presenter Subject Slides
MariaNieto or YujiSHIRASAKI Agenda, Road Map, SkyNode spec review VOQL-05-10-07.ppt
YujiSHIRASAKI Review ADQL specifications WD  
YujiSHIRASAKI Review ADQL specifications WD ADQL-WD-Update.pdf
BrianThomas Achieving a Unified Query Layer in the VO  
AndreSchaaff "VizieR" in the context of ADQL-SkyNode pdf presentation


File By
VOQL Session Notes (Part I): voql-notes.txt RoyWilliams
VOQL Session Notes (Part I): voql-notes.txt RoyWilliams
VOQL Session Notes (Part II): VOQL2Madrid.pdf BobHanisch

Tools for SkyNode

Title Who Description Link



META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="ADQL WD" date="1128044907" name="ADQL-20050924.pdf" path="D:\ADQL-20050924.pdf" size="435840" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SkyNode Interface" date="1128045056" name="SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf" path="C:\IVOA\VOQL\Protocols\Protocols-20050924\SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf" size="402305" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="%_Q_%VizieR%_Q_% in the context of ADQL-SkyNode" date="1128681750" name="VizieR-VOQL_Escorial.pdf" path="VizieR-VOQL_Escorial.pdf" size="100496" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Agenda, Road Map, SkyNode spec" date="1129659117" name="VOQL-05-10-07.ppt" path="VOQL-05-10-07.ppt" size="1419776" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOQL Session Notes (Part I)" date="1129659197" name="voql-notes.txt" path="voql-notes.txt" size="1792" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOQL Session Notes (Part II)" date="1129659238" name="VOQL2Madrid.pdf" path="VOQL2Madrid.pdf" size="32837" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="ADQL WD update" date="1129683384" name="ADQL-WD-Update.pdf" path="ADQL-WD-Update.pdf" size="140301" user="YujiSHIRASAKI" version="1.1"

Revision 92005-10-18 - MariaNieto

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2005"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting

6-7 Oct 2005: ESAC, Madrid, Spain

VOQL Session


Session 1 (Oct 10, 9:30-11:00)

  1. Road Map: (YujiSHIRASAKI & MariaNieto: 10')
    • Where are we?
    • Meeting goals
  2. Review ADQL and SkyNode specifications WD: (All: 60')
    • ADQL v1.0
      • SQL 92
        • The SELECT statement
        • BNF independent from language (Post C# as an external reference)
      • XMATCH function(s) syntax
      • Single & Multi node queries
    • SkyNode v1.0
      • XMATCH function(s) algorithms
      • Architecture Decoupling (Cascade and Parallel)
      • Add a mechanism to transmit "messages" in addition to data
      • Content standardization in returned VOTable
  3. Metadata. How enforce quality? (MariaNieto: 10')
  4. Discuss schedule to upgrade skynodes from 0.7 to 1.0 (All: 10')
- break -

Session 2 (Oct 10, 11:30-13:00)

  1. Short presentations (No more than 40 - 45'; 10' to 15' each depending on quantity )
  2. Future - Brief discussion (As time permits)
    • The '!' operator problem. Need for proper footprints. (MariaNieto: 10')
    • VOQL needs diversity: equivalent implementations of Open SkyQuery portals accepting distributed queries
    • XMATCH function(s) algorithms (How do we include errors?)
    • How do we deal with big query results? The path to VOStore
    • Xmatch works only between primary table from SkyNode (What needs to be done to allow xmatch with others?)
    • Table data model (standard column names) Where does Catalog Data Model WG stand?
    • Query by ucd and utype
  3. Update Road Map

Documents & schema

title version doc
ADQL WD V1.02 ADQL-20050924.pdf: ADQL WD
SkyNode WD V1.02 SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf: SkyNode Interface
ADQL WD V1.02 ADQL-20050924.pdf
SkyNode WD V1.02 SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf
ADQL schema    
SkyNode WSDL    


Presenter Subject Slides
MariaNieto or YujiSHIRASAKI Road Map  
MariaNieto or YujiSHIRASAKI Review ADQL specifications WD  
MariaNieto or YujiSHIRASAKI Agenda, Road Map, SkyNode spec review VOQL-05-10-07.ppt
YujiSHIRASAKI Review ADQL specifications WD  
MariaNieto or YujiSHIRASAKI Review SkyNode specifications WD  
MariaNieto Metadata  
BrianThomas Achieving a Unified Query Layer in the VO  
AndreSchaaff Vizier Access to Catalogs presentation
AndreSchaaff "VizieR" in the context of ADQL-SkyNode pdf presentation


File By
VOQL Session Notes (Part I): voql-notes.txt RoyWilliams
VOQL Session Notes (Part II): VOQL2Madrid.pdf BobHanisch

Tools for SkyNode

Title Who Description Link




META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="ADQL WD" date="1128044907" name="ADQL-20050924.pdf" path="D:\ADQL-20050924.pdf" size="435840" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SkyNode Interface" date="1128045056" name="SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf" path="C:\IVOA\VOQL\Protocols\Protocols-20050924\SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf" size="402305" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="%_Q_%VizieR%_Q_% in the context of ADQL-SkyNode" date="1128681750" name="VizieR-VOQL_Escorial.pdf" path="VizieR-VOQL_Escorial.pdf" size="100496" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Agenda, Road Map, SkyNode spec" date="1129659117" name="VOQL-05-10-07.ppt" path="VOQL-05-10-07.ppt" size="1419776" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOQL Session Notes (Part I)" date="1129659197" name="voql-notes.txt" path="voql-notes.txt" size="1792" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOQL Session Notes (Part II)" date="1129659238" name="VOQL2Madrid.pdf" path="VOQL2Madrid.pdf" size="32837" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"

Revision 82005-10-18 - MariaNieto

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2005"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting

6-7 Oct 2005: ESAC, Madrid, Spain

VOQL Session


Session 1 (Oct 10, 9:30-11:00)

  1. Road Map: (YujiSHIRASAKI & MariaNieto: 10')
    • Where are we?
    • Meeting goals
  2. Review ADQL and SkyNode specifications WD: (All: 60')
    • ADQL v1.0
      • SQL 92
        • The SELECT statement
        • BNF independent from language (Post C# as an external reference)
      • XMATCH function(s) syntax
      • Single & Multi node queries
    • SkyNode v1.0
      • XMATCH function(s) algorithms
      • Architecture Decoupling (Cascade and Parallel)
      • Add a mechanism to transmit "messages" in addition to data
      • Content standardization in returned VOTable
  3. Metadata. How enforce quality? (MariaNieto: 10')
  4. Discuss schedule to upgrade skynodes from 0.7 to 1.0 (All: 10')
- break -

Session 2 (Oct 10, 11:30-13:00)

  1. Short presentations (No more than 40 - 45'; 10' to 15' each depending on quantity )
  2. Future - Brief discussion (As time permits)
    • The '!' operator problem. Need for proper footprints. (MariaNieto: 10')
    • VOQL needs diversity: equivalent implementations of Open SkyQuery portals accepting distributed queries
    • XMATCH function(s) algorithms (How do we include errors?)
    • How do we deal with big query results? The path to VOStore
    • Xmatch works only between primary table from SkyNode (What needs to be done to allow xmatch with others?)
    • Table data model (standard column names) Where does Catalog Data Model WG stand?
    • Query by ucd and utype
  3. Update Road Map

Documents & schema

title version doc
ADQL WD V1.02 ADQL-20050924.pdf: ADQL WD
SkyNode WD V1.02 SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf: SkyNode Interface
ADQL schema    
SkyNode WSDL    


Presenter Subject Slide
Presenter Subject Slides
MariaNieto or YujiSHIRASAKI Road Map  
MariaNieto or YujiSHIRASAKI Review ADQL specifications WD  
MariaNieto or YujiSHIRASAKI Review SkyNode specifications WD  
MariaNieto Metadata  
BrianThomas A VO Catalog model proposal  
AndreSchaaff VizieR in the context of ADQL-SkyNode
BrianThomas Achieving a Unified Query Layer in the VO  
AndreSchaaff Vizier Access to Catalogs presentation
presentation| ...

Tools for SkyNode

Title Who Description Link




META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="ADQL WD" date="1128044907" name="ADQL-20050924.pdf" path="D:\ADQL-20050924.pdf" size="435840" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SkyNode Interface" date="1128045056" name="SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf" path="C:\IVOA\VOQL\Protocols\Protocols-20050924\SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf" size="402305" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="%_Q_%VizieR%_Q_% in the context of ADQL-SkyNode" date="1128681750" name="VizieR-VOQL_Escorial.pdf" path="VizieR-VOQL_Escorial.pdf" size="100496" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Agenda, Road Map, SkyNode spec" date="1129659117" name="VOQL-05-10-07.ppt" path="VOQL-05-10-07.ppt" size="1419776" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOQL Session Notes (Part I)" date="1129659197" name="voql-notes.txt" path="voql-notes.txt" size="1792" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOQL Session Notes (Part II)" date="1129659238" name="VOQL2Madrid.pdf" path="VOQL2Madrid.pdf" size="32837" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"

Revision 72005-10-07 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2005"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting

6-7 Oct 2005: ESAC, Madrid, Spain

VOQL Session


Session 1 (Oct 10, 9:30-11:00)

  1. Road Map: (YujiSHIRASAKI & MariaNieto: 10')
    • Where are we?
    • Meeting goals
  2. Review ADQL and SkyNode specifications WD: (All: 60')
    • ADQL v1.0
      • SQL 92
        • The SELECT statement
        • BNF independent from language (Post C# as an external reference)
      • XMATCH function(s) syntax
      • Single & Multi node queries
    • SkyNode v1.0
      • XMATCH function(s) algorithms
      • Architecture Decoupling (Cascade and Parallel)
      • Add a mechanism to transmit "messages" in addition to data
      • Content standardization in returned VOTable
  3. Metadata. How enforce quality? (MariaNieto: 10')
  4. Discuss schedule to upgrade skynodes from 0.7 to 1.0 (All: 10')
- break -

Session 2 (Oct 10, 11:30-13:00)

  1. Short presentations (No more than 40 - 45'; 10' to 15' each depending on quantity )
  2. Future - Brief discussion (As time permits)
    • The '!' operator problem. Need for proper footprints. (MariaNieto: 10')
    • VOQL needs diversity: equivalent implementations of Open SkyQuery portals accepting distributed queries
    • XMATCH function(s) algorithms (How do we include errors?)
    • How do we deal with big query results? The path to VOStore
    • Xmatch works only between primary table from SkyNode (What needs to be done to allow xmatch with others?)
    • Table data model (standard column names) Where does Catalog Data Model WG stand?
    • Query by ucd and utype
  3. Update Road Map

Documents & schema

title version doc
ADQL WD V1.02 ADQL-20050924.pdf: ADQL WD
SkyNode WD V1.02 SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf: SkyNode Interface
ADQL schema    
SkyNode WSDL    


Presenter Subject Slide
MariaNieto or YujiSHIRASAKI Road Map  
MariaNieto or YujiSHIRASAKI Review ADQL specifications WD  
MariaNieto or YujiSHIRASAKI Review SkyNode specifications WD  
MariaNieto Metadata  
BrianThomas A VO Catalog model proposal  
AndreSchaaff VizieR in the context of ADQL-SkyNode  
AndreSchaaff VizieR in the context of ADQL-SkyNode

Tools for SkyNode

Title Who Description Link


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="ADQL WD" date="1128044907" name="ADQL-20050924.pdf" path="D:\ADQL-20050924.pdf" size="435840" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SkyNode Interface" date="1128045056" name="SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf" path="C:\IVOA\VOQL\Protocols\Protocols-20050924\SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf" size="402305" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="%_Q_%VizieR%_Q_% in the context of ADQL-SkyNode" date="1128681750" name="VizieR-VOQL_Escorial.pdf" path="VizieR-VOQL_Escorial.pdf" size="100496" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"

Revision 62005-10-07 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2005"



IVOA Interoperability Meeting


6-7 Oct 2005: ESAC, Madrid, Spain

VOQL Session




Session 1 (Oct 10, 9:30-11:00)

  1. Road Map: (Yuji & Maria: 10')
  1. Road Map: (YujiSHIRASAKI & MariaNieto: 10')
    • Where are we?
    • Meeting goals
  1. Review ADQL and SkyNode specifications WD: (All: 60')
    • ADQL v1.0
      • SQL 92
        • The SELECT statement
        • BNF independent from language (Post C# as an external reference)
      • XMATCH function(s) syntax
      • Single & Multi node queries
      • Single & Multi node queries
    • SkyNode v1.0
      • XMATCH function(s) algorithms
      • Architecture Decoupling (Cascade and Parallel)
      • Add a mechanism to transmit "messages" in addition to data
      • Content standardization in returned VOTable
  1. Metadata. How enforce quality? (Maria: 10')
  1. Metadata. How enforce quality? (MariaNieto: 10')
  1. Discuss schedule to upgrade skynodes from 0.7 to 1.0 (All: 10')
- break -
- break -

Session 2 (Oct 10, 11:30-13:00)

  1. Short presentations (No more than 40 - 45'; 10' to 15' each depending on quantity )
    • Brian Thomas - A VO Catalog model proposal (10')
    • André Schaaff - VizieR in the context of ADQL-SkyNode (10')
  1. Future - Brief discussion (As time permits)
    • The '!' operator problem. Need for proper footprints. (Maria: 10')
    • The '!' operator problem. Need for proper footprints. (MariaNieto: 10')
    • VOQL needs diversity: equivalent implementations of Open SkyQuery portals accepting distributed queries
    • XMATCH function(s) algorithms (How do we include errors?)
    • How do we deal with big query results? The path to VOStore
    • Xmatch works only between primary table from SkyNode (What needs to be done to allow xmatch with others?)
    • Table data model (standard column names) Where does Catalog Data Model WG stand?
    • Query by ucd and utype
  1. Update Road Map

Documents & schema


Documents & schema

title version doc
ADQL WD V1.02 ADQL-20050924.pdf: ADQL WD
SkyNode WD V1.02 SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf: SkyNode Interface
ADQL schema    
SkyNode WSDL    




Presenter Subject Slide
Maria or Yuji Road Map  
Maria or Yuji Review ADQL specifications WD:  
Maria or Yuji Review SkyNode specifications WD:  
Maria Metadata  
Brian Thomas A VO Catalog model proposal  
André Schaaff VizieR in the context of ADQL-SkyNode  
MariaNieto or YujiSHIRASAKI Road Map  
MariaNieto or YujiSHIRASAKI Review ADQL specifications WD  
MariaNieto or YujiSHIRASAKI Review SkyNode specifications WD  
MariaNieto Metadata  
BrianThomas A VO Catalog model proposal  
AndreSchaaff VizieR in the context of ADQL-SkyNode  

Tools for SkyNode


Tools for SkyNode

Title Who Description Link





META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="ADQL WD" date="1128044907" name="ADQL-20050924.pdf" path="D:\ADQL-20050924.pdf" size="435840" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SkyNode Interface" date="1128045056" name="SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf" path="C:\IVOA\VOQL\Protocols\Protocols-20050924\SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf" size="402305" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"

Revision 52005-10-07 - MariaNieto

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2005"



Session 1 (Oct 10, 9:30-11:00)

  1. Road Map: (Yuji & Maria: 10')
    • Where are we?
    • Meeting goals
  2. Review ADQL and SkyNode specifications WD: (All: 60')
    • ADQL v1.0
      • SQL 92
        • The SELECT statement
        • BNF independent from language (Post C# as an external reference)
      • XMATCH function(s) syntax
      • Single & Multi node queries
    • SkyNode v1.0
      • XMATCH function(s) algorithms
      • Architecture Decoupling (Cascade and Parallel)
      • Add a mechanism to transmit "messages" in addition to data
      • Content standardization in returned VOTable
  3. Metadata. How enforce quality? (Maria: 10')
  4. Discuss schedule to upgrade skynodes from 0.7 to 1.0 (All: 10')
- break -

Session 2 (Oct 10, 11:30-13:00)

  1. Short presentations (No more than 40 - 45'; 10' to 15' each depending on quantity )
    • Brian Thomas - A VO Catalog model proposal (10')
    • André Schaaff - VizieR in the context of ADQL-SkyNode (10')
  1. Future - Brief discussion (As time permits)
    • The '!' operator problem. Need for proper footprints. (Maria: 10')
    • VOQL needs diversity: equivalent implementations of Open SkyQuery portals accepting distributed queries
    • XMATCH function(s) algorithms (How do we include errors?)
    • How do we deal with big query results? The path to VOStore
    • Xmatch works only between primary table from SkyNode (What needs to be done to allow xmatch with others?)
    • Table data model (standard column names) Where does Catalog Data Model WG stand?
    • Query by ucd and utype
  2. Update Road Map

Documents & schema

title version doc
ADQL WD V1.02 ADQL-20050924.pdf: ADQL WD
SkyNode WD V1.02 SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf: SkyNode Interface
ADQL schema    
SkyNode WSDL    


Presenter Subject Slide
Maria or Yuji Road Map  
Maria or Yuji Review ADQL specifications WD:  
Maria or Yuji Review SkyNode specifications WD:  
Maria Metadata  
Brian Thomas A VO Catalog model proposal  
André Schaaff VizieR in the context of ADQL-SkyNode  

Tools for SkyNode

Title Who Description Link



META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="ADQL WD" date="1128044907" name="ADQL-20050924.pdf" path="D:\ADQL-20050924.pdf" size="435840" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SkyNode Interface" date="1128045056" name="SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf" path="C:\IVOA\VOQL\Protocols\Protocols-20050924\SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf" size="402305" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"

Revision 42005-09-30 - MariaNieto

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2005"



Session 1 (Oct 10, 9:30-11:00)

  1. Road Map: (Yuji & Maria: 10')
    • Where are we?
    • Meeting goals
  2. Review ADQL and SkyNode specifications WD: (All: 60')
    • ADQL v1.0
      • SQL 92
        • The SELECT statement
        • BNF independent from language (Post C# as an external reference)
      • XMATCH function(s) syntax
      • Single & Multi node queries
    • SkyNode v1.0
      • XMATCH function(s) algorithms
      • Architecture Decoupling (Cascade and Parallel)
      • Add a mechanism to transmit "messages" in addition to data
      • Content standardization in returned VOTable
  3. Metadata. How enforce quality? (Maria: 10')
  4. Discuss schedule to upgrade skynodes from 0.7 to 1.0 (All: 10')
- break -

Session 2 (Oct 10, 11:30-13:00)

  1. Short presentations (No more than 40 - 45'; 10' to 15' each depending on quantity )
    • Brian Thomas - A VO Catalog model proposal (10')
  2. Future - Brief discussion (As time permits)
    • The '!' operator problem. Need for proper footprints. (Maria: 10')
    • VOQL needs diversity: equivalent implementations of Open SkyQuery portals accepting distributed queries
    • XMATCH function(s) algorithms (How do we include errors?)
    • How do we deal with big query results? The path to VOStore
    • Xmatch works only between primary table from SkyNode (What needs to be done to allow xmatch with others?)
    • Table data model (standard column names) Where does Catalog Data Model WG stand?
    • Query by ucd and utype
  3. Update Road Map

Documents & schema

title version doc
SkyNode WD    
ADQL WD V1.02 ADQL-20050924.pdf: ADQL WD
SkyNode WD V1.02 SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf: SkyNode Interface
ADQL schema    
SkyNode WSDL    


Presenter Subject Slide
Maria or Yuji Road Map  
Maria or Yuji Review ADQL specifications WD:  
Maria or Yuji Review SkyNode specifications WD:  
Maria Metadata  
Brian Thomas A VO Catalog model proposal  

Tools for SkyNode

Title Who Description Link
<-- -->
Sorted ascending



META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="ADQL WD" date="1128044907" name="ADQL-20050924.pdf" path="D:\ADQL-20050924.pdf" size="435840" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SkyNode Interface" date="1128045056" name="SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf" path="C:\IVOA\VOQL\Protocols\Protocols-20050924\SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf" size="402305" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"

Revision 32005-09-29 - YujiSHIRASAKI

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2005"




Session 1 (Oct 10, 9:30-11:00)

  1. Road Map: (Yuji & Maria: 10')
    • Where are we?
    • Meeting goals
  2. Review ADQL and SkyNode specifications WD: (All: 60')
    • ADQL v1.0
      • SQL 92
        • The SELECT statement
        • BNF independent from language (Post C# as an external reference)
      • XMATCH function(s) syntax
      • Single & Multi node queries
    • SkyNode v1.0
      • XMATCH function(s) algorithms
      • Architecture Decoupling (Cascade and Parallel)
      • Add a mechanism to transmit "messages" in addition to data
      • Content standardization in returned VOTable
  3. Metadata. How enforce quality? (Maria: 10')
  4. Discuss schedule to upgrade skynodes from 0.7 to 1.0 (All: 10')
- break -

Session 2 (Oct 10, 11:30-13:00)

  1. Short presentations (No more than 40 - 45'; 10' to 15' each depending on quantity )
    • Brian Thomas - A VO Catalog model proposal (10')
  2. Future - Brief discussion (As time permits)
    • The '!' operator problem. Need for proper footprints. (Maria: 10')
    • VOQL needs diversity: equivalent implementations of Open SkyQuery portals accepting distributed queries
    • XMATCH function(s) algorithms (How do we include errors?)
    • How do we deal with big query results? The path to VOStore
    • Xmatch works only between primary table from SkyNode (What needs to be done to allow xmatch with others?)
    • Table data model (standard column names) Where does Catalog Data Model WG stand?
    • Query by ucd and utype
  3. Update Road Map

Documents & schema

title version doc
SkyNode WD    
ADQL schema    
SkyNode WSDL    


Presenter Subject Slide
Maria or Yuji Road Map  
Maria or Yuji Review ADQL specifications WD:  
Maria or Yuji Review SkyNode specifications WD:  
Maria Metadata  
Brian Thomas A VO Catalog model proposal  

Tools for SkyNode

Title Who Description Link




Revision 22005-09-29 - YujiSHIRASAKI

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2005"

InterOpOct2005 VOQL




Timetable( Oct 10, 9:30-13:30)




Session 1 (Oct 10, 9:30-11:00)

  1. Road Map: (Yuji & Maria: 10')
    • Where are we?
    • Meeting goals
  2. Review ADQL and SkyNode specifications WD: (All: 60')
    • ADQL v1.0
      • SQL 92
        • The SELECT statement
        • BNF independent from language (Post C# as an external reference)
      • XMATCH function(s) syntax
      • Single & Multi node queries
    • SkyNode v1.0
      • XMATCH function(s) algorithms
      • Architecture Decoupling (Cascade and Parallel)
      • Add a mechanism to transmit "messages" in addition to data
      • Content standardization in returned VOTable
  3. Metadata. How enforce quality? (Maria: 10')
  4. Discuss schedule to upgrade skynodes from 0.7 to 1.0 (All: 10')
- break -

Session 2 (Oct 10, 11:30-13:00)

  1. Short presentations (No more than 40 - 45'; 10' to 15' each depending on quantity )
    • Brian Thomas - A VO Catalog model proposal (10')
  2. Future - Brief discussion (As time permits)
    • The '!' operator problem. Need for proper footprints. (Maria: 10')
    • VOQL needs diversity: equivalent implementations of Open SkyQuery portals accepting distributed queries
    • XMATCH function(s) algorithms (How do we include errors?)
    • How do we deal with big query results? The path to VOStore
    • Xmatch works only between primary table from SkyNode (What needs to be done to allow xmatch with others?)
    • Table data model (standard column names) Where does Catalog Data Model WG stand?
    • Query by ucd and utype
  3. Update Road Map
Who Subject Time Slide
Yuji & Maria Road Map
- Where are we ?
- Meeting goals
All Review ADQL and SkyNode specifications WD:    


Presenter Subject Slide
Maria or Yuji Road Map  
Maria or Yuji Review ADQL specifications WD:  
Maria or Yuji Review SkyNode specifications WD:  
Maria Metadata  
Brian Thomas A VO Catalog model proposal  


Revision 12005-09-29 - YujiSHIRASAKI

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2005"

InterOpOct2005 VOQL

Timetable( Oct 10, 9:30-13:30)

Who Subject Time Slide
Yuji & Maria Road Map
- Where are we ?
- Meeting goals
All Review ADQL and SkyNode specifications WD:    

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