Difference: InterOpOct2022DAL (1 vs. 16)

Revision 162022-10-20 - JamesDempsey

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"

DAL Sessions Schedule - IVOA Oct 2022 Interoperability Meeting

[back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+11:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg/Paris Perth/Beijing Canberra
DAL 1 Oct 18 20:30 Tue Oct 18 13:30 Tue Oct 18 16:30 Tue Oct 18 22:30 Wed Oct 19 04:30 Wed Oct 19 07:30
DAL 2 Oct 20 06:30 Wed Oct 19 23:30 Thu Oct 20 02:30 Thu Oct 20 08:30 Thu Oct 20 14:30 Thu Oct 20 17:30

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.


Time: Tuesday Oct 18 20:30 UTC [session #5]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
Markus Demleitner ADQL astrometry library: Status update 12+3' pdf At the May Interop, I discussed possible functions and signatures for applying proper motions to positions and perform frame transformations in ADQL. In this talk, I will report on the progress on these, which includes an implementation of exact epoch propagation in pgsphere.
François Bonnarel Discovery, description and access of Radio data in the VO. Status report 12+3' pdf RadioAstronomy IG started to develop a note for describing DAL VO services implementation for radio data but is also developping proposals for extending DAL (and DM) standards to specificities of radio data (Visibilities, PSRFITS and SDFITS data). This talk is a short status report.
Tom Donaldson ADQL and Firewall SQL-Injection Detection 12+3' pdf Since ADQL queries look a lot like SQL, we’ve long had an issue that our web firewalls sometimes block inbound TAP requests because they might be SQL injection. This resulted in mysterious failures for clients, but we have since ensured that our TAP service endpoints are added as exceptions to the security checks. Lately the problem has gotten worse in that the firewalls are blocking some outbound TAP requests, meaning that a TAP user at STScI will see mysterious failures. This talk is a warning about this possibility for other sites and a conversation starter about whether mitigations are worthwhile or possible on the IVOA side.
Jon Juaristi Campillo A proposal for vector math in ADQL 12+3' pdf With tables containing massive amounts of vectors becoming common (e.g., the collections of low-resolution spectra within Gaia DR3 or the Digitised Byurakan Surveys), giving TAP users a toolset to do server-side work with arrays becomes highly desirable and will significantly enhance the power of ADQL to do server-side analyses. This is an attempt to provide a baseline feature set for that.

Moderator: James, Notetaker: Grégory

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)
notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022) - IVOA_Oct18_DAL.pdf


Time: Thursday Oct 20 06:30 UTC [session #13]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
James Tocknell User-focused evolution of VO service design 15+5'
The IVOA has been successful in defining a suite of recommendations which cover the implementation of interoperable services, but there is an emphasis on individual recommendations and their implementation on the server-side, rather than the interfaces that the user-astronomer sees. This can be most clearly seen in arguments over XML vs. JSON and Python vs. Java, which are not centred on users, and are instead focused on the needs of developers. In this talk, I'll provide some suggestions on an alternate way of thinking about and discussing the recommendations, based on recent discussions with astronomer-users (mostly students/ECRs).
François Bonnarel DAP, SODA, Datalink status 15+5' pdf DataLink 1.1 is a Working draft since nearly one year. I will give a short report of new features and check the implementations towards recommendation. Some discussions occured in the group for extensions of SODA interface functionalities and extension of SIA protocol to all dataproduct types, in such a way that a new parameter based "data access protocol" is created. I will report on these discussions
James Dempsey Implementing an SIA1 service for CASDA 12+3' pdf

The CASDA team recently added a new survey cutout service to the web site, powered by a new Simple Image Access v1 service. The aim was to implement this as far as possible using existing components. In this implementation report I will discuss how we went, what worked and what didn't, including some things it would have been nice to have in ADQL. I'll also discuss why we chose SIA v1 when we already have an SIA2/datalink and SODA service.

Moderator: Grégory, Notetaker: James

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)
notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022) - IVOA_Oct20_DAL.pdf

[back to main programme page]



META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ADQLvsFirewall.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666124154" name="ADQLvsFirewall.pdf" path="ADQLvsFirewall.pdf" size="1872438" user="TomDonaldson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="StandardsForRadiodataStatus.pdf" attr="" comment="Evolutionof DAL / DM standards for rradio data" date="1666130489" name="StandardsForRadiodataStatus.pdf" path="StandardsForRadiodataStatus.pdf" size="763421" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="adql-astrometry.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666126147" name="adql-astrometry.pdf" path="adql-astrometry.pdf" size="344178" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VectorMath.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666186396" name="VectorMath.pdf" path="VectorMath.pdf" size="116399" user="JonJuaristiCampillo" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="James_Tocknell_IVOA_Oct_2022_Interop_Talk.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666250385" name="James_Tocknell_IVOA_Oct_2022_Interop_Talk.pdf" path="James_Tocknell_IVOA_Oct_2022_Interop_Talk.pdf" size="192692" user="GregoryMantelet" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CASDA_SIA1_DAL_202210.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666253703" name="CASDA_SIA1_DAL_202210.pdf" path="CASDA_SIA1_DAL_202210.pdf" size="1087377" user="JamesDempsey" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DAP-SODA-DataLinkStatus.pdf" attr="" comment="DAP SODA and DataLink evolutions status" date="1666268399" name="DAP-SODA-DataLinkStatus.pdf" path="DAP-SODA-DataLinkStatus.pdf" size="573262" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA_Oct18_DAL.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666309423" name="IVOA_Oct18_DAL.pdf" path="IVOA_Oct18_DAL.pdf" size="50716" user="JamesDempsey" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA_Oct20_DAL.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666309433" name="IVOA_Oct20_DAL.pdf" path="IVOA_Oct20_DAL.pdf" size="45890" user="JamesDempsey" version="1"

Revision 152022-10-20 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"

DAL Sessions Schedule - IVOA Oct 2022 Interoperability Meeting

[back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+11:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg/Paris Perth/Beijing Canberra
DAL 1 Oct 18 20:30 Tue Oct 18 13:30 Tue Oct 18 16:30 Tue Oct 18 22:30 Wed Oct 19 04:30 Wed Oct 19 07:30
DAL 2 Oct 20 06:30 Wed Oct 19 23:30 Thu Oct 20 02:30 Thu Oct 20 08:30 Thu Oct 20 14:30 Thu Oct 20 17:30

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.


Time: Tuesday Oct 18 20:30 UTC [session #5]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
Markus Demleitner ADQL astrometry library: Status update 12+3' pdf At the May Interop, I discussed possible functions and signatures for applying proper motions to positions and perform frame transformations in ADQL. In this talk, I will report on the progress on these, which includes an implementation of exact epoch propagation in pgsphere.
François Bonnarel Discovery, description and access of Radio data in the VO. Status report 12+3' pdf RadioAstronomy IG started to develop a note for describing DAL VO services implementation for radio data but is also developping proposals for extending DAL (and DM) standards to specificities of radio data (Visibilities, PSRFITS and SDFITS data). This talk is a short status report.
Tom Donaldson ADQL and Firewall SQL-Injection Detection 12+3' pdf Since ADQL queries look a lot like SQL, we’ve long had an issue that our web firewalls sometimes block inbound TAP requests because they might be SQL injection. This resulted in mysterious failures for clients, but we have since ensured that our TAP service endpoints are added as exceptions to the security checks. Lately the problem has gotten worse in that the firewalls are blocking some outbound TAP requests, meaning that a TAP user at STScI will see mysterious failures. This talk is a warning about this possibility for other sites and a conversation starter about whether mitigations are worthwhile or possible on the IVOA side.
Jon Juaristi Campillo A proposal for vector math in ADQL 12+3' pdf With tables containing massive amounts of vectors becoming common (e.g., the collections of low-resolution spectra within Gaia DR3 or the Digitised Byurakan Surveys), giving TAP users a toolset to do server-side work with arrays becomes highly desirable and will significantly enhance the power of ADQL to do server-side analyses. This is an attempt to provide a baseline feature set for that.

Moderator: James, Notetaker: Grégory

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)


Time: Thursday Oct 20 06:30 UTC [session #13]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
James Tocknell User-focused evolution of VO service design 15+5'
The IVOA has been successful in defining a suite of recommendations which cover the implementation of interoperable services, but there is an emphasis on individual recommendations and their implementation on the server-side, rather than the interfaces that the user-astronomer sees. This can be most clearly seen in arguments over XML vs. JSON and Python vs. Java, which are not centred on users, and are instead focused on the needs of developers. In this talk, I'll provide some suggestions on an alternate way of thinking about and discussing the recommendations, based on recent discussions with astronomer-users (mostly students/ECRs).
François Bonnarel DAP, SODA, Datalink status 15+5'   DataLink 1.1 is a Working draft since nearly one year. I will give a short report of new features and check the implementations towards recommendation. Some discussions occured in the group for extensions of SODA interface functionalities and extension of SIA protocol to all dataproduct types, in such a way that a new parameter based "data access protocol" is created. I will report on these discussions
François Bonnarel DAP, SODA, Datalink status 15+5' pdf DataLink 1.1 is a Working draft since nearly one year. I will give a short report of new features and check the implementations towards recommendation. Some discussions occured in the group for extensions of SODA interface functionalities and extension of SIA protocol to all dataproduct types, in such a way that a new parameter based "data access protocol" is created. I will report on these discussions
James Dempsey Implementing an SIA1 service for CASDA 12+3' pdf

The CASDA team recently added a new survey cutout service to the web site, powered by a new Simple Image Access v1 service. The aim was to implement this as far as possible using existing components. In this implementation report I will discuss how we went, what worked and what didn't, including some things it would have been nice to have in ADQL. I'll also discuss why we chose SIA v1 when we already have an SIA2/datalink and SODA service.

Moderator: Grégory, Notetaker: James

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)

[back to main programme page]



META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ADQLvsFirewall.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666124154" name="ADQLvsFirewall.pdf" path="ADQLvsFirewall.pdf" size="1872438" user="TomDonaldson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="StandardsForRadiodataStatus.pdf" attr="" comment="Evolutionof DAL / DM standards for rradio data" date="1666130489" name="StandardsForRadiodataStatus.pdf" path="StandardsForRadiodataStatus.pdf" size="763421" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="adql-astrometry.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666126147" name="adql-astrometry.pdf" path="adql-astrometry.pdf" size="344178" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VectorMath.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666186396" name="VectorMath.pdf" path="VectorMath.pdf" size="116399" user="JonJuaristiCampillo" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="James_Tocknell_IVOA_Oct_2022_Interop_Talk.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666250385" name="James_Tocknell_IVOA_Oct_2022_Interop_Talk.pdf" path="James_Tocknell_IVOA_Oct_2022_Interop_Talk.pdf" size="192692" user="GregoryMantelet" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CASDA_SIA1_DAL_202210.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666253703" name="CASDA_SIA1_DAL_202210.pdf" path="CASDA_SIA1_DAL_202210.pdf" size="1087377" user="JamesDempsey" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DAP-SODA-DataLinkStatus.pdf" attr="" comment="DAP SODA and DataLink evolutions status" date="1666268399" name="DAP-SODA-DataLinkStatus.pdf" path="DAP-SODA-DataLinkStatus.pdf" size="573262" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"

Revision 142022-10-20 - JamesDempsey

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"

DAL Sessions Schedule - IVOA Oct 2022 Interoperability Meeting

[back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+11:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg/Paris Perth/Beijing Canberra
DAL 1 Oct 18 20:30 Tue Oct 18 13:30 Tue Oct 18 16:30 Tue Oct 18 22:30 Wed Oct 19 04:30 Wed Oct 19 07:30
DAL 2 Oct 20 06:30 Wed Oct 19 23:30 Thu Oct 20 02:30 Thu Oct 20 08:30 Thu Oct 20 14:30 Thu Oct 20 17:30

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.


Time: Tuesday Oct 18 20:30 UTC [session #5]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
Markus Demleitner ADQL astrometry library: Status update 12+3' pdf At the May Interop, I discussed possible functions and signatures for applying proper motions to positions and perform frame transformations in ADQL. In this talk, I will report on the progress on these, which includes an implementation of exact epoch propagation in pgsphere.
François Bonnarel Discovery, description and access of Radio data in the VO. Status report 12+3' pdf RadioAstronomy IG started to develop a note for describing DAL VO services implementation for radio data but is also developping proposals for extending DAL (and DM) standards to specificities of radio data (Visibilities, PSRFITS and SDFITS data). This talk is a short status report.
Tom Donaldson ADQL and Firewall SQL-Injection Detection 12+3' pdf Since ADQL queries look a lot like SQL, we’ve long had an issue that our web firewalls sometimes block inbound TAP requests because they might be SQL injection. This resulted in mysterious failures for clients, but we have since ensured that our TAP service endpoints are added as exceptions to the security checks. Lately the problem has gotten worse in that the firewalls are blocking some outbound TAP requests, meaning that a TAP user at STScI will see mysterious failures. This talk is a warning about this possibility for other sites and a conversation starter about whether mitigations are worthwhile or possible on the IVOA side.
Jon Juaristi Campillo A proposal for vector math in ADQL 12+3' pdf With tables containing massive amounts of vectors becoming common (e.g., the collections of low-resolution spectra within Gaia DR3 or the Digitised Byurakan Surveys), giving TAP users a toolset to do server-side work with arrays becomes highly desirable and will significantly enhance the power of ADQL to do server-side analyses. This is an attempt to provide a baseline feature set for that.

Moderator: James, Notetaker: Grégory

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)


Time: Thursday Oct 20 06:30 UTC [session #13]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
James Tocknell User-focused evolution of VO service design 15+5'
The IVOA has been successful in defining a suite of recommendations which cover the implementation of interoperable services, but there is an emphasis on individual recommendations and their implementation on the server-side, rather than the interfaces that the user-astronomer sees. This can be most clearly seen in arguments over XML vs. JSON and Python vs. Java, which are not centred on users, and are instead focused on the needs of developers. In this talk, I'll provide some suggestions on an alternate way of thinking about and discussing the recommendations, based on recent discussions with astronomer-users (mostly students/ECRs).
François Bonnarel DAP, SODA, Datalink status 15+5'   DataLink 1.1 is a Working draft since nearly one year. I will give a short report of new features and check the implementations towards recommendation. Some discussions occured in the group for extensions of SODA interface functionalities and extension of SIA protocol to all dataproduct types, in such a way that a new parameter based "data access protocol" is created. I will report on these discussions
James Dempsey Implementing an SIA1 service for CASDA 12+3'  

The CASDA team recently added a new survey cutout service to the web site, powered by a new Simple Image Access v1 service. The aim was to implement this as far as possible using existing components. In this implementation report I will discuss how we went, what worked and what didn't, including some things it would have been nice to have in ADQL. I'll also discuss why we chose SIA v1 when we already have an SIA2/datalink and SODA service.

James Dempsey Implementing an SIA1 service for CASDA 12+3' pdf

The CASDA team recently added a new survey cutout service to the web site, powered by a new Simple Image Access v1 service. The aim was to implement this as far as possible using existing components. In this implementation report I will discuss how we went, what worked and what didn't, including some things it would have been nice to have in ADQL. I'll also discuss why we chose SIA v1 when we already have an SIA2/datalink and SODA service.

  Moderator: Grégory, Notetaker: James

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)

[back to main programme page]



META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ADQLvsFirewall.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666124154" name="ADQLvsFirewall.pdf" path="ADQLvsFirewall.pdf" size="1872438" user="TomDonaldson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="StandardsForRadiodataStatus.pdf" attr="" comment="Evolutionof DAL / DM standards for rradio data" date="1666130489" name="StandardsForRadiodataStatus.pdf" path="StandardsForRadiodataStatus.pdf" size="763421" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="adql-astrometry.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666126147" name="adql-astrometry.pdf" path="adql-astrometry.pdf" size="344178" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VectorMath.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666186396" name="VectorMath.pdf" path="VectorMath.pdf" size="116399" user="JonJuaristiCampillo" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="James_Tocknell_IVOA_Oct_2022_Interop_Talk.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666250385" name="James_Tocknell_IVOA_Oct_2022_Interop_Talk.pdf" path="James_Tocknell_IVOA_Oct_2022_Interop_Talk.pdf" size="192692" user="GregoryMantelet" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CASDA_SIA1_DAL_202210.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666253703" name="CASDA_SIA1_DAL_202210.pdf" path="CASDA_SIA1_DAL_202210.pdf" size="1087377" user="JamesDempsey" version="1"

Revision 132022-10-20 - GregoryMantelet

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"

DAL Sessions Schedule - IVOA Oct 2022 Interoperability Meeting

[back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+11:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg/Paris Perth/Beijing Canberra
DAL 1 Oct 18 20:30 Tue Oct 18 13:30 Tue Oct 18 16:30 Tue Oct 18 22:30 Wed Oct 19 04:30 Wed Oct 19 07:30
DAL 2 Oct 20 06:30 Wed Oct 19 23:30 Thu Oct 20 02:30 Thu Oct 20 08:30 Thu Oct 20 14:30 Thu Oct 20 17:30

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.


Time: Tuesday Oct 18 20:30 UTC [session #5]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
Markus Demleitner ADQL astrometry library: Status update 12+3' pdf At the May Interop, I discussed possible functions and signatures for applying proper motions to positions and perform frame transformations in ADQL. In this talk, I will report on the progress on these, which includes an implementation of exact epoch propagation in pgsphere.
François Bonnarel Discovery, description and access of Radio data in the VO. Status report 12+3' pdf RadioAstronomy IG started to develop a note for describing DAL VO services implementation for radio data but is also developping proposals for extending DAL (and DM) standards to specificities of radio data (Visibilities, PSRFITS and SDFITS data). This talk is a short status report.
Tom Donaldson ADQL and Firewall SQL-Injection Detection 12+3' pdf Since ADQL queries look a lot like SQL, we’ve long had an issue that our web firewalls sometimes block inbound TAP requests because they might be SQL injection. This resulted in mysterious failures for clients, but we have since ensured that our TAP service endpoints are added as exceptions to the security checks. Lately the problem has gotten worse in that the firewalls are blocking some outbound TAP requests, meaning that a TAP user at STScI will see mysterious failures. This talk is a warning about this possibility for other sites and a conversation starter about whether mitigations are worthwhile or possible on the IVOA side.
Jon Juaristi Campillo A proposal for vector math in ADQL 12+3' pdf With tables containing massive amounts of vectors becoming common (e.g., the collections of low-resolution spectra within Gaia DR3 or the Digitised Byurakan Surveys), giving TAP users a toolset to do server-side work with arrays becomes highly desirable and will significantly enhance the power of ADQL to do server-side analyses. This is an attempt to provide a baseline feature set for that.

Moderator: James, Notetaker: Grégory

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)


Time: Thursday Oct 20 06:30 UTC [session #13]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
James Tocknell User-focused evolution of VO service design 15+5'   The IVOA has been successful in defining a suite of recommendations which cover the implementation of interoperable services, but there is an emphasis on individual recommendations and their implementation on the server-side, rather than the interfaces that the user-astronomer sees. This can be most clearly seen in arguments over XML vs. JSON and Python vs. Java, which are not centred on users, and are instead focused on the needs of developers. In this talk, I'll provide some suggestions on an alternate way of thinking about and discussing the recommendations, based on recent discussions with astronomer-users (mostly students/ECRs).
James Tocknell User-focused evolution of VO service design 15+5'
The IVOA has been successful in defining a suite of recommendations which cover the implementation of interoperable services, but there is an emphasis on individual recommendations and their implementation on the server-side, rather than the interfaces that the user-astronomer sees. This can be most clearly seen in arguments over XML vs. JSON and Python vs. Java, which are not centred on users, and are instead focused on the needs of developers. In this talk, I'll provide some suggestions on an alternate way of thinking about and discussing the recommendations, based on recent discussions with astronomer-users (mostly students/ECRs).
François Bonnarel DAP, SODA, Datalink status 15+5'   DataLink 1.1 is a Working draft since nearly one year. I will give a short report of new features and check the implementations towards recommendation. Some discussions occured in the group for extensions of SODA interface functionalities and extension of SIA protocol to all dataproduct types, in such a way that a new parameter based "data access protocol" is created. I will report on these discussions
James Dempsey Implementing an SIA1 service for CASDA 12+3'  

The CASDA team recently added a new survey cutout service to the web site, powered by a new Simple Image Access v1 service. The aim was to implement this as far as possible using existing components. In this implementation report I will discuss how we went, what worked and what didn't, including some things it would have been nice to have in ADQL. I'll also discuss why we chose SIA v1 when we already have an SIA2/datalink and SODA service.

Moderator: Grégory, Notetaker: James

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)

[back to main programme page]



META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ADQLvsFirewall.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666124154" name="ADQLvsFirewall.pdf" path="ADQLvsFirewall.pdf" size="1872438" user="TomDonaldson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="StandardsForRadiodataStatus.pdf" attr="" comment="Evolutionof DAL / DM standards for rradio data" date="1666130489" name="StandardsForRadiodataStatus.pdf" path="StandardsForRadiodataStatus.pdf" size="763421" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="adql-astrometry.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666126147" name="adql-astrometry.pdf" path="adql-astrometry.pdf" size="344178" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VectorMath.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666186396" name="VectorMath.pdf" path="VectorMath.pdf" size="116399" user="JonJuaristiCampillo" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="James_Tocknell_IVOA_Oct_2022_Interop_Talk.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666250385" name="James_Tocknell_IVOA_Oct_2022_Interop_Talk.pdf" path="James_Tocknell_IVOA_Oct_2022_Interop_Talk.pdf" size="192692" user="GregoryMantelet" version="1"

Revision 122022-10-19 - JonJuaristiCampillo

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"

DAL Sessions Schedule - IVOA Oct 2022 Interoperability Meeting

[back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+11:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg/Paris Perth/Beijing Canberra
DAL 1 Oct 18 20:30 Tue Oct 18 13:30 Tue Oct 18 16:30 Tue Oct 18 22:30 Wed Oct 19 04:30 Wed Oct 19 07:30
DAL 2 Oct 20 06:30 Wed Oct 19 23:30 Thu Oct 20 02:30 Thu Oct 20 08:30 Thu Oct 20 14:30 Thu Oct 20 17:30

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.


Time: Tuesday Oct 18 20:30 UTC [session #5]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
Markus Demleitner ADQL astrometry library: Status update 12+3' pdf At the May Interop, I discussed possible functions and signatures for applying proper motions to positions and perform frame transformations in ADQL. In this talk, I will report on the progress on these, which includes an implementation of exact epoch propagation in pgsphere.
François Bonnarel Discovery, description and access of Radio data in the VO. Status report 12+3' pdf RadioAstronomy IG started to develop a note for describing DAL VO services implementation for radio data but is also developping proposals for extending DAL (and DM) standards to specificities of radio data (Visibilities, PSRFITS and SDFITS data). This talk is a short status report.
Tom Donaldson ADQL and Firewall SQL-Injection Detection 12+3' pdf Since ADQL queries look a lot like SQL, we’ve long had an issue that our web firewalls sometimes block inbound TAP requests because they might be SQL injection. This resulted in mysterious failures for clients, but we have since ensured that our TAP service endpoints are added as exceptions to the security checks. Lately the problem has gotten worse in that the firewalls are blocking some outbound TAP requests, meaning that a TAP user at STScI will see mysterious failures. This talk is a warning about this possibility for other sites and a conversation starter about whether mitigations are worthwhile or possible on the IVOA side.
Jon Juaristi Campillo A proposal for vector math in ADQL 12+3'   With tables containing massive amounts of vectors becoming common (e.g., the collections of low-resolution spectra within Gaia DR3 or the Digitised Byurakan Surveys), giving TAP users a toolset to do server-side work with arrays becomes highly desirable and will significantly enhance the power of ADQL to do server-side analyses. This is an attempt to provide a baseline feature set for that.
Jon Juaristi Campillo A proposal for vector math in ADQL 12+3' pdf With tables containing massive amounts of vectors becoming common (e.g., the collections of low-resolution spectra within Gaia DR3 or the Digitised Byurakan Surveys), giving TAP users a toolset to do server-side work with arrays becomes highly desirable and will significantly enhance the power of ADQL to do server-side analyses. This is an attempt to provide a baseline feature set for that.
  Moderator: James, Notetaker: Grégory

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)


Time: Thursday Oct 20 06:30 UTC [session #13]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
James Tocknell User-focused evolution of VO service design 15+5'   The IVOA has been successful in defining a suite of recommendations which cover the implementation of interoperable services, but there is an emphasis on individual recommendations and their implementation on the server-side, rather than the interfaces that the user-astronomer sees. This can be most clearly seen in arguments over XML vs. JSON and Python vs. Java, which are not centred on users, and are instead focused on the needs of developers. In this talk, I'll provide some suggestions on an alternate way of thinking about and discussing the recommendations, based on recent discussions with astronomer-users (mostly students/ECRs).
François Bonnarel DAP, SODA, Datalink status 15+5'   DataLink 1.1 is a Working draft since nearly one year. I will give a short report of new features and check the implementations towards recommendation. Some discussions occured in the group for extensions of SODA interface functionalities and extension of SIA protocol to all dataproduct types, in such a way that a new parameter based "data access protocol" is created. I will report on these discussions
James Dempsey Implementing an SIA1 service for CASDA 12+3'  

The CASDA team recently added a new survey cutout service to the web site, powered by a new Simple Image Access v1 service. The aim was to implement this as far as possible using existing components. In this implementation report I will discuss how we went, what worked and what didn't, including some things it would have been nice to have in ADQL. I'll also discuss why we chose SIA v1 when we already have an SIA2/datalink and SODA service.

Moderator: Grégory, Notetaker: James

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)

[back to main programme page]



META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ADQLvsFirewall.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666124154" name="ADQLvsFirewall.pdf" path="ADQLvsFirewall.pdf" size="1872438" user="TomDonaldson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="StandardsForRadiodataStatus.pdf" attr="" comment="Evolutionof DAL / DM standards for rradio data" date="1666130489" name="StandardsForRadiodataStatus.pdf" path="StandardsForRadiodataStatus.pdf" size="763421" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="adql-astrometry.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666126147" name="adql-astrometry.pdf" path="adql-astrometry.pdf" size="344178" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VectorMath.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666186396" name="VectorMath.pdf" path="VectorMath.pdf" size="116399" user="JonJuaristiCampillo" version="1"

Revision 112022-10-18 - TomDonaldson

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"

DAL Sessions Schedule - IVOA Oct 2022 Interoperability Meeting

[back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+11:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg/Paris Perth/Beijing Canberra
DAL 1 Oct 18 20:30 Tue Oct 18 13:30 Tue Oct 18 16:30 Tue Oct 18 22:30 Wed Oct 19 04:30 Wed Oct 19 07:30
DAL 2 Oct 20 06:30 Wed Oct 19 23:30 Thu Oct 20 02:30 Thu Oct 20 08:30 Thu Oct 20 14:30 Thu Oct 20 17:30

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.


Time: Tuesday Oct 18 20:30 UTC [session #5]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
Markus Demleitner ADQL astrometry library: Status update 12+3' pdf At the May Interop, I discussed possible functions and signatures for applying proper motions to positions and perform frame transformations in ADQL. In this talk, I will report on the progress on these, which includes an implementation of exact epoch propagation in pgsphere.
François Bonnarel Discovery, description and access of Radio data in the VO. Status report 12+3' pdf RadioAstronomy IG started to develop a note for describing DAL VO services implementation for radio data but is also developping proposals for extending DAL (and DM) standards to specificities of radio data (Visibilities, PSRFITS and SDFITS data). This talk is a short status report.
Tom Donaldson ADQL and Firewall SQL-Injection Detection 12+3' ADQLvsFirewall.pdf Since ADQL queries look a lot like SQL, we’ve long had an issue that our web firewalls sometimes block inbound TAP requests because they might be SQL injection. This resulted in mysterious failures for clients, but we have since ensured that our TAP service endpoints are added as exceptions to the security checks. Lately the problem has gotten worse in that the firewalls are blocking some outbound TAP requests, meaning that a TAP user at STScI will see mysterious failures. This talk is a warning about this possibility for other sites and a conversation starter about whether mitigations are worthwhile or possible on the IVOA side.
Tom Donaldson ADQL and Firewall SQL-Injection Detection 12+3' pdf Since ADQL queries look a lot like SQL, we’ve long had an issue that our web firewalls sometimes block inbound TAP requests because they might be SQL injection. This resulted in mysterious failures for clients, but we have since ensured that our TAP service endpoints are added as exceptions to the security checks. Lately the problem has gotten worse in that the firewalls are blocking some outbound TAP requests, meaning that a TAP user at STScI will see mysterious failures. This talk is a warning about this possibility for other sites and a conversation starter about whether mitigations are worthwhile or possible on the IVOA side.
Jon Juaristi Campillo A proposal for vector math in ADQL 12+3'   With tables containing massive amounts of vectors becoming common (e.g., the collections of low-resolution spectra within Gaia DR3 or the Digitised Byurakan Surveys), giving TAP users a toolset to do server-side work with arrays becomes highly desirable and will significantly enhance the power of ADQL to do server-side analyses. This is an attempt to provide a baseline feature set for that.

Moderator: James, Notetaker: Grégory

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)


Time: Thursday Oct 20 06:30 UTC [session #13]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
James Tocknell User-focused evolution of VO service design 15+5'   The IVOA has been successful in defining a suite of recommendations which cover the implementation of interoperable services, but there is an emphasis on individual recommendations and their implementation on the server-side, rather than the interfaces that the user-astronomer sees. This can be most clearly seen in arguments over XML vs. JSON and Python vs. Java, which are not centred on users, and are instead focused on the needs of developers. In this talk, I'll provide some suggestions on an alternate way of thinking about and discussing the recommendations, based on recent discussions with astronomer-users (mostly students/ECRs).
François Bonnarel DAP, SODA, Datalink status 15+5'   DataLink 1.1 is a Working draft since nearly one year. I will give a short report of new features and check the implementations towards recommendation. Some discussions occured in the group for extensions of SODA interface functionalities and extension of SIA protocol to all dataproduct types, in such a way that a new parameter based "data access protocol" is created. I will report on these discussions
James Dempsey Implementing an SIA1 service for CASDA 12+3'  

The CASDA team recently added a new survey cutout service to the web site, powered by a new Simple Image Access v1 service. The aim was to implement this as far as possible using existing components. In this implementation report I will discuss how we went, what worked and what didn't, including some things it would have been nice to have in ADQL. I'll also discuss why we chose SIA v1 when we already have an SIA2/datalink and SODA service.

Moderator: Grégory, Notetaker: James

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)

[back to main programme page]



META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ADQLvsFirewall.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666124154" name="ADQLvsFirewall.pdf" path="ADQLvsFirewall.pdf" size="1872438" user="TomDonaldson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="StandardsForRadiodataStatus.pdf" attr="" comment="Evolutionof DAL / DM standards for rradio data" date="1666130489" name="StandardsForRadiodataStatus.pdf" path="StandardsForRadiodataStatus.pdf" size="763421" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="adql-astrometry.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666126147" name="adql-astrometry.pdf" path="adql-astrometry.pdf" size="344178" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="1"

Revision 102022-10-18 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"

DAL Sessions Schedule - IVOA Oct 2022 Interoperability Meeting

[back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+11:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg/Paris Perth/Beijing Canberra
DAL 1 Oct 18 20:30 Tue Oct 18 13:30 Tue Oct 18 16:30 Tue Oct 18 22:30 Wed Oct 19 04:30 Wed Oct 19 07:30
DAL 2 Oct 20 06:30 Wed Oct 19 23:30 Thu Oct 20 02:30 Thu Oct 20 08:30 Thu Oct 20 14:30 Thu Oct 20 17:30

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.


Time: Tuesday Oct 18 20:30 UTC [session #5]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
Markus Demleitner ADQL astrometry library: Status update 12+3' pdf At the May Interop, I discussed possible functions and signatures for applying proper motions to positions and perform frame transformations in ADQL. In this talk, I will report on the progress on these, which includes an implementation of exact epoch propagation in pgsphere.
François Bonnarel Discovery, description and access of Radio data in the VO. Status report 12+3' pdf RadioAstronomy IG started to develop a note for describing DAL VO services implementation for radio data but is also developping proposals for extending DAL (and DM) standards to specificities of radio data (Visibilities, PSRFITS and SDFITS data). This talk is a short status report.
Tom Donaldson ADQL and Firewall SQL-Injection Detection 12+3' ADQLvsFirewall.pdf Since ADQL queries look a lot like SQL, we’ve long had an issue that our web firewalls sometimes block inbound TAP requests because they might be SQL injection. This resulted in mysterious failures for clients, but we have since ensured that our TAP service endpoints are added as exceptions to the security checks. Lately the problem has gotten worse in that the firewalls are blocking some outbound TAP requests, meaning that a TAP user at STScI will see mysterious failures. This talk is a warning about this possibility for other sites and a conversation starter about whether mitigations are worthwhile or possible on the IVOA side.
Jon Juaristi Campillo A proposal for vector math in ADQL 12+3'   With tables containing massive amounts of vectors becoming common (e.g., the collections of low-resolution spectra within Gaia DR3 or the Digitised Byurakan Surveys), giving TAP users a toolset to do server-side work with arrays becomes highly desirable and will significantly enhance the power of ADQL to do server-side analyses. This is an attempt to provide a baseline feature set for that.

Moderator: James, Notetaker: Grégory

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)


Time: Thursday Oct 20 06:30 UTC [session #13]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
James Tocknell User-focused evolution of VO service design 15+5'   The IVOA has been successful in defining a suite of recommendations which cover the implementation of interoperable services, but there is an emphasis on individual recommendations and their implementation on the server-side, rather than the interfaces that the user-astronomer sees. This can be most clearly seen in arguments over XML vs. JSON and Python vs. Java, which are not centred on users, and are instead focused on the needs of developers. In this talk, I'll provide some suggestions on an alternate way of thinking about and discussing the recommendations, based on recent discussions with astronomer-users (mostly students/ECRs).
François Bonnarel DAP, SODA, Datalink status 15+5'   DataLink 1.1 is a Working draft since nearly one year. I will give a short report of new features and check the implementations towards recommendation. Some discussions occured in the group for extensions of SODA interface functionalities and extension of SIA protocol to all dataproduct types, in such a way that a new parameter based "data access protocol" is created. I will report on these discussions
James Dempsey Implementing an SIA1 service for CASDA 12+3'  

The CASDA team recently added a new survey cutout service to the web site, powered by a new Simple Image Access v1 service. The aim was to implement this as far as possible using existing components. In this implementation report I will discuss how we went, what worked and what didn't, including some things it would have been nice to have in ADQL. I'll also discuss why we chose SIA v1 when we already have an SIA2/datalink and SODA service.

Moderator: Grégory, Notetaker: James

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)

[back to main programme page]



META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ADQLvsFirewall.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666124154" name="ADQLvsFirewall.pdf" path="ADQLvsFirewall.pdf" size="1872438" user="TomDonaldson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="StandardsForRadiodataStatus.pdf" attr="" comment="Evolutionof DAL / DM standards for rradio data" date="1666125352" name="StandardsForRadiodataStatus.pdf" path="StandardsForRadiodataStatus.pdf" size="763351" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="StandardsForRadiodataStatus.pdf" attr="" comment="Evolutionof DAL / DM standards for rradio data" date="1666130489" name="StandardsForRadiodataStatus.pdf" path="StandardsForRadiodataStatus.pdf" size="763421" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="adql-astrometry.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666126147" name="adql-astrometry.pdf" path="adql-astrometry.pdf" size="344178" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="1"

Revision 92022-10-18 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"

DAL Sessions Schedule - IVOA Oct 2022 Interoperability Meeting

[back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+11:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg/Paris Perth/Beijing Canberra
DAL 1 Oct 18 20:30 Tue Oct 18 13:30 Tue Oct 18 16:30 Tue Oct 18 22:30 Wed Oct 19 04:30 Wed Oct 19 07:30
DAL 2 Oct 20 06:30 Wed Oct 19 23:30 Thu Oct 20 02:30 Thu Oct 20 08:30 Thu Oct 20 14:30 Thu Oct 20 17:30

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.


Time: Tuesday Oct 18 20:30 UTC [session #5]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
Markus Demleitner ADQL astrometry library: Status update 12+3'   At the May Interop, I discussed possible functions and signatures for applying proper motions to positions and perform frame transformations in ADQL. In this talk, I will report on the progress on these, which includes an implementation of exact epoch propagation in pgsphere.
François Bonnarel Discovery, description and access of Radio data in the VO. Status report 12+3' pdf RadioAstronomy IG started to develop a note for describing DAL VO services implementation for radio data but is also developping proposals for extending DAL (and DM) standards to specificities of radio data (Visibilities, PSRFITS and SDFITS data). This talk is a short status report.
Markus Demleitner ADQL astrometry library: Status update 12+3' pdf At the May Interop, I discussed possible functions and signatures for applying proper motions to positions and perform frame transformations in ADQL. In this talk, I will report on the progress on these, which includes an implementation of exact epoch propagation in pgsphere.
François Bonnarel Discovery, description and access of Radio data in the VO. Status report 12+3' pdf RadioAstronomy IG started to develop a note for describing DAL VO services implementation for radio data but is also developping proposals for extending DAL (and DM) standards to specificities of radio data (Visibilities, PSRFITS and SDFITS data). This talk is a short status report.
Tom Donaldson ADQL and Firewall SQL-Injection Detection 12+3' ADQLvsFirewall.pdf Since ADQL queries look a lot like SQL, we’ve long had an issue that our web firewalls sometimes block inbound TAP requests because they might be SQL injection. This resulted in mysterious failures for clients, but we have since ensured that our TAP service endpoints are added as exceptions to the security checks. Lately the problem has gotten worse in that the firewalls are blocking some outbound TAP requests, meaning that a TAP user at STScI will see mysterious failures. This talk is a warning about this possibility for other sites and a conversation starter about whether mitigations are worthwhile or possible on the IVOA side.
Jon Juaristi Campillo A proposal for vector math in ADQL 12+3'   With tables containing massive amounts of vectors becoming common (e.g., the collections of low-resolution spectra within Gaia DR3 or the Digitised Byurakan Surveys), giving TAP users a toolset to do server-side work with arrays becomes highly desirable and will significantly enhance the power of ADQL to do server-side analyses. This is an attempt to provide a baseline feature set for that.

Moderator: James, Notetaker: Grégory

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)


Time: Thursday Oct 20 06:30 UTC [session #13]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
James Tocknell User-focused evolution of VO service design 15+5'   The IVOA has been successful in defining a suite of recommendations which cover the implementation of interoperable services, but there is an emphasis on individual recommendations and their implementation on the server-side, rather than the interfaces that the user-astronomer sees. This can be most clearly seen in arguments over XML vs. JSON and Python vs. Java, which are not centred on users, and are instead focused on the needs of developers. In this talk, I'll provide some suggestions on an alternate way of thinking about and discussing the recommendations, based on recent discussions with astronomer-users (mostly students/ECRs).
François Bonnarel DAP, SODA, Datalink status 15+5'   DataLink 1.1 is a Working draft since nearly one year. I will give a short report of new features and check the implementations towards recommendation. Some discussions occured in the group for extensions of SODA interface functionalities and extension of SIA protocol to all dataproduct types, in such a way that a new parameter based "data access protocol" is created. I will report on these discussions
James Dempsey Implementing an SIA1 service for CASDA 12+3'  

The CASDA team recently added a new survey cutout service to the web site, powered by a new Simple Image Access v1 service. The aim was to implement this as far as possible using existing components. In this implementation report I will discuss how we went, what worked and what didn't, including some things it would have been nice to have in ADQL. I'll also discuss why we chose SIA v1 when we already have an SIA2/datalink and SODA service.

Moderator: Grégory, Notetaker: James

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)

[back to main programme page]



META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ADQLvsFirewall.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666124154" name="ADQLvsFirewall.pdf" path="ADQLvsFirewall.pdf" size="1872438" user="TomDonaldson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="StandardsForRadiodataStatus.pdf" attr="" comment="Evolutionof DAL / DM standards for rradio data" date="1666125352" name="StandardsForRadiodataStatus.pdf" path="StandardsForRadiodataStatus.pdf" size="763351" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="adql-astrometry.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666126147" name="adql-astrometry.pdf" path="adql-astrometry.pdf" size="344178" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="1"

Revision 82022-10-18 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"

DAL Sessions Schedule - IVOA Oct 2022 Interoperability Meeting

[back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+11:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg/Paris Perth/Beijing Canberra
DAL 1 Oct 18 20:30 Tue Oct 18 13:30 Tue Oct 18 16:30 Tue Oct 18 22:30 Wed Oct 19 04:30 Wed Oct 19 07:30
DAL 2 Oct 20 06:30 Wed Oct 19 23:30 Thu Oct 20 02:30 Thu Oct 20 08:30 Thu Oct 20 14:30 Thu Oct 20 17:30

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.


Time: Tuesday Oct 18 20:30 UTC [session #5]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
Markus Demleitner ADQL astrometry library: Status update 12+3'   At the May Interop, I discussed possible functions and signatures for applying proper motions to positions and perform frame transformations in ADQL. In this talk, I will report on the progress on these, which includes an implementation of exact epoch propagation in pgsphere.
François Bonnarel Discovery, description and access of Radio data in the VO. Status report 12+3'   RadioAstronomy IG started to develop a note for describing DAL VO services implementation for radio data but is also developping proposals for extending DAL (and DM) standards to specificities of radio data (Visibilities, PSRFITS and SDFITS data). This talk is a short status report.
François Bonnarel Discovery, description and access of Radio data in the VO. Status report 12+3' pdf RadioAstronomy IG started to develop a note for describing DAL VO services implementation for radio data but is also developping proposals for extending DAL (and DM) standards to specificities of radio data (Visibilities, PSRFITS and SDFITS data). This talk is a short status report.
Tom Donaldson ADQL and Firewall SQL-Injection Detection 12+3' ADQLvsFirewall.pdf Since ADQL queries look a lot like SQL, we’ve long had an issue that our web firewalls sometimes block inbound TAP requests because they might be SQL injection. This resulted in mysterious failures for clients, but we have since ensured that our TAP service endpoints are added as exceptions to the security checks. Lately the problem has gotten worse in that the firewalls are blocking some outbound TAP requests, meaning that a TAP user at STScI will see mysterious failures. This talk is a warning about this possibility for other sites and a conversation starter about whether mitigations are worthwhile or possible on the IVOA side.
Jon Juaristi Campillo A proposal for vector math in ADQL 12+3'   With tables containing massive amounts of vectors becoming common (e.g., the collections of low-resolution spectra within Gaia DR3 or the Digitised Byurakan Surveys), giving TAP users a toolset to do server-side work with arrays becomes highly desirable and will significantly enhance the power of ADQL to do server-side analyses. This is an attempt to provide a baseline feature set for that.

Moderator: James, Notetaker: Grégory

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)


Time: Thursday Oct 20 06:30 UTC [session #13]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
James Tocknell User-focused evolution of VO service design 15+5'   The IVOA has been successful in defining a suite of recommendations which cover the implementation of interoperable services, but there is an emphasis on individual recommendations and their implementation on the server-side, rather than the interfaces that the user-astronomer sees. This can be most clearly seen in arguments over XML vs. JSON and Python vs. Java, which are not centred on users, and are instead focused on the needs of developers. In this talk, I'll provide some suggestions on an alternate way of thinking about and discussing the recommendations, based on recent discussions with astronomer-users (mostly students/ECRs).
François Bonnarel DAP, SODA, Datalink status 15+5'   DataLink 1.1 is a Working draft since nearly one year. I will give a short report of new features and check the implementations towards recommendation. Some discussions occured in the group for extensions of SODA interface functionalities and extension of SIA protocol to all dataproduct types, in such a way that a new parameter based "data access protocol" is created. I will report on these discussions
James Dempsey Implementing an SIA1 service for CASDA 12+3'  

The CASDA team recently added a new survey cutout service to the web site, powered by a new Simple Image Access v1 service. The aim was to implement this as far as possible using existing components. In this implementation report I will discuss how we went, what worked and what didn't, including some things it would have been nice to have in ADQL. I'll also discuss why we chose SIA v1 when we already have an SIA2/datalink and SODA service.

Moderator: Grégory, Notetaker: James

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)

[back to main programme page]



META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ADQLvsFirewall.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666124154" name="ADQLvsFirewall.pdf" path="ADQLvsFirewall.pdf" size="1872438" user="TomDonaldson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="StandardsForRadiodataStatus.pdf" attr="" comment="Evolutionof DAL / DM standards for rradio data" date="1666125352" name="StandardsForRadiodataStatus.pdf" path="StandardsForRadiodataStatus.pdf" size="763351" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"

Revision 72022-10-18 - TomDonaldson

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"

DAL Sessions Schedule - IVOA Oct 2022 Interoperability Meeting

[back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+11:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg/Paris Perth/Beijing Canberra
DAL 1 Oct 18 20:30 Tue Oct 18 13:30 Tue Oct 18 16:30 Tue Oct 18 22:30 Wed Oct 19 04:30 Wed Oct 19 07:30
DAL 2 Oct 20 06:30 Wed Oct 19 23:30 Thu Oct 20 02:30 Thu Oct 20 08:30 Thu Oct 20 14:30 Thu Oct 20 17:30

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.


Time: Tuesday Oct 18 20:30 UTC [session #5]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
Markus Demleitner ADQL astrometry library: Status update 12+3'   At the May Interop, I discussed possible functions and signatures for applying proper motions to positions and perform frame transformations in ADQL. In this talk, I will report on the progress on these, which includes an implementation of exact epoch propagation in pgsphere.
François Bonnarel Discovery, description and access of Radio data in the VO. Status report 12+3'   RadioAstronomy IG started to develop a note for describing DAL VO services implementation for radio data but is also developping proposals for extending DAL (and DM) standards to specificities of radio data (Visibilities, PSRFITS and SDFITS data). This talk is a short status report.
Tom Donaldson ADQL and Firewall SQL-Injection Detection 12+3'   Since ADQL queries look a lot like SQL, we’ve long had an issue that our web firewalls sometimes block inbound TAP requests because they might be SQL injection. This resulted in mysterious failures for clients, but we have since ensured that our TAP service endpoints are added as exceptions to the security checks. Lately the problem has gotten worse in that the firewalls are blocking some outbound TAP requests, meaning that a TAP user at STScI will see mysterious failures. This talk is a warning about this possibility for other sites and a conversation starter about whether mitigations are worthwhile or possible on the IVOA side.
Tom Donaldson ADQL and Firewall SQL-Injection Detection 12+3' ADQLvsFirewall.pdf Since ADQL queries look a lot like SQL, we’ve long had an issue that our web firewalls sometimes block inbound TAP requests because they might be SQL injection. This resulted in mysterious failures for clients, but we have since ensured that our TAP service endpoints are added as exceptions to the security checks. Lately the problem has gotten worse in that the firewalls are blocking some outbound TAP requests, meaning that a TAP user at STScI will see mysterious failures. This talk is a warning about this possibility for other sites and a conversation starter about whether mitigations are worthwhile or possible on the IVOA side.
Jon Juaristi Campillo A proposal for vector math in ADQL 12+3'   With tables containing massive amounts of vectors becoming common (e.g., the collections of low-resolution spectra within Gaia DR3 or the Digitised Byurakan Surveys), giving TAP users a toolset to do server-side work with arrays becomes highly desirable and will significantly enhance the power of ADQL to do server-side analyses. This is an attempt to provide a baseline feature set for that.

Moderator: James, Notetaker: Grégory

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)


Time: Thursday Oct 20 06:30 UTC [session #13]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
James Tocknell User-focused evolution of VO service design 15+5'   The IVOA has been successful in defining a suite of recommendations which cover the implementation of interoperable services, but there is an emphasis on individual recommendations and their implementation on the server-side, rather than the interfaces that the user-astronomer sees. This can be most clearly seen in arguments over XML vs. JSON and Python vs. Java, which are not centred on users, and are instead focused on the needs of developers. In this talk, I'll provide some suggestions on an alternate way of thinking about and discussing the recommendations, based on recent discussions with astronomer-users (mostly students/ECRs).
François Bonnarel DAP, SODA, Datalink status 15+5'   DataLink 1.1 is a Working draft since nearly one year. I will give a short report of new features and check the implementations towards recommendation. Some discussions occured in the group for extensions of SODA interface functionalities and extension of SIA protocol to all dataproduct types, in such a way that a new parameter based "data access protocol" is created. I will report on these discussions
James Dempsey Implementing an SIA1 service for CASDA 12+3'  

The CASDA team recently added a new survey cutout service to the web site, powered by a new Simple Image Access v1 service. The aim was to implement this as far as possible using existing components. In this implementation report I will discuss how we went, what worked and what didn't, including some things it would have been nice to have in ADQL. I'll also discuss why we chose SIA v1 when we already have an SIA2/datalink and SODA service.

Moderator: Grégory, Notetaker: James

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)

[back to main programme page]


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ADQLvsFirewall.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666124154" name="ADQLvsFirewall.pdf" path="ADQLvsFirewall.pdf" size="1872438" user="TomDonaldson" version="1"

Revision 62022-10-18 - JamesDempsey

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"

DAL Sessions Schedule - IVOA Oct 2022 Interoperability Meeting

[back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+11:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg/Paris Perth/Beijing Canberra
DAL 1 Oct 18 20:30 Tue Oct 18 13:30 Tue Oct 18 16:30 Tue Oct 18 22:30 Wed Oct 19 04:30 Wed Oct 19 07:30
DAL 2 Oct 20 06:30 Wed Oct 19 23:30 Thu Oct 20 02:30 Thu Oct 20 08:30 Thu Oct 20 14:30 Thu Oct 20 17:30

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.


Time: Tuesday Oct 18 20:30 UTC [session #5]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
Markus Demleitner ADQL astrometry library: Status update 12+3'   At the May Interop, I discussed possible functions and signatures for applying proper motions to positions and perform frame transformations in ADQL. In this talk, I will report on the progress on these, which includes an implementation of exact epoch propagation in pgsphere.
François Bonnarel Discovery, description and access of Radio data in the VO. Status report 12+3'   RadioAstronomy IG started to develop a note for describing DAL VO services implementation for radio data but is also developping proposals for extending DAL (and DM) standards to specificities of radio data (Visibilities, PSRFITS and SDFITS data). This talk is a short status report.
Tom Donaldson ADQL and Firewall SQL-Injection Detection 12+3'   Since ADQL queries look a lot like SQL, we’ve long had an issue that our web firewalls sometimes block inbound TAP requests because they might be SQL injection. This resulted in mysterious failures for clients, but we have since ensured that our TAP service endpoints are added as exceptions to the security checks. Lately the problem has gotten worse in that the firewalls are blocking some outbound TAP requests, meaning that a TAP user at STScI will see mysterious failures. This talk is a warning about this possibility for other sites and a conversation starter about whether mitigations are worthwhile or possible on the IVOA side.
Jon Juaristi Campillo A proposal for vector math in ADQL 12+3'   With tables containing massive amounts of vectors becoming common (e.g., the collections of low-resolution spectra within Gaia DR3 or the Digitised Byurakan Surveys), giving TAP users a toolset to do server-side work with arrays becomes highly desirable and will significantly enhance the power of ADQL to do server-side analyses. This is an attempt to provide a baseline feature set for that.

Moderator: James, Notetaker: Grégory

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)


Time: Thursday Oct 20 06:30 UTC [session #14]
Time: Thursday Oct 20 06:30 UTC [session #13]
Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
James Tocknell User-focused evolution of VO service design 15+5'   The IVOA has been successful in defining a suite of recommendations which cover
the implementation of interoperable services, but there is an emphasis on
individual recommendations and their implementation on the server-side, rather
than the interfaces that the user-astronomer sees. This can be most clearly seen
in arguments over XML vs. JSON and Python vs. Java, which are not centred on users, and
are instead focused on the needs of developers. In this talk, I'll provide some
suggestions on an alternate way of thinking about and discussing the
recommendations, based on recent discussions with astronomer-users (mostly
James Tocknell User-focused evolution of VO service design 15+5'   The IVOA has been successful in defining a suite of recommendations which cover the implementation of interoperable services, but there is an emphasis on individual recommendations and their implementation on the server-side, rather than the interfaces that the user-astronomer sees. This can be most clearly seen in arguments over XML vs. JSON and Python vs. Java, which are not centred on users, and are instead focused on the needs of developers. In this talk, I'll provide some suggestions on an alternate way of thinking about and discussing the recommendations, based on recent discussions with astronomer-users (mostly students/ECRs).
François Bonnarel DAP, SODA, Datalink status 15+5'   DataLink 1.1 is a Working draft since nearly one year. I will give a short report of new features and check the implementations towards recommendation. Some discussions occured in the group for extensions of SODA interface functionalities and extension of SIA protocol to all dataproduct types, in such a way that a new parameter based "data access protocol" is created. I will report on these discussions
James Dempsey Implementing an SIA1 service for CASDA 12+3'    
James Dempsey Implementing an SIA1 service for CASDA 12+3'  

The CASDA team recently added a new survey cutout service to the web site, powered by a new Simple Image Access v1 service. The aim was to implement this as far as possible using existing components. In this implementation report I will discuss how we went, what worked and what didn't, including some things it would have been nice to have in ADQL. I'll also discuss why we chose SIA v1 when we already have an SIA2/datalink and SODA service.

  Moderator: Grégory, Notetaker: James

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)

[back to main programme page]



Revision 52022-10-17 - JamesDempsey

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"

DAL Sessions Schedule - IVOA Oct 2022 Interoperability Meeting

[back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+11:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg/Paris Perth/Beijing Canberra
DAL 1 Oct 18 20:30 Tue Oct 18 13:30 Tue Oct 18 16:30 Tue Oct 18 22:30 Tue Oct 18 04:30 Tue Oct 18 07:30
DAL 1 Oct 18 20:30 Tue Oct 18 13:30 Tue Oct 18 16:30 Tue Oct 18 22:30 Wed Oct 19 04:30 Wed Oct 19 07:30
DAL 2 Oct 20 06:30 Wed Oct 19 23:30 Thu Oct 20 02:30 Thu Oct 20 08:30 Thu Oct 20 14:30 Thu Oct 20 17:30

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.


Time: Tuesday Oct 18 20:30 UTC [session #5]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
Markus Demleitner ADQL astrometry library: Status update 12+3'   At the May Interop, I discussed possible functions and signatures for applying proper motions to positions and perform frame transformations in ADQL. In this talk, I will report on the progress on these, which includes an implementation of exact epoch propagation in pgsphere.
François Bonnarel Discovery, description and access of Radio data in the VO. Status report 12+3'   RadioAstronomy IG started to develop a note for describing DAL VO services implementation for radio data but is also developping proposals for extending DAL (and DM) standards to specificities of radio data (Visibilities, PSRFITS and SDFITS data). This talk is a short status report.
Tom Donaldson ADQL and Firewall SQL-Injection Detection 12+3'   Since ADQL queries look a lot like SQL, we’ve long had an issue that our web firewalls sometimes block inbound TAP requests because they might be SQL injection. This resulted in mysterious failures for clients, but we have since ensured that our TAP service endpoints are added as exceptions to the security checks. Lately the problem has gotten worse in that the firewalls are blocking some outbound TAP requests, meaning that a TAP user at STScI will see mysterious failures. This talk is a warning about this possibility for other sites and a conversation starter about whether mitigations are worthwhile or possible on the IVOA side.
Jon Juaristi Campillo A proposal for vector math in ADQL 12+3'   With tables containing massive amounts of vectors becoming common (e.g., the collections of low-resolution spectra within Gaia DR3 or the Digitised Byurakan Surveys), giving TAP users a toolset to do server-side work with arrays becomes highly desirable and will significantly enhance the power of ADQL to do server-side analyses. This is an attempt to provide a baseline feature set for that.

Moderator: James, Notetaker: Grégory

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)


Time: Thursday Oct 20 06:30 UTC [session #14]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
James Tocknell User-focused evolution of VO service design 15+5'   The IVOA has been successful in defining a suite of recommendations which cover
the implementation of interoperable services, but there is an emphasis on
individual recommendations and their implementation on the server-side, rather
than the interfaces that the user-astronomer sees. This can be most clearly seen
in arguments over XML vs. JSON and Python vs. Java, which are not centred on users, and
are instead focused on the needs of developers. In this talk, I'll provide some
suggestions on an alternate way of thinking about and discussing the
recommendations, based on recent discussions with astronomer-users (mostly
François Bonnarel DAP, SODA, Datalink status 15+5'   DataLink 1.1 is a Working draft since nearly one year. I will give a short report of new features and check the implementations towards recommendation. Some discussions occured in the group for extensions of SODA interface functionalities and extension of SIA protocol to all dataproduct types, in such a way that a new parameter based "data access protocol" is created. I will report on these discussions
James Dempsey Implementing an SIA1 service for CASDA 12+3'    

Moderator: Grégory, Notetaker: James

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)

[back to main programme page]



Revision 42022-10-13 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"

DAL Sessions Schedule - IVOA Oct 2022 Interoperability Meeting

[back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+11:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg/Paris Perth/Beijing Canberra
DAL 1 Oct 18 20:30 Tue Oct 18 13:30 Tue Oct 18 16:30 Tue Oct 18 22:30 Tue Oct 18 04:30 Tue Oct 18 07:30
DAL 2 Oct 20 06:30 Wed Oct 19 23:30 Thu Oct 20 02:30 Thu Oct 20 08:30 Thu Oct 20 14:30 Thu Oct 20 17:30

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.


Time: Tuesday Oct 18 20:30 UTC [session #5]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
Markus Demleitner ADQL astrometry library: Status update 12+3'   At the May Interop, I discussed possible functions and signatures for applying proper motions to positions and perform frame transformations in ADQL. In this talk, I will report on the progress on these, which includes an implementation of exact epoch propagation in pgsphere.
François Bonnarel Discovery, description and access of Radio data in the VO. Status report 12+3'      
François Bonnarel Discovery, description and access of Radio data in the VO. Status report 12+3'   RadioAstronomy IG started to develop a note for describing DAL VO services implementation for radio data but is also developping proposals for extending DAL (and DM) standards to specificities of radio data (Visibilities, PSRFITS and SDFITS data). This talk is a short status report.
Tom Donaldson ADQL and Firewall SQL-Injection Detection 12+3'   Since ADQL queries look a lot like SQL, we’ve long had an issue that our web firewalls sometimes block inbound TAP requests because they might be SQL injection. This resulted in mysterious failures for clients, but we have since ensured that our TAP service endpoints are added as exceptions to the security checks. Lately the problem has gotten worse in that the firewalls are blocking some outbound TAP requests, meaning that a TAP user at STScI will see mysterious failures. This talk is a warning about this possibility for other sites and a conversation starter about whether mitigations are worthwhile or possible on the IVOA side.
Jon Juaristi Campillo A proposal for vector math in ADQL 12+3'   With tables containing massive amounts of vectors becoming common (e.g., the collections of low-resolution spectra within Gaia DR3 or the Digitised Byurakan Surveys), giving TAP users a toolset to do server-side work with arrays becomes highly desirable and will significantly enhance the power of ADQL to do server-side analyses. This is an attempt to provide a baseline feature set for that.

Moderator: James, Notetaker: Grégory

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)


Time: Thursday Oct 20 06:30 UTC [session #14]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
James Tocknell User-focused evolution of VO service design 15+5'   The IVOA has been successful in defining a suite of recommendations which cover
the implementation of interoperable services, but there is an emphasis on
individual recommendations and their implementation on the server-side, rather
than the interfaces that the user-astronomer sees. This can be most clearly seen
in arguments over XML vs. JSON and Python vs. Java, which are not centred on users, and
are instead focused on the needs of developers. In this talk, I'll provide some
suggestions on an alternate way of thinking about and discussing the
recommendations, based on recent discussions with astronomer-users (mostly
François Bonnarel DAP, SODA, Datalink status 15+5'    
François Bonnarel DAP, SODA, Datalink status 15+5'   DataLink 1.1 is a Working draft since nearly one year. I will give a short report of new features and check the implementations towards recommendation. Some discussions occured in the group for extensions of SODA interface functionalities and extension of SIA protocol to all dataproduct types, in such a way that a new parameter based "data access protocol" is created. I will report on these discussions
James Dempsey Implementing an SIA1 service for CASDA 12+3'    

Moderator: Grégory, Notetaker: James

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)

[back to main programme page]



Revision 32022-10-12 - JamesDempsey

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"

DAL Sessions Schedule - IVOA Oct 2022 Interoperability Meeting

[back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+11:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg/Paris Perth/Beijing Canberra
DAL 1 Oct 18 20:30 Tue Oct 18 13:30 Tue Oct 18 16:30 Tue Oct 18 22:30 Tue Oct 18 04:30 Tue Oct 18 07:30
DAL 2 Oct 20 06:30 Wed Oct 19 23:30 Thu Oct 20 02:30 Thu Oct 20 08:30 Thu Oct 20 14:30 Thu Oct 20 17:30

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.


Time: Tuesday Oct 18 20:30 UTC [session #5]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
Markus Demleitner ADQL astrometry library: Status update 12+3'   At the May Interop, I discussed possible functions and signatures for applying proper motions to positions and perform frame transformations in ADQL. In this talk, I will report on the progress on these, which includes an implementation of exact epoch propagation in pgsphere.
François Bonnarel Discovery, description and access of Radio data in the VO. Status report 12+3'      
Tom Donaldson ADQL and Firewall SQL-Injection Detection 12+3'   Since ADQL queries look a lot like SQL, we’ve long had an issue that our web firewalls sometimes block inbound TAP requests because they might be SQL injection. This resulted in mysterious failures for clients, but we have since ensured that our TAP service endpoints are added as exceptions to the security checks. Lately the problem has gotten worse in that the firewalls are blocking some outbound TAP requests, meaning that a TAP user at STScI will see mysterious failures. This talk is a warning about this possibility for other sites and a conversation starter about whether mitigations are worthwhile or possible on the IVOA side.
Tom Donaldson ADQL and Firewall SQL-Injection Detection 12+3'   Since ADQL queries look a lot like SQL, we’ve long had an issue that our web firewalls sometimes block inbound TAP requests because they might be SQL injection. This resulted in mysterious failures for clients, but we have since ensured that our TAP service endpoints are added as exceptions to the security checks. Lately the problem has gotten worse in that the firewalls are blocking some outbound TAP requests, meaning that a TAP user at STScI will see mysterious failures. This talk is a warning about this possibility for other sites and a conversation starter about whether mitigations are worthwhile or possible on the IVOA side.
Jon Juaristi Campillo A proposal for vector math in ADQL 12+3'   With tables containing massive amounts of vectors becoming common (e.g., the collections of low-resolution spectra within Gaia DR3 or the Digitised Byurakan Surveys), giving TAP users a toolset to do server-side work with arrays becomes highly desirable and will significantly enhance the power of ADQL to do server-side analyses. This is an attempt to provide a baseline feature set for that.

Moderator: James, Notetaker: Grégory

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)


Time: Thursday Oct 20 06:30 UTC [session #14]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
James Tocknell User-focused evolution of VO service design 15+5'    
James Tocknell User-focused evolution of VO service design 15+5'   The IVOA has been successful in defining a suite of recommendations which cover
the implementation of interoperable services, but there is an emphasis on
individual recommendations and their implementation on the server-side, rather
than the interfaces that the user-astronomer sees. This can be most clearly seen
in arguments over XML vs. JSON and Python vs. Java, which are not centred on users, and
are instead focused on the needs of developers. In this talk, I'll provide some
suggestions on an alternate way of thinking about and discussing the
recommendations, based on recent discussions with astronomer-users (mostly
François Bonnarel DAP, SODA, Datalink status 15+5'    
James Dempsey Implementing an SIA1 service for CASDA 12+3'    

Moderator: Grégory, Notetaker: James

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)

[back to main programme page]



Revision 22022-10-11 - JamesDempsey

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"

DAL Sessions Schedule - IVOA Oct 2022 Interoperability Meeting

[back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+11:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg/Paris Perth/Beijing Canberra
DAL 1 Oct 18 20:30 Tue Oct 18 13:30 Tue Oct 18 16:30 Tue Oct 18 22:30 Tue Oct 18 04:30 Tue Oct 18 07:30
DAL 2 Oct 20 06:30 Wed Oct 19 23:30 Thu Oct 20 02:30 Thu Oct 20 08:30 Thu Oct 20 14:30 Thu Oct 20 17:30

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.


Time: Tuesday Oct 18 20:30 UTC [session #5]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
Markus Demleitner ADQL astrometry library: Status update 12+3'   At the May Interop, I discussed possible functions and signatures for applying proper motions to positions and perform frame transformations in ADQL. In this talk, I will report on the progress on these, which includes an implementation of exact epoch propagation in pgsphere.
François Bonnarel Discovery, description and access of Radio data in the VO. Status report 12+3'      
Tom Donaldson ADQL and Firewall SQL-Injection Detection 12+3'   Since ADQL queries look a lot like SQL, we’ve long had an issue that our web firewalls sometimes block inbound TAP requests because they might be SQL injection. This resulted in mysterious failures for clients, but we have since ensured that our TAP service endpoints are added as exceptions to the security checks. Lately the problem has gotten worse in that the firewalls are blocking some outbound TAP requests, meaning that a TAP user at STScI will see mysterious failures. This talk is a warning about this possibility for other sites and a conversation starter about whether mitigations are worthwhile or possible on the IVOA side.
Jon Juaristi Campillo A proposal for vector math in ADQL 12+3'   With tables containing massive amounts of vectors becoming common (e.g., the collections of low-resolution spectra within Gaia DR3 or the Digitised Byurakan Surveys), giving TAP users a toolset to do server-side work with arrays becomes highly desirable and will significantly enhance the power of ADQL to do server-side analyses. This is an attempt to provide a baseline feature set for that.
  Moderator: James, Notetaker: Grégory

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)


Time: Thursday Oct 20 06:30 UTC [session #14]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
James Tocknell User-focused evolution of VO service design 15+5'    
François Bonnarel DAP, SODA, Datalink status 15+5'    
James Dempsey Implementing an SIA1 service for CASDA 12+3'    
  Moderator: Grégory, Notetaker: James

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)

[back to main programme page]



Revision 12022-10-10 - JamesDempsey

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"

DAL Sessions Schedule - IVOA Oct 2022 Interoperability Meeting

[back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+11:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg/Paris Perth/Beijing Canberra
DAL 1 Oct 18 20:30 Tue Oct 18 13:30 Tue Oct 18 16:30 Tue Oct 18 22:30 Tue Oct 18 04:30 Tue Oct 18 07:30
DAL 2 Oct 20 06:30 Wed Oct 19 23:30 Thu Oct 20 02:30 Thu Oct 20 08:30 Thu Oct 20 14:30 Thu Oct 20 17:30

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.


Time: Tuesday Oct 18 20:30 UTC [session #5]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract

Moderator: James, Notetaker: Grégory

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)


Time: Thursday Oct 20 06:30 UTC [session #14]

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract

Moderator: Grégory, Notetaker: James

notes: (link to live notes, should expire around end of Nov 2022)

[back to main programme page]


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