Based on the Aladin Desktop usage logs, the CDS was able to calculate a matrix - evolving over time - of the Internet speeds measured between the hundreds of thousands of client sessions and the dozens of HiPS servers spread around the world. In order to facilitate the interpretation of these metrics, we have developed a "HiPS network dashboard", a dedicated web interface vizualising on a world map the evolution of Internet speeds from the point of view of the clients country by country, as well as from the point of view of each HiPS server
François Bonnarel
SKA data visualization prototyping using Aladin
12+3 mins
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SKA is the future petascale project for observing the low frequency radio sky. We will demonstrate some functionalities of AladinDesktop and AladinLite on top of SKA pathfinder and SKA simulation data proposed in the context of the SKA src network visualization prototyping effort