Difference: InterOpSep2007ResReg (3 vs. 4)

Revision 42012-06-26 - root

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpSep2007"
Jumps: reg-dm mail archive :: IvoaResReg :: RegistryInterface :: VOResourceV10 :: RegUpgradeToV10
Meetings: InterOpMay2007ResReg :: InterOpSep2006ResReg

Resource Registry WG Sessions at the Cambridge InterOp 2007

Session 1: Thursday, 11.30-13.00

Ray's Roadmap Slides: IVOASep07RWGRoadmap.pdf

We will discuss...

Standardization Roadmap:

Upgrade Roadmap:

  • project status
  • Transition schedule

Session 2: Friday, 13:15-14:45
Joint session with DAL and GWS

This joint session is an opportunity to discuss cross-WG issues, such as,

  • VOSI/getCapabilities
  • service metadata extensions in the registry

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1190906490" name="IVOASep07RWGRoadmap.pdf" path="IVOASep07RWGRoadmap.pdf" size="310016" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"
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