Difference: InterOpOct2022VOinCloud (5 vs. 6)

Revision 62022-10-18 - GregoryDuboisFelsmann

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2022"

VO in the Cloud Plenary Session: October 2022, Online

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VO In the Cloud: Tues Oct 18, 13:30-14:30 UTC (Session #3)
Speaker Title Time Materials
Tess Jaffe NASA Astrophysics Platform and the VO - HEASARC, MAST and IPAC 15+5' pdf
Frossie Economou Rubin Observatory 15+5'  
Frossie Economou Rubin Observatory 15+5' pdf
Dave Morris Gaia Data Mining platform, S3, Parquet, JSON, IVOA Registry 15+5' pdf

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="20221018-Gaia-DMp.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1666080006" name="20221018-Gaia-DMp.pdf" path="20221018-Gaia-DMp.pdf" size="1393597" user="DaveMorris" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NAVO_IVOA_interop_202210_VOcloud.pdf" attr="" comment="NAVO ideas for VO-compatible cloud file access" date="1666098421" name="NAVO_IVOA_interop_202210_VOcloud.pdf" path="NAVO_IVOA_interop_202210_VOcloud.pdf" size="222455" user="TessJaffe" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Rubin-VO-in-Cloud-Oct2022.pdf" attr="" comment="Rubin Observatory: Cloud-first, VO-first" date="1666099103" name="Rubin-VO-in-Cloud-Oct2022.pdf" path="Rubin-VO-in-Cloud-Oct2022.pdf" size="11102894" user="GregoryDuboisFelsmann" version="1"
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