Difference: InterOpOct2014DM (12 vs. 13)

Revision 132014-10-11 - ArnoldRots

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaDataModel"

DM session Oct 2014 Interop Meeting

DM Session 1 - Ongoing DMs:
Summit - Friday 16:00-17:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
<-- -->
Sorted ascending
Markus Demleitner Recent developments in Provenance 15'  
On Going DMs
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar SpectralDM RFC 10' pdf
Mireille Louys ObsCore status 10' pdf
Jesus Salgado Gaia Source DM 15' pdf
Arnold Rots STC-2 20' pdf

DM Session 2 - Cube/ImageDM + VO/DML:
Black Bear - Saturday 11:00-12:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Francois Bonnarel Char2, VO-DML, utypes and UML relationships 15'  
Mike Fitzpatrick Simple Time Series 15' pdf
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar Cube/ImageDM 20' pdf
Omar Laurino VO-DML/Mapping status update and examples 25'  


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SpectralDM_status.pdf" attr="" comment="Spectral Data Model status" date="1412971375" name="SpectralDM_status.pdf" path="SpectralDM_status.pdf" size="173272" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Gaia_SourceDM_JSalgado.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1413002211" name="Gaia_SourceDM_JSalgado.pdf" path="Gaia_SourceDM_JSalgado.pdf" size="519082" user="JesusSalgado" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="STC2.pdf" attr="" comment="STC-2 Status" date="1413003350" name="STC2.pdf" path="STC2.pdf" size="711731" user="ArnoldRots" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="STC2.pdf" attr="" comment="STC-2 Status" date="1413060749" name="STC2.pdf" path="STC2.pdf" size="351010" user="ArnoldRots" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="obcore-ObsdatasetDM_compatibility.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1413039225" name="obcore-ObsdatasetDM_compatibility.pdf" path="obcore-ObsdatasetDM_compatibility.pdf" size="590118" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="STS-DM_Oct14.pdf" attr="" comment="STS Overview" date="1413041667" name="STS-DM_Oct14.pdf" path="STS-DM_Oct14.pdf" size="5799227" user="MikeFitzpatrick" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CubeDM_status.pdf" attr="" comment="Cube Data Model status" date="1413045256" name="CubeDM_status.pdf" path="CubeDM_status.pdf" size="518369" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="1"
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