Difference: InterOpOct2012ImplemFeedback (1 vs. 8)

Revision 82012-11-08 - MarkAllen

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2012"


Implementation Feedback Session at the Oct 2012 Interop Meeting (Sao Paulo)

Tuesday 23 October, 9h30 - 10h30

Time Speaker Title Materials
9h30 - 9h45 Laurent Michel TAP/Obscore services from a WEB browser with TapHandle  
9h30 - 9h45 Laurent Michel TAP/Obscore services from a WEB browser with TapHandle pdf
9h45 - 10h Riccardo Smareglia IA2 TAP implementation pdf
10h - 10h15 Bruce Berriman VAO TAP implementation feedback  
10h15 - 10h30 Sebastien Derriere Vizier TAP implementation feedback TAPVizieR_INTEROP.pdf
10h - 10h15 Bruce Berriman VAO TAP implementation feedback pdf
10h15 - 10h30 Sebastien Derriere Vizier TAP implementation feedback pdf

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="TAPVizieR_INTEROP.pdf" attr="" comment="Feedback on TAP implementation in VizieR" date="1350995198" name="TAPVizieR_INTEROP.pdf" path="TAPVizieR_INTEROP.pdf" size="745142" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="TapHandleImpl.pdf" attr="" comment="Browsing TAP services with TapHandle" date="1350996176" name="TapHandleImpl.pdf" path="TapHandleImpl.pdf" size="1491494" user="LaurentMichel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="TapHandleImpl.pdf" attr="" comment="Browsing TAP services with" date="1350996176" name="TapHandleImpl.pdf" path="TapHandleImpl.pdf" size="1491494" user="LaurentMichel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IA2-TAP-implementation.pdf" attr="" comment="IA2 Tap impleetation" date="1351018625" name="IA2-TAP-implementation.pdf" path="IA2-TAP-implementation.pdf" size="186556" user="RiccardoSmareglia" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA_ADEC_Berriman.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1352369694" name="IVOA_ADEC_Berriman.pdf" path="IVOA_ADEC_Berriman.pdf" size="337205" user="MarkAllen" version="1"

Revision 72012-10-23 - RiccardoSmareglia

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2012"


Implementation Feedback Session at the Oct 2012 Interop Meeting (Sao Paulo)

Tuesday 23 October, 9h30 - 10h30

Time Speaker Title Materials
9h30 - 9h45 Laurent Michel TAP/Obscore services from a WEB browser with TapHandle  
9h45 - 10h Riccardo Smareglia IA2 TAP implementation  
9h45 - 10h Riccardo Smareglia IA2 TAP implementation pdf
10h - 10h15 Bruce Berriman VAO TAP implementation feedback  
10h15 - 10h30 Sebastien Derriere Vizier TAP implementation feedback TAPVizieR_INTEROP.pdf
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="TAPVizieR_INTEROP.pdf" attr="" comment="Feedback on TAP implementation in VizieR" date="1350995198" name="TAPVizieR_INTEROP.pdf" path="TAPVizieR_INTEROP.pdf" size="745142" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="TapHandleImpl.pdf" attr="" comment="Browsing TAP services with TapHandle" date="1350996176" name="TapHandleImpl.pdf" path="TapHandleImpl.pdf" size="1491494" user="LaurentMichel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IA2-TAP-implementation.pdf" attr="" comment="IA2 Tap impleetation" date="1351018625" name="IA2-TAP-implementation.pdf" path="IA2-TAP-implementation.pdf" size="186556" user="RiccardoSmareglia" version="1"

Revision 62012-10-23 - LaurentMichel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2012"


Implementation Feedback Session at the Oct 2012 Interop Meeting (Sao Paulo)

Tuesday 23 October, 9h30 - 10h30

Time Speaker Title Materials
9h30 - 9h45 Laurent Michel TAP/Obscore services from a WEB browser with TapHandle  
9h45 - 10h Riccardo Smareglia IA2 TAP implementation  
10h - 10h15 Bruce Berriman VAO TAP implementation feedback  
10h15 - 10h30 Sebastien Derriere Vizier TAP implementation feedback TAPVizieR_INTEROP.pdf

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="TAPVizieR_INTEROP.pdf" attr="" comment="Feedback on TAP implementation in VizieR" date="1350995198" name="TAPVizieR_INTEROP.pdf" path="TAPVizieR_INTEROP.pdf" size="745142" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="TapHandleImpl.pdf" attr="" comment="Browsing TAP services with TapHandle" date="1350996176" name="TapHandleImpl.pdf" path="TapHandleImpl.pdf" size="1491494" user="LaurentMichel" version="1"

Revision 52012-10-23 - SebastienDerriere

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2012"


Implementation Feedback Session at the Oct 2012 Interop Meeting (Sao Paulo)

Tuesday 23 October, 9h30 - 10h30

Time Speaker Title Materials
9h30 - 9h45 Laurent Michel TAP/Obscore services from a WEB browser with TapHandle  
9h45 - 10h Riccardo Smareglia IA2 TAP implementation  
10h - 10h15 Bruce Berriman VAO TAP implementation feedback  
10h15 - 10h30 Sebastien Derriere / Andre Schaaff Vizier TAP implementation feedback  
10h15 - 10h30 Sebastien Derriere Vizier TAP implementation feedback TAPVizieR_INTEROP.pdf

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="TAPVizieR_INTEROP.pdf" attr="" comment="Feedback on TAP implementation in VizieR" date="1350995198" name="TAPVizieR_INTEROP.pdf" path="TAPVizieR_INTEROP.pdf" size="745142" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1"

Revision 42012-10-15 - MarcoMolinaro

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2012"


Implementation Feedback Session at the Oct 2012 Interop Meeting (Sao Paulo)

Tuesday 23 October, 9h30 - 10h30

Time Speaker Title Materials
9h30 - 9h45 Laurent Michel TAP/Obscore services from a WEB browser with TapHandle  
9h45 - 10h Marco Molinaro IA2 TAP implementation  
9h45 - 10h Riccardo Smareglia IA2 TAP implementation  
10h - 10h15 Bruce Berriman VAO TAP implementation feedback  
10h15 - 10h30 Sebastien Derriere / Andre Schaaff Vizier TAP implementation feedback  

Revision 32012-10-15 - MarkAllen

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2012"


Implementation Feedback Session at the Oct 2012 Interop Meeting (Sao Paulo)

Tuesday 23 October, 9h30 - 10h30

Time Speaker Title Materials
9h30 - 9h45 Laurent Michel TAP/Obscore services from a WEB browser with TapHandle  
9h45 - 10h Marco Molinaro IA2 TAP implementation  
10h - 10h15 Bruce Berriman VAO TAP implementation feedback  
10h15 - 10h30 Sebastien Derriere / Andre Schaaff Vizier TAP implementation feedback  

Revision 22012-10-12 - MarkAllen

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2012"


Implementation Feedback Session at the Oct 2012 Interop Meeting (Sao Paulo)

Tuesday 23 October, 9h30 - 10h30
Tuesday 23 October, 9h30 - 10h30
Time Speaker Title Materials
9h30 - 9h45 Laurent Michel TAP/Obscore services from a WEB browser with TapHandle  
9h45 - 10h Marco Molinaro IA2 TAP implementation  
10h - 10h15   VAO TAP implementation feedback (?)  
9h45 - 10h Marco Molinaro IA2 TAP implementation  
10h - 10h15 Bruce Berriman VAO TAP implementation feedback  

Revision 12012-10-12 - MarkAllen

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2012"


Implementation Feedback Session at the Oct 2012 Interop Meeting (Sao Paulo)

Tuesday 23 October, 9h30 - 10h30

Time Speaker Title Materials
9h30 - 9h45 Laurent Michel TAP/Obscore services from a WEB browser with TapHandle  
9h45 - 10h Marco Molinaro IA2 TAP implementation  
10h - 10h15   VAO TAP implementation feedback (?)  
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