Difference: InterOpOct2022RIG (1 vs. 7)

Revision 72022-10-24 - MarcoMolinaro

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"

RadioIG Session Schedule - IVOA Oct 2022 Interoperability Meeting

[back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+10:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg Perth/Beijing Canberra
RIG Oct 20 20:30 Oct 20 13:30 Oct 20 16:30 Oct 20 22:30 Oct 20 04:30 Oct 20 06:30

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.

RadioIG session

Time: Oct 20 20:30 [session #16]

Speaker Title Time Material
Jesus Salgado, Rosie Bolton The SKA project and the SKA Regional Centres Network 15 + 5 pdf
J. Ricardo Rizzo VIOMASS: making MADCUBA VO-compliant 15 + 5  
Jesus Salgado, Rosie Bolton The SKA project and the SKA Regional Centres Network 15 + 5 pdf
J. Ricardo Rizzo VIOMASS: making MADCUBA VO-compliant 15 + 5 pdf
Mark Lacy The NRAO TAP service and examples of notebooks to access data from the VLA Sky Survey via VO services. 15 + 5 pdf

Moderator: Mark, Notetaker: François

notes: etherpad notes (link to live notes, should expire around end of Oct 2023)


The SKA project and the SKA Regional Centres Network (J.Salgado, R.Bolton)

In order to cope with the huge amount of data expected by the SKA radio observatory, an international network of SKA Regional Centres (SRC), the SRCNet, is being defined and developed. The SRCs will be receiving and managing hundreds of petabytes of data from the SKA Observatory (SKAO), providing the infrastructure, tools and user support necessary to enable science with the SKA data. The SRC community and SKAO have engaged in a challenge to design a globally distributed system SRCNet that will equip scientists worldwide with the necessary means for easy access to the globally distributed data and compute infrastructure and to provide remote data analysis tools using the SaaS approach. As part of the SRCNet design, the IVOA protocols are considered crucial to guarantee interoperability. We will present the ongoing work, plans and requirements on the science platform

VIOMASS: making MADCUBA VO-compliant (J.R.Rizzo)

J. Ricardo Rizzo Spanish Virtual Observatory (SVO) Centro de Astrobiologia (CAB), INTA-CSIC

MADCUBA is a Java-based package primarily aimed to reduce and analyze data arising from single dish and interferometer radio data. MADCUBA can process individual spectra and data cubes, and may be used to identify thousands of molecular rotational transitions and radio recombination lines by consulting the most popular molecular databases. One of its tasks -SLIM- simulates LTE conditions and can make semi-automatic fitting of many lines in a single run.

VIOMASS (Virtual Observatory Integration Of MADCUBA And SLIM Spectra) is an initiative aiming to transform MADCUBA/SLIM output as fully compatible with VO. The final objective is to profit the robustness of MADCUBA and the versatility of VO in order to increase visibility of MADCUBA and allow users to enhance results through the interaction with the pleiad of VO tools and available data sets.

Although the work is still under development, we already reach some milestones. A FITS-based data model for the observed and synthetic spectra has been built and its validity was checked. Physical parameters are exported as VOTables which can smoothly interoperate with the most widely used VO tools, such as Topcat, Aladin and CASSIS. On the other hand, data and modeling provenance and UCD information are among the remaining tasks.

In this talk we present the scope of the project, its current status and future work. In detail, we show the data model and some of the options that the user will have in order to export their work adhering to the VO standards.

The NRAO TAP service and examples of notebooks to access data from the VLA Sky Survey via VO services.(Mark Lacy) I will present the new TAP service from NRAO. Designed to list observations from the NRAO archive, it returns ObsCore metadata on both visibility and image holdings in the archive, returning functionality lost when the NRAO Legacy archive was retired last year. Future work will deliver image access via SIA.

I also present some example notebooks that show how images from the VLA Sky Survey (VLASS) can be accessed via other VO services. CADC hosts a copy of the VLASS image data that allows access through SIA/Datalink and SODA, and I will demonstrate how this can be done in a scripted fashion using pyVO. I will also demonstrate how to access the VLASS Epoch 1 catalog stored at CADC and match to the RACS catalog at CASDA, obtained via TAP.

[back to main programme page]

-- FrancoisBonnarel - 2022-10-13


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SKA_Radio_IG.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666272836" name="SKA_Radio_IG.pdf" path="SKA_Radio_IG.pdf" size="6645227" user="JesusSalgado" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Lacy_Mark_VLASS_Oct23.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666302170" name="Lacy_Mark_VLASS_Oct23.pdf" path="Lacy_Mark_VLASS_Oct23.pdf" size="2724402" user="MarkLacy" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Rizzo_VIOMASS.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666595661" name="Rizzo_VIOMASS.pdf" path="Rizzo_VIOMASS.pdf" size="9936163" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"

Revision 62022-10-20 - MarkLacy

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"

RadioIG Session Schedule - IVOA Oct 2022 Interoperability Meeting

[back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+10:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg Perth/Beijing Canberra
RIG Oct 20 20:30 Oct 20 13:30 Oct 20 16:30 Oct 20 22:30 Oct 20 04:30 Oct 20 06:30

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.

RadioIG session

Time: Oct 20 20:30 [session #16]

Speaker Title Time Material
Jesus Salgado, Rosie Bolton The SKA project and the SKA Regional Centres Network 15 + 5 pdf
J. Ricardo Rizzo VIOMASS: making MADCUBA VO-compliant 15 + 5  
Mark Lacy The NRAO TAP service and examples of notebooks to access data from the VLA Sky Survey via VO services. 15 + 5  
Mark Lacy The NRAO TAP service and examples of notebooks to access data from the VLA Sky Survey via VO services. 15 + 5 pdf
  Moderator: Mark, Notetaker: François

notes: etherpad notes (link to live notes, should expire around end of Oct 2023)


The SKA project and the SKA Regional Centres Network (J.Salgado, R.Bolton)

In order to cope with the huge amount of data expected by the SKA radio observatory, an international network of SKA Regional Centres (SRC), the SRCNet, is being defined and developed. The SRCs will be receiving and managing hundreds of petabytes of data from the SKA Observatory (SKAO), providing the infrastructure, tools and user support necessary to enable science with the SKA data. The SRC community and SKAO have engaged in a challenge to design a globally distributed system SRCNet that will equip scientists worldwide with the necessary means for easy access to the globally distributed data and compute infrastructure and to provide remote data analysis tools using the SaaS approach. As part of the SRCNet design, the IVOA protocols are considered crucial to guarantee interoperability. We will present the ongoing work, plans and requirements on the science platform

VIOMASS: making MADCUBA VO-compliant (J.R.Rizzo)

J. Ricardo Rizzo Spanish Virtual Observatory (SVO) Centro de Astrobiologia (CAB), INTA-CSIC

MADCUBA is a Java-based package primarily aimed to reduce and analyze data arising from single dish and interferometer radio data. MADCUBA can process individual spectra and data cubes, and may be used to identify thousands of molecular rotational transitions and radio recombination lines by consulting the most popular molecular databases. One of its tasks -SLIM- simulates LTE conditions and can make semi-automatic fitting of many lines in a single run.

VIOMASS (Virtual Observatory Integration Of MADCUBA And SLIM Spectra) is an initiative aiming to transform MADCUBA/SLIM output as fully compatible with VO. The final objective is to profit the robustness of MADCUBA and the versatility of VO in order to increase visibility of MADCUBA and allow users to enhance results through the interaction with the pleiad of VO tools and available data sets.

Although the work is still under development, we already reach some milestones. A FITS-based data model for the observed and synthetic spectra has been built and its validity was checked. Physical parameters are exported as VOTables which can smoothly interoperate with the most widely used VO tools, such as Topcat, Aladin and CASSIS. On the other hand, data and modeling provenance and UCD information are among the remaining tasks.

In this talk we present the scope of the project, its current status and future work. In detail, we show the data model and some of the options that the user will have in order to export their work adhering to the VO standards.

The NRAO TAP service and examples of notebooks to access data from the VLA Sky Survey via VO services.(Mark Lacy) I will present the new TAP service from NRAO. Designed to list observations from the NRAO archive, it returns ObsCore metadata on both visibility and image holdings in the archive, returning functionality lost when the NRAO Legacy archive was retired last year. Future work will deliver image access via SIA.

I also present some example notebooks that show how images from the VLA Sky Survey (VLASS) can be accessed via other VO services. CADC hosts a copy of the VLASS image data that allows access through SIA/Datalink and SODA, and I will demonstrate how this can be done in a scripted fashion using pyVO. I will also demonstrate how to access the VLASS Epoch 1 catalog stored at CADC and match to the RACS catalog at CASDA, obtained via TAP.

[back to main programme page]

-- FrancoisBonnarel - 2022-10-13


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SKA_Radio_IG.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666272836" name="SKA_Radio_IG.pdf" path="SKA_Radio_IG.pdf" size="6645227" user="JesusSalgado" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Lacy_Mark_VLASS_Oct23.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666302170" name="Lacy_Mark_VLASS_Oct23.pdf" path="Lacy_Mark_VLASS_Oct23.pdf" size="2724402" user="MarkLacy" version="1"

Revision 52022-10-20 - JesusSalgado

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"

RadioIG Session Schedule - IVOA Oct 2022 Interoperability Meeting

[back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+10:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg Perth/Beijing Canberra
RIG Oct 20 20:30 Oct 20 13:30 Oct 20 16:30 Oct 20 22:30 Oct 20 04:30 Oct 20 06:30

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.

RadioIG session

Time: Oct 20 20:30 [session #16]

Speaker Title Time Material
Jesus Salgado, Rosie Bolton The SKA project and the SKA Regional Centres Network 15 + 5  
Jesus Salgado, Rosie Bolton The SKA project and the SKA Regional Centres Network 15 + 5 pdf
J. Ricardo Rizzo VIOMASS: making MADCUBA VO-compliant 15 + 5  
Mark Lacy The NRAO TAP service and examples of notebooks to access data from the VLA Sky Survey via VO services. 15 + 5  

Moderator: Mark, Notetaker: François

notes: etherpad notes (link to live notes, should expire around end of Oct 2023)


 The SKA project and the SKA Regional Centres Network (J.Salgado, R.Bolton)

In order to cope with the huge amount of data expected by the SKA radio observatory, an international network of SKA Regional Centres (SRC), the SRCNet, is being defined and developed. The SRCs will be receiving and managing hundreds of petabytes of data from the SKA Observatory (SKAO), providing the infrastructure, tools and user support necessary to enable science with the SKA data. The SRC community and SKAO have engaged in a challenge to design a globally distributed system SRCNet that will equip scientists worldwide with the necessary means for easy access to the globally distributed data and compute infrastructure and to provide remote data analysis tools using the SaaS approach. As part of the SRCNet design, the IVOA protocols are considered crucial to guarantee interoperability. We will present the ongoing work, plans and requirements on the science platform

VIOMASS: making MADCUBA VO-compliant (J.R.Rizzo)

J. Ricardo Rizzo
J. Ricardo Rizzo Spanish Virtual Observatory (SVO) Centro de Astrobiologia (CAB), INTA-CSIC
Spanish Virtual Observatory (SVO) Centro de Astrobiologia (CAB), INTA-CSIC
  MADCUBA is a Java-based package primarily aimed to reduce and analyze data arising from single dish and interferometer radio data. MADCUBA can process individual spectra and data cubes, and may be used to identify thousands of molecular rotational transitions and radio recombination lines by consulting the most popular molecular databases. One of its tasks -SLIM- simulates LTE conditions and can make semi-automatic fitting of many lines in a single run.

VIOMASS (Virtual Observatory Integration Of MADCUBA And SLIM Spectra) is an initiative aiming to transform MADCUBA/SLIM output as fully compatible with VO. The final objective is to profit the robustness of MADCUBA and the versatility of VO in order to increase visibility of MADCUBA and allow users to enhance results through the interaction with the pleiad of VO tools and available data sets.

Although the work is still under development, we already reach some milestones. A FITS-based data model for the observed and synthetic spectra has been built and its validity was checked. Physical parameters are exported as VOTables which can smoothly interoperate with the most widely used VO tools, such as Topcat, Aladin and CASSIS. On the other hand, data and modeling provenance and UCD information are among the remaining tasks.

In this talk we present the scope of the project, its current status and future work. In detail, we show the data model and some of the options that the user will have in order to export their work adhering to the VO standards.

The NRAO TAP service and examples of notebooks to access data from the VLA Sky Survey via VO services.(Mark Lacy) I will present the new TAP service from NRAO. Designed to list observations from the NRAO archive, it returns ObsCore metadata on both visibility and image holdings in the archive, returning functionality lost when the NRAO Legacy archive was retired last year. Future work will deliver image access via SIA.

I also present some example notebooks that show how images from the VLA Sky Survey (VLASS) can be accessed via other VO services. CADC hosts a copy of the VLASS image data that allows access through SIA/Datalink and SODA, and I will demonstrate how this can be done in a scripted fashion using pyVO. I will also demonstrate how to access the VLASS Epoch 1 catalog stored at CADC and match to the RACS catalog at CASDA, obtained via TAP.

[back to main programme page]

-- FrancoisBonnarel - 2022-10-13

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SKA_Radio_IG.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666272836" name="SKA_Radio_IG.pdf" path="SKA_Radio_IG.pdf" size="6645227" user="JesusSalgado" version="1"

Revision 42022-10-17 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"

RadioIG Session Schedule - IVOA Oct 2022 Interoperability Meeting

[back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+10:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg Perth/Beijing Canberra
RIG Oct 20 20:30 Oct 20 13:30 Oct 20 16:30 Oct 20 22:30 Oct 20 04:30 Oct 20 06:30

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.

RadioIG session

Time: Oct 20 20:30 [session #16]

Speaker Title Time Material
Jesus Salgado, Rosie Bolton The SKA project and the SKA Regional Centres Network 15 + 5  
Ricardo Rizzo MADCUBA 15 + 5  
J. Ricardo Rizzo VIOMASS: making MADCUBA VO-compliant 15 + 5  
Mark Lacy The NRAO TAP service and examples of notebooks to access data from the VLA Sky Survey via VO services. 15 + 5  

Moderator: Mark, Notetaker: François

notes: etherpad notes (link to live notes, should expire around end of Oct 2023)


The NRAO TAP service and examples of notebooks to access data from the VLA Sky Survey via VO services.(Mark Lacy) I will present the new TAP service from NRAO. Designed to list observations from the NRAO archive, it returns ObsCore metadata on both visibility and image holdings in the archive, returning functionality lost when the NRAO Legacy archive was retired last year. Future work will deliver image access via SIA.
I also present some example notebooks that show how images from the VLA Sky Survey (VLASS) can be accessed via other VO services. CADC hosts a copy of the VLASS image data that allows access through SIA/Datalink and SODA, and I will demonstrate how this can be done in a scripted fashion using pyVO. I will also demonstrate how to access the VLASS Epoch 1 catalog stored at CADC and match to the RACS catalog at CASDA, obtained via TAP.
  The SKA project and the SKA Regional Centres Network (J.Salgado, R.Bolton)

In order to cope with the huge amount of data expected by the SKA radio observatory, an international network of SKA Regional Centres (SRC), the SRCNet, is being defined and developed. The SRCs will be receiving and managing hundreds of petabytes of data from the SKA Observatory (SKAO), providing the infrastructure, tools and user support necessary to enable science with the SKA data. The SRC community and SKAO have engaged in a challenge to design a globally distributed system SRCNet that will equip scientists worldwide with the necessary means for easy access to the globally distributed data and compute infrastructure and to provide remote data analysis tools using the SaaS approach. As part of the SRCNet design, the IVOA protocols are considered crucial to guarantee interoperability. We will present the ongoing work, plans and requirements on the science platform

VIOMASS: making MADCUBA VO-compliant (J.R.Rizzo)
J. Ricardo Rizzo Spanish Virtual Observatory (SVO) Centro de Astrobiologia (CAB), INTA-CSIC

MADCUBA is a Java-based package primarily aimed to reduce and analyze data arising from single dish and interferometer radio data. MADCUBA can process individual spectra and data cubes, and may be used to identify thousands of molecular rotational transitions and radio recombination lines by consulting the most popular molecular databases. One of its tasks -SLIM- simulates LTE conditions and can make semi-automatic fitting of many lines in a single run.

VIOMASS (Virtual Observatory Integration Of MADCUBA And SLIM Spectra) is an initiative aiming to transform MADCUBA/SLIM output as fully compatible with VO. The final objective is to profit the robustness of MADCUBA and the versatility of VO in order to increase visibility of MADCUBA and allow users to enhance results through the interaction with the pleiad of VO tools and available data sets.

Although the work is still under development, we already reach some milestones. A FITS-based data model for the observed and synthetic spectra has been built and its validity was checked. Physical parameters are exported as VOTables which can smoothly interoperate with the most widely used VO tools, such as Topcat, Aladin and CASSIS. On the other hand, data and modeling provenance and UCD information are among the remaining tasks.

In this talk we present the scope of the project, its current status and future work. In detail, we show the data model and some of the options that the user will have in order to export their work adhering to the VO standards.

The NRAO TAP service and examples of notebooks to access data from the VLA Sky Survey via VO services.(Mark Lacy) I will present the new TAP service from NRAO. Designed to list observations from the NRAO archive, it returns ObsCore metadata on both visibility and image holdings in the archive, returning functionality lost when the NRAO Legacy archive was retired last year. Future work will deliver image access via SIA.

I also present some example notebooks that show how images from the VLA Sky Survey (VLASS) can be accessed via other VO services. CADC hosts a copy of the VLASS image data that allows access through SIA/Datalink and SODA, and I will demonstrate how this can be done in a scripted fashion using pyVO. I will also demonstrate how to access the VLASS Epoch 1 catalog stored at CADC and match to the RACS catalog at CASDA, obtained via TAP.

  [back to main programme page]

-- FrancoisBonnarel - 2022-10-13


Revision 32022-10-14 - JesusSalgado

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"

RadioIG Session Schedule - IVOA Oct 2022 Interoperability Meeting

[back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+10:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg Perth/Beijing Canberra
RIG Oct 20 20:30 Oct 20 13:30 Oct 20 16:30 Oct 20 22:30 Oct 20 04:30 Oct 20 06:30

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.

RadioIG session

Time: Oct 20 20:30 [session #16]

Speaker Title Time Material
Jesus Salgado, Rosie Bolton The SKA project and the SKA Regional Centres Network 15 + 5  
Ricardo Rizzo MADCUBA 15 + 5  
Mark Lacy The NRAO TAP service and examples of notebooks to access data from the VLA Sky Survey via VO services. 15 + 5  
Ricardo Rizzo MADCUBA 15 + 5  
Mark Lacy The NRAO TAP service and examples of notebooks to access data from the VLA Sky Survey via VO services. 15 + 5  
 Moderator: Mark, Notetaker: François

notes: etherpad notes (link to live notes, should expire around end of Oct 2023)


The NRAO TAP service and examples of notebooks to access data from the VLA Sky Survey via VO services.(Mark Lacy)
The NRAO TAP service and examples of notebooks to access data from the VLA Sky Survey via VO services.(Mark Lacy) I will present the new TAP service from NRAO. Designed to list observations from the NRAO archive, it returns ObsCore metadata on both visibility and image holdings in the archive, returning functionality lost when the NRAO Legacy archive was retired last year. Future work will deliver image access via SIA.
I will present the new TAP service from NRAO. Designed to list observations from the NRAO archive, it returns ObsCore metadata on both visibility and image holdings in the archive, returning functionality lost when the NRAO Legacy archive was retired last year. Future work will deliver image access via SIA.
  I also present some example notebooks that show how images from the VLA Sky Survey (VLASS) can be accessed via other VO services. CADC hosts a copy of the VLASS image data that allows access through SIA/Datalink and SODA, and I will demonstrate how this can be done in a scripted fashion using pyVO. I will also demonstrate how to access the VLASS Epoch 1 catalog stored at CADC and match to the RACS catalog at CASDA, obtained via TAP.

The SKA project and the SKA Regional Centres Network (J.Salgado, R.Bolton)

In order to cope with the huge amount of data expected by the SKA radio observatory, an international network of SKA Regional Centres (SRC), the SRCNet, is being defined and developed. The SRCs will be receiving and managing hundreds of petabytes of data from the SKA Observatory (SKAO), providing the infrastructure, tools and user support necessary to enable science with the SKA data. The SRC community and SKAO have engaged in a challenge to design a globally distributed system SRCNet that will equip scientists worldwide with the necessary means for easy access to the globally distributed data and compute infrastructure and to provide remote data analysis tools using the SaaS approach. As part of the SRCNet design, the IVOA protocols are considered crucial to guarantee interoperability. We will present the ongoing work, plans and requirements on the science platform

[back to main programme page]

-- FrancoisBonnarel - 2022-10-13


Revision 22022-10-14 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"

RadioIG Session Schedule - IVOA Oct 2022 Interoperability Meeting

[back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+10:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg Perth/Beijing Canberra
RIG Oct 20 20:30 Oct 20 13:30 Oct 20 16:30 Oct 20 22:30 Oct 20 04:30 Oct 20 06:30

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.

RadioIG session

Time: Oct 20 20:30 [session #16]

Speaker Title Time Material
Jesus Salgado SKA and the VO 15 + 5  
Jesus Salgado, Rosie Bolton The SKA project and the SKA Regional Centres Network 15 + 5  
Ricardo Rizzo MADCUBA 15 + 5  
Mark Lacy The NRAO TAP service and examples of notebooks to access data from the VLA Sky Survey via VO services. 15 + 5  

Moderator: Mark, Notetaker: François

notes: etherpad notes (link to live notes, should expire around end of Oct 2023)


The NRAO TAP service and examples of notebooks to access data from the VLA Sky Survey via VO services.(Mark Lacy) I will present the new TAP service from NRAO. Designed to list observations from the NRAO archive, it returns ObsCore metadata on both visibility and image holdings in the archive, returning functionality lost when the NRAO Legacy archive was retired last year. Future work will deliver image access via SIA.

I also present some example notebooks that show how images from the VLA Sky Survey (VLASS) can be accessed via other VO services. CADC hosts a copy of the VLASS image data that allows access through SIA/Datalink and SODA, and I will demonstrate how this can be done in a scripted fashion using pyVO. I will also demonstrate how to access the VLASS Epoch 1 catalog stored at CADC and match to the RACS catalog at CASDA, obtained via TAP.

SKA and the VO (J.Salgadoi)
The SKA project and the SKA Regional Centres Network (J.Salgado, R.Bolton)


[back to main programme page]

-- FrancoisBonnarel - 2022-10-13


Revision 12022-10-13 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"

RadioIG Session Schedule - IVOA Oct 2022 Interoperability Meeting

[back to main programme page]

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+10:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg Perth/Beijing Canberra
RIG Oct 20 20:30 Oct 20 13:30 Oct 20 16:30 Oct 20 22:30 Oct 20 04:30 Oct 20 06:30

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.

RadioIG session

Time: Oct 20 20:30 [session #16]

Speaker Title Time Material
Jesus Salgado SKA and the VO 15 + 5  
Ricardo Rizzo MADCUBA 15 + 5  
Mark Lacy The NRAO TAP service and examples of notebooks to access data from the VLA Sky Survey via VO services. 15 + 5  

Moderator: Mark, Notetaker: François

notes: etherpad notes (link to live notes, should expire around end of Oct 2023)


The NRAO TAP service and examples of notebooks to access data from the VLA Sky Survey via VO services.(Mark Lacy) I will present the new TAP service from NRAO. Designed to list observations from the NRAO archive, it returns ObsCore metadata on both visibility and image holdings in the archive, returning functionality lost when the NRAO Legacy archive was retired last year. Future work will deliver image access via SIA.

I also present some example notebooks that show how images from the VLA Sky Survey (VLASS) can be accessed via other VO services. CADC hosts a copy of the VLASS image data that allows access through SIA/Datalink and SODA, and I will demonstrate how this can be done in a scripted fashion using pyVO. I will also demonstrate how to access the VLASS Epoch 1 catalog stored at CADC and match to the RACS catalog at CASDA, obtained via TAP.

SKA and the VO (J.Salgadoi)


[back to main programme page]

-- FrancoisBonnarel - 2022-10-13

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